rs : < • . • Suddenly .going mad, a large polo a dog attack ed and bit two men and JOSEPH CLARK GREW H E N R Y C. H E IN Z one woman in K lam ath Fulls and was about to charge Into a group o f children when a tim ely shot from the ________ gun of O. W. B ratton killed th e ani­ B rie f Resum e of H appenings of mal. P ro p erty D am ag e is E stim ated P e rp e tu a l A greem ent Agains T errito ry betw een Sw eet Home, La­ the W eek C ollected fo r a t C o n sid erab ly O ver W a r M a y R esult from comb and Sw eet Home and Lebanon O ur R ead ers. and Lacom b is to be q u arantined at $ 1 0 0 .0 0 0 . N a v a l Conference. once as a preventive m easu te in the A dem onstration of poisoning goph­ spread of rabies, which have broke i A rlington, Or.—A terrific cloud Geneva, Swltxerland. — Possibility ers and moles was made a t th e Eagle out in th e Sw eet H ome neighbor­ burst th at struck on S utler flat, sever. th a t th e American governm ent and hood. C reek grange last S aturday. , m iles south of here, Sunday a fte r people may soon have to decide T he state suprem e court ordered The annual rose show of th e W est noon, sent a wall of w ater seven feet w hether they wish to negotiate a per­ the Eugene city reco rd er to place on L inn F loral club w as held la s t S at­ high sw eeping over Arlington. The petuai peace pact with Jap an is new the ballot at the special election June urday in th e C row n-W illam ette an­ ! to rren t w ashed aw ay houses and loo nfng as an outgrow th of th e tr i­ 28 an initiative m easure looking to nex. . o th er fram e stru ctu res and did dam p a rtite naval conference a t G eneva repeal of th a t part of the E ugene age estim ated a t from (100,000 to O vertures by Japan with a view to J. F. Irwin, forest supervisor, esti- city c h arter authorizing the sale of : (250,000. th e signing of a perpetual peace pact i m ates th a t 125,000 sheep will graze (500,000 bonds for construction of a The cen te r of th e property loss with th e U nited S tates are expected 1 on the U m atilla forest ran g es this public auditorium . here was th e Vendome hotel, which In au th o ritativ e circles of the trip a r­ sum m er. W illiam A. M arshall, m em ber of the is alm ost a total wreck. tite naval conference. The Rogue R iver F isherm en’s P ro­ sta te industrial accident com m issiou AH of the buildings in A rlington N otw ithstanding denials by both tective association w as organized in since the creation of the d ep artm en t, sw ept aw ay or w recked were along th e Japanese delegates and Hugh S. Gold Beach recently with a m em ber­ is to resign and accept a federal po­ ! th e m ain street. Much of the dam- Gibson, head of the A m erican dele­ ship of over 50. sition having to do w ith the adm inis­ , age done by the raging w aters will gation, th a t sny such suggestion has C ontract for the construction of the tratio n of the longshorem en's anil | be In the accum ulation of mud on been made, com petent observers per­ R eedsport high school destroyed last harbors act, according to rep o rts ia J stocks of goods in the various base- sisted in the belief th at when he had spring by fire was aw arded to Lillebo circulation a t Salem. I m ents and lower floors of business assurance th at the o vertures would & Ash of R eedsport last week. The sta te board of education elect­ > have a chance of being fa. rably Henry C. Heinz of Atlanta, Ga„ l houses and stores. T here was no loss of life as far as considered, Admiral Viscount Salto, who was elected president of Kiwams A tw o-m onths' tour through 10 coun- ed m em bers of th e new sta te tex t­ Japanese spokesman, possible would International at the eleventh annual could be ascertained, and it was be- i trie s of E urope will be m ade th is book comm ission la st week. The mem­ Joseph Clark Grew, under-secretary propose a treaty outlaw ing w ar be­ convention in Memphis, Tenn. i Iieved th a t none was injured. T his sum m er by P resid en t and Mrs. K err bers of the com m ission a re : J. A. C hurchill of A shland. George W. H ug j fact was attrib u ted largely to th e of state, whom President Coolidge i of Oregon A gricultural college. tw een his country and th e U. S. of Salem , A. C. H am pton of A storia, w arning given by W illiam Head and named American ambassador to T ur­ In the m eantim e Japan has official Capt. W illis C. Snow, 73, well key. R R. T u rn er of D allas and A ustin j Prim W illiam, who had started to ly Informed th e American delegation known figure on the W illam ette and ! drive to Condon. T he men ran into L andreth of Pendleton. th a t she w ants 70 per cent auxiliary Columbia rivers for 48 years, died at w arships to every 100 per cent for j the cloudburst on the John Day high The enrollm ent of approxim ately his home in P ortland la st week. th e United States. This m eans that way and turned around and drove for 600 stu d en ts the first day of the Uni­ G range m em bers of th ree counties, Jap an demands a ratio of 3.S Instead ------------- A rlington. M otorists were w arned on v ersity of Oregon sum m er session ia D eschutes, Jefferson and Crook, held of 3, as fixed at W ashington for capi Chicago.—T rainm en and conductors wtty an<^ a ' arln was given in E ugene exceeds by 175 the total num ­ a picnic S aturday in Redmond. More tai ships, and the Am ericans must de­ on 65 w estern railroads were denied th e town. R esidents of the city, ber to do sum m er school work on the than 2000 grangers w ere present. cide w hether this augm entation can an increase In wages, while yardm en which is situ ated a t the outlet of cam pus last year, according to the Rapid City, S. D.—D espite the con­ be agreed to. several large canyons, have alw ays Beginning next S aturday cam pfire figures released by Alfred Pow ers, w ere granted a rise of 7H per cent dition of his health. G overnor G ener­ perm its will be necessary in the C ra­ d irecto r of the session. in an aw ard by a U nited S tates board feared th e flood m enace and they al Leonard Wood of the Philippine te r national forest, according to the took to th e hills w ithout delay. of arb itratio n . T he secretary of w ar recen tly ap­ islands will retu rn to his post, prob­ forest office headquarters in Medford. The order was signed by four mem- | proved the application of the port of ably in Septem ber, It was officially Fifty-four resid en ts of W oodburn A storia and the city of W arrenton bers of the board, two of them , E I announced at the sum m er W hite p a st th e age of 70 years w ere ban­ P. C urtis, secretary -treasu rer of the j for the establishm ent of com bined House here. queted in the basem ent of the M eth­ pierhead and bulkhead lines in Skip- O rder ot Railway Conductors, and J. I “I am going back to the P hilippines odist Episcopal church la st Thursday. anon creek from the Columbia riv e r Spokane, W ash.—It cost a half mil A. F arquaharson, vice presid en t of this fall and will rem ain th ere in­ the B rotherhood of R ailroad T rain ­ All of M alheur, B aker and Union to th e city of W arrenton. The old lion dollars to bring the th ree De­ definitely as governor general of the counties a re placed under quarantine lines established in 1918 w ere abol­ Autremont«, confessed Siskiyou ban men, dissenting. Islands,” M ajor G eneral Wood said. U nder the Parker-W atson law ere- | P ortland, Or. — O regon's new law. for alfalfa weevil and shipm ent of ished. dlt-m urders, to Justice. C harles Itiddi­ P resident Coolidge is entirely satis passed by the legislature at th e Jackson county's expense in th e ford, United S tates postoffice inspec­ atlng the board of wage arb itratio n 1927 session, b arring fish w heels fled with G eneral W ood’s a d m in istra­ hay to outside points in O regon is The trainm en forbidden. prosecution of the three D 'A utrem ont tor, who directed the m anhunt for decisions a re final. tion of his duties. W ood's physicians from th e Columbia riv er and seines Miss G race M orrison, 26, a teac h er brothers is estim ated a t $18,000. four years, made this estim ate a t his and conductors, however, have the from th a t p art of the riv er above the have privately expressed the opinion right to appeal to the federal courts. headquarters. th a t he will be sufficiently recovered of Pentone, 111., was instantly killed which does not include atto rn e y s’ fees cascades, Is constitutional, according The first The federal governm ent, Southern The Parker-W atson act, passed by to a decision handed down by Federal to perm it him to re tu rn In the fall. in an autom obile w reck n ear War- for special prosecutors. r a tif ie railroad and American Ex­ the last congress, has not been tested Judge Bean. Ho is suffering from tw o broken ribs rendale on the Columbia highway tria l of H ugh, which resulted in a press company have paid approxi­ In th e courts. N either p arty to the m istrial, cost the county (8000, T h e This decision w as m ade in a suit and is not fully recovered from a ser­ last week. m ately (500.000 for rew ard posters aw ard can bring its grievance to the brought by P. J. McGowan, w ealthy ious operation. The annual state convention of pos­ expense of th e second trial is placed m ediation board w ithin a year. and expenses, he added. Giving independence to the F ili­ tal clerks and mail carriers was held a t (10,000. V irtually 66,0000 employes are in­ cannery man of Ilwaco, Wash., who Between 3,000,000 and 4,000,000 post­ The 24th annual convention of th e pino people would be like pu ttin g a in Salem last Saturday. B etw een 350 sought a perm anent injunction against ers describing the trio were used to volved in the decision anil all of the th e sta te to prevent It from enforc­ sm all boy w ithout any train in g in an ned 400 of the civil service men were Pacific Coast A dvertising C lubs’ as­ girdle the globe. Postoffice inspec­ class A roads w est of Chicago, sociation, th e biggest in the h isto ry airplane and telling him to fly, G en­ in attendance. ing the law. In denying an increase to conduc­ to rs during the chase covered the eral Wood said. of th e organization, ended in P o rt­ McGowan's atto rn ey s contended, At the annual m eeting of the board United S tates and searched in Can­ to rs and trainm en, the board held when th e m a tte r was argued in fed­ The 12,000,000 in h ab itan ts of the of directors of the N orth P acific Nut land last week with the election and ada, Mexico, C entrai America, several th a t they a re now receiving wages eral court th at a co n tract was en­ islands have m ade phenom enal devel­ G row ers’ association at Dundee last inauguration of H arold J. S tonier of European countries and the Philip­ 7% per cent g reater than the wages tered into by the sta te s of Oregon opm ent under A m erican leadership. S aturday, all officers of the exchange Los Angeles as president, and th e paid the sam e employes on eastern pines, Itiddiford declared. selection of H onolulu as the conven­ and W ashington In 1918 legalizing the Wood said. T hey are contented and w ere re-elected. reads. The rew ard for the a rre st of Hugh, tion city for 1928. th e ir crim inal ra te is low. The ple­ use of fish wheels and seines. People of Bandon will vote August first of the brothers to b e' captured, T his contract, It was pointed out. biscite. w hich P resid en t Coolidge 15 on the proposition of selling the B ecause of the low prices being of­ probably will go to a soldier, who at U. S. PACT W E LC O M E D was approved by congress. It gon rivhtly vetoed, he said, would have city ’s electric plant and hydro-electric fered by canners for Royal A nne Angel island, Cal., recognized In the erally regulated th e m ethods of fish offered no help because people th ere system to P ortland and T acom a in­ cherries, the Hood River Apple Grow­ circular of Hugh the picture of the All France for Treaty of Amity, Say« ing In th e river. are not sufficiently educated in gov­ te re sts for (120,000. e rs’ association has announced th a t Premier Poincare. man with whom he hud served in The regu latio n s could not be ernm ent, as yet, to tak e up the reins th is variety will be packed and for­ T he first b ear of th e season in the Philippines. A (53l)0 rew ard was P aris.—All F rance would rejoice at changed by Oregon w ithout W ashing­ or vote intelligently upon such ques­ w arded under refrigeration to e a ste rn C lackam as county has been killed offered for each of the brothers. the sig n atu re of a pact of perpetual ton also changing them , it was m ain­ tions. The wage schedule fo r n ear M armot by H enry Aschoff. Snow m arkets. Following H ugh's arrest, a second am ity between France and the United tained. However. Judge Bean said cherry picking has been announced in the m ountains is forcing bears series of photographs, more accurate S tates, such as th at proposed by For­ he could see no reason why the state as 1V4 to 2 cents per pound. S HO RT N E W S NUGGETS down into the foothills. than the first broadside, was dlstrlb eign M inister Brinnd, P rem ier P o in -| should not be allowed to supervise Spanish A m erican w ar v e te ra n s More than 700 pioneers of th e Ore­ ule,|. A man at Steubenville, O., rec­ care told the A m erican club of P aris Its own citizens and direct how fish The A m erican defense force In ognized the tw ins, Roy and Ray, and at a luncheon at which he was the gon country sat down a t the annual representing widely scattered s ta te s should be caught by them in the north C hina Is made up of 3000 m a­ banquet given by the W om an's Auxil­ of th e union formed the C entral Ore­ told authorities. Mr. Riddiford did guest of honor. river. rines and 800 infantrym en. iary of the Oregon P ioneer associa­ gon camp of the United Spanish W a r not give the nam es of the two men But sueh a pact, the prem ier re Mrs. C atterine C assler, of Crown tion, held in P ortland recently. V eterans at a m eeting in Bend la s t who first recognised the fugitives. murked, would only be a re statem en t Point. Inti., m urderess, was sentenced week. Jay H. Upton, past sta te com­ LE G IS LA TO R S S E E CO O LIDG E of the deep sen tim en t of friendship The W ashington County Pioneer to hang O ctober 21 for the slaying of m ander of the organization, w as BOYS’ C O N FE S SIO N DOUBTED th at has existed betw een th e two South Dakota Solons Visit President W illiam Lindstrom last D ecem ber 6. association and the N ative Sons anil elected comm ander. Twenty-six v et­ eoples from th e American revolution i D aughters of Oregon held th e ir an ­ at Summer W hite House. P lans for w ithdraw al of about 1500 erans signed the ch arter a t the firs t nual m eeting a t S hasta P ark audi­ Southern Pacific Men Ssy Roy Shot down to the world war and which m eeting. m arines from the U nited States-N ic- Rapid City, 8. D.—T he legislature was again revealed in the French | torium in H illsboro last Sunday. No One In Holdup. araguan forces at an early d ate have of South Dakota, m ade up of cow M ajor H. S. Lillagar, P ortland, w as Medford. Or.—Doubt of the accur­ welcome to Colonel Lindbergh. A price of 8 cents a pound for Royal been announced by S ecretary of the boys, b an k ers and farm ers, cam e up elected departm ent com m ander of th e acy of the confessions of Hugh. Ray Anne cherries has become general in from its special session a t P ierre, Navy W ilbur. Oregon departm ent. Grand Army o f and Roy DeAulremont, confessors to Pay Cut Rolla Movie Actore. Salem. It was said th a t the straw ­ T hirty-three fires reported to the the sta te capital, to welcome P resi­ the Republic, at th e closing sessio n the Siskiyou tunnel train holdup and Hollywood. Cal. Hollywood Is boll United S tates forest service as "for­ berry barreling situation had become of the annual encam pm ent held In dent and Mrs. Coolidge at the sum ­ quadruple m urders. Is cast by W. G. ing beneath th e surface over the re- serious because of inadequate stor­ est fire s” have occurred on the 22 Salem last week. L illagar is serv in g C handler of Dunsmuir. Cal , and M aur­ .■ently announced slashes in all film m er W hite House. national forests of Oregon and W ash­ age facilities. The leg islato rs w ere accom panied his eighth consecutive term as com­ ice C orturrl of Portland, special salaries above (50 a week. A ctors W. R. K eenan of Lockport, New m ander of a Portland G. A. R. post. ington this year. agents of the Southern Pacific ra il­ and actresses of th e films who face J by 110 relativ es and frienda In the E fforts to negotiate a new- wage York, purchased from Pickard Bros., The next annual encam pm ent will be j larg est delegation which has yet vls- way, who worked on the case for uts of from 10 to 25 per cent are j scale in the central P ennsylvania soft of Marlon, near Salem, "D arling's held at Roseburg. | ited th e vacation capital of the coun three or more years. th reaten in g to organize and fight the ; coal fields have failed and all the Jolly L assie,” the highest record J e r­ Cost of instruction per pupil In th e In the opinion of these Investiga­ m andate of the producers dem anding try. In th e g athering w ere many 10- union m ines will close down on sey cow In the world. The considera­ j gallon h ate and moat of those who Albany high school d istrict during tors. the brothers "equalised th eir retren ch m en t. tion was (2600. j wore them appeared ns If they had July 1. Between 10.000 and 12,000 the year, was (80.75, com pared with. share and guilt," and they hold, from A (25.000 bond Issue for a new | freshly conte from the ranches, but men will be affected. (,3.90 during the p( vious year, ac­ th eir knowledge of the crim e, that TH E MARKETS. S ecretary of S tate Lukeng has Is- J w athr m ain on the west side carried cording to the repoVt of Mrs. E dna they cam e with a "Y ippee" and Hugh slew two of the train crew and Portland, ' "Zowie” for a real w estern welcome sued a call for sheriffs in 44 counties in a special election at Seaside, by Geer, Linn county school superin­ shot with an autom atic, while Ray W heat—Big Bend bluestem , (1.52; to assem ble in Boise August 5 and 6 four votes. The count was: For, 164; tendent. The increase is explained filed with a shotgun at Chnrles O. hard white, (1.50; federation, soft to the president. to discuss general law enforcem ent against. 160. Severnl weeks ago the H eaded by L ieu ten an t G overnor H. in the fact th a t this year in te re st on Johnson. The special agents say white, w estern white, (1.44; h ani win­ in Idaho. New m otor vehicle laws program lost by five ballots. the value of high school buildings Roy had no gun during th e holdup ter, (1.40; no rth ern apring. (1 4 2 ; F. Covey, presid en t of the senate, passed by the last legislature effec­ O ver 3000 troops with full equip­ charged was (536S.65, ag ain st (600 und Ray W illiam son, sp eak er of the Ray and Roy DeAutremont. In weMern red, ( I 36. t.ouse. th e delegation went to Camp tive Jan u ary 1 will be called to the m ent. Including steel helm ets, passed last year, which was in error. court at Jacksonville, reversed their Hay — Alfalfa. (20.50911; valley atten tio n of the peace officers. in review at Camp Clatsop before pleas of not guilty to guilty, and tim othy, (1 0 910.50; eastern Oregon G alena, n ear the gtute gam e lodge, to Mad Bull, Karook Indian from th e G overnor I. L. P atterson and Briga­ lunch th e re before seeing the presl- K lam ath Falls country, plugged h is made a full and complete confession tim othy. (224422 50. Washington C. of C. Supports Plana. j dent. d ier G eneral George A. W hite. The of the crime. T his dram atic ending B utterfat 3944c. wav to victory In the 472 mile San Bellingham , W ash.—At Its conclud­ guardsm en m arched with bayonets Ira n c lsc o to G rants P ass Redwood to the sensational case came with Eggs Ranch, 19« 22c. fixed exactly the sam e as they would ing session here the W ashington ! Ml,ton Storm Loss H ew y. surprising suddenness, im m ediately highway m arathon last week. Mad Cattle- S teers, good, (9 25010. Milton, Or T housands of dollars sta te cham ber of com m erce passed a be equipped If moving Into action. In Bull limped gam ely Into G rants P a ss a lte r Judge Thom as had sentenced IS. the review ing stand besides the gov­ resolution which pledged the organi­ Hogs Medium to choice. >8 50® In dam age was done to property and Hugh DeAutremont. brother of the with the applause of the th ro n g s grow ing crops In thia vicinity late zation to stand solidly behind the ; ern o r and G eneral W hite were Major along the streets ringing in his ears. twins, to life Im prisonm ent, following 10 15. Columbia riv er basin irrigation proj­ G eneral H unter C. Liggett and many his conviction by a Jury of first di He had m aintained an average o f I.nnitis medium to choice, (10.509 Sunday when a aeries of cloudbursts ect and a ttem p t to have the project i o th er state and nationally known mil­ stru ck the Blue m ountains, south of g lee m urder, with a recom m endation 12 75. alm ost three miles an hour for th e en ­ itary notables M ilton-Freew ater, and the Dry creek brought up at the next legislature tire distance. of clem ency. Ray and Roy were S e a ttle . and acted on. A. 8. Goss, m aster of The roads to C rater lake will be also given life term s W heat Soft white. >142; w estern country, w est of Milton The munlci- A fter a short, hot spell th a t did no open to traffic by July 1 Road ,-rews white, >1 42; hard w inter, (1 41; w est­ pay light plant In Milton Is out of th e sta te grange opposed the resolu- dam age to grain around Condon, it tioa, contending the project should a re now working overtim e in the at A ir Mall Equipment Moved to Cities. ern red, >1 40; n o rth ern spring (1 4 1 ; eotnm laslon. with 10© feet of flume be delayed until economic conditions tem pt to clear the roads for the first rained last week. W heat is filling W ashington. D. C —The poatofflee bluestem . 5 1 5 1; dark northern spring, washed out. anil the w ater system Is fine and prom ises a 30-bnshel crop, tem porarily out. Many ranches along of th e farm ers now on the land had i car by the first of next month. T heir j all grading num ber 1. It ig estim ated departm ent has tran sferred a ir mail (1 50; dark hard w inter, (1 47. been Improved. labors are being expedited by warm field equipm ent and buildings on Hay Alfalfa, (25; tim othy, P. 8 , the W alla W alla riv e r a re covered there will be 1.506.000 bushels ship­ w eather. with from th ree to four feet of mud seven reg u lar landing fields on the 121 ped from Condon alone. Dempsey Signs for Sharkey Battle. A record was set for registration : drift Wood and debris. tran sco n tin en tal air mall route to the B utterfat 4Sc. Two old pioneers of the Siuslaw New York.—Jack Dempsey formally at the Oregon Normal school at Mon 1 m unicipalities w here the ftelde are Eggs Ranch, 19024c. country of w estern Lane county, Ben­ m outh last Monday when SSo signed ‘ signed contracts to meet Jack Sliar Penn. Court U rj^ ld s Blue Law. located The cities to receive the C attle Steera, choice. >9® 9 76 jamin Franklin Sweet and C harles up for work in the sum m er school gift from the governm ent were Cleve Philadelphia.- The sta te suprem e key of Boston at Yankee stadium Hogs Price, ( 1 0 2 5 9 10 40. Stonefield, died last week. Mr. Sw eet Many more were expected to register New York. July 21. as the first step court has upheld th e "blue law ' of land. Ohio; Iowa City. Iowa; North Spokane. settled In that section in the early P latte, Neb . Cheyenne, Wyo.; Salt 1794 ruling against Sunday baseball in bis cam paign to win bark bis lost and a record sum m er attendance was SOs and Mr Stonefield settled n ear C attle Steers, good. 58 50 0 9. IB (regress. heavyw eight boxing title. Lake City. UttW*. and Elko. Nev. H ogs Good. (9 50 00.75. in P e n n sylva n ia . H eceta Head Ufhthou»© I a CLOUDBURST HITS ARLINGTON, OREGON PEACE PACT WITH JAPANESE POSSIBLE WAGE RAISE DENIED WESTERN TRAINMEN HALF MILLION SPENT IN D'AUTREMONT HUNT OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST GENERAL WOOD WILL RETURN TO ISLANDS OREGON FISH WHEEL BAN DECLARED LEGAL