Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, June 30, 1927, Image 1

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    L1 /
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A g rc u ltu re
H o rtic u ltu re
L iv e s to c k
ol Local Events and Progress in Linn County
From the Editor's
O. A . C. Radio
Point of View
Farm Program
The Transgressor's Way
is Hard
|1 a 5 ear in adrante
Miss Columbia Will be 151 Vears O ld
Income Tax is
Fresh A ir Prevails
Defeated Again
in Old Kansas
Next Tuesday
Station KOAC, Corvallis, 270.1
meters, 500 watts, Pacific stand
ard time.
-^ (.effin g Q o t
fte a c e on
English and Irish, French and Stars and stripes are in the van.
Monday, July 4, silent
Leading nations in a plan
German, Italian, Dutch and Dan Bloody rule of might to ban
W ednesday, July 6
1 And bring peace, good will to man
8 to 9 p. m,—*• Problems in Pou
Antagonisms let us banish.
try Nutrition, Dr. E. V. McCol Race variations all will vanish
lum, international authority on Bv the third or fourth generation, >May mutual trust to peace give
Making one conglomeration,
horrid war from earth,
One united, prosperous nation,
’ Leaving at each happy hearth
Friday, July 8
The vanguard of civilization.
, Plenty, comfort, joy and mirth.
s p. «n.- -Campus news
However we may regret the
result, we can but approve the
action of the jury which spared
Hugh D’Autremont the death
sentence. The evidence was
strong enough against him to
lead anyone to believe him
guilty, but it was not postive.
There remained room for a rea 8:10 — H itting the mountain trails
sonable doubt.
in Oregon”
removed 8:30—Summer chats with
all doubts, and it is regrettable
Hetman Mitzaer is in Portland.
that the three cold-blooded mur­ 8:45—Summer poultry talk?, No. 5 J- C. Bramwell threatens to
9 New things in science
derers are permitted to live.
strike if the pay for carrying mail
While such men as these and
between the depot and the postof­
Loeb and Leopold in Chicago re­
fice is not increased. Rids for the
main alive they are a menace
service wijl be received at the
London D ietitians Plan
to law abiding citizens, as wit­
latter place during the next ten
Perfect “Square M eal’’
ness the plottings of the Illinois
fiends and the frequent mur­
ders of guards and others in at­
tempted or accomplished es
capes from prison.
Sordid writers, in pursuit of
dollars rather than truth, have
invested such characters as
Jesse James with halos of faked
glory which dazzle half-baked
youths and lead them to at­
tempt to imitate that conscience­
less murderer, who lived in ever­
present fear of the law and died
with his boots on.
What youth observing the
course of the bandit James and
noting its outcome after years
of evasion of officers of the law,
envies bis record?
What ambitious young per­
son would like to follow the ex­
ample of the three Oregon broth­
er bandits who skulked, starving
through the woods and then foi
years sneaked furtively from
place to place, fearful of every
new face, harried by the ever­
lasting ringing of that engine
bell and seeing the dying gaze of
a victim, and are now within
the grim walls at Salem?
Truly, "The way of the trans
gressor is hard.”
A “Scientist” is a man who
knows what other people guess
at. Josh Billirigs wrote. “It’s bet­
ter not to know so much than to
know so many things that aint
The official register of Jersey
cattle contains no animals with
a trace of blood that did not
come from Jersey isle. But the
breed has improved in America,
and cross-bred grades from it
have made such records that
there is talk of a new Ameri-
can Jersey grade herdbook and
a possibility that animals listed
m it may eclipse the records of
the pure Jerseys. The headquar­
ters of the new breed, if it ma­
terializes, might well be in this
valley, which has no superior in
climatic dairy conditions.
Speed Demons Ready for Races at
Salem Monday
Salem is to be the ecene of the
finest auto racing programs that
have been eeeu in the northwest
since the last Tacoma Speedway
race of 1922 and as for the number
of race cars assembled on a north­
west track all records will be brok­
en, as there will be between 30 and
and 10 cart entered on the day of
the big claflic, it will also have to
ita credit one hundred miles of
«peed thrills, one fifty mile sweep-
etakes race free for all cars classify­
ing and two other races of 20 mile
duration, one for class A cars and
the other class B, then two m atch­
ed races between lady auto drivere
and motorcycle riders.
The Salem track is a mile track
and in the condition it will be in
on the day of the races it is hoped
to lower Ralph D ePalm a’s mile re­
cord of 19 flat.
London.—“The perfect square
meal" wag on display here at the
Nursing and Midwifery exhibi­
tion, Central hall. Westminster,
and attracted such crowds that
queues formed to get a glimpse
of it.
All three vltamines—A, B and
C— are included In the perfect
menu, which Included cold chick­
en and egg sauce, new potatoes,
■salad, corn-flower mold, fruit
salad with cream, whole-wheat
bread and butter and lemonade.
By adding or subtracting vita-
mines the "perfect square" may
be mads Just the tiling to alter
fat or thin persons.
I n d epen d en t
¿ 7 / IF AR l o v e l y
l / l / f r o c k s that you
know no one else
w ill have. Choose your
own styles, your own
¡materials and combine
them to suit your par­
ticular taste. Get your
pattern at our But­
terick Department, for
every Butterick Pattern
shows you two or three
versions o f a single style.
Then visit our Piece-
Goods D e p a r t m e n t
where all the newest ma­
terials are on display,
Individuality in Style
and Finish Use
including DELTOR
P o rt­
land Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Neff of
Los Angeles, on their way home
*rom a tour of several months
through the coast country north
Hill & Co. received a carload of of this 'in their* comfortable
‘ Red River S p ecial” thrashers Cadillac car. spent Saturday af­
the other day. T hat means two' ternoon and Sunday with the
machines. C. H. Davidson took I Whelers’.
one home aud the other is for \Y.
T. J. Forster's daughter, Mrs.
W. Poland aod J. H. Bowers. Preston Newton, and husband
Another, for W A. Muller, is on .-pent a week at Mrs. Forster's,
going home Sunday. They had
the way.
been enjoying a vacation from
Tuesday night Thomas Harde­ Mr. Newton’s activity as as­
man of Veutura, Cal., driving a sistant cashier of the Ashley
Hupmotiile northward, m om enta­ State bank in Portland, putting
rily lost control of his machine
ha f way between here and Shedd
and it tried to climb a telephone
pole, Tboma , bit the steering
wheel with his face. The wheel
Tw o Fortune»
Every cy-metlc dealer knows that didn’t mind this a bit, hut a
Oman’s face is his fortune.—Wall doctor took a couple of stitcbe3 in
troet Journal.
the face and it is etill bandaged.
Hup baa been under repaid at
’ H
/ t
(be Arrow garage since then.
What thou doest do quickly.
There will not be a longer day
than the present this yesr.
That addition to the Skirvin
warehouse is to house machinery
for mixing dairy feed and chick
The Schroll property will be put
up at auction again at the court-
h >use door July 80.
The Buford Morris family is all
at home agaiu.
She has been confined to her
bed for several month si
Mrs. T, I. Marks returned
from a few days’ visit in
in a week at Odell Lake
D. J. Hayes spent Tuesday in
Guy Merriam, who enlisted in
the marines four years ago, has
received his discharge and will
visit home folks at Newberg
for awhile before returning to
Mrs. Merwin Van Nice has
recently entered a Portland hos­
pital for an operation for goiter.
Her mother, Mrs. R. D. Snyder,
passed away two weeks ago in
Nfs. Chester Osborn of Port-
land visited her mother, Mrs.
Brandon, last week for several
George Maxwell and his
daughter, Mrs. Eafley, drove to
Monroe Friday afternoon.
Mrs. George Taylor was an
Albany visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. Brandon and Mrs. Os­
born visited Friday at the
George Finley home in Craw­
The John Standish home is re­
ceiving a new coat of white
Last week were reported from
Linn couuty to the state board of
health 1 case (each of smallpox,
mumps, tuberculosis and typhoid
fever and 2 each of diphtheria and
A horse fell with J. S. McMahan
iu his pasture and broke Jim's leg
Beulah Miller was shopping
yesterday. The sufferer is iu a in Albany Wednesday.
Corvallis hospital.
Mrs. Laura Bramwell and Guy
were Salem visitors the first of
s iin Thursd<y night.
the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bishop
Mrs. George Hayes and son
of Salem visited friends in Hal­ Gilbert were in Albany Satur­
day afternoon.
sey Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. David Foote is reported
Mr. Bui bank and Mr:. Pray
not so well the last few days.
(Continued on la it page;
Rostman visited Beverly)
Summer is here—
Ice Cream, Ice Cream Sodas, Milk Shakes
and all those cooling dishes for the hot days.
Brick Ice Cream
Candies and Tobaccos
Morris Pharmacy
O pen E v e ry E v e n in g .
Portland Cannily Turns Has Its Own W ay W ith
the Trick.
People and Things
Portlaud gave its usual 20,OtX)
At W ichita, Kansas, Dr. Miche-
majority against the income tax n tr, who once practiced in Halsey,
Tuesday. The rest of the etate is still following the profession,
voted about even, many farmers tnough he is o der than the man
staying at borne.
who rune the Enterprise, and both
Only four of the four'.eeu srate are old enough to know better.
measures voted on were adopted—
In Halsey we have done some
the repeal of the dead " n ig g e r" growling about the woather, but
clause, Sw an's criminal procedure apparently without rffect. From
oill, the voters’ registration bill Dr. Miehener’e city comes the
t o ! the closing of Neetucca bay • weather report printed below
to fltbiug.
Wichita, K a n .— I re a k ls h p ra n k s ot
H alsey’s second highest vote the toruade which recently struck
was on the income tax -131 for to south central Kansas reveal nature In
her most capricious mood.
29 agaiost it.
the dertructlve results, the workings
The heaviest vote here was 166 of the wind are in tcscy Instances
on the Portland school lax am end­ mirth-provoking
All his chickens were plucked clean
ment, which could not affect this
of feathers by the wind, reported A.
city, tte s l Halsev voted agaiust B. Bonham, a farmer living northeast
it, 73 to 85, and East Halsey for of Hutchison. He suffered two frac­
tured rlhs. Vern Curtis. a phultryimin,
it, 46 to 12.
lost 1.800 small ch)<*kens when their
I ! coop
was destroyed.
R. C. Margason Instanpy Killed
R i l e y Morgason was instantly
killed on the highway just south
of town Sunday afternoon. He
had been making some repairs
on his car and left a wrench on
the running board, which fell
in the road.
He >. •, stopped the car and
went back to pick up the wrench,
when a car from the District ot
C ’lumbia came along and, sccijig
him, veered to the right to avoid
him. Morgason gave $ jump in
the same direction and the
handle of a right-hand door of
the car struck the upper part ol
his head, tearing it off, and he
tell dead ao the car. swinging
around from the impact, threw
its rear end into the ditch,
smashing the right wheel.
Morgason’s wife and sister
were in his car.
The coroner war called to take
charge of the body.
Frank Gansle’s wrecker pick­
ed up the Washington car am
brought it in for repairs.
The strange car belonged to E.
J. Adams of Eugene and 1
tenanted by him and bia wife.
Adams was Senator Stanfield's
private* fecrctaiy, which accounts
for tbe District of Columbia li­
39,000 School Children
Die on Roads in 5 Years
Washington. — Thirty
wliool children. mist of them lest
than thirteen, were killed on the high
way» during the five .veur period end
Ing January 1, 1027, the American
Ilond Builders’ association stated re
ceutly A survey of accident condl
Nobody knows.
The Halsey Garage
Thresher Adorns Trees
The meeting of the Women’s
Foreign Missionary society of
the Methodist church has been
postponed one week, as the Wil­
lamette Hollinéis meeting will
he held at the Halsey church
In five veers 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 dashed into eternity.
W h a t’s out there?
Despite the storm, Hutchison limd-
ness uien went on their annual hoosier
trip as Scheduled and ou the train
they subscribed J2.0U0 for relief of
sufferers. Miss f.vnet»e Mathews. Bed
Cross worker, tripped over a wire and
sprained her ankle while directing re­
Cottonwood tree» aud orchards were
greatly damaged, as well as garden».
Taka» Granary, Leaves Grain.
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Toewa. living
near Inman, took refuge from the
storm In a granary. The granary was
carried away, but the grain was left.
Toew s body was found on a pile of
grain by hie wife, who, dangerously
Injured, went a quarter of a mile for
Buford Johnson, negro clergyman o f
Hutchinson, and Ida sou. wore killed.
Mrs. Johnson had left the home to
are for some sick Iteraima In another
part of the city, escaping tbs wrath
of the ttorm.
Mrs. F II. Templln of W lrlilta was
visiting her parents In tomalicliea
Oounty. .They watched the ga'liurbig
of the storm, little realising that It
was a devastating tornado.
"Along the lower edge of the cloud
were smnkellke streamers," she re­
lated "These kept lashing lank and
forth In the air like the lull of a cat.
The elond grew larger and blacker
until It took on the appearance f t «
fierce rain cloud. We could hear the
roar of the wind, hut did not realise
that It wna a tornado. We thought It
was an ordinary spring stortn. Some
time after It had passed ,'uelghltors
came to our house for help and that
was the first we knew of the tornado."
This spring a large house was hullt
in the ranch of Mrs. Teruplln'a par­
ents. Some of her relatives went to
Medicine Bodge to buy fSrnlture for
t. leaving the ¿own Just before It waa
gripped by the wfnd. Iteturuliig home,
they found both of the homes—the old
and the new—In ruin».
Wreckage was slrewu shout the lilg
ranch. Four truck» were tnlsslug al­
though the flrea were left ou the
All excepting two front
'ton« over th is period revealed th e i
wheels of a tractor was blown piwiiy.
more than 3.000,000 persons had been \ hurvesterthreshi-r was isirled a
sent to hospitals as a result of etreei
tunrter of a mile Io the fltn lu jr and
snd highway accidents. In addition to nieces of It wrapped around trees
the lost of more than 100,000 liver.
Bark was stripped from some o f the
'fees. The piano was lifted from the
house. Its wires were twined around
Church Notices
Furniture w»a smashed to hit»,
farming Implements were carried
Methodist—Next Sunday :
away, live stock was slaughtered. Cue
10 a in., Sunday school
of the women dropped a diamond ring,
other Jewelry and aoraa ntotisy on a
7, Epworth League
dresser In her room as the fled fo
8, public services
safety In the cave. Arier the atorin
8 Thursday, prayer meeting •he hurried back and found the valit-
Here all will find a welcome, ables In a heap ou the ground, al­
regardless of social standing. Your though the drawer could not be found.
Roy Plan, manager of the ranch, In-
presence will help, and we will try vpected the damage after the aform.
to do you good.
and while viewing dead atock was
surprised to find a sow nurelng a lit­
J . S. Miller, pastor.
ter. None of the pigs waa Injured, a
setting hen ta a coop was unruffled.
The next morning she was getting on
her eggs Her coop and all the other
hen» had been blown away.
H on k ! H onk!
Better come around and have brakes relined or adjusted.
Also you can get a can of tire patching for two bits.
H a ir y
P o u It r y
W ool
Church of Christ
Sunday school, 10.
Preaching, 11
Christian Endeavor, 7
Precaching, 8
Clifford L. Carevj paste;.
W. A. Carey and-wife of Sa­
lem returned to their home Sat­
urday, taking their sister-in-law,
Mr . Inez Fredand, with them.