WATER, BEARJEFL J.A L L A N D U N N AUTHOR « / ' a M AN to HIS M A T E ' "R IM R O C K T R A I L * Ilg relaxed und the rod fell to tie f the next milking to become con food and care for best results. should lie some forty feet below the each hand, the fingers upperm ost; whole area of th e lower valley nnd tam luated and spoil. It dues not moved. Under this system, practically The idea th a t "anything Is good surface In normal tim es—less during took on something of the dignity of exploit, w ithout boring, the extent of make* uny difference how cleun und all cultivating can be done with a one- enough for hogs and chickens” Is the storm -water season. It would he a Druid priest about to perforin a the w ater table. U nder the gravel lay, sweet the fresh milk may be, the wrong. It has ruined the prospects of horse cultivator or garden tractor. A nhsolutely pare— filtered through the mystic rite. he was convinced—none the less hy cream cannot reach the cream ery in many otherw ise good farm ers. N oth­ hoe can often be used to advantage gravel. If this was tru e—and he be­ "Can you see plain?" he asked It: n the occult m anner of Its determ ina­ good condition if handled tn unwashed ing can be secured w ithout effort, and for destroying weeds between the lieved It was he had found a w ater whisper. ‘T in going to wnlk to 'an l tion^—w ater for the thousands who >r unclean utensils. plants and for removing excessive the more Intelligent and practical that mine, a mine with an Inexhaustible, ye. W atch the stem of the rod.” planta. A trellis may or may not be After use the milk palls, strainer effort, the better will be the success. would make Golden mighty among ever renewed commodity, that was as ised with this system, ns desired. He lowered It to the full length of cities—w ater for Incoming families, Upper, separator and all other uten commercial as any mineral that, con­ his arms, stalking slowly, the twig for factories, for fields nnd gardens, sits should first be rinsed wltb cold veyed to Golden, meant the assured horizontal, right-angled, mldwny of for civic use I A mammoth cistern water. T his will remove th e milk Methods of Spreading rrigation Will Help progress of that city. his thighs. Ills eyes glittered, up­ ready to be tapped. which adheres to them. T his thor Disease Among Poultry H e knew that the city of Berlin, at turned to the sky. Suddenly he ough rinsing makes the washing eas Yield of Strawberries Before he left him, to wnlk hnck to One m ethod of carrying disease is enormous expense, had m anufactured stopped and Cnleh held his breath, ler. Then the utensils should b» on the shoes from a yard of sick chick th»* hotel, ex u ltan t, Caleb got some Overhead Irrigation of straw berries beds of gravel for the filtering of Its gazing Intently nt the rod. w orth-while Inform ation from Evans. washed with hot w ater th at contains ens. Farm ers learned to forbid en ncreased the yield of berries more civic supply, hut here at hand he had It stunned to twitch -surely. It vi­ some alkali, such as washing powder the filter built h.v nature, a cistern brated -u p and down. Caleb, w atch­ He hnd the nam e of the tita n who A brush and plenty of elbow grease Is trance to their hog ynrds when there than 30d per cent over the yield from w as a scourge of hog cholera. They unirrlgated plants, according to re­ w aiting tn he tapped. And this had ing closely, h alf fearing he might u n ­ owned m ost—If not all—o f th e Sink. The land w as valueless for farming. also necessary A fter washing the,» should forbid entrance to the chicken sults Just announced on tests made hy laid unsuspected under the very noses cover a trick yet wishing to do so If should be rinsed and thoroughly scald runs when disease Is prevalent. Poul A. S. Colby, associate chief of pomolo- of Cox and his engineers, amt the w a­ trickery was forward. could detect no It could he acquired cheaply. That ed with pleuty of boiling hot w ater. was an Im portant factor. Even at the try buyers should he kept out. In­ gy In the experiment station of the te r experts of Oakville flexing of the bony w rists. The fln- W here the milking Is done with a college of agriculture, U niversity of Ile had to proceed cautiously. » w,,r,, r | K|,|. s „ tig h tly did E vans low price, the big acreage would mean machine the rubber tubes and teat deed, the only safety to the flock Is was Imperative to cloak his Intentions grip the forks thut Ills knuckles an amount far beyond Caleb's com­ cups should be placed In a disinfect In quarantining them against all visi­ Illinois. In addition to the heavier and his methods. If he made the ills- showed like Ivory knobs against the pass. T hat end of it, with the other int solution and allowed to soak un tors and dogs. The caretaker should yield, the fruit from the Irrigated big expenses, he must leave to Cox w ear rubbers If sickness breaks out Plants was larger nnd of finer quality. covery. It was Ids. to engineer and tn darker skin. Then the.» In one of his pens, nnd not nllow. the These results were obtained during for financing. B ut the secret was Ills. til the next milking. sell. He could not bore In the Sink Then he gave a Sigh nnd the end of should be rinsed out with clean wa fWHPS (»1 in» sii’fvs tv »»Mil ii itiiiiniiu the 1025 growing •’ season condl- ......... when waivis- soles of his shoes to touch contatnl . He found a sm all parcel awnltlng to prova out Ids hope that clay bot­ the rod tipped violently downwards. ter before using. nated grounds Take the rubbers off " ns Wl‘re abnormally dry for straw - tomed all the gravel anil held the wa Caleb caught the d istin ct creak of him at the hotel thnt hail come hy the before stepping out of the door. Clean herrles- T1|e application of necessary ter. He meant to use the diviner for hemllng, tw isting wood In the silence evening mall. On it was the return up nnd .clean out often. Burn all dead moIstnr« through oyftrhend Irrigation that, keeping him In Ignorance of that followed the sigh. The dowser adilress of Golden's best Jeweler. He In Selecting Herd Bull birds and the litter from housi-s where ’, , ie cnitlc-nl period In fruit growth w hat the experiments might mean. stood braced, rigid, while the twig, opened It and took from a bed of cot­ Carefully Study Records there has been sickness. Expense nnd "us 8nvt'd the crop. lie stocked him self with clgnra, Its end a fran tic pointer, seemed as ton wool a Jade pendant. On It was When selecting a herd bull, see t< w orry are saved hy avoiding disease and after supt«er crossed the bridge suddenly Imbued with life as M oses' engraved tn Intaglio the sodlac sign «ml walked along the creek and up rod. Motion ceased as he stood w ith­ of 1‘lsres. Two fishes Joined hy a It thut he Is not only of satisfactory It Is folly to let a condition co until tin* road to tin* pit. T here was a wisp in ten feet ef Caleb, so close th at the ribbon. lie had ordered It on his re­ Individuality himself, but that Ills un It Is big enough to demand a fight. Of sm oke coming from the ru sty pip,. |a t t e r plainly saw the p u lses h eatin g tu rn from El Milo a fte r the picnic. He ,-esiry is a fair guarantee of a contln mid a light burning buck of the soli­ violently In E vans' w rists, the veins Inteuded It as a belated birthday gift nance of th at Individuality In his get Minerals Big Factors te Betty Clinton. Satisfied on this point, study the pedl ta r y window. prom inent as conls. And th e stem of Lime Is not relished by the straw- M inerals are often limiting factors gree. If you are a Holstein breeder A smell of crude cookery, blent of the rod |silnted steadily downward at •>erry and raspberry, which rath er like In egg production. Heavy laying fowl for Instance, you will w ant to know cheap c o ffe e nnd h alf cured bacon, au angle of more than 45 degrees from in acid soil. W e ll, C a le b has fo u n d h is w a ­ the conditions under which the seven require from three to four pounds of tinctured with the acrid odor of the horizontally held forks, • • • oyster shell or Its equivalent per year t e r a ll r ig h t. N o w w h a t w l i l he lay records were made, and you will beans burned In a pot, came out "Dig there, bore there— forty feet," The demand for McIntosh apples Even though the hens have enough d o w ith it? also w ant to know how much 3d5-day through the door, which opened part I murmured the dowser, speaking like 11 ins been better than for most other wuy to Caleb blood Is In the more or less tm medlatt protein nnd other food to produce n - arteries this season. knock, disclosing the ; ttaslluni tn trance, "ami you'll find lucestry. You will also want to know large number of eggs, they will cut lean figure of the Welshman allhou w ater.” • • • (T O BK C O N T I N I 'E D .) e tte d a g ain st lam plight. If the butter records were made with their production down to meet the The curcullo has been causing am ount of m inerals which they have _____ w Holstein percentage of fat “Who's there?” asked Evans, vx:x.x:x:x:x:x>x:x:-x-:x>x:x-:x>x:-x:x:x:x->x-:-i%-x:x:-x:x:x<> a >r normal for shells. A balancing ration means "uslderable damage of late. A heavy w hether the large butter record- -T h e fisherman. Don’t you remem­ supplying minerals and vitamins so inis «Pr«y Just a fter the petals fall In were made from a relatively smal ber? You told tie about your divin­ thnt all of the organs of the fowl 'd'M Ion to the arsenate of lead will be E x p e r ie n c e d M e n R e ly o n F ir s t I m p r e s s io n s ing the other day.” luantlty of milk. work efficiently. found very helpful. The Welshman iqiened the door w ider and peered curiously nt Caleb The hanker learns soon thnt your | to eye. For one Instant, and perhaps Groom Cows Daily In the broader ray of IlgliL Then he face usually tells more than Is told for one Instunt only, eye tells eye the Shade Is Necessary 8tart «praying the currant hushes When cows are kept In stables It I.- ■tapped outside. by your lips or your w ritten statem ent. ’ tru th , the hidden tru th , nnd the uh- Shade Is very necessary for chicks i 18 ,o "n ns lhe ,eaves unfold. You if special Im portance th at they re "K in d of »taffy Inside th e shuck.” and this Is som ething th at you tuay solute tr u th ; then the lying begin». If especially If they are late hatched "J11 K?. 8 long wny keeping •elve a dally grooming. If the long he said. "A g re a t nlgliL Look a t very well rememlwr. Your first im for they are stunted hy the h o t dry 8nt c* out of W d e n ns the any. T his 1», I believe, an anim al In- hairs on the flanks and udder ar. th em sta rs. A h!" presslon. If It Is one of suspicion. Is stin ct purely, hut alw ays dependable. urrants «re their favorite nurseries •lipped It will aid In keeping thes. w eather and are more liable to he He took the cigar Cnleh proffered usually correct. I doubt If uny ex­ Ellis P arker Butler. In llv a r s ts In- parts clean In addition to grooming affected hy disease and worms, than If i " sprln*' and puffed It to a glow, exhaling th e perienced teller will ever cash a check teruatlonal-Cosm opolitan. • • • it Is Im portant th at a damp cloth b< smoke with n gratified sigh. h r a stranger, no m atter how well In used to wipe off any d irt or (lust fron chnrconl should he within easy reach ! One of t,le fru ,t growers In Oregon “ I brought a f»w along," sa d Caleb, trodneed. If this first glance at the of chicks when on range unless sand I a* tlmt dead hens make an ex- hese regions before the cow Is milked “th in k in g J-Otj m ight like them . I've man telegraphs to his brain "Look B irth » in L on d o n or gravel Is present In large enough | * Ilent **«lllxer for young fruit trees, sufficient bedding, proi-er constructloi got plen ty .” out I Be carefu l!" If he does, he usu- A new life Is born In London every ' quantities to make It nnnece»«ary tc ,e kf* T'• about hens In connec- T h e o th er held out Ids b a n d fo r th e , ally re g re ts It. th ree minutes of every 24 hours, hut if the stables and frequent cleaning o- furnlsh It extra. ri.-nty of frost lon w ,,h hl« •fch ard , and the loss of a>th the stables and the row* wll br iwn rolla eagerly. I believe th n t when two persons of the babies born more than Id.vfts i i s hy death amounts to from 3 to water should he within easy reach o< -lake for sanitary condltlona “T h at's kind of ye. If you don't meet for the first tim e eye tvlegruphs die before th eir second year. »he growing cfcl.-ka < per cent In different years. Iffl 2^4 Í Horticulture Notes $ r si