f 14 <3 t a . 7 M ö A g rc u ltu re H o rtic u ltu re L iv e s to c k From the Editor's O. A . C. Radio Point of View Farm Program Crocodile Tears far Poor Taxpayers Station KOAC, Corvallis, 270,1 meters, 500 watts, Pacific stand ard time. Under the proposed law a man with Monday, June 20. an income of $1010, or with a wife and S p. tn.—Boys’ and girls’ club $2010 income, would pay ¿0c income program tax. It is touching to see «fobs of sym­ pathy wirh these poor fellows offered in 8:30—A gricultural situation re- the anti tax organs by the $10,000 and ports and coming events $100,000 chaps. • I I is Past 1 he D ev il His !iis Future £resent Church of Christ Market Prices Manufacterer and and Conditions Granger on Tax Hog*, Veal, Poultry Oregon Produce Exchange 102 Fro-it stieet Portland, Otegon, June 14 Hogg—Fancy, 110 to 150 lbs., 131 to i4c. Veal—Fancy, 80 to 125 lbs., 16 to l«4c. Poultry—Net F. O. B. P o r tla n d - Heavy hen», over 4 lbs., 20c; light hens, 12c ; broiler», l j lbe. or over, 16c Incomes Should Help to Support the State Thomas B. Kay owns a big woolen mill and knows some­ thing about taxation from an in­ June 19 (evening) dustrial standpoint. He has also been state treasurer for a good 8:45 —“ Control of Morning Glo­ while and knows something No Oregonian is likely to starve be­ ry, ’ K. N. Bressman F L O R ID A N S S T U D Y L O S A N G E L E S M E T H O D S about state finances. But he is cause bis vote has helped to scare away 9 —Extension work in BeDton not one of those Portland specu­ an industrial investor who will not county, C. R, Briggs. lators who live off the people locate here unless he can make such an income off us and our resources that a 9:15— “ Irrigated pastures,’1 F. E and pay nothing for the protec­ fc. Priee tax on it wonld be burdensome. tion ol the law. In a statement Livestock Quotations Wednesday, June 22. to the public Mr. Kay says: U. 8. D. A. Portland report, Charles S. Keith made so much 8 p. m —Boys’ and girls’ club I did not favor the income tax money out of coal that consumers pay • June 13 measures proposed for adoption program double price for that he and his asso­ Steers, goo-1...........................$8.75 t ->$<». 50 a t.., ? £eneraJ election in 1926. 8:30—“ Butter Making on the ciates were able, as a side line, to build 1 believe that the income tax medium'..................... 8 to 8.75 Farm ,” Prof. V. D. Chappell thej big Vernonia lumber mill in this law to be submitted to popular common___. . . _____7 to 8 state. Now he is inakiug so much out 8:45—“ Apple Tree Anthracnose,' cutter ........................ 6 to 7 vote on June 28 should be ap­ of the latter that he is groaning through Dr. S. M. Zeller Heifers, good ...................7.76 to 8.75 proved. The condition of the fi­ the press over the possibility of having 9 - “ The Home Vegetable G ar­ common aud medium 6 to 72 5 nances of the state of Oregon to pay a tax on that profit. Cows, goo-1............................ 7 25 to 7.75 calls for emergency relief. den,” Prof, A. G. Bouquet common and meeium 5.50 to 7.25 - J -u income tax law together Friday, June 24 cutter...........................3 to 5.50 with the companion measure pro- Let the skinners skin communities in 3 p | n.—Campus news, Bulls, good.............. ............ 6.75 to 7 other states tax free if those states I viding for an amendment to the 8:10 — “ Hitting the Mountain cutter to m e d iu m .... 5 allow it. Don't encourage them to come to 6.75 constitution authorizing a prop- Calves, milk fed_________7 to 9.50 Trails in Oregon,” W, L. Kad. and skin Oregonians by allowing their tax levy in December 1928, cull and common___ 5 to 7 derly. profits to go tax free. Tax net incomes. of $3,500,000 plus six per cent Veals, medium to choice,', 9 to 11.00 8.20—Summer chats with home­ thereof less estimated receipts cull and common___ 5.50 to 9 from income taxes during the makers, U. 8. D. A. •'W ise” men tell ua the excessive Hogs, 250 to 350 lbs.......... .. 8.75 to 9 75 year 1929, and authorizing for rain and cool spring were caused by sun 8:45—Summer poultry talks No. 200 to 250 lbs..............9.40 to 10.15 spots. Peculiar, isn't it, how those 160 to 200.. .............. 9.50 10.2S ensuing years a successive in­ 3. U. S. D. A . spots operate on some parts of the 130 to 160.................... 9,05 to 10 ?5 crease at the rate of six per cent, 9- New things in science, H. earth and net on others? New Eng­ packing, 90 to 1 2 0 ... 6.25 to 8.00 less estimated receipts from in­ Drill. land expects a crop shortage on account Aigi, slaughter. 90 to 120.. 9,65 to 10.25 come taxes, would provide the of drouth. Is it possible that those necessary revenues. These meas­ feeder aud Stocker, Joe Lytle was in town Tuesday spots were not on the sun but oti some­ 90 ,0 130...................... 9.75 to 10.25 ures, if approved, would serve ntl picked up a few items of local body's intellect? the further purpose of relieving Livestock Shipments news—not b any, but enough to to a considerable extent the tax F lo rid a com m issioners re c e n tly visited Los Angeles to learn how southern Beecher and his followers doubted prove that he has “ a nose for According to reports heard here burden on real property. The C a lifo rn ia does her " s t u f f N athan Mayo ( le ft) com m issioner o f a g ric u ltu re burden, in fact, would be shift­ h ell’s being as hot at orthodoxy taught news.” This may make th i En. fo r F lo rid a , and L. 51. Ithodes (c e n te r), com m issioner o f the F lo rid a S lit e this week shipment of severe They had never lived in Soviet Russia. terprise better than usual ibis M a rk e tin g bureau, are shown onjs o f th e up to-date tru c k s used to convey thousand lambs from the Halsey ed to incomes received by per­ buoy chicks fro m the ha tche rie s Io southern C a lifo rn ia chicken ranches by sons who at present are paying week. ►O 'tiou is likely to begin soon B. II. H o llo w a y, In v e n to r o f the Iru , k and ch a irm a n o f the a g ric u ltu ra l c o m . little if any of the expense of Sam Zebo says: “ I hope Portland Thousands of them are said 10 state government. n iltte e o f the Los Angeles Cham ber o f Commerce. will ait ou them incuin tacks and squelch have been crntracted for at 10c a “It should be distinctly borne pound. Mom of them will go to in mind, however, that unless Prepare for Cuonty Fair Portland. The Portlaud market, the income tax act and the H A L S E Y , LINN A N D O R E G O N report says, is being m aintained measure providing for re-estab- Mr. E d ito r- in a healthy condition, to induce lshing the property tax base are Let ua remind the people of _ Mrs Freeland was an over­ ants, Mrs. J. A. Stevenson and both concurrently adopted the night guest at the Nicewood i Mrs. Elias Marsters. Governor shipment» not only from Halsey financial Halsey community to be prepaiirg condition of the state home Wednesday night. their individual exhibits for th s I Patterson officiated at the cor­ and other sections of the W illam ­ of Oregon will remain as at pres­ ette valley but also to hold the ent and the state will be requir­ Roland Marks visited his par­ onation. fall’s county fair. ents over Sunday, later return­ * Miss Mary Smith is caring for enormona crops of eastern Or­ ed to borrow from outside The P. T. A. did all it could to ing to Portland. sources in order to pay current insure a school and club exhibit Mrs. True since her return egon. expenses. Beef cattle also are being sought Charles Kirk and family of i from Eugene. from here. I t also appointed In my opinion these measures in the Halsey country. Buyeis Athena are visiting relatives and committee to encourage a commu Mrs. Ted Porter visited with constitute the only present so­ friends here and attended the nlty exhibit and for a display by Mrs. Jess Cross Saturday after­ recently contracted for a large lution to the financial problem pioneer picnic. number iti this vicinity at 8J3 on with which the state is confront­ individuals. noon. the hoof. Mrs. Bob Miller was on the ed and for that reason I give C. R. Evans and Douglas Taylor C. O. Dryden and wife, Mrs. sick list Wednesday and called, them my support.” of Halsey are on the board of Claude Cook visited Danie a Harrisburg physician. She is Fannie Fisher and Mr. Frank George A. Palmiter, master of directors and should be able to Seiby, all of Oregon City, visited Wesley the last of the week. reported much better. the state grange, says; give information. Mr. and Mrs. Dean -Sunday. Mr. "In 1923 the grange was suc­ Mrs. George Taylor visited her Dryden is Mrs. Dean’s son. The 1926 premium list contains cessful in securing the passage Church Notices sister, Mrs. Fred Overton, at rules and regu'ations and all you of an income tax law, and before Mrs. Dean’s cousin, Mrs. Roy Brownsville during the pioneer need to know until the 1927 list is the act became law it was refer­ Neil, and Mrs. Bertha Smith Methodist—Next Sunday : picnic. 10 a. 10., Sunday school red to the people and was en­ and Mrs. Jayes of Coquille vis­ printed. It tells you what kind of Mrs. Anna Weber of Oakland, ited her Sunday. BUTTERICK Herman Mitzner will preach at dorsed by a good majority. Rec­ containers to use ror canned goods Cal., visited her cousin, H. C. 1479 ords show that more than 24,000 11 a, m. and jellies. Davis, and Mrs. Tom Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Balf Bond are p^iple paid income taxes for the 7, Epworth League If yon excel in any line, why B e state support who were not on Lyman Marsters, who has attending the Rose Carnival in 8, public service.» not displav some of your work a the tax rolls, and that the total been teaching in Washington Portland. 8 Thursday, prayer meeting income it made in Oregon in receive a prize? I n d epen d en t the past winter, is visiting home Dr. T. I. Marks was a patient H ('re all will find a welcome, 1923, exclusive of banks, was folks. Grasses and grains must scon at the Albany general hospital regardless of social standing. Your more than $160,000,000. last week, returning home Sat­ be selected and gathered if they John Salash while shoeing a urday. * With all the facts and figures presence will help, and we will try are to be displayed in the sheaf. lorse Wednesday was kicked on before them, the tax dodgers in­ to do you good. £7 / JE AR l o v e l y Keith Hayes visited Carl Wil­ Yours for a grand display from the shoulder receiving a painful itiated a measure to repeal the J . 8. Miller, pastor. f / r / frocks that you iams over the week end. bruise. Halsey. Mra. A. H. Quimby. income tax. know no one else Mr. and Mrs. Otis Taylor and “The state, outside of Mult­ Mr. and Mrs. George Hayes w ill have. Choose your Otis’ mother, Mrs. Mary Taylor, nomah county, voted a majority had as dinner guests Friday June Layton and Fern Rossman own styles, your own of Corvallis, visited at the D. J. of about 12,000 against the re­ Mrs. Mary Hayes and Mrs. Mat- materials ana combine had birthdays the same day last Hayes home Sunday afternoon. peal of the bill, but Multnomah tie Southern, the occasion being them to suit your par­ week and Fern had June and Alice county gave so large a majority the later’s 73rd birthday. Mrs. Frank Gray’s cousin ticular taste. Get your S tu rtev an t, Cora Moody, Leila for the repeal that it overcame pattern at our faut- Clay Moody's father and moth­ Mrs. Upshaw is v'siting her. the wish of the rest of the state, G»nsle, G ilbert Hayes, Cedric terick Department, for er from Harrisburg are spend­ A Sunday picnic was held at repealing the law and forcing Moody and Linden and |Donald every Butterick Pattern ing a few days at his home. Pence Grove June 12, former property to again assume the Bramwell at a birthday pattv. She shows you two or three students and school mates of the entire burden of taxation. Halsey was well represented Rowland school district being and June are 12. versions o f a single style. “If the income tax had not at the pioneer picnic and also present. Several Halseyites were Then visit our Piece- been repealed in 1924 there Church of Chrlat— tad the honor of furnishing two in attendance. Goods D e p a r t m e n t would now be no difficulty in Mr. Morris is away at training Sunday school, 10. of the Queen Rebecca attend- where all the newest ma­ state funds, and the tax rate (Continued on page 4) camp and that new druggist is nol Preaching, 11 terials are on display. for state purposes would be on the job, so Miss Melba Ross- Christian Endeavor, 7 only about four mills. Possibly m in is tending the Morris plisr- Precacbiog, 8 For one reason why Multnomah macy and James Rector is ’filling g o in g c o u n t y K»ve such a large vote for The summer work is Individuality in Stylo repeal of the income tax was prescriptions. Mr. Robert Buford in a fine way. Fifty dollara w In five yetra 1 0 0 .0 0 0 dashed into eternity. because the returns for the fed- • and Finish Use Morrie and his mother were among sent by the Sunday school to Wbat's out there? * ’■ era! income tax shows that over Monday'» arrivals from Albany. B utterick P atterns United Christian Mieiionorv •o- two-thirds of all the statements Nobody knows. ciety to maintain a native evangel- filed in Oregon come from that including DELTOR Better come around and hive brakes relined or adjusted. Mr. and Mrs. Sturtevant arc i at in central Africa, where Goldie county.” Also you can get a can of tire patching for two hits. sp«nding a few days in Portland Wxlia ¡» at work. on business and attending Rose Dr. Hugh Penland of Berk­ FISK A N D F E D E R A L TIR ES We are always glad to have the Festival. Mrs. Hazel Munkers is ley, Cal., is spending a few days many visitors who are coming. helping in the store while they with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford L. Carey, pastor. are away. E. B. Penland. v PK a a a in JULY H o n k ! H onk! The Halsey Garage .7 v