it From the Editor's Point of View _____ _ marketing filberts has been . l \r -r- . • . called by the president of the VJlTCgOn k J lltd o O fS — V a c a t i o n 1 lin e IS I I d e Western Nut Growers associa-l i '■'on in Che Salem Chamber of (pictures by courtesy of V. o f O. A Cannery for Halsey is C o n s id e re d Oregon prune growers have Not now, but in the sweet bv '°st mu
sited cash to to it be fouud th at some oue bad large units of power, and large atchee, Washington, apples, are run into it aud done considerable units of tillage machinery per Saturday bids were made by A. J c ver cost of a r. sale. man. internationally famous, and so d image. Hill, H. L. Almon, Mrs. Wheeler, What the court will do is not In Sherman county, in eastern on through a long specialized list. Chancy Sickels and O. W. Frnro. known, but it presumed that R. v. and Mrs. J. S Miller’» Oregon, where the wheat is . In every case the profits re­ The latter got it at $750. which, another sale will he ordered, when son Herald, teacher in a Washing- produced under dry farm con­ sult from high grade uniformity with $5j hack, taxes, makes tha 1 anybody who wants to top Mr t m school, is spending a few days ditions, some of the most effi­ The producers do not trust to cost to him $802. Weriey H ollo-1 Sickels’ bid can do so cient farmers who have gotten luck, or to individual idiosyn- with hia parents, good yields per acre, with there­ cracies; they agree on a stand­ (C ontinued on last page) fore a lower price per bushel, H A L S E Y , LINN A N D O R E G O N ard. and enforce it. The. “inde­ lave produced for less than the pendence” of the farmer be­ market price and have made comes a myth in every one of Church Notices Miss Sylvia B ¡wers of Eugene is home. Having graduated, she money. On the other hand there these high priced speciality pro­ went home last week Wednesday wdl do pastorate work for a while Methodist—Next Sunday : are some whose farm units have ducts; independence, that is, to 10 a. in., Sunday school from a week's visit with Mr. aud before going ag a missionary to produce freak stuff by freak (Continued on page 5) 11, Public servicess Mrs. F G. Reese. methods. But they become inde­ India. 7, Epworth League pendently rich; which is bettei Opal Higbee visited her sister, Fred Leek and family from St. TO HOLDERS OF 8, public services than mere license to do foolish Mrs. Ciaire Miller, the first of the P»ul, M i n n . , visited Charles Stra- things in a foolish way. 8 Thursday, prayer meeting week. SZC3ND LIBERTY LOAN BONDS ley and family recently. They A ’grain company th a t was Here all will find a welcome, urged to buy in one of the most Beverly Isom, Kenneth Smith plan to locate in Oregon. regardless of social standing. Your EXCHANGE O7FE7ING Or NEW fertile sections of the mountain nd Lloyd Steinke got diplomas P