Z « UL A g rc u ltu re H o rtic u ltu re L iv e s to c k A W e e k ly C h ro n ic le o f L o c a l E v e n ts a n d P r o g r e s s in L in n C o u n ty I) a i r y P o u ltry W ool From the Editor's Point of V iew o i the tame b nJ of clay as the rest of the com m unity I f the a< novice he may i annoyed by t-IIllCIin’, criticism , ' ‘ b -----•••w yvv* uy bis hide H 1,im p ^ r 7 ^ u lPerHeXf7,neH te L The G r e a te s t C a la m itie s M a n k in d K n o w s ,1,. _ boy _*7 " e “ by ,lte a the ki big who was asked chum why he let his mother w hip him when he eould piglt her up w itth one hand. " W e ll,” he raid, “ i t don't hurt me and it kin d of amuses the old la d y ." (The w rite r first heard ¿that story in 1872.) 1 H A L S E Y , L IN N A N D O R E G O N S cb° o1 eb ---- “t the temple of learning M >y 20. J. J . Corco'au has put a ooup.’t of cemt at curbings in the Smith cemetery recently. Eight canneries aie running at Salem, co-operative ereamery did the biggest m onth’s business in its 82 years. It ha® been advertising Manager Dawson think*, too,“ that this was accomplished with fewrr but better cows in the association. That means th at s ime member? are solving farm problems. Mrs. J E. True's sight has be»n affected by cataract. By advice o f oculists she waited for the trouble to develop to the point most f*v< r- hie for its removal, and now the has gone to Eugene for the open • tion. Friday. Clifford Carey preached the sermon and Delbert Starr of Brownsville was the undertaker. O. A . C. Radio Farm Program Mrs. Logar has idtxided to I a i’in T alk, B a c c a la u re a te make Corvallis her permanent S e rm o n , C o n c e rt home. War, fire, flood and earthquake KOAC, 280.2 meters, 500 Lawrence Harrington of Station are four greatest calamine» known watts, Pacific standard time. Shedd, 21, a railroad employe, to man. Sunday, June 6 has been sentenced for burglary The first and worst i® entire!v 11 a. tu.—Baccalaureate service and theft. The sir iwberi y crop, like oth­ m a n ’a fault and man could banish from O. A. C. commencement ex­ Monday was another achievement Do you suppose John Standish ercises. Sermon by Dr. James it if he would. ers, is a couple o wteks late but Jay. The nation espressed recognition posed for the picture of Ed­ Edwin Crowther, Seattle. The second is in the majority ef of tlie silent m a jo rity who have promises well wards in the story on page 4? Monday, June 6. In the moist, ccoi days grass ha cases man's fault aud so far mao achieved the ir ntmust. 9 a. m .— Concert by O. A. C. made a wonderful growth. With Jim McWilliams waved a magic could avert it. orchestra. haymaking weather now a bumper Again, the third is often due to wand at the city council building 10 a, m .—Graduation Exerciaes, Hogs, Veal, Poultry crop would be cur.d. and it turned pale—white as a AJdie?? by Louis J. Taber, master m an ’s short-aighledn ?s H e strips Oregon Produce Exchange( ghost. of tl e national grange. J. E. Southw orth, after a wee', forests from slopes w here growth? 102 Fro it etieet, Mre 1 ,1 1 I I b 1 « «. ■ ® P ’ n' - c‘ub BVli'ities. a! * nec, motcred home from held the water hack, releasing it Lena Bass gave a dinner to tl e Portland, June I. ut o a»id„ SOn JwhUi 8 :1 5 - " Growing Rule Bagas Seattle Saturday. A good day’s three Reynolds girls and Mieses and .Miss Beaulah Miller visitcd^and Turnip?,” H. A. Scoib slowly. As a result it rushes sea. These p rid e are the drive. ward and floods the lowlands. He ton ght : Moody, Coleman and Norton with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Miller 8 : 3 0 - Agricultural situation ro? Thursday. porta. builds levees to confine it to u Hogs—Top blocker®, The sita'gbtening and improv- Wednesday evening of last week. narrow channel until, as in placts Mrs. Everett Carey drove to 8:45—’‘ Controlling Clover Mil lb»., 14 to i iug of the Brownsville road have How vegetation does vegetate ! Albany the first of the week. dew." Prof M. P. Baras. in the Mississippi valley, tie Veal —Fancy light calve®, 80 to HO made it " a hard road to trabhle and how tempos does fugitl It is 8:55—Coming extension servioe stream is twenty feet above the lbs., 16$ to 17c. of lata, l o t the change will be already the mouth with the longest Mrs. Logan and daughter, Mrs. events. surrounding country. No w o rk of Live Poultry—Net F. 0 . B. Tort- enjoyad. Wednesday, June 8. Newman of Corvallis, were in Jay. __o_ . „ ® *° 8:80 p. m —Agricultural m an is im perishable. The levees town looking after Mis. Logan’s lan I Heavy colored hens, over Strawberries and garden truck " T h e Water Bearer ” appea business interest and v isitin g T ’ft'gfBra. sometimes yield to the w ater’s 4 lbs. 21c; light hens, 15c ; lod are in the stores and the Lebanon , 8. 30— Social Functions of the •ooslers, 10c 1 spring?, over 1$ strawberry festival is tomorrow to he getting into clover this week friends. pressure and there is disaster, ns Rural Church;” No 5, Prof. J F We suspect that he is going to find lb»., 16c. now along the lower Mississippi. Page. and Saturday. II. C ’. Davis and J. W. Millei something as good for Sau Fran- motored to Albany the last ot For weeks people there saw the 8.45 — "Finland a Wunderland, L, F'. Morse and family of cisco aa Clear lake, harnessed, tlie week. Dean George W Peavy. abom ioation of desolation comine, Ninety cooperative mar- 1 Ti formerly this would be for this part of th s wupcittuve wool inah-; 44 lamook, »«» u j u u k , loruaeny of c but they did not flee to the Mesdames Otis a t 1 Mary fetin'? associations in this coun- vicinity, were weal-end visitors vallay. m ountains, and they were over­ Taylor of Corvallis called at the Charity Grange's Annual Picnic try do an annual business „ we|| pects in material! things. buy the Shaw home on Fourth of last week in Eugene, where she had confessed the mnrder. as bis t a lk , wa? niech appreciated. Governm ent mt n have inves­ Geoige Shaw home on Fourth 'I here was a good attendance, bicame a n e nber ¡of the Oregon There was .more than the us­ tigated the income of educated Musie Teacher»’ association and ual demand for copies of the 1 and I. streets and will remodel deepine the rain. and uneducated people in twelve the house before his family attended the convention at the U. Enterprise last week, when it moves in. states. The yearly net profits of of winners of O. school of music. Many contained the names Georgia farmers without any- ^ „ , V¥^„rejlk unv __ OakviHe Dramatic club Miss _ ...... Marjorie Walker of . schooling averaged $240. Those interesting aud inspiring talks and of honors on achievement day, but there are still a few copies Reedsport is visiting friends in DubbsP^nt who had a common school edu­ ectures were enjoyed, as well as at the printing office. There Halsey. i ,P nday cation earned $565.50. High ght and our hl*h 9011001 frY™’ two wonderful concerts given by were ®ome errors in th e J r ort i but we feel proud of the crlop? - hllt‘ Jim Walton waa shing-1 »*»um fund benefited about school graduates earned $644.50. the leading Oregon musicians from Those who completed an agricul­ eration of educators who enabled h"K lh" 8haw bouso be *fcid-r '* ’ Portland and Sogene tural college course earned $1,254. In Missouri, the better educat­ ed men own four-fifths of the land they operate, keep more livestock, handle more crops with each workman employed, and do about one-fifth more business. In Wisconsin, farmers with a high school education acquired the ownership of their farms in about 7 years, while it took 10 years for those with only a com mon school education. Without exception, every survey showed that the man with the greater training enjoyed the greater prosperity. As Pendleton has her annual round-up, so Halsey may come to have an annual achievement day. The former is a season of amusement in celebration of the dead past. The latter is a cele­ bration of^present progress and a promise of improved condi­ tions in the future through im­ proved manhood and womanhood in the generation about to take control. Of all growths, mental, morat •nd physical, the most hardy is a grouch. It will flourish in the sourest, most barren, most pois­ onous of soils. But even a grouch van be killed. Thomas Brent’s chronic grouch perished in ‘With the Clock Turned Back,” our serial story which is completed this week. The business men who an-, satisfied with a moderate profit °ff you and me are not the one- making the strong fight against an income tax. Evvvybody th in ks he could run i ’ ewspsper better than the editor does and ictyb e he could. E dito rs are made 1 Reported to the state loard of h ‘alh from th e county lis t w< ek were 1 case of infloenss, 6 if nieashs, 1 cf mumps and G of m .llpox. fro m '.M ultnom ah county and Portland wire 160 na'asles cases, all hut 3 in the city. BUTTERICK HU Smart LINES that f frock with its long collar and skirt that fits closely at the hip is suitable for the slender wo­ man as well as the woman with the mature figure. * It may be had in sizes 34 to 52. Suitable mate­ rials for making this' Butterick frock are ' on display at our P ie c e - G o o d s ' Department, ‘Z / Easy to make with i| B U T T E R IC K PATTERNS and the D E L T O R ' i us to get as good a report as it ded ‘so,ne wbat and landed on the in the twelve hours of Monday, I)Orch ro°f. but kept on skidding1 TfcACHERS E X A M IN A T IO N which constituted all the time and landed on the ground on his1 Notice i? hereby given that the available fo r preparation Of the (C o n tin u e d 0:1 las) page) copy before it had to be sent1 ------------------- away to be linotyped. Church Notices Twenty-six autos followed the Methodist—Next Sunday hearse atid mourners from the 10 a iu ., Sunday school funeral services for little Irvin 11, Public services» In May th ’n y e ,r the Albany Sesfeld at, the Church of Christ 7, Epworth league 8, public services 8 Thursday, prayer meeting H'-re all will find a welcome, regardless of social standing Your D u e to th e r u s h o f b u s in e s s , w h ic h h a s presence will help, aud we will try in c r e a s e d s in c e in c v in g to o u r n ew lo c a tio n , to do you good, wo a r e g la d Io a n n o u n c e t h a t we h a v e s e c u re d th e J tj.-M iller, pastor. NEW DRUGGIST s e r v ic e s o f < ^ R o b e rt »(R it f o r e / (.o rris , w ho w ill t e th e m a n a g e r o f o u r b a b y d e p a r tm e n t. H e is a n a u t h o r i t y o n b a b y p o w d e rs, so a p s , c re a m s , s y rin g e s , te e t h in g p o w d e rs, ra ttle s , h o t w a te r b o tle s, b r e a s t p u m p s , n ip p le s a n d b a b y fo o d s ’ HALSEY PHARMACY JO H N S O N & JO H N SO N S o a p s , c re a m , p o w d e rs M E N N E N ’S TALCUM fo r b a b ie s ’ Clifford L. Carey, pastor. It E M E M B E ft F IS K A N D ' I‘ l ,e r l" ! 5 n< lr» t ®< L in n A n ew s h ip m e n t o f C a n d ie s j u s t a rriv e d That w ith spring comes a hankering for trip« in your anto— bn not for blowouts on ’ hose trip s o r other annoying troubles— therefore you should see what we cau do for you m cur low-priced F E D E R A L T IR E S G E N E R A L R E P A IR IN G ETHYL Church ,>f Christ— Preaching, 11 Christian Endeavor, 7 Preciching, 8 ? B A T T E R Y C H A R G IN G G A S O L IN E The HALSEY GARAGE y Y o r k itig tr to u n ty, Oregon, w ill hold the regular ex­ am ination ol applicants fo r state cer­ tificates at Albany as follow s: Commencing Wednesday, June 8, l ‘J27, at 9 o'clock a in., and con tinu ing u n til Saturday, June I I , 1927, at 4 o'clock p. ni. Wednesday Forenoon U . S. history, w ritin g (penm an­ ship), music, draw ing Wedneaday A fternoon Physiology reading, manual tra in ­ ing. composition, domestic science, methods in reading, course of study for drawing, methods iu arithm etic. Thursday Forenoon A rithm e tic, history of education, psychology, methods in geography, mechanical drawing, domestic art, course o f study fo r domestic art T hursday A fternoon Grammar, geography, stenography, Am erican literature, physics, ty p e w rit­ ing, methods in Language, thesis for prim ary certificate. F rid a y Forenoon Theory and practice, orthography tspe llin g), physical geography. E ng­ lish literature, chemistry. Friday Afternoon School law, geology, algebra, c iv il government. Saturday Forenoon Geometry, botany. Saturday A fternoon General history, bookeeping. Edna Geer, L in n Co. School Supt. CHOCOLATE CO VERED CREA M S 40 c lb E IN E JE L L Y B E A N S ........................................20c lb ROYAL CH OCO LA TES ............... 25c lb LARGE A SSO RTM EN T O F BARS AT 05c ea. CHOCOLATE SU C K ER S AT 01c each. A t y o u r o ld e s ta b lis h e d D e a le r s Clark’s Confectionery