• wiinam nain *n Airany, wno isom ; pucner, c. uriei W1 ______ UU1 I first base, Charley Wright; sec Published every Thursday at Halsev M . y 2 9 - J 0 31 Oregon, by Wm H. Wheeler ’ Many Lake Creek people at- ?nd ^ se’ Fr®n?.is ? ipd tended ’’achievement day” h . . 1 * 8® Curnn Mlller; n »ht f,eld- SID C H A P L IN Halsey—and were loud in their Gym* McCalister; left field, SI a year In advance Arrearage, i j i j C in month. Stops when time expires praises of the event. Mac McCord; penter field, Henry a unless continuance is ordered .„a it- . t ur Kirk; shortstop, Herman Koontz. 20c an inch; no discount "THE BEFTER OLE ” h a « had M Their X s U T b T!:e umpired « " G«>r«e •«< Advertising, for time or space; no charge for A n o t > f» * m »ne c mc«ly nave had as tneir guests Mis Kieth Hayes The j, H team composition or changes. Announce­ ,, . , , a C o rra lli* hoe nil a I a co unt« of T iu » j e a f l ab io ule be»t Fioreure E s in g *i,d son of( will play its last game of the ments of entertainments, food sales M r n * p o in n oi.k loiton ti r itoi. , . . . . . „ * * week«, died (here ab o u t 6:3(J ia«i Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Dean season tomorrow with Shedd, at -oil o*k G u a ra n leed. etc., whose object is to raise money evening. Adv. charged at regular advertising rates. Murria f'barruacv. Tycer and daughter of Oakland,1 Shedd. of religious meetings, Don’t forget the play“ Deacon Announcements The u n n ju l L ebanon stra w b e rry Cal., and George Boggs, who is not exceeding four inches, free if ¡Dubbs” at the hall Friday copy is received before Tuesday b s tiv a l Mill be F rid a y an d S am .-, still visiting with them. HALSEY, L li\N AND O R E G O N Clarencj Williams jr. J»1 night. Proceeds go to the high day o , m x t week. H. L. Straley and family at­ spending some time with his(,sch°°^ gymn fund, L raco u Dubb*. Stage and Railroad Timo p>-ac'>n D nbbs. tended Charity grange Saturday sister, Mrs. Manlee Spores of Chnrch Gathering Enjoyed Mohawk. Brownsville-Halsey stage leaves Halsey ’Ib« green riile wl i - l e r . of th e Esther Bond and sfln have rt night. 'E n te rp ris e C orreapondcacal 8:25 p. m„ 4 25 p. m.. 12:25 p. m. p tv e il h ighw ay r u n ing tl rough turned from Astoria. i . . „ ... , .. Miss Marla Cole of Oregon Arrives Brownsville I Mrs. Coldiron and Nora mov- City is at the home of Mr. and1. Sunday was a a big day at yund&y was big day at t i w i i s e re (h e r d T u v d a y . 8:50 p. m„ 4:50 p. m„ 12:50 p. m. .daurice Conley visited friends ed from our city to their country Henry Brock. I n.c^ u^ ' Presiding Leaves Brownsville T b r .e ci*-« of flln, 2 of n Halsey Sunday. , home the last of the week. Nora Mrs. .. . L , uvelle „ p u n n e r sp e n t , .. t b e ' /'•„„....n,- Elder H. S. Shangle and wife of 11:15 a. m„ 3:20 p. m„ 9:00 p. m. Miss r . , sm a llp o x , 2 of iniiinp* and 3 «1 George Maxwell has hi« form- w’^ drive to school the remain ■ . ... , . | Corvallis were present and Rev. Arrives Halsey der of the term. week end with her parents. Mr. Mr. sharrgle preached at 11 w hooping cough were le p u rle I to er housekeeper back. 11:40 a. m., 3 50 p. m.. 9 30 p m. ¡o’clock. Miss Weatha Trazfer of Upon request from passengers desir­ th e sta le lo a ril of b a lb fioin Several Halseyite« took ad­ and Mrs. L. B. Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Peterson of Eugene was heard in a solo. ing to use train No. 18. leaving Halsey th is county la*t w . k . vantage of the Sunday excurison at 6:10 a. m , stage wiU call at Browns­ to Klamath Falls. Among those Harrisburg spent Sunday after-'-Many people from Peoria, Har- ville in time to protect this connection. Rev. and Mrs. Miller attend- | a - k T O £ noon at Lake Creek church. i » e re jn at- going were: Mrs. D. T. Tayloi ■___ , , . “ - -- -- I wise no p ro te c tio n . t-d aftern< in meeting Sunday at IN C XV oC T't OT Mrs. N. H. Cummings has re-' .e 1(*ance an^ at n?°n a b a s k e t Southern Pacific trains arrive going and Lawrence, Carl Hill, Ben l.ak. 1 ed * north 1 Holt, and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton ceived word of the serious ill-1 ± " er 2™’ , s®rved *i°r „ W£‘Ch ’. «» . to an interesting address by Rev. • AT < \ » c K t/'iW ness of her father, J. McNeese,1 ,m?ny nPC° £ e frOTV, th® McFar- »:50, 6:io, 1L49 a. m. and 4 :ii p. m. Mr. Burky, |o tt i r tijo k v l jO W /lj Smith. ladp_church as well as Corvalh,| p * Clay Moody spent Friday who lives in Iowa. lur Did you ever think of and Tangent came directly from evening in Salem. E. B. Penland and wife left Pine Grove Points the amount of concen­ their sevices. Mr. Whealdon of All trains except th at going north at the latter part of the week to Corvallis sang a solo and Tedi 4:11 p. m. stop only when flagged. The N. T. Sneed home has a trated wisdom in those (By Special Correspondent) look after interest in eastern Mitzner, Jackson Mr. were"heard Hughes *-A’ new coat of paint. quiet men who read, Eha.?dler is driving a Thonms "n : S p e c i a l N o t i c e s O regon. 7 hey are hom e ag a in . think and keep their Among those attending the new Ford touring car, purchased a special number Mrs. E.ther Rike came hom<_ eyes open, but say Barnes circus in Eugene were: at Albany Tuesday. j Rev< j H Harper of Corvallis 5c a Line Weekly Sidney Leeper, Francis Leeper, for the week end from Corval­ little —of how thor­ L. E. Eagy and family visited * ias Just returned from lis. ■ Herman Koontz. Gilbert Hayes oughly they know Mr. Eagy’s parents at Oakville ‘our months’ spent in Chin:», ß l . o c s e 1 sv far sale. and Willis Reeves. their neighbors thru j.'aricn Csiey. Mr. and Mrs. Herald Steven- Sunday. i &ave a verY interesting talk on l’boijs 2x4. obser/ation and anal­ ton of Brownsville visited Mr. I the problems and conditions of Miss Beulah Miller visited and Mrs. J. A. Stevenson Sun­ ysis? Read Mrs. Jessie McLaren, Dorothy that country. Mrs. Fred Taylor visited Mrs. Almon and little daughter day. Visiting ministers were' Rev home flolks, while Mr. Tayioi* Wednesday afternoon in their McLaren, Ida Shick, Gertrude Nichols, Margaret Heinrich and J. S. Miller of Halsey. Rev Mr was in Southern Oregon. new home near Independence. Mrs. Beulah Dean of Albany, rn ghen- a ™nded, the, 3 Tgoy,,* of McF-r.und, Rev. Ted sister of Mrs. Quimby, attended J. P. Templeton and wife mo­ circus at Corvallis Thursday. | Mitzncrof Harrisburg, Rev. Mr the funeral of her niece, Ruth Trcea fo r Poles tored to Salem Wednesday. Quimby, Sunday afternoon. , Something like 50,000,000 trees Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Nichols Pendleton of Tangent and Dr II. C. Davis visited relatives have to be cut every year to main­ Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Eagy H a rp er of Corvallis. Birthday dinner was enjoyed This thrilling mystery at the state capital Wednesday. and tain telegraph and telephone wire«, were Albany visitors Thursday at the home of H. L. Stialey according to the Forestry Primer, be­ tale by W yndham Louise Rob net drove to Al­ Rev. Mr. Berkey visited with ing given to the schools by tbe Amer­ E x ten d the P rin cip le M artyn, a u th o r of Sunday, in honor of Miss Merle bany Saturday evening. ican Tree association. N. E. Chandler and othei An E n g lish In v e n to r has produced n and Gerldine and Mrs. Churlcy "AnthonyTrent, Mas­ Stewart Sloan and Lawrence friends in this vicinity last week s,|oe that can be regulated to the Straley. ter Criminal,” “The Lily of Crawfordsville are held and preached at the Pine Grove' "t » child's foot, a great snv- Secret of the Silver in ; niisrht he effected i f the p rin c ip le for the grand jury for the con­ (jhurdh Wednesday evening.. Mrs. Sidney Smith went to add lie a p p lie d to the hats o f a lot Car,” etc., has such fessed theft of clover seed from Portland for a few days’ visit and Mrs. N. E. Chandlei o f men w ho h a re a cq u ire d a lit t le T. Ottinger, also of Crawfords and Mr. Agnes with fit-r sisters, -*>l’is:x Marie a man for its principal visited their daugh­ b rie f fam e.— P h ila d e lp h ia in q u ire r. ville. Sneed and Mrs. McCaslin. character. No one I te r, Air». L a u re n c e Z iin u .e itu s n , knew m uch about D . C. R ossm an viaided Porf- Cora B. Rogers, mother of 13 Sunday. children, 11 of whom are living, Peter Milman, but, as land for a few days, returning F L A G S D ecoration is sueing John W. Rogers for The Pine Grove school closed * it proved, he knew the lest of the week. twenty-six nuler. above Oakridge, base. Jesse Cross; second base? where he expects to work this Fraftk Koontz; third base.Cor­ i summer in the forest service. bin ;T!gb field. Wesley Holloway;' left field. Ben Holt; center field? Tke preferred Morris poison oat lotion for poi- Kaij Williams; short stop, Boy. ’cferred of Xfoimu n Stau. PÜUer r [ oak. Guaranteed. * Farmer. I V- Mbrns Pharmacy Htl.ey high—Catcher, Carl' • ! i I G LO BE alq any I advertises in this paper that hei Mrs. R«y Dei.fi and dsught>r .will make farm loans and do Fiaokl/„ 0, Bandon, «bo h a s t real estate and insurance busi-1, , .. c a ,, ness. has purchased the raylor . _ ,, . insurance business from the * en l 10 O r*l® ° C 'ly y e ste rd a y to Lane County Abstract company vi,it l^*’r brother an d u n cle, C. ¡and moved to quarters with the 0 D ry d en , and f . n ly. i com pany. I L ittle Ir»iu Sevfeld, w ho wa« iu (By an RnU rpriss Reporter) .r The Recluse of Fifth Avenue Enterprise Morris Pharmacy I m HW ii T ?