* x xx A- c rural ANOTHER DEACON COMING! NTERPR! School Doings on second and third, Ben Christ­ third, Margaret Pugh. ensen. PoUto race— Girls —First, Doctors Disagree ; A rural comedy in three acts Achievem ent D ay thebe Isom; second, Irene Wil Club Work Awards A feature scene in each act W h o Shall Decide? barns; third, Donna Moss. A co w ir y aucticn Judges, M r. Calavaa, state field Halsey and Districts Near worker, aod M is t '» » g ill, leadej Boys—F irst, Charles Steinke, A country wedding and to be presented hy the second, Lindon Bramwell, third, Antagonistic “Remedies’ by Participate A country husking bee of g irls ’ clubs. i Jack Snodgrass. OAKVILLE Halsey's first achievement day for Farm Ills race—Boys—First, Har- Friday Evening, May 27 »us euch a success that it is pro Grand Champions—Free trip Sack DRAMATIC CLUB In the case of “farmers’ prob­ Harding; second, Howard C” $15’ Leslie Falk, posed to make it an annual affair. Alice Sturtevant. Falk; third, Cedric Moody. Girls le m s’’ there are as many reme­ tor the benefit of I t briugs in to p roninence the „ J " th* fo|l°wing, First took —First. Margaret 1’ugh, second, dies suggested as for the cure q Fern Rossman; third, Vivian probable results o f the present ?-.o0 prize and second $1.50. of warts, and no publication haa The first prize for aewing Frum. generation's policy of devoting yet contained all of these. Hundred-yard dash—Seventh half the tax money and immense clubs went to Sunshine Girls; A F lorida correspondent E verybody Com e Adm ittance 45c, 35c and 253 and eighth grade girls—First, second to the Bachelor Boys. pergonal effort to the task of ao write to the Pathfinder. “I R^seivcd seats on sale at C lark Sewing clubs—Pansy sewing Lilah Phelps; second, Dorothy educating its successors th a t the club—First, Arlene Powell; sec­ C cre ara n; th ir d j Alice S turte ­ believe in price fixing by the government. It was a great suc­ race shall ever progress on lines of ond Blanche Williamson. F rom the Editor's vant. Seventh and eighth boys- - cess during the war.’’ Commencement Announcement increasing eccomp'isnment and Busy Bees—First, Edna Falk; First, Earl Elliot; second, Lloyd1 Today it would not shut off second, Ardella Falk. greater comfort in life. . Point of V ie w Sperling; third, Bruce Harding. Europe the food products The baccalaureate sermon lkusy Sewing club—First, Fourth, fifth and sixth grade of ,orn. Australia, South America, O. W. Frum was grand mar­ will be preached at the Church Alice Sturtevant; second Delma girls—First, Delma Falk; . sec­ . . . India and Russia, as the Gee- street parade on Falk, third June Layton. Honestly, do'you th in k that any of Christ next Sunday by Rev. shal of the ond. Vivian Frum; third,'m paper published in soother town would J- S. Miller of the M. E. church* achievement day, which was Sunshine G irl» ’ Sewing Club— Blanche Christensen. Fourth, an menace to shipping did during the war. Warehouses in or could give your {community as good viewed by practically the whole First, Blanche Steinke; second fifth and sixth grade boys,_ those countries were full, but Class night will be in charge •e rn c e . year io and year out, as your First, Frank Bilyeu; second, only from this country did home paper does if the latter should of the Senior class at the town and surrounding country Ione Miller. Bachelor Boys’ Sewing c lu b - Howard Falk; third. Owen Falk. Europe get food. This Flordia suspend publication? I » „ ., , our ho,„e Methodist church Wednesday, as it marched north from the Hundred-yard , relay—First, man cannot restore those con­ paper entitled to your support? A ma- June 1. school house on Railroad street f'lrst, Charles Reeves; second, Halsey; second, Kirk. ditions. Kenneth Workinger. jo riiy of the people of Halsey have to the Brownsville road, west Commencement exercises will Fifty yard dash—Boys— i School Girls’ Sewing W. Snow writes to the answered thst question affirmatively. to First street, south to the club—first, Elsie Reynolds; First, Muir Crittenden; , ovxwi.u, second, Philadelphia Farm Journal. "The I f more would do so the paper could tie be at the Methodist church Fri­ Jack Snodgrass; third, " ' warehouse, counter­ second, Hope Hussey. furth er improved. T h e re are some who day night, June 3. Dr. Con, head Frum Chariesi Capper-Tincher act it« has restrict- »<1 onzmii __ . but^in Steinke. Girls—First,’ Elaine * » ed. speculative gambling, do not seem to care whether the pap r Cooking club—Willing Work­ marched to the Koontz and Clark x 't. P i l l P V * R P P n i l d 1 1 H r r in L __ ____ a 4 1 • of the department of mathema­ Straley ; second, Geraldine Stra- lives or dies. W ell, the publisher may ers Jfirst, Alice Sturtevant, doing this it has cost the wheat- corner and returned to the point tics at the U. of 0., will be the . ley; third Irene Williamson. second, Dorothy Carcoran. not care, either, as much as some sup growers a very heavy slice off of beginning. pose. H e enjoys m aking as good a speaker. Clodhopper Gardening club- I Basketball throw,, distance— the selling price which world After a colored band came a First, Bruce Harding; second,' I Seventh grade girls—First, conditions warranted for his p ip e r as be can, but he believes he could make more money in a different line of cavalcade: 0. W. Frum,* W. Dick Harding. Lilah Phelps; second, Retta wheat. The speculator, believing Thank You endeavor than in publishing a paper Rinkey Dinky Calf club— Armstrong; third, Alice Sturte­ that he can secure a profit by Frum, C. H. Davidson. Berry The administration and facul­ w ith the circulation the Enterprise li.,s Smith, Charles Snodgrass, H F irst, M erton Lengley ; Seco d, vant. Fourth, fifth and sixth buying the wheat when the grade girls—First, Delma Falk; farmer wants to sell i t —that is, ty of the Halsey public schools W. Hussey, Wade Frum, E. A. Milton Elliot. History tells of a time when the laws second, Blake Christensen. at or soon after harvest—as­ wish to take this opportunity Grand Champion Sheep club— of England were openly and suecessfnlly P. LaFollette, Carl Isom, Ray Basketball throw, distance— sumes the burden of carrying First, Lesile Falk; second. Paul defied in parts of that kingdom. Hut of expressing their gratitude to Steinke, Currin Miller and Char­ Boys—First, Kenneth Smith; the wheat until the consumer Q u im b y; th iid , Gardie M ilter. necessity is proverbially called the the patrons and business men in ley Wright. second, Donald Bramwell; third, needs it for his daily bread. The mother of invention and ways were Halsey Sheep club—First,' devised to curb crim inals. Now En g ­ and about Halsey for the great Charles Weber drove a sixf John Smith; second, Milton El­ Leonard Christensen. Girls— greater the number who are First, Alice Sturtevant; second, willing to do this, the more the land is the most law-abiding country in help and interest accorded the horse team. liot. Retta Armstrong; third, Doro­ competition. The more the com­ the world. The 'w ave of c rim e " in school in making our achieve­ H. W. Steinke and E. V. Bass thy Carcoran. the United States, which haa teen ro ment day program a success. petitive buying naturally the School Exhibits came with four-horse teams. In the ball game Halsey won, higher the price competitors Lyyman W. Patton. exaggeratedly proclaimed, has resulted Jess Pugh and C. H. David­ Judges, Mrs. Edna Geer, A l- io more of necessity's offspring S e Principal son followed with double teams herta Koontz and M e trle Straley. with a score of 10 to 6 from must pay.” Halsey high. the account, on p g 4. of the coolmg of So Mr. Snow would encourago Followed these: the ardor of bank r.b b rrs ,n Indiana Other features were: riding grain gambling for the good of Rural schools—First,, 1 Oak Ernest Gourley— R i n k y and the following of that state's ex­ lams; second, Powell; third, circus, jumping, riding, egg race the grower. Of course he as­ Dinky Calf club. ample by Michigan. Brandon. and the musical chair. sumes that the gamblers give Grand Champion Sheep club, And a tired and happy cum- farmers ;t 'fait' price |fot‘ tho Gradi» work—First grade— Halsey Sheep club. At Albany last week the state E a rn - First, Geraldine Straley; second munity, old and young, went wheat and let the consummers era' Union indorsed the income tax bill Potato club as clowns. Margaret Smith; third, Irma to sleep that night. have it for a fair price. They upon which we are to vote in June. In floats, the High School Smith. are Tod Jones’ boys, who O ther farm organizations in the slate Girls’ sewing club and the Sun­ Second grade—First. Jean The engagement of Mi»» Pearl were like so shrewd that they made have done the tame. I f the farmers shine Girls’ Sewing club. Sturtevant; second, Jimmie I e firsso n.fjlin i ,r in vocational edu­ money every evening swapping turn out on election day in as fu ll force Bachelor Boys’ Sewing club Smith; third, Donna Mars. amoung themselves as aa do those city gentlemen who farm Willing Workers’ Cooking club Third grade—First, Elaine cat on at O A. C „ to H arold Teale jacknives they sat aruond the fire. "By the farmers, and the voting friends of of Battle Ground, Wash , senior Clod Busters’ Garden club •Straley; second, Linden Bram­ bedtime,” said Tod, "each of those gentlemen, the tax w ill be levied. Busy Bees Sewing club in in d u s tria l arte, is announced well; third, Phyllis Hoit. them lias made half la dollar Daisy Sewing club Here's hoping, whether th eir h< tne Fourth grade—First, Kenneth and got his own knife back."’ G overnor Patterson is accused by his Pansy Sewing club. Workinger; second, Bluford i< to be at B a ttle Ground or elee opponents of adopting ex-Governor The Farm Journal editorially Then came individual entries, Mo«e ; th ird , Charles Reeve?J where, it w ill not le b a tte remarks: "The land banks aro Pierce's income tax policy and Pierce followed by cars. is opposing Patterson'» plan bee; u ;e it is Fifth grade—First, Eloise ground. a big, brilliant- success. Eight A t noon n in ety club workers, not lik e Pierce’s. A ll this is as consist­ Smith; second, Blanche Steinke; of them are now loaning to w ith th e ir leaders, were given a Church Notices ent as most of the anti income tax talk. third, Tom Miller. farmers at 5 per cent, two at banquet at Koontz' b a ll, w hile the Sixth grade—First, John M ethodist— Next Sunday : 6’ 4 and two at There are A big windbag i t the bugaboo about com m unity parlook of a picnic Smith; second, Margaret Pugh ; 10 a. in., Sunday school $1,180,000,000 in loans out­ the income tax tearing capital out o dinner at the F ru m warehouse. third. Walter Foote. standing.” 11, P ublic service«» Oregon, and when it sepulchral! r says Seventh grade—First, Alice 7, Epw orth League The Enterprize will concede Boo-oo-ool’ the ergaas of the tax Stock Awards Sturtevant ; second, Retta Arm­ that some of these loans have shirkers pretend to be sw fu'ly scare 1 8 , p ub .ic services Judge», E lm er Muueon, F rank strong; third, June Layton. helped the farmer—those which and hope the rest of us w ill take fright. 8 Thursday, prayer meeting enabled him to Jiold his crop Gibson and Jack Barrett. Track M eet Sunday m orning Rev. J. 8, M il from harvest time until the Stallion—First, Charles I f Oregon would abolish all taxation In baseball honors were won le r’s rermon at the M. E, church seasonal rise came, and those Weber what a haven it would be for thoie various competitions by Dick w ill have rpecial reference V tue. which enabled him to buy better Mares—First, Charles Weber in m ythical investors who we are told are breeding stock or more effective kepi away by fear of an income ' i t 1 Teams—First, E. V.' Bass: Hussey, Earl Elliot, Russel Nor­ m orial day. S m art L IN E S th a t second, C. H. D avidson; th ird , ton, — Z elltner, Lialie Falk,G wen Here a ll w ill find a welcome, machinery, in case« where he Falk, Charles Steinke Frederick regardless of social standing. Your had the brains to judiciously H enry Ford Caught Napping H. W. ¡Steinke. capitalize these advantages. But Robins, Kirk, Howard ( S ^ e ^ p e T ^ iz s (The P s th fin d rr) Riding horses—First, Walt F alk and Billie presence w ill help, and we w ill try in cases where easy borrowing Charles Reeves. Ever aincc the C jevrole t began Fnim; second, C. H. Davidson; led him into unnecessary debt High jump—First. Wayne to do you good. third; Alex Snograss. »sting ¡n On the p op ularity of the J. S. M ille r, pastor. and sometimes to the loss of his Smith; second, Cedric W illia m ­ i frock with its long Ponies—First, Phyllis Holt, son; third, Earl Elliot. Ford there have been rum ors of mortgaged property, they were second, Wade Isom. 2 * / collar and skirt that 'm p rn d in g changes in the la tte r to a curse. In fanning, as in trad­ Broad jump— First, Dick IIus- Calf club entries—First, fits closely at the hip ing, it takes brains to win. meet the new riv a lry . I aul Sullivan; second, Evan Sul­ »ey ; eecoud, E a rl E llio t th ird , is suitable for the slender wo­ The Eugene Register says. ---------- Sperling. Ford realizes hew the p re ttyin g livan . th ird , Merten l.engley "If the farmer is to get more man as well as the woman Chinning— First, W a y n e up of other c a n has h u rt the for what he has to sell he will Calves, open entries—First, Smith; second, Dick Hussey; with the mature figure.' ungainly lU w tr. lave to gauge h is production second and third, E. Gourley. third, Willard Keene. It may be had in sizes 34 Ford fe ll that by reeron of hie somewhat according to probable B u ll— F irs t, E. Gourley, Hop, step and.jump—Fourth, low price hie prcduct wag go to 52. Suitable m ate-' demands. Farm prices will not. Lincoln sheep—First, Leslie fifth and sixth grade boys— - rials for making th is' go up as long as there is an ov­ supreme th a t he made little effort Falk; second, and third, Owen First, Harry Harding; second, er-supply of farm products.” ‘ A " modernize •’ it, The General Falk. Butterick frock are Leslie Falk; third, Owen Falk. That is the lesson experience Motors corporation^ m anufacturer grade boys—First, Church of C h rist— 'o n display at our Shropshire S lie e p -F i-s |, G srdie Seventh ias taught since the first crops of the Chevrolet and other care, Wayne Smith; second, Earl El­ P ie c e -G o o d s Miller; second. Milton Elliot: Preaching, 11 were marketed. liot; third; Dick Hussey. •00k advantage of this ai.d UOW third, Earl Elliot. D ep artm en t,^ The Oregon Farmers Union of C hristian Endeavor, 7 Flag race—Girls— First, Ione ••lie more cars than Ford. Oxfords—First, Paul Quimby; Miller; Albany last week resolved to ask Precxching, 8 second, Vivian Frum, A pparently H enry Ford ____ for an increase of the tariff on fi nói * C liffo rd L. Carey, pastor. •hat. people who G r.t become me. (Continued from page 5) i> CITY HALL High School Gymnasium Fund T h eW h t U >4 'V torista bt buying Fords eventually pass 00 to higher priced m achines.! H e situation now ] « th a t the Ford o ulv to first-car fa m ilie . Peop'e w ill buy new cars, and "W models which appeal more to tue eye continue to be produced. General Motors bad a record 7««r, car9. T k o A selling /J ÌT " over * 1,200,000 . * v v , ovu car», lo » 30,000 employee of the Chev- role» line uow tu ro out 4200 car» 3 REM EM BER Easy to make with t B U T T E R IC K ’ PATTERNS and the DELTOR' 1 That with spring co tn e» . hankering for t r ,p , j„ your . „ t o - b n not fo r Aowout» on 'boat t r ip , or other annoying trouble»— therefore you •nouM see what we cau do for you in rn r low-priced F IS K A N D F E D E R A L T IR E S G E N E R A L R E P A IR IN G ethyl B A T T E R Y C H A R G IN G g a s o l in e The HALSEY GARAGE Try our store for Choice Ice Cream Eskimo Pies D ixie Baskets B rick Ice Cream Con»ult us for prices on Bulk Ice Cream in gallon or more lots C la rk ’s Confectionery