"Wall, I described Mr. Brent to the pened last night?" Late tnat mgtit, after many a stop "Maybe. Mammy Taylor said before •after many gruntlngs and changes of Pertaining to agent and It m m i that a man of his daacrtptton get off th . train here day she left she—" mind on the part of Thomas Brent, before yesterday morning lugging "Well,“ broke In the man of the red Freck led his employer up a little nar Public Schools thret or four baskets. There wns n feel “Freck, we got to move, and It's row runway from Indian creek and bey with him, too, and that's about the up to you to find a cave where ten then to the mouth of a large cave. only way we caa hope to trace him— thousand men on horseback with Halsey Players W in a (To be continued) through the boy.” search warrants couldn’t hunt us out Ball (iam e or Two Then came the other voice: ‘‘They if they had to. And you've got to do Oregon, "The State Magazine." Is are liable to be In any one of a hun­ It quick. L'uderstand?" (School R eporter) the title of a new and handsome dred places, and the only thing we can Freck looked up unconcernedly. “I monthly published at Eugene. This The baseball teams of Halsey hl do Is to stay around here until we know one already," he said and gazed first number is artistically printed and learn that boy's haunts and then trace Interestedly at the newly manufac­ profusely illustrated. Its contents in­ engaged In play with Monroe hl Friday them out. We've got to get his signa­ tured prongs of a bean shooter. clude some official information regard­ on the local diamonds. The Halsey ture to that thing, and we've got to The man above him allowed his face ing Oregon scenic wonders and agri­ girls lost. 41 to 34 a ^d the boys won have him in there to send it through. to lighten. The corners of his Ups cultural advantages and an illustrat­ by 6 to 1 over Monroe. I I O ? lo 0 9 Cave de la Brent. His eyes were body and killing the tubercle microbe heavy, but there was an air of detpr These rays cannot go through win­ On F o u r B ic y c le mlnatlon In them. He limped, but his dow glass, and that, more than the Prices From ’2150 Up steps did not falter. His fare was set. Iresh air even, accounts for the suc­ G et full particulars ‘Treck," be exclaimed, “I'm hungry! cess of the outdoor treatment of tu­ by mail today. Use Give me something to eat.” berculosis. coupon below. The boy was on his feet now. “What do you want, Mr. Brent?” There was once a man In Chicago Sold On Approval “Anything short of sole leather,” with an exceedingly exalted opinion of came the answer. “I’ve got an appe You are allowed 30 his own city. He died, and upon tlte that Is an appetite. I want a loaf d a y s’ actu al riding reaching his eternal home he said to of bread, and I want the slices cut t e s t b e fo re sa le is the attendant who opened the gate: thick, and I want about ten times ns binding. Really, this does great credit to Chi­ much gravy as you made last night cago. I expected to see some change Did you get any frogs this morning?" in heaven.” The attendant replied: “Tee—four." This isn't heaven." name of nearest Mead Dealer. "I want all of 'em, Freck; I'm bun ? » Only $18.00 Down • 1927 DE-LUXE HOT-POINT • • Automatic Electric Range» M S P C R O S E F E S T IV A L , P O R T L A N D , J U N E 1 3 -1 8 —L O W F A R E S n o w go to C a lifo rn ia ¡ N ew faster, finer trains. The recently-opened Cascade] line through a virgin territory o f new scenic interest. N o finer travel service than this. Ride in roomy comfort. ] Choose the train that fits your travel plans. coach for travelers between inter­ mediate points. O regonian - -Only one day on the train. Standard and tou rist sleepers; coaches. Also sleeper via Cascade line. V ia C A S C A D E L I N E (new route between Eugene and Black Butte) C ascad e -deluxe limited train; observation andelubcars,standard sleepers. Barber, valet, maid. Show­ er-baths. Extra fare $3.00. W e s t C o a s t — observation, standard and todrist sleepers, coaches. 71^ hours quicker Port­ land to Los Angeles. No extra fare. V ia S I S K I Y O U L I N E (through Roseburg, Grant's Pass, Medford, Ashland) S h a sta - a premier train of the Shasta Route. Observation, stan­ dard sleepers; barber and valet. Day $ 1 « — fast coach special — every T uesday and Friday. Special diner and lunch car m enus, popular prices. Re­ turning service each W ed ­ nesday and Saturday. Via Cascade Line by day. Travel south on S isk iyou line, return via Cascade line or vice versa. Reduced round­ trip fares for use any day. m Pacific Sout C. P. Moody, A g. Como to BRAD MOSS SERVICE STATION for O eneral 1 G asoline Oils and Grease Goodrich, s i i v e s ,w n Goodyear hues EUGENE Tuesday, May 17 TH E S H O W T H A T S R ^ I F F E 6 - 3 0 DaysFree Trial C ircus M EA D B ic y c le Write Today F7- Slice after slice of gravy snake I bread was aalted and slowed away Frog lag after frog leg disappeared before Thomas Brent leaned buck grunting with satisfaction, and crossed bis hands over bis stomach. “Freck," he eald with a look toward tha cave, “where'» those crowded darar “Gana." r. —. . . . . Mtatf Cycle Co., Chicago, O S. k. Please send full information and name of near­ est dealer. N a n t_ of S «boat what hap­ Tires »is Guaranteed.— Lampe, w h e e ls, equipm ent. Low prices. Send no money .Use the coupon. O.Boa. Tow, “Live In town?" "Yea." “FEObkfe1! OUT OB TMIB U B t 586 Stott Meadi&’.'ESii Reported to the stats board of health from this county last week were 7 esses of chickenpox, 0 of whooping cough, 1 of measles an d , for the first time in many months, not one of fiu. Prom Jackson county 11 case» of tuberculosis were reported, and of measlea 38 from Douglas county and 231 from Portland and Multnomah county. I SQJPCEE© SPECTACLE 1080 P E O P L E , IN C L U D IN O THE CHINESE BEAUTY LOLA LEE CHONG TH E CHINESE GIANT T H P L A ffG E S T LID VO C K iW O j™ ™ ™ '™ T H E HUMAN SKY3CRAPER KLIMKERTS EQUESTRIAN MIDGETS M TJMV PROM E O O 1 A BIGGEST TRAVELING ZOO ON EARTH | T W O P E R F O R M A N C E S D A IL Y 2 A N D 8 P M .-R A IN OR S H IN E IN ALL THE WORLD NO CIRCUS LIKE A L .G .B A R N E S __ Admission A d u l t s ..................................75c Children . . . . . . 50c