’RAL A g rc u 11 u re Ho r t i c u l t u r e L iv e s to c k D A Weekly Chronicle of Local Events and Progress in Linn County Established 1912 D a iry P o u ltry 1IALSEY. O REG ON, TH U R SD A Y, MAYS. '.»27 W ool Í1 a year in advanc From the Editor’s Familiar Experience Point of View at Hill’s Repeated Economic T ru th T h a t E u ro p e Must Learn Pertaining to Taking in the From the United States Public Schools “ Rubes” and Dollars ----------------- The Better Farmers Stay Robbers Enter via Shec • '•’T By REV. W INNINGTON-INGRAM, Lord Bishop of London. in the Game and Back Door Achievement Day for the One Way of “ W orking” Juvenile Clubs Rural Town8. inderE n f 0Pe A m " iCa t h ,t hi* h being an Monday morning it was discov The bnrean of statistics of the de­ partment of agriculture of the United •red that Hill & C o ’s hardware index of prosperity, are an actual economic stimulant. Achievement day for the boys’ (Publishers’ Auxiliary) States, which tells us there are 600,OCO We in England have had the wrong idea all the time. While von people and girls’ clubs Will be observed at «tore had again been robbed by fewer people on farms in this country A corporation In one of the cities have been digging in” to produce, we have been waiting time in ^ e ttv than there were a rear ago, also tells us hurglati who broke tnto the wood the schoolhouse May 21. makes It a business to promote and ha / n T t b Ter the,eXaCt dl'“ i0D °f i,Ct°r j profiti- Here 'verybody works that the diminished number of farmers There will be a parade of club i stage home talent'entertainments, em - shed and gained access to the store hard and there is plenty for all. In Europe each class views the other with a c bo increased number of tract- members at 10:30 and a banquet ploylng an experienced director skilled ora and gas engines and a wonderfully by removing a panel from its back suspicion, and, consequently, all are impoverished. in handling stage affairs, who la us­ for them at noon. increased amount of electrically trans­ is the A. °n* thiDg 1 ShaH C‘ 7 J aWay fr°m mV Vilit th* United States ually sweet, attractive and awfully door, as has been done before. mitted power. The club work and school work smart — not hard to look at — that's conception cl prw perit, u being ltd u c ri bv h,gh Jan. 1 last 24,100 farms had tractors, About »100 worth of goods were “ ‘ i ^ 1 will be on exhibit. why she draws a big salary. She goes ■cd .bort hour, of U k«. Wlt.lever effort. against 5,374 in 1920: The number of There will be a track meet in I to towns and small cities and con­ taken. 1 hese included some fiifty farms haring gas engines increased in tracts with a local organization, us­ 0 . 1 there the afternoon. AU school c h il-' ually a woman's club, to give the en­ the same time from 64,607 to 85,818. pockat knives, a quantity of sil­ dren are invited to take part, tertainment with home talent. The But farms usiug electricity jumped from verware, a gun, ammunition and a woman’s club furnishes everything, whether club members or net. »493 in 1921 to 28,074 in 1927! stage furniture, etc. Anything wanted Here is the answer to the question few dollars in change from the A community dinner «t noon. as small as a spool of thread the local why Oregon (and other states), with cash register. Friends are invited to bring well, women are asked to furnish. fewer farmers, raised more crops last A couple of youths, suspected Advances and free advertising no­ filled baskets and spend the day. year than previously. tices are sent to the women who Inno­ from their actions of being cscapej The increased use of electricity means cently take them to the printing office Benoit McCroakey and Avery and order them printed. more than increased crops. The juice from some institution, were seeu A i^ iio fp h ? Thompson of Salem and Jack w ill seldom be introduced on a farm about towu the preceding evening. They have to have programs and withhut lightening labor in the house An auto might also have carried Hampstead of G ladstone will tickets, and the attractive directress is a skilled bargainer She gets the as well aa en the outside. Vacuum a man slim enouh to go through represent the U. of O- in a debate prices and runs back to the ladies cleaners which take the dust from floors that panel. Most of the pilferitig tour that will take them to every with this cry: ‘‘Oh, my, your printer or woodwork and curtains without and also I f . h u k u- *Dd ** d ° ne by Pe° P Ie w ith English-speaking country in the is outrageously high. I never was held sending it flying about the room and up so belore in my life. I t ’s a shame world. with greatly lessened labor are but oue autos and they quickly leave the there is only one printing office in example. vicinity. The team will go to Hawaii and this town. I t gives the poor little The Mountain States Tower company then to A ustralia, India, Egypt, worm of an editor a chance to charge recently advertised in this paper an Scotland, England, Canada and such ridiculous prices. Boo! hoo! hoo!” Then he fell to one-half. Now he is The ticket sellers come around and electric washer that takes all the severe J below that and the General Motors E p s o m S a lts , 7 lb s ............................. . . . . . . the I tilted iStatts, atarting prob­ solicit the editor’s fam ily to buy a few labor out of the hardest of household corporation, iu his own Detroit, is going ably about Oct. 1 and getting pasteboards. The morning after the tasks, and we know that some of our after the record. Read the two-column show the cute directress comes around people bought home in May. advertisement on the last page to get the bill and okey It for the This week the same company tells our local ladles to pay She finds a nomi­ readersof a wonderful device that turns U. of O., Eugene. May 2. Halsey, Oregon Phone nal charge for the readers and ad­ the sweltering kitchen into a fairyland. Appointment of A. H. Weber, prlncl-. vance notices, and she has another Skis R eplace R oller We shall not be surprised if mother s pal of the Harrisburg* high- school, as price-cutting fit. ‘T never heard of Skates in W yom ing day finds electric ranges in the homes Linn county chairman of the Greater such a holdup before. Other editors Cheyenne, Wyo.—Great distances some of ihoae motheas who have not Oregon club for the 1927 summer ses­ more liberal-minded have always con­ already worn themselves out and gone and blinding snowstorms fall to keep sions of the University of Oregon. Is sidered It a privilege to feature our Wyoming children out of school. If anybody thinks the play at of the estate, be offered to the announced. shows as news Items. Ofi, goodness to rest beneath the sod. When snows are deep along the me, what kind of an editor are you Kpontz’ hall Friday night could Mr. Weber Is shaping his plans for highest bidder a t the ecourthouse continental divide and roads are six weeks at Eugene for enrollment anyway? This Is outrageous.” Then We are told that restriction of com­ blocked early morning at the dlatrlcl have been improved by an imported door June 4. In advanced courses under the noted she goes and blasphemes the local mon labor Immigration should be re­ schoolhouse one tlnds boys and girls manager, such as described in the instructors on the summer school editor before the good ladles, and that laxed because there la a shortage of 1 be J. S. McMahan baby ia ¡1] skiing and snow-shoeing In from every leaves an idea with them that the faculty. last column of the first page this such labor here. The object of re­ direction. Some of them have dog editor Is trying to graft their little and has been given treatm ent in The Linn county group, of whom M r striction la to create that shortage and week, or by imported talent, the teams and sleds. The teacher at Ken show. Portland. Weber will be chairman. Is expected to a consequent Increase In pay. Common dall school travels In this manner. Enterprise has not discovered the On the train as the directress leaves be the largest this summer that ever laborers and bookkeepers need a raise. Covered wagons, which give protec fact. George F ruitt and family spent attended a University of Oregon sum­ for the next sucker town, she writes tlon from biting winds, are used tn to her boss tn Chtyork; "Enclosed And Sunday with telativea and friends mer school. Prom the best Information we can some districts, with horse drawn sleds draft for 8537 00. one-half of proceeds Mrs Lillie Nixon, daughter of io Cottage Grove, A wide range of courses and a fac­ to serve when the snow Is deep get there were as many murders and The ulty of national reputation are sched­ of show put on in Hicktown Mrs. H annah Cummings, died crimes before pistols were Invented as Many students ride horseback. In saps furnished everything, even to uled. Kenneth Cross, who clerks for alnee. We would as lief be killed with consolidated rural districts, where M onday. evening a t the home ot working the poor simp of an editor winters are milder, closed motor her brother-in-law and sister, W. the Woodworth Drug company at a pistol as with a knife or a club. Into lots of free advertising. The fe­ busses are used entirely. Albany, come home to see the play Friday Mrs W. H. McMahan males entertained me royally In their Fewer children piny hookey here C. Smith and wife, west of town. homes. Imagine the former Queen, of Friday night. A few years ago Henry Ford made ’he was 60 years of age and bad than In cities where the school Is Just '■ entertained the Past Noble G rands’ T in Can Alley stepping arouad on around the corner. three-fourth.sol the new automobiles. been suffering from a cancer. Enid Veatch, now teaching at club at her handsome home on satin In Hicktown Total expenses at Undertaker Starr took the body to Roseburg, came io Eugene Sunday Second street. Mesdames E. A. Hicktown. 800 00 I hope my record for economy will entitle me to a raise In Brownsville to prepare it for P. L i Follette, U- W. Faum , Fred salary next year." iContmuea on last page) , S P E C IA L FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Rut.w„g t : Aspirin, regular 35 c ........ “ “ 25c............ Kotex, regular price 65c................. Peredixo Tooth Paste, regular 25c Lysol, regular 25 or 30c...... Talcum Powder, regular 25c.... Mineral Oil, regular 75c.......... Analgesic Balm, regular 50c................ special, 89c u 67c H U 29c 19c « 43c « H 19c 19c U 17c M U 67c 191: 39c MORRIS PHARMACY H A L S E Y , LIN N A N D O R E G O N Try Our Candy Specials 1 lb. of Jelly Boans for.............. 1 lb. of Commercial Chocolates, 1 lb. of Farmers’ Mixed.............. burial. Funeral today at the Pine Grove church, Rev. Mr. 8m ith of Church Notices 2Oc Peoria officiating. Four brothers and four sisters, as well as her M ethodist—Next Sunday : 2 5 c mother, survive, her fath er’s death 10 a. m ., Sunday school 2Oc and hers beiog all th at have 11, Public servicees occurred iu the family. 7, Epworth League 8, public services Mrs. D. F. Dean came back 8 Thursday, prayer meeting I from Oregon City Saturday but Here all will find a welcome, I hurried on home to Bandon Mon- day on receiving word th at Mr. regardless of social standing. Your Dean was seriously ill. He is presence will.help, and we will try | to do you good. reported better since. Next Sunday ia ” mother d ay ,” I Visiting at T. P. P atton’a from At 11 a, m. eermou to mothers. Saturday to Tuesday were the At 7 p. m, the league will p u t on daughter »nd her husband, O. B. a service to the m others (the | S taln ater and wjfe, from Albany. fathers are invited also). There F. G- Reese and wife are living will be two solos by the pastor’s I n the Kump house, having son, one in the league and one at traded their Eugene residence for the evening service. You are ail t. Mr. Reese is a gardener and welcome to ail these services, hefoie he had been 24 hours on J . S. Miller, pastor. the property he had a good scope Church of Christ— of its sod spaded under. All of these candies can be obtained a Clark s Confectionery “THE CAÏCH OF THE SEASON” It is apparent that the fame of “Arrowhead H o ­ siery’’ has carried far this season. Those who have seen the newest colorful de­ signs are agreed that for genuine economy com­ bined with durabiilty and smart style the Arrow­ heads are in a class by themselves. For anling or street wear or schoel or any other occasion let your choice be A R R O W H E A D S . 79c Extra Special »> That was a pretty hard bump that Erank G ansle’s baud got. It is still very sore. 79c Broken Lines in Dollar Values G a n a le ’s yellow w recking car is W ARROW GARAGE HALSEY STATE BANK L • Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L AND SURPLUS $35,(XX) Commercttd and Savings accounts Solicited Preaching 11 Christian Endtavor, 7 P recsch in g , 8 gone, succeeded by a m ore efficient ( Next Sunday morning Mother's day oae— a ve rita b le red dem on. | will be observed tn the Bible school Miss Ire n e Q u im b y is m u c b i by “ ,ew ,peclal number*' ‘ nd » • ! * - • , , , , , | clal offering will be taken for the W. improved in heaah and is able to C. T. U. farm home at Corvallis for be up and ab o ut. , ,, Attention not only of America, but of Europe and the Orient will be call­ ed to the tourist attractions and n a t, ural wonders of the Pacific coast In a series of Illustrated foreign language booklets being published by Bout hern Pacific lines for world-wide distribu­ tion. Hlustrated with many fine en­ gravings of western beauty spots the booklets are issued In English, French. Oerman and Italian editions. E have Ihe best equipped shop in Halsey, and fer that reason we give you a better job and more for your money. We also carry the largest stock of tires and accessories. Bring in this ad and 25c and get a 50c size of tire patching. t Miss Ruth Quimby h is returned home from the Brownsville bospi- al, where she has been for some time. Her health is somewhat mproved. Mrs. Southworth is improving n health. Mary Smith is helping Robins, F. M. Gray. E. E. G orm ­ ley, B. S. Clark, G. W. Laubner, Mae Miller, E dith Robnett, B. Mi Bond, Karl Bramwell, George Taylor, W • L. Wells and C. P. Moody|wera the men bers present, besides the FE D E R A L TIRES G E N E R A L R E P A IR IN G E T K ’Y L B A T T E R Y C H A R G IN G G A S O L IN E The HALSEY GARAGE I