t t U R A ’'. E N T E R P R IS E School Notts G LO BE A lbany L O N C H A N E Y u Mr. WU tor car. O v e r h e a tin g o f Engi line Harm ful It M ay M ean Some M echani­ cal D ifficulty or Lack of W a te r. Fever In a human being may Indl cate merely some digestive dlalurb a nee. or It may be the symptom of a various, deep-seated disorder. An over heated automobile engine may mean only that you nee-l more water In the radiator, or It mny be the algo of some grave mechanical difficulty. A grant many motorists think that a fresh supply of w ater will nlwnys act aa a cure for an overheated engine Thia la hot true when the overheating has progressed to the stage where It Injures the cylinders, plvtona and bearings. W hat Overheating May Do. For example, bearings w ill crack If subjected to tremendous h ea t Heat causes oil to lose Its lubricating pow er, and therefore great heat may cause frictional scoring or the cylinder walls and wearing of the pistons. On the other hand, overheating may mean that your radiator Is leaking water, that you have forgotten to Oil It, or that It Is clogged with sediment from dirty water. I t may mean that yon have been driving for a long dla- stance In first or second speed, or that the fan belt la not at proper ten slon to give an adequate cooling draft I f overheating occurs on the road do not keep on driving, but atop and Investigate. Filling up the cooling system with cold w ater after the en fin e tins cooled somewhst will afford temporary relief. T ry to find the cause of the overheating— whether It ta entirely due to the cooling system, or whether it has some other median teal basis. If You Must Qo On. When It Is absolutely necessary to continue the Journey, overfeed the en glne with oil. This will cause It to give off volumes of smoke through the exhaust, but the additional oil will protect the cylinders uttd pistons. In case you cannot get either water or Oil, and cannot find the cause of the overheating, telephone tha nearest ga rage and wait for help to arrive. As a general precaution, always keep the radiator of jo u r ear full of water, and make sure that It la wa tertlght. Steering has h en iiiatla marvelously easy, but the driving feature «till re quires most of a ear owner’s energy— that Is. he is eonllnttnlly busy at till* particular Job An interesting thought In e o n n e d lo t i with thia fact Is ths the point most frequently Ignored In the tuhrlrutlon of a ear Is the top o' the steering wlteel. till here means i great deni of energy ronaervntlot when trying to put the car Into * narrow mirk Ina space. It also server to ellmlnute one of the most annoying groans or whistles In the machine W L W R IG H T FUNERAL DIRECTOR I». C. IV SSM AN, Local M u n g e r Lady Assistant A ll call» answered day or night Phone 25. i Halsev, Or-gon D ELB ER T STARR rutterai Director and Licensed Kmbalmer L A D Y A S S IS T A N T Brownsville, Oregon TUSSI NG & TU8SING LAW YERS Halsey and Brownsville O re g o n PROBLEM F a ir rueo are mora careful motor car drivers than dark men. but brunettes are much steadier than bloods at the •te rrin a wheel. It was declar.-d by experts at a luotbcoo cale bratlcg tba opening o f the fall automobile show Io London r e centi/. Incidentally It was stated that one woman In four lo Cop­ land knows how to drive a mo­ C h an ey 's most m aiterful Chinese characterization Come early fur arata O il W ill M ake Steering Easier for C ar Driverc S M A L L C A R M A Y S O L V E T R A F F IC Brunette I* Moat C areful Car D river Pasting on Blind Turns V ery Dang erout Practice Passing on blind turns! That's too common a tra it of the average motor­ ist. according to the safety bureau of the National Automobile dob. Mak ng up time, delay In passing the car ahead until too late for such passing, recklesvneaa, taking a chance, all these factors enter Into the problem of hazard. A group of newspaper men set out to observe the other day a driver who was Just ahead of them and who seemed to have a habit of attempting to pass at the wrong moment. Time a fter time thia driver would slow up on the straight away .o n ly to speed «{id pass the ear* ahead when he came to a turn. There was something rudleally wrung with hla driving corn plex. H e might have Intended to tie careful, but hla Judgment brought him to grief. Most accidents are caused by Just such drivers, drivers who should not be allowed at the wheel of motor car. aa they are a menace to the safety of others. The Innocent victim la usually the man swinging around a turn only to find a foolhardy pilot taking more than his share of the highway. A forfeiture o f a driver's license, a few days In Jail, these are sentences that should be the reward of the man who takes a chance when In tak- 'ng the chunce he endangers the lives •if others on the roud. Thia light car la used by business men of The Dulles because it can -w iggle" Its way through heavy traffic. It Is so light that it cun be picked up, one end at a time and parked In a small place. It Is capable o f running at s speed of 12 miles an hour. This type of car, In the opinion of experts, may solve the traffic problem of the future. Im m ortal Song W here Bird» G ather The popular song, “Home, Sweet Home,'' was first sung to the Amerl can public on November 12, 1823. The occasion was the N'ew York produc tlon of the opera or melodrama, "Clari, the Maid of M ilan." Bird lovers declare that there Is no place in the United States where a close observer can see more varieties of birds in the course of a year than In and around Cape M ay on the Jersey coast Published every Thursday at Halsey, O. A. C., April 25—Pearl Pehrsson of Oregon, by Wm. H. Wheeler. Halsey, sophomore In vocational edu­ cation, had e leading part in the an­ nual women's stunt show, a major $1 a «year In advance A rrearage* 12 l-2c a m onth. Stops when time dramatic event, presented April 22 and expires unless continuance is 23. Each sorority and woman's or­ ordered. ganization had 30 minutes to give its 20c an inch; no discount number. Ten organizations take part Advertising. for tim e or space; no charge for each year. composition or changes. Anounce­ Miss Pehrsson was in the number ments of entertainm ents, food sales, presented by the Alpha Delta Pi soror­ etc., whose object is to raise money, ity. A silver loving cup given by the charged at regular advertising rates. associated women students was first Announcements of religious meetings, place award and there were cash prizes not exceeding four inches, free if for second and third place. copy is r-ceived before Tuesday, Forrest Pickett. The automobile causes so many more deaths than the pistol that it may be Stage and Railroad Time classed as a deadly weapon. Here in Effective A p ril 17, 1927 Halsey the baseball bat is aspiring fo r! the honor. Leland Pugh got a swipe Brownsville Halsey stage leaves Halsey 8:25 p. m. 4:25 p. m. 12:25 p. m. : from one last week that cut his temple Arrives Brownsville open and sent him to a doctor and 8:50 p. m. 4:50 p m. 12:50 p. m. ! George Workinger’s son Kenneth had Leaves Brownsville • his mouth almost doubled in size for 11:15 a. in. 3,20 p. in 9:00 p. m ' a while by a blow from one. Irm a , daughter of D w ig ht S m ith, fell and broke an arm A sou ot W. J. M c A llis te r was kicked by a cranky Ford be was cranking and i t broke bis arm A ll these helped to relieve the monotony of Dr. M arks' life. Several hundred Oregon school teachers are expected to be among the 2,000 students lor the two university summer sessions this year. Thirty-three education courses will be offered, Including provisions for ad­ vanced and graduate study. Four women and fourteen men have been engaged to teach education, and, in all, there will be 100 professors on the summer faculty teaching 110 courses, Sim ple A rrangem ent to G ain E xtra Gas M ileage I f you car Is fitted w ith an auto­ matic windshield w iper o f the vacuum operated type you can fit an auxiliary a ir Inlet to get more mileage out of your gnsoline on long runs. Connect a petcock In the rubber hose line lead- Average M otorist W ill Be Found G u ilty of Neg­ lecting Some D etail. ears. TUBE REMOVED FROM WIPER. WINDSHIELD ADJUST PETCOCK TO RUNNING CONDITIONS CASH FROM INTAKE MANIFOLD ' Three f i r e Factor«. There are only three factors which govern the coat per mile of tire opera­ tion. The first Is the quality of the tire, the second, the conditions of op­ eration, and the third, the care o f the tire by the owner. In order to hut down the cost of ttre mileage, all three factors must be regarded as Im ­ portan t It Is of no benefit to buy the beat tires obtainable, put them on your “nr, and then forget about them. Watch for small cut», bruises, pieces of metal or other foreign matter In your tires. Slight defects such aa these. If unattended to, Will cause »et lons trouble. Proper Inflation of tlrea la moat Im ­ portant. Tires of any size are made to hold a definite amount of a ir under pressure. Any certain tire la designed •o carry Ms prescribed weight only If la properly Inflated. Therefore, lon't w ait unttt your tlrea are obvl- >B«ty flat before reinflating them, end don't trust to the "kick" method s * to tell you whether or not they are hard enough. Take a pressure read ng once a week, whether your tires « v ia to need It or n ot Vndertnflatlon flexes the ttre alde-walla too much, 'suslng them to break down. Care o f Balloon Tlrea. Underiuflatlen In a balloon ttre la tot aa noticeable as In cord tires, and ’or this reason, extra rare must be «ken In checking up on balloon tires • his type of tire. It It not neces­ sary to use auch high pressure as In ord Urea, but It Is Just as Important to see that you have proper Inflation Balloon tlrea are also often overln- flaled. Thia destroys much of their IKiwer to absorb road shocks. Don’t thus« your tires by driving car tracks and deep ruts, or by scraping curbstones. And don't for get that proper care of your tires menns a saving both o f time and money. More Mileage on Long Runt. ing to the w iper and on long runs you can pull the end of the hose off the w iper and allow extra a ir Into the m anifold by adjusting the petcock. The Illustration shows the arrange­ ment.— Popular Science Monthly. Mated among the strict prohibitions observed bj, operators of United States army cars are Smoking while N O T IC R ________ csreated sounding of horn«. „ Of Appointment .4 Administrator Not.ce i . hereby given that ths under ,’£ * h ,f k ? * ‘ * r car* a.irt! I * .' ro*ds fh» driver roust • ik gne.l, «», Seattle. llspfi PirHIfl 8Scrifice fin« u ic u rid iu UMd pianoiftaken MUSt 06 SOld ' mmediately. W ill give very eaiy terms to responsible p arty. For fu ll particulars address P o rt­ land Music Co , 227 S ixth street, Portland, Oregon, B u y fo o d in s u ra n c e N e x t a u tu m n w i ll be NOW . TOO LATE . Start your baby chic!’ « on A L B E R S ' C H IC K S TA R TE R or LILLY 'S L IF E IN S U R A N C E F E E D I t ’ ’ X i l t o With dried 8Weet £ ilk aDd cod » " » 0« for bettor ’ We carry a fu ll line of each T. J. SKIRV1N SEED Co., Halsey and H arrisburg Learn How to Turn the Clock Back Yourself by Reading This Serial in For fu tu re success w it h y o u r flo c k o f The RURAL ENTERPRISE ch icke n s use beginning next week TRIANGLE W e expect to print about a page of it each week, a n d if you have a fnend in O regon to whom you would like to make a gift worth a dollar or two, at a cost to you of only ten cents, give the dime and the address to the Enterprise and the story will be mailed. F0R SALE in H alsey Developing Mashes and Scratches Compute stock always on hand. FLEECE TW INE used sad n t» wool sa c k s ; o. w . FRI M