The sta te board of forestry at a m eeting in Salem decided to co-oper­ REV. L N. W O LFE a te with th e C lackam as county fire patrol associations in the construction of an 85-foot ste e l lookout tow er on H ighland B utte, ten m iles so u th east S e c re ta ry H oover D irects Re- All Sections of the Country B rief Resum e of H appenings of of Oregon City. Several coyote dens, yielding 34 ¡lie f W ork in S tricken Show M ovem ent from the W eek C ollected fo r pups and eight grow n coyotes, wer»^ dug up by S tanley Jew ett, p red ato ry D is trict. F a rm s to C ities. G ur R eaders. anim al leader, and two h u n te rs of th e biological survey last week in a s trip Memphis, Tenn.—S ecretary of Com­ W ashington. D. C.—A decrease of Salem ’s annual blossom day vras of te rrito ry five m iles wide and 2t> m erce H erb ert Hoover arrived as J 649,000 persons in the farm population celebrated la st Sunday. m iles long betw een A rlington an d P resident Coolidge's representative in I of the United S tates during the last H eppner. E nrollm ent In th e Salem public the direction of relief work for the f year, the largest decrease in any year The load lim it on the Old O regon schools has passed the 5000 m ark for flood stricken Mississippi valley. since 1920, was announced by the de­ T rail highw ay betw een La G rande and the first tim e in history. M ississippi and A rkansas presented . partm ent of agriculture. P endleton w as increased front 6500 to the g reatest relief need. Louisiana ( Seaside will hold its annual celebra­ The departm ent estim ated th a t 27,- 10,000 pounds last week, according to tion in observance of the opening of was th reaten ed as the flood crest I 892 000 persons were living on farm s O scar C utler of the sta te highw ay of­ moved southward. on January 1. 1927, as com pared with the beach season May 7- fices. In about two w eeks It is ex­ Kentucky, Oklahoma, T ennessee ; 28,541.000 on January 1. 1926, aud 28,- L a G rande’s new »25.000 ornam ental pected th a t all load re stric tio n s will and K ansas ap parently had Bolved ' 982.000 in 1925. as shown by the fed­ stre e t lighting system has been tested be rem oved. th e ir flood problems. Missouri was | eral agricultural census of th at year. and found to be a success. Shooting him self accidentally In th o caring for some 10,000 refugees satis- ! The movement of population from R oseburg's annual straw b erry fiesta, farm s to cities was estim ated a t 2,- May 27 and 28, will tak e the form of head w ith a rifle, R. W. H inkle, 44. of Rev. L. N. Wolfe, rector of St. Bar­ factorily. F all C reek, was killed in stan tly la s t T he death list, known to em brace 155,000 persons for last year, while bara's Roman Catholic church, Phil­ Roy A. Haynes returned to power 1,135.000 moved to farm s, m aking a an old-fashioned stre e t carnival this W ednesday. Investigation show ed adelphia, who is national chaplain of a t least 100, mounted as news trickled | year. th a t the m an had slipped when a t­ in from stricken districts. Official es­ In the federal prohibition service net movement of 1,020,000 persons the American Legion. R eedsport citizens, business and tem pting to go over a fence, and th a t tim ates placed the probable death toll when Secretary of the Treasury Mel away from farms. professional men turned out enm asso the rifle caught and was discharged in the M ississippi delta area a t 200. Ion appointed him acting prohibition Births on farm s during th e year The fate of many o thers in the far commissioner to head the newly cre­ were estim ated at 658,000 and deaths last week to give the city an annual accidentally. 17339503 cleanup. ated dry bureau. flung sectors was doubtful. S. S. Lasw ell of C ottage Grove has at 287,000, leaving a natural increase A tw o pound son w as born last been appointed d eputy s ta te bank ex­ Thousands had been rescued from Of 371.000, which reduced the loss due perilous situations while other thous­ to the cityward movem ent to 49.000. T uesday to Mr. and Mrs. F ran k Col­ am in er to tak e charge of th e a ffa irs ands were reported still marooned. All geographic sections showed net cord, a t th eir home on Villa road, near of the w recked L ane C ounty S tate and Throughout the flooded valley fleets Savings bank at Florence, succeeding decreases in farm population. In New Newberg. Detroit, Mich.—Aaron Saplro’a »1, of boats were taking refugees from Mrs. L. L. Calloway was burned to B. B. B rundage of Eugene, who h a s England the net loss was 15,000; in 000,000 libel su it against H enry Ford levee tops, tree and housetops, knolls, the middle A tlantic sta te s 40,000; in death at h er home in Sandlake, T illa­ had charge since a sh o rt tim e a fte r and the autom obile m anufacturer's Indian mounds and upper stories of She w as 75 th e bank was closed. the east north central sta te s 102,000; mook county, Friday. weekly, the Dearborn Independent dwellings. Salem, Or.—Suit to compel Marion In the west north central sta te s 97,- years old. fell by the wayside when Federal W hat is expected to be one of th e W ith more than 100,000 persons al­ county to pay to the state »24,»59.41 000; In the south A tlantic sta te s 138,- Judge Fred M. Raymond declared The city council of Bandon has been m ost im portant southern Oregon bod­ ready homeless and refugee camps which the s ta te claims is itj» sh are of 000; In the east south cen tral states m istrial. offered »100.000 for Ih e city ’s electric ies was organized last week w hen swelling alm ost hourly in population, approxim ately »111.000 received by 77.800; In the w est south central He held with the Ford attorneys system by the M ountain S tates Pow er rep resen tativ es of the Medford cham ­ grave fears were felt by officials for Marion county under the Oregon states 142,000; in the m ountain states company. th at the Jury had been contam inated ber of com m erce, th e F ru it G row ers' inhabitants of the d elta country be­ C alifornia land g ran t tax refund law 24.000, and in th e Pacific sta te s 14,- by new spaper publication of an Inter­ league and th e T raffic association Several hundred delegates w ere in tween Greenville and Vicksburg. was filed In the circuit court here by 000. view with a Juror, Mrs. Cora Hoff­ Oregon City last week for th e 37th form ed th e Rogue R iver Valley Devel­ I. H. VanW inkle, attorney-general. It man. annual convention of the O regon S tate opm ent association. was said th at the outcome of this suit “A pparently this case must fall at C hristian E ndeavor Union. The inform al opening of the new would affeet all of th e 18 Oregon this tim e,” the court regretfully an­ The C rater Lake N ational P ark will steel bridge across the Siletz riv e r counties which participated in th e tax nounced. "It falls to a large extent be open from July 1 to S eptem ber 10, opened an o th er section of th e Roose­ refund. • because Justice has been crucified according to recen t announcem ent by velt highw ay to autom obile tra ffic A tabulation prepared by the a tto r­ upon the cross of unethical and de­ last week. T his section is about 20 th e d epartm ent of the interior. ney-general and o th er state officials praved Journalism.” Longview, W ash.—T hree motion shows th a t the aggregate tax refund The Eugene city council has voted m iles and connects the T aft com m un­ He discharged the Jury and Imme­ Olympia, W ash.—As an afterm ath ity w ith Yaquina bay ports and sh o rt­ diately culled John A. Baxter, acting picture cam eram en were drowned at under the congressional act is »6,000,- to Governor H artley's refusal to sign to allow the S outhern Pacific com ­ ens th e w inter route to Toledo by Bunker Hill cliff, at Oak Point, 12 000. Of this am ount th e sta te con federal district attorney, and in stru ct­ contracts totaling »510,000 last fall for pany to discontinue its Btreet cars about 150 miles. ed him to Investigate and If his .find miles west of Longview, when a tends It is entitled to receive »1,349,- purchase of capitol furniture, the two th ere and su b stitu te m otor busses. C onsiderable in te re st is m anifested Ing w arranted, file contem pt proceed mighty wave in the Columbia river 391. The tabulation also showed th a t other m em bers of the capitoi com m it­ H. W ilburn of Condon, who is drill engulfed the mas they were grinding in event the state prevails In the suit Ings against the publishers of the De­ tee said here th at the executive had ing a well for Dan E. Flory on h is mill a t M edford In th e reported strik e o f tro it Times, the reporter who in ter­ aw ay a t a 30,000-pound powder blast 25 of the 36 counties in Oregon would declined to sign vouchers am ounting property in F ossil stru ck red shale at tin ore a t th e Golden C ross m ine, 12 It is rep o rted viewed Mrs. Hoffman and any others which lifted th e en tire face of the benefit by the decree. to »18,717 for furniture delivered. The a depth of 130 feet containing crude m iles from Medford. cliff into the river. th a t a 30-foot vein of th e ore th ree- These 25 counties a re those in e a s t­ other com m ittee m em bers a re Land oil. Involved In the publication of her T he dead are: q u a rte rs of a m ile in length has been ern Oregon, which has none of the Commissioner Savidge and S tate Audi­ statem ent in th at newspaper. Nine buildings a t Lehm an Springs T. G. “Shorty" Randolph, of th e In­ railroad g ran t lands, and seven w est­ exposed and th a t the m etal an aly sis tor Clausen. sum m er resort, in the Blue m oun­ ternational News Reel, S eattle; his ern Oregon counties, which contain a show s 98 per cen t tin w ith a m ark et Attorney-General D unbar has ad ­ tain s, about 60 m iles from Pendleton, TIG H TEN ALIEN BARS brother, F. H. Randolph, also of Se­ p art of th e g ran t lands and share in value of »80 per ton. vised the governor th at he has no re­ w ere destroyed by fire la s t Friday attle and of the sam e company, and the governm ent refund. Failure of the C harging th a t the Southern P acific course but to sign the vouchers, Audi­ night. Canadians Will Be Affected by New A rthur B assett, 24, of Longview, an state to prevail In th e proceeding com pany and the O regon-W ashington tor Clausen said. Immigration Order. The C lackam as county division con­ am ateur cam eram an. would prove beneficial to 11 of the The furniture contracts w ere le t by vention of the Oregon state te a c h e rs’ R ailw ay & N avigation com pany a r e W ashington, D. C. — Im migration Mrs. T. (!. Randolph was present g ran t land counties. A uditor Clausen and Land Comm is­ association was held a t th e Sandy fixing freight ra te s on certain farm agents were instructed by Secretary and witnessed the death of h er hus­ sioner Savidge, with the form er sign­ Union high school building last S a t­ products in excess of the ra te allow ed Davis of the labor departm ent to re­ band and brother In law. by the sta te public service com m is­ ing them as "acting chairm an." Gov­ urday. SHO RT N EW S NUGGETS gard aliens regularly crossing the bor . B assett and his wife lived a t Long sion, the com m ission recen tly began ern o r H artley protested that the state der as im m igrants and to issue ideuti view. His parents, It is understood, E ugene's m ercury slipped down to action to require th e railw ay com pan­ A m ericans are the clean est people was paying exorbitant prices and th at first ion cards to such of them as live n ear Castle Rock. In the world, according to th e depart­ th e contracts were not let on a ju s t a new April record last week, re g iste r­ ies to reduce th e ir rates. might qualify for regular admission. All the bodies were found within m ent of commerce. ing 27 degrees. It w as th e coldest basis. S tu d en ts of th e R oseburg high The new regulations, which will af approxim ately 2110 feet of each other April night on record a t the local March autom obile production in the Should the governor continue to re­ school will collect d ata for the new feet principally the Canadian border and the rock from which they were w eather office. United S tates am ounted to 386 721 fuse to sign the vouchers, m andam us d irectory w hich is to be issued soon, stipulate th at th e foreign born n atu r sw ept by th e wave. A poultry packing p lan t w ill be es­ sponsored by the R oseburg W om an’s- cars, as com pared with 422,728 during action is contem plated by the firm s allied residents of Canada, Mexico oi the sam e m onth last year. tablished In R oseburg as soon as 100,- club. T he civics class first proposed Involved, It was declared. Cuba, who seek regular admission 000 producing hens can be signed up to handle the canvass but the school A political train in g school for wo­ IDAHO LO W ER HOUSE CUT will be required to obtain passports for th e Pacific Co-operative P oultry decided to accept the task as a stu ­ men has been opened In W ashington, from their country of birth unless they REDUCE S H IN G L E RATES 10 Counties Lose Representative Each, I D. C., by the League of Republican P ro d u cers’ association. d ent body service to th e com m unity. have established rights Io en ter th< Due to Light Vote. Women of the D istrict of Columbia. T hree Scio m en w ere injured, one O ver 100 stu d en ts have volunteered. United S lates by th e length of time Washington, Montana, Idaho and Hugh Gibson, m in ister to Switzer Boise, Idaho.—According to figures severely, when the autom obile In during which they have exercised th( Oregon Benefit on Cuts. The cherry crop of southern Lane compiled by Fred E. Lukens, secretary land, will head A m erica's delegation w hich th ey w ere riding crashed into county w as dam aged to the extent o f privilege of crossing the border. W ashington, D. C.—P resent freight of state, ten counties, including Ada. to the three-pow er naval arm s con­ a milk truck on th e Pacific highw ay approxim ately 65 per cent by the each will lose one m em ber of the low­ ference, The conference will be held ra te s on lum ber, shingles, posts and no rth of A lbany la s t week. Cold Hits Mid-West Truck Farms. fro st la st week, according to C. W. siding from points in Idaho, M ontana at Geneva in June. D. M. K lem sen, 70, ow ner of a filling S tew ard, county fru it Inspector, who Chicago, ill. — Loitering wtnlei er house when the 20th legislature and W ashington to certain d e stin a­ convenes In Jan u ary , 1929, because the High C antonese sources are author station at Canem ah, w as injured fhtal- made a survey of th e southern Lane touched with Icy fingers fruit and voters failed to go to the polls last ity for th e statem en t th a t Michael tions in N ebraska were found u n rea­ ly when he was struck by a S outhern truck farm s of the middle west and te rrito ry . The p ear crop was scarcely- sonable in a decision of the in te rsta te November. Borodin, th e Russian citizen who has P acific train as he w as w alking across hurt, he said, while the prune crop in the damage was reported heavy. The com m erce commission. U nder the state apportionm ent law, acted as ad v iser to th e C antonese re­ valuable Ozark m ountain districts sections w as dam aged about 10 to 25- T he com m ission ordered reduction th e railroad tra c k s a t Canem ah. gime at Hankow, is on his way out per cent. were the heaviest sufferers, a report each county gets one representative The cornerstone of the new »150,000 in shingle ra te s from coast point to of China. from Joplin. Mo., by the secretary ol for each 2500 votes or m ajor fraction One logger w as killed outright, an­ Colum bia hospital, erected in A storia Gordon Irwin, M errim an and Eli, Neb., thereof, and one the basis of the vote the Ozark Fruit G rowers' assoclatlor by the Colum bia L utheran conference, o th er fatally Injured, th ree seriously- from 73% to 74% cents per 100 pounds placing the loss to orchards and track In 1924, a presidential year, Ada coun­ U. 8. Navy Pilot Sets New Record. to 70, 71, and 73 cen ts; reduction of w as laid Sunday afternoon. T he hos­ hurt, and m ore th an 50 men escaped W ashington, I). C.—A new world's beds at »2,000,000. The frost was gen ty was entitled to five; Bannock, Can lum ber rates betw een the sam e points pital will be in operation by Ju n e 15. serious h u rts or death when a “m ulli­ gan ” c ar In which th ey were riding. * ernl in (he apple sections of Missouri yon and Twin Falls to four; Kootenai speed record for seaplanes carrying from 62% cents to 58-61 cen ts; re­ Im m ediate construction work on the to three, and Bingham, Bonner, Cas­ the specified 1102-pounds was made but many of the late tall products duction of shingle ra te s from the O re­ Salm on river-O tis sh o rtcu t road to on the Noyes-Holland Logging com­ were not hard hit as blossoming had sia, Frem ont and Idaho to two each. by L ieutenant 8. W. C allaw ay of the gon and Spokane d istric ts from 71 to th e coast was assured in McM innville pany's railroad, 12 m iles from K erry , At the next election, due to indiffer­ navy, flying a Voueht C orsair observa­ not progressed far. leaped the track, crashed along som e ence of voters last November, each tion plane on a 25-kilometer course at 66*4-69% cents and on lum ber from when the super-road d istrict com m is­ distance down an em bankm ent and those groups from 64%-59 cen ts to sion sold its first issue of »125,000 in will lose one rep resen tativ e and the H am pton Roads, Va. He averaged turned over. TH E MARKETS. bonds. legislative body will be sm aller by 10 147.263 miles an hour for 100 kilome­ 64%-67% cents. Portland. W illiam N ewm eyer, 35, trav elin g T he trib e of K lam ath Indians will ters, eclipsing th e form er record by W heat—Big Bend hluestem. »141; than it was in 1927. salesm an, and Julien n e N ewm eyer, 31, Historic Apple Tree In Bloom. receive, early next week, a fortune of approxim ately 21 miles an hour. hard while, »1 38; federation, soil V ancouver, W ash. — T he historic »312.000, the first paym ent th is year both of S eattle, W ash., w ere killed white, w estern white, hard w inter Brief Moratorium Declared In Japan. when the big autom obile In w hich Tokio.—Em peror H irohlto signed a Withdrawal of Smith and McAdoo Up H udson’s bay apple tree, 101 years old, from reservation tim ber unit receipts. they w ere riding hurtled off the sum ­ northern spring, »135; w estern red grow n from a seed carried from Lon­ Each Indian will receive a check for m oratorium edict sanctioning suapen »1 32 New Y o rk —The New York Tim es | don In the pocket of a young subal­ mit of the Old Oregon T rail highw ay, »250. Hay — Alfalfa. »20 0 20 50; valley slon of paym ents throughout Japan and the W orld, supporters of Gover a m ile and a q u a rte r w est of Rufus, te rn of the H udson's Bay company, is F ifty to 60 m em bers a re expected and tum bled over and over 350 feet timothy. »1X018.50; eastern Oregon proper for th ree weeks, us a m eans of nor Smith, say th at the leaders of the 1 m eeting the financial crisis Business dem ocratic p arty have seriously dis a m ass of pink bloom and was a lead- to be on th e ro ste r of the C urry Coun­ down the alm ost sh eer em bankm ent tim othy, »210 22. Is expected to come to a virtual stand cussed circulation of a round rbbin I liid ^H tractlo n . T he first fruit from ty Game P rotective association which into the gully. B utterfat - 43c. still, the banks only paying out suffi­ among leaders of the p arty calliug 1 th e old apple tree was served by Dr. was form ed recently, following a Eggs Ranch, 19«i!3c. Two men. John Blum of C ochran John M iLoughlln. H udson's Bay fac­ m eeting of the P o rt Orford cham ber Cheese- Tillamook, triplets. 26%c; cient funds to m eet salaries and upon both Sm ith and William G. Me- I and Janies H. B rum ette of Springfield, tor, to his g uests at a banquet, nearly of comm erce. wages and checks up to 600 yen, or Adoo to w ithdraw as candidates for loaf. »«He per lb. were killed during th e past week in a century ago. about »250. C attle—Steers, good, »9X5010.50. A nnouncem ent w as m ade of the accidents subject to the provisions of the presidential nomination. Hogs Medium to choice, »9.750 consolidation of the Com m ercial bank the w orkm en's com pensation act, Superior, Wis.. School Strike Goes On 11 50. Catalina Swimmer Makes Record and the M. G. Y'oung & Co. bank of Blum was a faller in a lum ber cam p Washington Diking Act Upheld. Superior. Wig.—The C entral high O akland. T hese two banks have an* B rum ette was a stre e t w orker. Sheep—Lambs, medium to choice, San Pedro, Cal Byron Summ ers, Olympia. W ash, — C onstitutionality »11 50013 60. 28 yeat*old Glendale swimmer, hung of the diking d istrict act was upheld ’ school student strik e, precipitated by w orked in close harm ony for several F a rth e r sta tistic s contained in th e Seattle. up a new record for swim ming the by the suprem e court In affirm ing the ' the dism issal of Miss Lulu J. Dickin­ years and the officers recently decid­ weekly report of th e sta te Industrial W heat- Soft white, w estern white San Pedro channel when he crossed Skagit county superior co u rt's dis ! son. veteran m em ber of the teaching ed th a t the in terests of the comm unity accident com m ission Indicate th a t Big Bend dark northern spring. »1.38; the 20 odd mile passage in 13 hours m issal of action brought by F A I staff, finished its third week w ith op­ could best be served by m erging tbe there w ere 623 accidents during th e hard w inter, w estern red. »138; west and 35 minutes. Sum m ers lowered Jones and wife to prevent issuance posing factions apparently at g reater tw o concerns. week, subject to th e com pensation act. ern spring. Rig Bend dark hard winter, the tim e of Georg«« Young. Canadian of bonds by diking d istrict No. 23 and odds than ever, tine thousand s trik ­ A class of 41 will be graduated from T he spring chinook season on th e ers and th eir parents at a m ass m eet­ »137; Illg Bend bltostem , »142. youth and w inner of the W rigley »25,- to have th e organization of the dis ' ing voted unanim ously for an "orderly th e Eugene Bible U niversity th is year, Umpqua riv er closed last Tuesday, a Hay Alfaita. »25; tim othy, P. 8 , 000 m arathon last January, by 3 hours trlc t declared void. according to announcem ent by Dr. E com plete failure. R eedsport can n eries continuance" of the strike. »22. and 13 minutes. C. Sanderson, president. B accalaur report a total catch of six to eig h t B utter—Cream ery, 45c., Walla Walls Fruit Loss to Be Heavy eate services will be held May 29. and th u s m aking one of the poorest Two Women Die In Plane Crash. Eggs—Ranch, 26028c. Arizona Boy Defeats Charley Paddock W alla W alla, W ash — E stim ates th e com m encem ent exercises the next seasons in the history of fishing. Vancouver. W ash. — Two women, H o g s-G o o d . (12 1 6 0 12 25. Phoenix. Aria John F rancis Scott. m ade by ho rticu ltu ral experts In this ! day. Founders day a t Champoeg park C a ttle —S teers, choice. »9.60 6c; loaf. 26c. a apeelal 220 yard dash at th e G reen­ be about 200 cars in comparison to a j a com m ercial plane crashed on the | ing or flat on the ground In U m atilla ing to announcem ent m ade by Ju d g * Darcy, pioneer of 1865 and past pr«st. railroad track s n ear Vancouver post Spokane. way field day meet here, tim e 12 1-6 norm al 1200; th a t apples will suffer 1 "unty last week, following the freest Hogs -Good, »11 60011 65. seconds Scott led the w orld's chain about a 50 per ren t loss, while sprk I polo field The dead are Miss H arriet when the m ercury dropped to 10 d e dont of the Oregon Pioneer associa­ tion. The celebration will m ark th e C attle—S teers, good, »90 9.76. «ion by more th an a yard. cots and ch erries will be a total loss 1 F ranklin and Mrs. Zola V. Schan, of greet, according to reports tre a t thr Portland 84th an n iv ersary of the b irth of Ore- growers. lo o , MISSISSIPPI DELTA FLOODS DISASTROUS RESULTS IN MISTRIAL RURAL POPULATION OREGON STATE NEWS GROWING SMALLER OF GENERAL INTEREST STATE DEMANDS SHARE OF U. S, TAX REFUND NEWS CAMERAMEN PERISH IN WAVES HARTLEY REFUSES FURNITURE VOUCHERS