c TERP A g rc u ltu re Ho rtic u ltu re L iv e s to c k A Weekly Chronicle of Local Events and Progress in Linn County HALSEY. OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, From the Editor's Point of V iew of votes. Some of its supporters are more disappointed over the first of these propositions than over the other. D a iry Po u ltr y W ool f t a year in advanec “ THE PATH ACROSS THE HILL Automobile Inspection Would Avert Accident* F o r B o ys’ a n d G irls ’ C lu b Pin» Grow Point« (B y Special Correspondent) Many automobile accidents could lie A special missionary program will ba Hcgs, Veal, Poultry eliminated if motorists got Into tbe given at the Peoria Methodist church habit of having their cars inspected South Sunday evening Ladies from (Oregon Produce Fxohange, 102 and overhauled regularly. In the optn Lake Creek, Pine Grove and Peoria Front st.) Ion of the National Safety council, will take part and there will be sev­ C h aracters There are more than half a million which points out that a grent propor­ eral numbers by children and young Portland, April 26. fewer people on farms In the United Samuel Crawford—G randpa...................Mr. Isom tion of automobile accidents are duo people. You are invited to attend. M arket closed today as follows : States today than there were a year Robert Post—the visitor........................ Mr. Morris directly to faulty equipment. W alter Conrad— Ruth s brother___Chas. Wright ago. despite the Increase in population H ' ga, —Fancy blockers, 110 to 160 Mrs. Chas. Nichols and Mrs. Floyd The following rules also should be Dr. Jimmie Reed—with a mbitiou . . Harry Hussev T h a t fact is the best sign in the farm ­ lbs.. 15ic. carefully adhered to by motorists In Ntchols snd son Laurence were A l­ Salamander Alexander John Henry Jones Zu­ er’s horizon. So many more mouths bany visitors Thursday. lu's choico...................................... Bali Bond order to cut down the number of un Veal — Fancy, 80 to 125 lbs., 17 to to consume what the remaining farm Mrs. Davis—Grandma................... Mrs. LaFollette necessary accidents: Mrs. W D McLaren and Mrs. E. E. 18c. Market weak. era produce. I f the process continues Ruth Conrad— ' ' Bobbie ’ ’ ................. Miss Coldiron Brakes should be kept in efficient Hover attended the Women's Mission­ there will come enough demand to Poultry, f. o, b. Portland— Heavy Fto Gray— Ruth’s cousin___________ Miss Clark condition at all times, and frequent ary meeting at Mrs. Alice Dunn's in consume the supply, and demand in ­ Lu le—a neighbor..................... ....... Mrs. Rostuian testa should be made. Peoria Thursday. colored hens, over 4 lbs., 26c. Znzu—the cook...................................... Mrs. Kizer creases prices. Chains should be used during ley Light bens, under 4 lbs , 22c. Though Halsey Is a rural center, and L. I . Eagy and family visited M r. and wet weather. In one of the leading counties in the Old roosters. 12c. Number plates should be kept clean. Esgy's parents near Oakville 8unday. state in Juvenile school club work, it Motorists should not tolerate noisy L. C. Hughes and family visited rela- is only quite recently that the move­ mufflers. i tives at Creswell Sunday ment here has received the attention Auto Races at Salem AU cars should be equipped with Roy Reynolds, Charles Munger Brownsville-Halsey stage line, hereto­ Ross Gibson visited at Frank G ib­ to which its importance entitles it. A bumpers, as they w ill lessen damage fore conducted by J. E. Southworth. and Edward Blood made a trip to Ibe Northwestern Automobile son's Sunday. few years ago a girl from this vicinity due to collision. The Brownsville Times has discard­ took high honors in canning club Racing association has the signa­ Portland and Rainier Sunday and John McNeil Jr. has been unable to ed the old linotype which M r. Taylor work, and now the Juvenile clubs in attend school on account of sickness. tures of twenty drivers io Denver, called on an aunt of Munger. obtained with the property and he is and around Halsey are receiving due attention and the Parent-Teachers Tulsa, Omaha and various parts The detective story in this week’s enjoying a new, more efficient and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hover of Albany, association is doing good work. To the of the northwest to agreements to Enterprise is not fiction, but is an generally more satisfactory machine. Bert Haynes and fam ily and Mrs. Ev­ schoolteachers belongs the principal participate in auto races at tbo erett Hover of Harrisburg and Mrs. We are glad the petting party W inter illustration of the fact that, no credit for boosting club work. and Mrs. Fred Sylvester were Sunday and Spring have been holding has Christ said: "The poor ye have a l­ Salem fair grounds May 7 and m atter how successful a crim inal ended. The former no longer lingers visitors at E. E. Hover’s. uly 4. ways with you,” and in these days we may flatter him self that he is for in the lap of the latter, which is m ak­ may add to the poor those who "make There will also be motorcyole a while, he is pretty sure to come ing two blades of grass grow where but Alford Arrows a poor mouth.” They cry "hard times” one grew before in the flower and when all of them have more of the races and what has never been to grief ultim ately. vegetable beds. (Enterprise vorreapondent) conveniences and luxuries of life than at the fair grounds, a 3-mile race Mrs. Fred Applegate of Yon- A new pump has been set up and Brian Perry and fam ily visited his any preceding generation ever had. between a fast airplane and one o< calls, Mrs. Mayme Robinson and new concrete surroundings Installed at mother, Mrs. M attle Kump, in Eugene A people whose men spend more he fastest cars. Sunday. for tobacco and their women more for two daughters and Mr. T rapp of the city drinking place on First street Tv COURTNEY quite early enough for the expected cosmetics, not to mention a thousand Portland and Mrs. Merle Koppe thirsty days of summer. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. W hit beck were RYLEY other unnecessary items, than the Sunday afternoon callers at Michael Dangerous Practice to and son snd brother-in-law and total of the taxes regarding which we COOPER Miss Nettie Spencer made a flying Rickard's. hear such bitter complaints, are not Stop for Ride Beggar* the la tte r’s wife of Eugene were visit home from Eugene last week. Frank Williams visited his sister In ground down by poverty. Kind-hearted motorists are warned at Dr. M arks’ Sunday. "The Path Across the H ill" ought Old Brent was a grouch. Benton county Sunday. We hear much about agricultural against being too liberal In giving depression, and there is basis in the people rides, in n bulletin Issued by Business had made him Worth and John Bass and their to lead a good many people to Koontz' C. E. Mercer of Eugene spent Satur­ hall tomorrow night. plaint in the fact tnat farmers, not the National Safety council, which day night and Sunday at E. D. Isom's. wives expected to start today for so. He never had had being organized as other industrialists says: Dr. Oliver expressed surprise at the Guests at Chester Curtis' Sunday tune to be a boy, to be are, are nnablc to force the payment It often is dangerous to stop for pe­ Nevada to work on a rock crusher good attendance at the Methodist Sun­ were Herbert Tandy and fam ily of a youtli, to get married of fa ir prices for their products in destrians who want a ride. Sometimes for the same company th a t has day school and church Sunday morn­ Venlta, M r. and Mrs. Landis Phllpott ing. Those who knew him were not comparison w ith those of manufac- these beggurs are hold-up men. been employing them at Marioo . surprised or do anything else ex­ snd son Lee of Harrisburg and Lola at the clear-cut sermon he tused goods. The lumbermen or the It Is bad taste to pick up girls. In and. W ilma Falk cept make money. The preached. H. W. C hanc) it building a new I producers, through close organiza- some cities the police arrest aatolsts Mrs. Joe Cersovskl is eaajoytng a visit can guage the amount of output who get companions this way. doctors read him a sen­ barn on his farm . H. L. Almon has bought a 10-acre from two of her nieces from Portland. School children who stand In the to suit the demand. Tlie farmer can­ tence which was: to drop farm near Corvallis with six acres In Lawrence Zim m erm an of Shedd not. roadway, begging rides to and from Mrs. Chester Curtis and daughter hearing strawberries and loganberries everything and get back ' ' But thera-are enougn Instances with­ school, may he hit by machines or is uursing a broken hand. Velda were afternoon callers at J. H. He «will not be hunting a Job when in the knowledge of each of us to stumble or slip and full beneath the to nature unless he de­ Rickard's Monday. Adrian Sm ith is carpentering those berries are ready to be picked. prove th at profit can be made on the wheels of the car which has stopped sired to wear a wooden The boys of the Harris school de­ a t Oakland, Oregon. farm. The boys' and girls' clubs are for them. Mrs. Jess Cross will present her feated the boys of the Alford school in resulting in a rising generation fitted overcoat and be the Shedd students in a recital at the J- W. Hiil. who was partner a baseball game last. Friday afternoon to show a larger and constantly grow­ Methodist church in their town this chief figure in a funeral. with Fred Burke in the Browns­ evening on the latter school's ground. ing percentage of these successful ones and the Halsey students at among the rural population. The corn ville blacksm ith ship, has been the Church of Christ here M ay 14. Mr. and Mrs. Chandler and daugh­ Read the laughable and club, the calf, pig, sheep, goat or ter Agnes called on M r. and Mrs. Joe appointed adm inistrator of F red’s thrilling experiences of All Jersey bulls are likely to be ugly poultry club, result in more profitable Cersovski Sunday afternoon. estate. corn fields, stock farms or poultry after they are 2 years old. One knock­ Brent while he was try­ Last Tuesday Mrs J. D. Brubaker plants, and the Juvenile club move-1 Thomas Ardry down one day last Next week is clean-up week by ed ing to learn how to turn was taken suddenly very 111 and was week, attacking him from behind by ment, now established and growing taken to a hospital In Eugene She order of the city council. If you surprise, and inflicted painful in ju r throughout the country, will do much back the clock. was brought home Monday of this to solve the "farm problem” which read {Hill & Co.’s advertisem ent les, but stopped to eat some m ill feed week, much improved in health. our lawmakers talk about so much with you may make it c'.earwbp-piint- Mr. Ardry had been carrying and the and up gentleman got away. so little practical result. Mr. and Mrs. John Rolfe accom­ up. Juvenile school elubs may do many panied Mrs. Rolfe's daughter. Miss Reported to tlie state board of times as much toward solving farm Etta Godwin, and Mrs. Oail Prayther fo r Church Notices of Beuna Vista to Foster Sunday. problems as all the lawmakers in all health from thia county last week There they visited another daughter Starting in legislative bodies. were 9 cases o f influenza, 1 of Methodist—Next Sunday : of Mrs. Rolfe. Mrs. William Junkhe, 10 a. in., Sunday school The rapid growth of the boys' and M o t h e r ’s DiIV C n r d d measels, 2 of mumps and 1 of and family. R U R A L E N T E R P R ISE « ' agricultural school clubs propiises promises l i d l U S whooping cough. No other county glrs' 11, Public servicess more food per acre, per animal, per ' next week. Pive or six columns every R o o t o f A l l V ir t u e reported half as many influenza 7, Epworth League month of growth, per fanner and per week until finished. He who does not respect confidence, cases. dollar of cost in the coming years 8, public services That more people may become ac­ will never find happiness In his path. th a n In the past. T hat way lies pros­ 8 Thursday, prayer meeting quainted with the eight-pnge Enterprise The belief In virtue vanishes from hla The editor of one of the best perity. Here all will find a welcome it will be sent for ten cents until this heart, the snuree of nobler actions be­ We are pleased to announce that we daily papers in Ortgen writes to comes extinct In him.—AutTenberg. The campaign against an income tax are open all day, evenings and Sundaj a the editor of tbe Enterprise : “ I regardless of social standing. Your story is completed. shows signs of being shorter of funds congratulate you on the unusual presence will help, and we will try than it was before. Yes. and shorter Clubs That Are Better Than Big Sticks C IT Y H A L L A p ril 29, 8 o’clock Admission 45c 35c 25c H A L S E Y , L IN N A N D O R E G O N W ith the Clock Turned Back Filins Brownie Cameras $2 have a com plete of films any size camera. NEW S E R IA L Get a nice box o f candy for m other on M other’s Day. Morris Pharmacy “THE CA'ICH OF THE SEASON »» A t Harrisburg last Scnday Rev. J- 8. M iller preached the sermon at the obsequies of Mrs. Sarah McNeil of Portland. Morris Pharm acy looks out from under a new buildinp-wide awning and through a new screen door. it is apparent that the fame of “Arrowhead Ho­ siery” has carried far this season. Those who have seen the newe&t colorful de­ signs are agreed that for genuine economy com­ bined with durability and sm art style the Arrow­ heads are in a class hy themselves. *e e t F or anling or street wear or school or any any other occasion let your choice be A R R O W H E A E S . newspaper you are publishing.” to do you good. Jt be had offered condolence bis J . 8. Miller, pastor. words m ight not have been repro­ Church of Christ— duced here. ' A hard times dance at H arr s- bnrg is advertised by hard times posters—made by h a n d ; cot printed. In “ The W ater B ea re r’’ this week we read of tbe grand pano­ rama visible st San Francisco, which berg Mr Dunn calls “ tbe city of G olden,” Telegraph hill he rechristens *• Semaphore hill ” correctly statingw hat gave it its name. Mount Diablo be calls “ Ssreno.” Mrs 79c Extra Special 79c Broken Lines in Dollar Values Grace Farwell has been ap­ pointed administratrix of her hus­ band's will. She resides on a farm east of Shedd. The farm Is left to his two sons and the personal property to Mrs Farwell. Miss Marie Sneed was at home over Easter. C. O. Hamer is ple of weeks ago daughter Since to his possessions a go-getter. A cou­ he acquired a new then he has added a new car and the Clark’s Confectionery $ 2 ,0 0 0 {NAME The NEW BRICK ICE CREAM Ask us (Clark s) Wa h a v .it. in Cash Prizes ” Vital a* Sdoghine,” I M a d e o f W h ip p e d C re a m a n d F r u it REM EM BER Preaching, 11 C h ris tia n E n d e a v o r, 7 Precaching, 8 Sunday morning. Harold E. Knott, pastor of the Harrisburg Church of Christ, will deliver the message. M r Knott recently returned from South Africa, where he waa a forerunner for Jesse Rellems in his evsngelistic cam paign among the white people, and will have some interesting things to tell about that country. Evening topic, "The Scandal of the Cross," by the pastor, Clifford L. Carey. Clifford L. Carey, pastor. L u n a r F o r m a tio n The lunar ring plain Eratosthenes 1» located at the termination of the Ap- ennlne mountain range. One of the most conspicuous lunar formations Is Copernicus, located not far from Era tosthones. It la a little north nt east 'if the moon's center and about one- third of the distance from the center to the circumference. That with spring comes a hankering for trips in your auto—bu not (or blowouts on those trips or other anuoytng troubles—therefore you should see what we cau do for you in our low-priced F IS K A N D F E D E R A L T IR E S G E N E R A L R E P A IR IN G B A T T E R Y C H A R G IN G ETHYL G A S O L IN E The HALSEY GARAGE aÇ. W ordfz/iye/a A fte r the holidays is the time to have your auto overhauled and every defect in car or motor remedied. Don’t wait until the spring rush. ARROW GARAGE