C- A g r c u 11 u r e H o rtic u ltu re L iv e s to c k 01 ^ o e o l K v e n ta o n ,I P r u g n a » ¡ „ L i n n C o u n t y D a iry P o u ltry W ool JIALSES’, OREUON, THURSDAY, APRIL 2l. ’.9.'? From the Editor's Point of View A nent Medical Ethics and Ethical Medical Men $1 Karl Carroll, New York dude, thought h i eould not gei enognh kick out of life without going outside the law for booze and for indecency. Then hoping to escape penalties he committed perjury and the government supplied enough kick to propel him from New York to ttlaata, but he found the trip to hum­ drum, after the hectic life he had been leading, that he fell asleep on the way and it took the doctors several days to wake him, but by now he probably knows "where he is at. " “ THE PATH ACROSS THE HILL” For Boys’ and Girls' Club C IT Y H A L L April 29, 8 o’clock i year in advanec of the Eugene Presbyterian church, as 'visited with their son. E. E Carey, well as that at Brownsville. At one and family and their daughter Edith time he was Lane county's school sup­ Gillett. J. P Temlpeton and wife also erintendent. There are a large num­ spent Saturday evening visiting at C. ber of children, grandchildren and ! E. Gillette's. great-grandchildren of the Robes. Mrs. L. R. Falk and daughters Edna Frank Gansle has been carrying his and Betty Jean spent Friday afternoon left arm in a sling, the result of hav­ at the home of C. L. Falk sr ing his hand between two cars when I Joe Kirk and wife of Portland were they bumped. No bones were broken. Saturday night guests as well as Eoa- j ter dinner guests at W. R. Kirk’s. Spoon River Sparks I Claude Davidson and wife spent the (Enterprise Correspondence) afternoon visiting with the Kirks N. Elliott and family were Sun- I Cecil BUyeu and family spent Wed­ day dinner guests at Robert Ramsay’s. nesday at A. L. Falk's Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Templeton were Miss Mearle Straley and two’ friends Sunday dinner guests at Beulah of Monmouth spent the week end a t Miller's. H. L. Straley's. Some of the most noble services ever rendered by men to mankind have C h a r a c te r s been the work of able and self-sacri­ ^ X ? , IpCT f7 <1- Gra,,aPa .................. M' ’«>"> ficing physicians. This was never Post—the visitor...................... ..M r. M o rn s more strictly true than in the present « a lte r C onrad-R uth’, brother....C has. Wright and recent years. Dr. Jimmie Reed—with uinbitiou—Harry Hussey Salamarder Alexander John Henry Jones Zu- So much conceded, there remains .. 9 choico.......................................Balf Bon<1 the fact that, as In other professions Portland authorities are supposed Mrs Davis—Grandma...................Mrs LaFollette and occupations, and more so than in (maybe) to enforce the laws against Kuth Conrad— ’ Bobbie ” ................. Miss Coldiron those calling for less brain work, there gambling and booze. They calmly , ° Gray —Ruth s co u sin ........................Miss Clark are charlatons. quacks and atrocious Lu le— a n eigh b or.........................M r s Rosstuan announce that Mabel Luun i ’’ women’s criminals, and some of the most atro­ Znzu—the c o o k ....................................... Mr,. Kiser cious of these are among the smooth­ card room ’’ was robbed of $1500 to est. smuggest, most popular In their Si500 the other day, but tie robbers, like most of the other gun men there calling. Mr. C. B. Gibson was very ill last J. H. Vannice and children and Miss No criminal on trial needs go with are at large. week. Mildred Cooke of Salem, Miss Ellen out the services of physicians of high The H. P. Willie family left W. A. Carey and wife and son Gil­ Vannice of Alsea and Ted MiUner ot Browusville road, next month. reputation If he needs them and is Peaches are the most expensive fruit (Continued oa last page) prepared to pay enough for them. in the New York market, Dadd, Brown­ Tuesday for Woodbnrn, where Mr. Here is a chance to get sand or bert of Salem came up Saturday and Willis hgs steady employment at* And If the prosecution is as well fi­ ing reports. gravel in large or small quanity. nanced as the defense, as it sometimes a telegrapher. Is, it can meet medical expert with C. S.- Veatch spent the week end Propose an income tax exempting Dr. Oliver, vice-president of medical expert, one swearing positive­ ly that a certain state of alleged facts the first $1000 and certain Portland Willamette university, will preach at Cottage Grove. exists and the other as positively that interests denounce it as unfair. Pro­ at the M. E. church uext Sunday lreue Quimby is still at her pose one without the exemption and It does not. FM N X S- MIIWllj&KS home, quite ill. The term "expert alienist," as it ap­ those same interests say it will be too morning. hard on the poor man. They are like pears in murder trials where Insanity Mrs. Reynolds is better and is Reported to tiie state board of Is the defense, has come to mean, to the drunkard in the old-time saloon who said: "When I get home I ’m on the job again. health from thia county last week many people, “expert perjurer"—so much so that an honest doctor Is will­ going to lick my wife. If she's gone were 4 cases of influenza, 1 ol Mrs. H. L. Th-omas of Portland ing to Incur the odium of giving his to bed I’ll lick er for not waitin’ up measels, 1 of mumps, 8 of scarlet me; if she's up I’U lick ’er for »pent a few days at S. C. Veatch's. testimony in such a case only because for fever and 2 of pneumonia. he is willing to bear the burden for settln’ up and burnin’ lie." At Saturday’s meeting Charity the sake of endangered justice. Mrs. Van Nice and Roberta and The income tax is opposed on the grange voted to join the others President Coolidge Is a man of few words, so we have no statement from ground that it will prevent some in­ Edna arc home from Salem, in Ftaging grange day at the him on a recent refusal of commuta­ vestors from coming here. Well, let pioneer picnic at Erownsville in Lyman M arsters is home lor tion of the sentence of a rich convict, that class of Investors go elsewhere June. but his acts spoke louder than words What we want is the class of Investor» visit. could. The rich man filed affidavits who will cheerfully pay th itr taxes Dr. and Mrs. Marks got home Some well-known local people of medical experts to the effect that and help public enterprises in all other confinement In prison was endanger­ ways. We have some such and room from Voncalla Sunday appear on the stage *at Koontz’ ing his life. Mr. Coolidge placed his for more. As to hogs, we prefer the Mrs. Stafford’s mother, Mrs. D hall a week from tomorrow night. •wn valuation on these and sent a four-legged kind. F. Dean, arrived Sunday and has See announcement above. doctor In whom he had confidence to Investigate And when he got this The Oregon Voter is "convinced that gene on to Oregon City for a couple Mrs. C. L. Gormley has been here H man’s report he refused to Interfere Oregon cannot afford to adopt any from Coquille this week, visiting rela­ of weeks to visit another daughter In the law’s course. tives. state Income tax in advance of Cali­ As In other organizations, the vicious fornia and Washington." The tax and family. Mill All of the school teachers have been (and prosperous) element In societies dodgers in those commonwealths de­ Cancer ended the life of Charlie appointed again for next year except of physicians sometimes predominate. clare that their states cannot afford 'I «I I J A ukase from the "higher-ups” bans to levy such a tax in advance of Ore Hetzel Tuesday. Fuueral tomor­ Mrs. Ferguson, who did not choose to remain. any advertising by doctors as '’unethi­ gon. And there you are! row at 1:30 at the M. E. church cal." Some months ago the national C. P Kizer is the new president of Mesdamei Nellie Isom and organisation desired to get certain the Linn county pioneer association Hogs, Veal, Poultry Emma Salash are Rebekah dele, and the weatherbeaten old speaker., propaganda Into the newspapers. Its secretary sent out copies of matter (Oregon Produce Exchange, gates to the grand lor*ge and the stand at the park is to be replaced by * - M 102 which was to be the beginning of a a new one. IT H no muss or bother you t i i » w ’ Front s t.) local lodge recommends Mrs. Isom series of articles and Informed the Mrs. Eliza Robe. 02 years old and make your floors beautiftiL « t v e ty for district deputy president.’ Portland, April 18. newspaper men that he hoped at the a widow for about a quarter of a cost. Give them a coat of LOWE H R D T H ESS next national meeting to have the con­ Veal —The veal m arket ia firm, C. G. Hamer is away shearing century, died at her home In Browna- demnation of advertising rescinded NEPTUNITE VARNISH STA IN and w e wfeaft with light fancy veal, 80 to 110 sheep, but the wind was not tetn vil'e Sunday She and hnshand, Rev Evidently he thought to get a better a difference it makes. Stains and vsnrniahea at the Robert Robe, were pioneers in Oregon, lbs., bringing 16c. reception from the men of the press pered to shorn Iambs the early coming in the early fifties. For about same application. Comes in many natural wood by this Intimation. He had such im­ Hogs, - Light blockers, 100 to 150 part of the week. 60 years she had lived In Brownsville, plicit confidence In the power of his shades and dries to a lustrous watoirpiuuf fl mah- lbs., 15c. the last half of that time a widow. organisation that he believed It could Saturday, Mav 28. will b. Mr. Robe had charge of the building Fine for doing over furniture too. Com a in a n d Live Pnultrv. — Heavy colored by a vote make an unethical act ethi­ achievement day for boys’ a ,JU i e t a color card. We’ll be gtad to ahp» you «how hens, over 4 lbs., 27c. cal — or he wanted to make the edi­ girla’ school clubs. W inners at tors believe that he had that confi- to use it for best results. We ca n y a full x rd Light hens, 22c. Admission 45c 35c 25c H A L S E Y , L IN N A N D O R E G O N I New Floors w ith ' to One Sweep of the Brush W dence. His manuscript helped to kindle the fire In the Enterprise office stove. the show will get a term at the O A. C. sum m er school. Old roosters, 12c. baiter and the Mosaic passover were intended to occur on the ■ w t T* absence from same day, as they did this year, I N O llC e H a ls e y our but changes in calendars and dif. property will be left in full charge ferent methods i f reckoning have of P. J. Forster. separated them They will next coincide in 1981. Lena J. Been?. Trespass During °nr 1876 1927 The pupils of the Powell district furnished the entertainm ent at the parent-teachers' meeting at their schoolhouse Friday night. At the Dext meeting, May 13, the last thie school year, will be the annual election. Ruth Quimby was taken to Cervaliia Monday for a surgical operation. Fill out and mail the coupon at the foot of the Genera] Motors advertisement on the last page and see what a lot of valuable informa­ tion about cars you will get. W have served you with ‘Preferred Stock and [staple m erchandise for fifty years. The following is a list of a few item s from our stock for comparison o f values we have to offer : C. H- Hoyt of Albany was here Tuesday, planning to open opera­ tion of hie gravel plant, on the PR EFER R ED STO CK Tiny Kernel Corn. No. 2 . Sliced Pineapple, No. l j . Tender Melting Peas, No. 2 Mn. G. B. Gage has been very ill and for a while her life was despaired of, hut is now improving Her sister, Mrs Georgia West, is here from Curry county. 2 lor 35c —6 for 95c cash 2 for 35c—6 for 95o cash 2 for 35c—6 for 95c cash Church Notices Methodise—Next Sunday : 10 a. in., Sunday school 11, Public services» 7. Epworth League 8, public services 8 Thursday, prayer m eting H"re ah will find a welcome regardless of social standing. Your presence will help, and we will try to do you good. J • S. Miller, pastor. Church of Christ— 2 for 55c—4 for 95c cash 1 for 25c—4 for 95c cash White Cooking Figs 3-lb package 3 5 c - 3 for 11 cash Bonner Raisins . , 4-lb package 39c—2 for 75c cash Golden Gate Coffee . . l i b oOc—2 for 95c cash Maxwe'.l House Coffee . . 1 lb 50c—2 for 95c cash Kellogg'! Coro Flakes 3 for 25c—12 for 93a cash Post T o a s tie s ............................ 3 for 2 5 c-1 2 for 95c cash White Laundry Svap, assorted 6 for 25c—25 for 95c cash It paya to pay cash and eave the 5 per cent - _ - 1 HILL & (3 fl ^¿¿¿Confectionery JNAME The NEW $ 2 ,0 0 0 in Cash Prizes , ce BS m Ask us (Clark’s) we haven. “ Vital ns Sunshine,” » Made of Whipped Cream and Fruit Preaching, 11 Christian Endeavor, 7 Precaching, 8 Clifford L. Carey, pastor. REM EM BER That with spring cornea a hankering for trips in your auto-bu not i o , ’houhi“‘.eewl,.’,t 7 ,r‘ a °‘her ” n°T ,nt ,rouhles—therefore you should see what we can do for vott in eur low-priced, FISK A N D F E D E R A L T IR E S 0 P R IN G NECESSITIES « N B R A L R E P A IR ,N 3 ethyl B A T T E R Y C H A R G IN G g a s o l in e The HALSEY GARAGE M ON O POLE Aiparague Tips, No. 1 Melba Peaches, No. 2] painting supplies. ON THE FARM Formaldehyde, pint 50 ¿Epsom Salts, lb.......................j q Poison t Woodlark l . Squirrel - “ 8 lbs. . . . 2.5c Lime and Sulphur spray, pint .50ci •* “ J ]bf_ . . 5Oc Arsenate of Lead, can , . 40c5w»lko Tablets, for "chicks 50c Pine Tar, c a n ...................... 30c? «• .. „ »1 00 Sulphur, 61c lb. ; 4 lbs. . . 2 5 ^ Potassium Permanganate, j |b 15c Phone 2 0 3 and have it mailed out to you J After the holidays is the time to have your auto overhauled and every defect in car or motor remedied. Don’t wait until the spring rush. HALSEY PHARMACY C a n d y a n d C o n f e c t io n e r y ARROW GARAGE