This Thrifty Home Brings Joy to the Rent-Weary A lbany baking co 4d5 W « l First B U T T E R -N U T BR E A D A lb a n y F loral Co. C u t flowers ST a TB B A N K We D uplex garage . 129 E. Second. Bert Adams, Prop. Storage. Washing, Polishing, General lubricating day aad N ight service. J p A t i l BURN'S GROCERY 4th and l.yons Street The place Io huv gaud groceries at the right price. On the corner, plenlv of room to park Albany. A-d E M it e C a fe te ria n in i v n life c lliin e r » A-d Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ ings. Courteous, efficient service. W e make our own candies. W . S . liVKCAN. * SALES and S E R V IC E Tires and accessories Repairs K i r k -P o u . cic M otor Co. 'E portiniller F u rn itu re C o., fa tu i- OR THE family of fonr oe five there is thia attractive two-atory, six-room F house of beveled siding and slate or shin­ * ture, rugs, linoleum , stoves ranges. Funeral directors. 4!17-433 west First street, Albany, Oregon. ^INTEL WRECKING CO 436 West 1st Used Parts for all cars e m s titc h in g , s ta m p e d goods, fancy work of all kinds at the S P E C IA L I V SHO P | 318 West Second at, H llO L M A N A JA C K S O N 1 * Grocery— Bakery U verythiug in the line ol eats Opposite Postoffice U T H Confect ionerv (E tta w a store | No. 6|J Noon lunches. Home- made csndv and ice cream. H rs t street, next I loot ro Blain Clothing Co. I gle roof. One of the Interesting feature« of thia house Is that every room has h double exposure, while the living room has three sides exposed. Extra windows not shown In the plan may at slight expense be added Fli.iT n o o g PLAN st either end of the living room. While ------- m a m « •••«■» »•* this type of house affords the utmost In ll,rht and eross-ventllatlon, It would be well to protect It against the extremes of cold and heat by Insulation with celotex for the walls and roof. Such Insulation will also cut down outside noises to a marked de­ gree, as In addition to Its Insulating prop­ erty, celotex Is an efficient sound deadener. The living room has the much desired open fireplace and cleverly arranged book­ shelves flanking the entrance to the dining room. The sun porch may be put either tc the side or the back of the house, according to the builders* wishes or to conform to the 3 tC O N D FLOOL PLAN demands of the ava.. lot tLkllt M>b<¡ —----- ------ ©. C elotechnlo In stitu te , C hicago, 192«. M P E R I A I. ( A I E , 21)9 W. F irs t H arold G M urphy n r n l i v Prop. P rn r. Harold G. M Phone 665 Wit NKVKX CLOSE M AONKTO E lectrical C ontracting E L E C T R IC CO. laveatiga'e the new Preatolite Battery prices before buying. W e do wiring of all kinds. IV fA ltIN K L L O PA R L O R S a specialty. (A beauty aid for every need) St, Francis Hotel. W inifred Rose, Prop. I / " in k la n d -P o n tia c A g e n c y — Used car» Imught and »old. When in the markel for new cars sec ns firat 121,W. Second. Phone o43 Byerlev .Motor’ Co. PA IN T S M IM U SH E S Australia) ^ • i n v i t e ¡your business. Savings and commercial accounts. Capital, surplus, undivided profits. |lo 0 LOO p o n o ! Sight of Flag Restored- Lott Hopes of Life (W illia m A.. Lloyd of Sydney, and plants. Floral art for every and all occasions. Flow er phone 458-1. A L0A N 1 Old Glory was Appreciated No job too small C all at o u r expense Phone 37C4 Late Locals J^OSCOK AMES HARDWARE Radio repairing F . H. W E B E R B row nsville, Oregon In the course of my w oik as a n ew spaper c o rre sp o n d e n t in the n ear east it becam e n ec essity for me to visit c e rta in p a rts of Asia M inor. W t^ie on (b o re at Di- rin d je , I.m id , I was su rp rised an d d elig h ted to m eet an old frie n d — a G reek p rie st whom I had long th o u g h t to lie dead. H i. coat, o n ce b lack, wag now green w ith the ray s cf m an y ru m m ers. H is h an d s were b ard w ith toil And th is is th e story th e old p riest to ld me : A h and of b rig an d s had on e day d-ecetided npon h is village. T here was th e u su a l feene cf tjiaseacre an d o n trag e . T ogether w ith a re m n a n t of big little flock he bed escaped. F o r d a y s they had I w andered, footsore a n d w eary, I liv in g on b etb s acd th e leaves t f ! trees, go m e of ihetn d iid by th e! way. A t la s t som e of th em re-J fused to go an y fa rth e r. T h e o ld ’ p rie st reasoned w ith th em an d told th em of th e sufferings of th e Man cf S orrow s, but th ey would n o t listen to h im . “ T here is no C h ris t,” th ey said . “ H e is dead* and it is b etter th a t we die too and end all our m is e ry .’’ Jugt then a wonderful thing happened. The old priest saw an automobile approaching and oa uhi nJ «ni in- 'I is 1-1» i New Floors with * wr One Sweep of the Brush ITH no muss or bother yon can now make your floors beautiful« at very little cost. Give them a coat of LOWE BROTHERS NEPTUNITE VARNISH ST A IN and see what a difference it makes. Stains and varnishes at the same application. Comes in marry natural wood shades and dries to a lustrous wslerproof finish. Fine for doing over furniture too. C o m e in e n d g e t a color ca rd . W e’ll be glad t o show you how to use it for best results. We carry a full line of painting supplies. '__j ....._ W HILL & O'h birthday, street, Albany. Oregon The Winchester Store JY IIS S S U E B R E C K E N R ID G E , *■ * Hemstitching. 527 WeSt Fifth. Bell pfione 524-L — J Gt C h a ilss b a rb e r s h o p — M e n ’ s «nd women’s haircuts. 35c ; chil- „ ( * " • ’ ,Sc Open davs and evenings. First at Washington. Phone 1H3-J TUSSI NG & TUSSING LAW YERS H alsey au d B row nsville O regon “ T he W a te r B e a r e r ” h as not a rriv e d , b u t we ex p e ct h im n ex t week. l b e E p w o a h le ag u e m et w ith Mrs. S. J . S m ith F rid a y evening. Look serose th e > lle y an d see th e ltrg e a t a d v e rtise m e n t in th e paper. It's B lain 's. R ather L o o se Line Even In telling fish stories some people never know where to draw the line.— H ard w are Journal. postponed till next week, April 14.1 Come to BRAI) MOSS SERVICE STATION for G eneral 1 G asoline Oils and Grease Goodrich, Silvertown Goodyear TIRES S H E L L ACCEPT YOUR G IF T GLADLY if it it a box of our delicious candy It is as wholesome as it is delicious and after tasting it you'll want more Lveryone dotes upon our confections. They are always so pure, fresh and delicious. Clark s Confectionery Five magazines, your choice among nineteen for bringing a new SI subscription to the Bitit E B T E W IIS E before May 1, 1927