ENTERPRI A g r c u ltu re H o rtic u ltu re L iv e s to c k A \\ eekly Chronicle of Local Events and Progress in Linn County E rtahtished 1911 From the Editor's Point of View Bhe Oldest Civilixationl n Existence HALSEY, OREGON, THURSDAY MARCH 31, 1937 The saturation point in automobile use has not yet been reached in this country, although half as many ma chines were scrapped last year a3 were sold new. The total number in use in this country is still gro f ing ar.d the habit of keeping two ma­ chines by a family of considerable size grows also. When you think of buying one, cut out the coupon at the bottom of the two-column ad of the General Motors Corporation. Fill it out and mail it and see what you will learn about automobiles. The oldest civilization in existence is that of China. Much that we value •s belonging to Caucasian civiliza­ tion has been borrowed from the Chinese. The golden rule, basic in Christianity, was in the suyings of Confucius long before there was State School Superintendent How­ Christianity. The Chinese practiced the a rt of printing long before our ard says: “Complaints have been re­ ceived at this office that some of the ancestors "invented” it. The Chinese public schools are being used for ad bad gunpowder long before its power vertising purposes. This particularly was “discovered” by an Italian. But is true in connection with the plan the bent of the Chinese mind was of a certain publishing company which for peace instead of war, and they has attempted to organize the school did not use it in guns. children into a sales force.” The Chinese realized the evil thei^e Halsey schools have feit this was in the misuse of narcotics and invasion by eastern publishers. prohibited it, but a "Christian” nation compelled them, at the cannon’s The mortgage is off the W. C. T. mouth, to permit the importation of U. farm home. opium. B eing a peaceful people — too peaceful to compete with “Christian” Church Notices nations — the Chinese yielded to force Methodist—Next Sunday : and granted the concessions demand­ 10 a. m., Sunday school ed — possession of areas of terri­ tory and extra-territorial rights in 11, Public servicess prosecution of foreigners for crime. 3, Junior League But China is awakening. A "re­ 6:80, Epworth League naissance” is in the offing if not 7:30, public services. already present in the flowery king­ 7:80 Thursday, prayer meeting dom. Democracy has replaced the Here all will find a welcome, most austere of monarchies, and the people, revolting against the regime regardless of social standing. Your which surrendered so much to foreign presence will help, and we will try interlopers, say "Get out.” So lag to do you good. gard are the “outside barbarians” in J. S. Miller, pastor. acceding to this just command that the popular ire has been aroused, and it doee not discriminate between militant and peaceful foreigners. Thus, for the first time, there is general instead of sporadic opposition to the missionaries, toward whom practically all China has been toleran* As time passes and the world moves on, the unfair privileges which foreigners have exacted from the Chinese will be abolished. How muc! blood and suffering that abolition Church of Christ— will Involve will depend upon how Preaching, 11 much obstinacy the "Christian" peo­ Christian Endeavor, 6:30] ples manifest in opposing the .grant­ Precaching, 7:30 ing of the just demands of these Clifford L.JCarey, pastor. J "heathen” people. Cappy Ricks by]$Saturday> April 2,8 p.m Albany Hi Dramatic Club April 8 City Hall | D EA C O N S L IP S A comedy City Hall ty See excellent show and help support Halsey public library General admission 35c Tickets on sale at Reserved seats 45c Bert Clark’sConfectionery Children ?5c H A L S E Y , LIN N A N D O R E G O N The saddest, a r e ; been.’ ” Miss Livic is expected home this week. PREFERRED STOCK The Herman This brand includes a large assortm ent of quality foods which are sold at popular prices. W e can sell you these splendid goods at popular prices because they are produced and put on the m arket by modern m eth­ ods and at the lowest possible expense and cost. W hen you buy Preferred Stock you get the good quality you want at a price you can afford to pay. M. V. KOONTZ Co. After the holidays is the time to have your auto overhauled and every defect in car or motor remedied. Don t wait until the spring rush. Steinkes ARROW GARAGE enter­ tained the flu last week. Albert Waggener and wife spent Sunday at ]. P. Templeton’s. Edna, Luella and Ardella Falk visited with Alice Harding Sunday afternoon. Leroy Straley motored to Mon­ mouth last week Wednesday,bring­ ing his eieter and friend home with him. A. L. Falk and family, Mrs. Ida Will Corcorau went to Eugene Gage, Albert Weet and Webster yesterday. A slight improvement iu Mrs Southworth’s condition ia reported this week. R E M E M B E R That with spring come* »hankering for trips in your auto—bn not for blowout» on those trip» or other annoying trouble*—therefore you should see what we eau do for you in our low-priced F IS K A N D F E D E R A L T IR E S G E N E R A L R E P A IR IN G ETHYL B A T T B R Y C H A R G IN G G A S O L IN E The H A LSEY G ARAG E 3. S. Workingrr ONE CENT SA LE THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Aptil 7. S. 9 G E N U IN E G IL L E T T E SA FETY RAZOR 1 R azor...................... . 45c 2 Razor» ........ ........... ...- ..- 4 6 c Harvey Wright made a week-end visit home from the evangelistic school he is attending in Portland. 1 pkg. Aspirin, 5gr., 2 doz............... 25o 2 •« .......................... Cleona Smith waa home over 1 Tooth Paste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 c the week end. 2 T hat is the answer. B O Y S’ A N D G IR L S’ C L U B S ef the various districts iucluded in the community Parent-Teachers* association Admission 45c, 35c and 25c. Tickets on sale at Clerk’s Con fee ti nary (Enterpriae Correspondence) As Mrs. Edith Robnet and Louise reached Miller’s corners, south of here, in their car on the way to Louise’ school Tuesday morning their vehicle was struck amidships by a car driven west, ward by Mrs. John Saycr, from near Brownsville. The Robnet ladies were badly jolted and biuised, but were able to navigate —themselves, not their car. Tha younger lady taught school that day as usual. C. R.Weber’s Farm, Ask us for Presented by the young people of the Kirk district under the leader« ship ot Mr. Kenneth Van Nioe. Given for the benefit of * I t m ight have ‘‘ Cappy R icks” is coming at last. The Albany high school The regular meeting of the dramatic club promises to bring Parent.Teachers’ ass’n has been him to Koontz’ ball Friday night. postponed till Friday, April 15 Alberta Koontz is better and is The association ha9 accepted the invitation of Mrs. Isom, teacher t' ack at lunKent> teaching. Powell school, and ¿the meeting Spoon River Sparks will be held in that schoolhouse OMEGO prices ? April 8 in 3 a c t s If you want to see the deacon “ Henpecked H oller” drew a Falk spent Sunday at Philomath. Thursday with William Pence. slip go to Koontz’ hall Friday full house Friday night and made Gilbert Carey was a visitor in Henry Seefeld and wile and night of next week. about $40. Clyde Williams were dinner guests thia neighborhood Saturday of th« A dvertising and subscriptions Comm encing next week we at G. J. Rike’e Sunday. _______ Gillettes and Careys. They all have increased and we feel ju s t­ expect to run as a serial " T h e attended the all-day ehuroh meet­ ified in substituting a page of Oregon Water Bearer,’’ a story which de­ Miss Grace Kirk spent her spring ing at Harrisburg Sunday. Gilbert and general news, compiled by the scribes the finding of the .p recitas vacation at home. She had in­ returned to hie duties at Portland W estern Newspaper Uniou, for fluid in an instance which would some of the miscellaneous matter seem fam iliar to an old-time or re­ tended to make a number of y ieits the same evening. we have been running. cent resident of San Francisco. but was quite ill with a relapse of Mrs. Grace Van Nice waa More than forty years ago H etch. Reported to the state board of flu, so remained very quietly at called to Portland last week H etchy valley waa looked to by health from this county last week peoplejof the Pay City as hopefully as homo. She returned to her duties Wednesday on account of the —1 case of diphtheria, 26 of flu, many in the upper W illam ette valley Suuday. illness ot her mother. She left 3 of mumps, 4 of pneumonia and recently regarded Clear lake, (Contiuueu on laat page) R. E. Bierly and family spent 1 of typhoid fever. "O f all sad words of tongne or pen A. G. Waggener has been appointed administrator of the estate of C. A Waggener. Must sell Percheron Stallion The Globe theater announces in Grade Used P IA N Q this paper that Harry Langdon is hear Halsey. Will sell on easy 0>ming in long pants. Glad to terms to resposible party. Phone know that he Is not coming with- or address J. A. Given, (a new horse, recently purchased) out ’em. The hero of Wilbur Vandran Hotel, Alban». Norton’s po?m, in “ School Notes,” wilUsland at is in short ones. D u r i n g onr absence from In addition to plenty of home H a l s e y our talent, as adveitieed, at the Noble property will be left in full charge Grands’ entertainment, there were two mile? west of Brownsville, this several good features from other of P. J. Forster. season Lena J. Been?. cities. L. D. Vidito, Brownsville octo­ genarian and civil war veteran, H ow to buy good quality foods at popular has been seriously ill with flu, Trespass Notice D a iry P o u ltry W ool •• ” 36c Another modern large-city busi­ 1 Oriole T»lc P o w d e r ............‘25c ness feature is inroduced here by «• •• •• 26c the Halsey Pharmacy this week— 1 Morris’ Cascara Tablets... ......2 5 c a «ne-cent sale. «4 ii •• 26c “ S Cold Tablet» ................... 25c Mrs. McCaelin of Portland has •• “ " ..................... 26c been visiting her parents, the Sneeds. C O U G H SYRUPS 1 White Pine Mentholated__ .25c M II 2 14 26c I Pine Tar and Honey........... 25c II 2 << «4 II *26c Il II 1 « • 4 I 14 2 •I II l| H A N D L O T IO N 25c 2 bottles 26c VALET A U T O -S T R O P R A Z O R W IT H S T R O P 50c—2 for Sle Syringe Tubing. 5 feet ................ “ “ 10 feet................. 1 box stationery ................. 50c “ ” ...........................Slo 1 Pencil T a b l e t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sc 2• GEM SA FETY RAZOR 1 t o r ...................................... ,..-49c 2 for............................................. 70c •••••• ••••«• ••••••• ’»W 1 four ounce Gargle............... ......25c 2 “ “ 26c 1 Poison Oak Lotion.........................25 2 ” •• •• Frank Gansle, with his family, visited h>s brother Robert in Astoria Sunday, Mrs. D. J. Hayes changed her location last week from the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Stan­ dish, to that of her son George. She is up and around and is re­ ported gaining in strength. Through the efforts of an employee of the biological survey of the United States department of agriculture, two fur companies are maintaining offices in southern Idaho and are paying from 40 to 45 cents a pound for thoroughly dried and properly stretched jack-rabbit skins. This means 6 or 7 cents apiece, as It takes 6 or 7 of these »kina to make a pound. H A IR T O N IC •nd S C A L P IN V IG O R A T O R $1.00 a bottlo 2 for f 1.01 S H A V IN G CREAM 35c each 2 for 30c HOT W A TER BO TTLE BLACK BEAUTY $2.50 each 2 for $2.51 Here are just a few of the many items See our display H a ls e y P h a r m a c y Open evenings except Tuesday F. Buford M orrii Prop.