1 Is A g r c u ltu re H o r tic u ltu r e L iv e s to c k A Weekly Chronicle ot Local Events and Progress in Linn County Established 19K From the Editor's Point of View The boy who is tempted to emulate Diamond Dick Deadeye should make s study of the .Veneta robbers as they •ppear today, HALSEY, OREGON, THURSDAY MARCH 10, 1927 11 a year in advance H A L S E Y , LIN N A N D O R E G O N H, F- Almon and wife are leav­ Pollution of Streams a Gus Moser thinks he ¿knows a Port­ ing Halsey today for Yreka, Cal. land man who wonld make a .better Gar die Miller started early in Live Problem governor than Ike Patterson. life having sciatica. She ia gittiug The February number of the Pa­ better. cific Printer and Publisher contains, D a iry P o u ltry W ool attended the party giveu by the M _ . . „ I , juvenile grange at Charity grange | ^ e W S O* I n t e r e s t were 20 cases of tlu, 1 of measels, 4 of mumps and 4 of smallpox. William Martin of Turner was a caller at Halsey aDd Brownsville last week Tuesday. W. A. Allen died [this morning shortly after midnight. Though suffering foi years with creeping paralysis Mr. Alien was always bright and cheerful, hearing his affliction with fortitude. His funeral is at the Methodist church this afternoon. hall B. E Cogswell of Portland ia apending some time at the farm. J. F. Isom of Oakridge Is vis- itiog at the home of hit brother, E. D. Isom, and doing tome work at the farm, From the Schools Beaver K night... Ball ... School Clubs...Feast The Bulletin makes the same Corvallis, March 7. as a special stunt in fine printing, charge as other papers for business Mrs. Sarah M. D ugherty, from Chester Frost of Halsey has the no lea« fine poem: “Beautiful notices. Church announcements and been pledged a heaves knight. Willamette.” When that, as well as all other religious, charitable or edu whom C. P. Moody bought bis Mrs. C. H Tandy and son Elmer the expression, "Where rolls the cational notices of free gatherings home, was brought from Portland Ooa freshman ia selected from of Yoncalla visited at Chester Oregon and hears no sound save his are published free. When any charge for interment. Funeral at tbe each fraternity and indepeudent Curtis* Monday night. own dashing,” was written those is made for entertainment, dance, Church of Christ at 10 today. Her group every year to represent it livers were as nature made them. supper, play or any other similar son Asa and sister and family J. D. Brubaker and family vis in the Intercollegiate Knights, an The red man made no move to de­ affair, then the Bulletin make« a ited at John Yoder's Sunday came Tuesday for the obsequies, undergraduate honorary associa­ prive those noble streams of their charge for publishing such notice. A. F. Robnett and daughter tion which acta as a “ pep and grandeur. Not so the white man. This is the practice everywhere and preceding the body, which arrived Doris came down from Eugene radition •’ committee for the He has made them the filthy and is fair to all concerned. — Harris Wednesday. Mrs. B. Logan, a resident of noisy Willamette and Columbia. W. A. Allen’s sister, Mrs. W. Halsey until a .few months ago, I Saturday, bringing Ctrl Isom college. burg Bulletin. The last century has seen wonder­ home. Carl bad been in Eugene Leadership, ability and willing, H. Beene, and husband arrived is ill in a Corvallis hospital. ful development in the field of hy­ for the last two weeks giving his naea to work for the collage are the yesterday from Long Beach,¡Cab, Church Notices giene, and the prospect is that an­ Lillian Reynolds conquered the blood in an effort to better the requisites for membership. The and were here when he died. other hundred years will see still Methodist—Next Sunday : mumps aud is at school again, condition of his aunt, Mrs. C. E. kuights instruct tbe freshmen in greater strides in that line. Mrs. C. P. Stafford is spending 10 a. m., Sunday echool Mrs. J. C. Bramwell was home Mercer, who is still very low. This subject of making our streams the songs. They meet aud enter- a week in Portland. 11, Public servicesä purer and safer to life ol man and from Corvallis Sunday. Vivian Fruns spent Sunday with tain all visiting teams, function at 3, Junior League Sunday Miss Beulah Miller had beast is not dead but sleepeth. It is 11 college activities each as ath­ Oscar Marty has come in from Beverly Isom. 6:80, Epworth League impossible that it should remain dor­ as guests Mr."and Mrs. Soymonr letic events and conventions, and his homeitaad near Monroe and is The school board has built a new 7:30, public services. Browning and Mrs. Browniug’s mant. Not only are human lives endan­ help to instill in the “ frosh ” the doing spring work on the Mrs. N. fence around the school yard. gered and some lost every year 7:30 Thursday, prayer meeting mother, Mrs. Shaw. Miss Dodge regular college “ pep.” C. Smith farm. through the use of foul water, but Here all will find a welcome, and Miss Ruth McMahan. Pfne Grove Points an important source of food is threat­ Earl Louoks of Brownsville is College Cor. (By Special Correspondent) Karl Bramwell and B. M. ened with destruction. The fish can regardless of social standing. Your Nueing Elbert Bede of the Cottage 0 th« Basket» and th« Balls! presence will help, and we will try withstand the disease-laden fluid no Bond, Masonic lodge officers, went Mias Leone Palmer, youngest daugh Grove Sentinel and bis daughter to do you good. Wednesday evening, March 2, the better than we. ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Palmer, of to Shedd for practice Tuesday Ruth for damages for an auto the Lake Creek neighborhood, and girls’ basketball team of Tangent Not even tho ocean is « safe place J. S. Miller, pastor. evening. collision, for sewage. It has long been known Fred Lowry Jr. of Corvallis were high school encountered the Halsey Mrs. J, P. Cooley, wife of the that people have died from eating united in marriage by the Rev. ,1. girls' team in a game in the city hall, Altord Arrows oysters that feed from water con­ ex-postmaster of Brownsville, took R. N. Bell at his home in Corvallis which ended in a score of 18 to 10 (Enterprise correspondent) taminated with the germs of typhoid Thursday evening. After Mrs. Lowry in their favor. the train here for Portland yester­ fever carried by sewers. Th« Halsey girls representing the Mrs. G. W. Householder and has completed her year’s work as day. The day is coming when many n teacher of the Pine Grove school they club organized in the interest of has- sone of Myrtle Point and Mrs. Mrs. R. P. Dougherty of Willamette valley city will long for ketabll playing were: Left forward, will make their home in Corvallis. Brownsville got home from the Guy Roberts and children of To­ such a supply of pure water as Clear ilelen Williams; r. forward, Bess Mr. and Mrs. Burke and daughter Reynolds; 1. guard, Frances Norton; ledo were Sunday guests at Mi. lake would have afforded to all of north Saturday. of Salem visited at the Charles Nich­ them in the upper valley if they had guard, Wanda Veatch; c, Halen Ed Starr of Brownsville was chael Rickard’s. ols home over the week end. all joined in the effort to bring that Carter; s. center, Lena Bass. These Violet Burnett of Harrisburg over Friday to ice hia sister, Mre. wonderful resource into use. Missea Florence Fisk and Grace centers proved too much for those spent the week end with Velda Frank Leeper, and husband, both Our cities have only begun their Church of Christ— Pehrsson came up from Monmouth of Tangent and kept the ball going Curtis. growth. The day is coming when of whom had flu. Friday to spend the week end at their towards their forwards, who had Preachiog, 11 they will bo driven to such straits riore opportunity to shoot for the Beverly Isom spent Saturday respective homes. Reported to the state board of Christian Endeavor, 6:30 os has Los Angeles in the search basket. Lack of adequate practice. night with Blanche Steinke and health from this county last week Precaching, 7:30 Mrs. H. L. Blood, who has been It is believed, lost them the game. for a sufficient supply of nature’s quite iff, is improving. Clifford L. Carey, pastor. beverage. The southern city is seek­ U. Corbin refereed. ing now to secure water front the I.ater in the evening the members H. L. Blood and son Raymond wire far-off Colorado river, that she may 'f tho girls' club, assisted by their Albany visitors Wednesday. be able to meet future growing de­ basketball coach, Mrs. Coleman, ser-* mands. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Knighten and *d refreshments to tho visitors and We have an abundant supply of daughter of Albany attended the com­ Jther young people. •' muoh better quality, comparatively munity meeting Friday evening. The next game to be played by the d ose to our doors, but nothing has Mr. and Mrs. George Chandler and club team on the home floor Will bo been done to secure it except that I>o Y o u K n o w son were county seat callers Friday. March 11, when Bellfountain will be one man, to keep it within our reach the visiting opponents. M iss Clarabelle Blood came home a short time, has filed a claim on it. The Halsey high school boys' bas­ Wednesday to assist with the work ketball team played at Shedd last Perhaps his efforts will be vain, for during her mother’s illness. only by generally united eflort can Friday evening. The score was in the great boon be secured. favor of Shedd. The community meeting was held D o YOu K n o w The Halsey players were: Uriel Friday evening. The program, con­ Herman sisting of readings by Lucille Shedd, Corbin, Francis Leeper, la bis economy program Governor Grace Pehrsson and Thelma Knight­ Koontz, Collie McCord. Henry Kirk, Patterwn did not. tod it necessary to en and a number of musical selec­ substitute, Cyrus McAllister. Leland veto any appropriations result iu< from tions, was enjoyed by those present, Pennei rrfereed. over-generosity of the •’higher ups’’ Come in and sec eur stock The girls’ club team of Halsey play­ after which a lunch was served. . C A P IT A L A N D S U R P L U S ia the legislature towards O. A. C. Try our service and ed the same evening, losing by a Estes Bass and family were Sunday Wo will try to please you score of 47 to 6 to Shedd high school Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited visitors at L. E. Eagy’s. Learn who paroled the men who later learn. Leland Pennei of Shedd and committed tbe Veneta robbery and F . B U F O R D M O R R IS , P. A. Pehrsson visited Misses Pearl George Cross of Halsey each refereed ■torders and yon can tell who was re­ and Nora Pehrsson in Corvallis » half of the game. sponsible for those crimes. | Sunday. W HO W O U L D N ’T H«ls«y Not«» SM ILE HAPPILY Spoon River Spark» Halsey Pharmacy " H E N P E C K E D H O L L E R G O S S IP ” March 25, 8 p. m. Your Store for personal General admission 35c. Service CITY HALL Children 10c HOME TALENT that we have anything and everything at any time, day or night? HALSEY STATE BANK that we have fair prices? that prices are the same to all? Halsey, Oregon $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 Proprietor We Bring the Cty t » You upon opening a box of these delicious candies? TKc wonderful assortment, various flavors- and tempting appear­ ance of these “lumps of delight” win to us all lovers of good sweets and judges tof confectionery excellence, try thtjrn once and see if we exagger­ ate Vie perfection of these goods. With the season’s latest offerings in Coats, Dresses and Hats The continuation of our ready-to-wear serv­ ice, under the direction of Mrs. McKinley, enables you to purchase at our store tho newest styles in women’s wear Clark's Confectionery Friday, March 11 Beautiful Dresses 7 New designs —New fabrics $8.98 to $49.75 AU tbe freehneas of tpring ie suggested in these new faehionable garment! Raised waist lines, slenderising hip linee, rippliig skirts and puffy ileevee add a touch of apringtime that is iocompar­ able. Attractive Coats Dres9 Coat»—Sport Types $14.75 to $49.75 Coat styles with delightful simplicity, subtle charm and pleasing practicability. Ka­ sha, Bengaline, flannel and other fabrics of soft teiture are fashioned in styles in­ spired by Paris sod approved by America's b«st designers The Season’s Newest Millinery $ 3 .9 8 to $9.98 M. V. KOONTZ Co. REM EM BER That with spring comet a hankering for trips in yonr auto—bu not for blowouts on those trips or other annoying troubles—therefore you should see what we can do for youri in our low-priced FISK AND F E D E R A L TIRES O E N E R A L REPAIRING GENERAL BATTERY C H ARGING G A SO LIN E The HAYSEY GARAGE Z H a n d ltq A fter the. holidays is the time to have your auto overhauled and every defect m c/jr or motor remedied. Don t v;ait until the spring rush. ARROW GARAGE i eu spent Thursday meals, even though they might never and Friday with her sister, Mrs. A. Lav« had an opportunity to get an L. Falk. Mamie Falk went home eduoation. He brought very forcibly with Edith for the week end. to our minds that we as high school The E. E. Careys were ill last students had the opportunity to make of ourselves what we are to be in week. the future. H. J. Falk and wife made a trip Mr. Calivan also spoke of the work to Albany last week Wednesday. of the state legislature. He said R. E. Bierly and family were Sun­ that the two principal measures that were passed by that body affecting day dinner guests at L. R. Falk’s. the schools were: One to compel all Mrs. Merwin Vannice and children country schools to hold at least eight and Kenneth Vannice and Nellie Falk and one-half month« of «ctiv« school spent Saturday evening and Sunday each year. The other requires that in Salem visiting at j. II. Vanaiee's. ail teachers must liave a college or They attended the freshman glee Sat­ full normal school course before they urday evening. (Continued on last page) 1