I L ... — ~~ Louisiana City to Have Skyscraper Jail ft Around Orchard Seven Rooms and Wash Room Are Included in Compact House Plan IMPORTANCE OF PRUNING GRAPES A small crop of fruit may he ex­ pected the third y ear a lte r planting from gru|ievinee which have been adequately pruned during the first tw o years In the vineyards, says .1, 11. ' Clark, assistant politologist at the New J e r s e y 1 ollege of A griculture. Any time during F ebruary or early March will he suitable for this Im portant operation. All vines should he pruned when planted so that only two strong bulls 1 are left on each plant. A fter one I year's growth It Is desirable to prune back to two buds again. If both buds grow, the w eaker shoot should he rubbed off go th at the plant will use all its energy In developing one good strong cane, which will become the perm anent trunk. D uring tills second grow ing season the vines Shreveport, La., will shortly dedicate a unique couihluutlou Jail and courthouse, plans for which were should have some support. Tills limy approved by th e supervisors of Caddo county. The Jail Is on top of the building and. to escape, prisoners will he a stake such as 1111 ordinary l i e i i n have to be provided with an alrplaue. pole, or the regular Knlffeii trellis may­ I be erected nt this time. Even wdiere at the Inability of the audience to ap­ stakes have been used the trellis should he up by the beginning of the preciate th eir syncopation. fourth season at th e latest. Unable to Decide. At the end of the second grow ing The announcer Is speaking ag ain : season the cane which Is to become "Ladles and gentletjien: Well, I the perm anent trunk of the vine can’t quite decide who wins th e big should he pruned hack to five and one- I prize. Seems like M argaret and Tom half or six feet, or to the top w ire of I and Jerry Hnd A rth u r Trem ont a re the the trellis. favorites. So I'll uak you to vote on A fter the third grow ing season the 1 these three." regular four-arm Knlffeii type of vine He places his hand on M argaret's cun usually he farm ed by triiltilng one Most Amusing Feature of will appreciate. We will ask you to head. The audience Is more discrim i­ vigorous cutie from the perm anent ' give ns close attention as possible, as n ating lids time and she gets Just a In each direction on each of tin- j Theater W ill Soon Be we shall take a vote at the end of the ripple o f Rpplause. Tom and Jerrv trunk two wires. Canes on the top w ire j perform ance to see w hat you like the also fall to ttiu k e th eir first quota, and enn carry about six buds tills year, but Fragrant Memory, best. F irst on the program tonight Is A rthur Trem ont wins In a walk. w hereas those on the low er w ire "A rthur Trem ont get the big prize," should he pruned to four or five. All SL L ou I r .—One of th e most «her- little M argaret Brisk, Step out, M ar­ says the announcer. “Who wins the other canes should be removed en­ j lahed Institutions of th e stage Is pass- garet. I thank you." He retires and little M argaret skips second prize?” ' Ing. and It Is only a m atter of time tirely. Another year may he neces­ M argaret. It He points to Mnrgnret. A few until It Is entirely In the discard. Ama­ tow ard the footlights. sary before weuk vines are Inrge appears, Is a m other's darling who Is friends rem ain faithful, hut she loses teu r night, th a t most am using featu re enough to carry the four arms. supposed to have a rare voice. So, In to Tom and Jerry. The announcer ( o f the th eater, will soon he a frag ran t child soprano, she sings about " lit­ tells the audience as much and every­ ’ memory, a memory redolent with the Advice on Fruit Pests ■ ‘ arom a of sizzling "ham s" who Indul­ tle birdies In the trees." and for nn body Is satisfied with the exception of encore—she takes it w hether she earns M argaret's mother, who quite volubly Saves Growers $200,000 gently perm itted them selves to be "put stairs to the second floor at the other F ru it grow ers In w estern New York I on the pan" for the edification of an It or not—she vocalizes again on the Insists th at h er d aughter didn't get a The dining room, too, Is rathe,- large. Influence a full bloom tnoon lias on the square deal or som ething of the «ort. were saved about 3200,000 In spraying audience th n t laughed with devilish 12 h.v 13 feet, and la connected with spooning propensities of the sterner Reason fo r Elim ination. and dusting m aterial during the past glee a t the crude an tics of those who the living room by a cased opening of th e sex. season by spray inform ation, accord­ , would be actors and were willing to Such Is am ateur night and, If St. A small bedroom, the kitchen and s Wide V ariety of Acts. I.ottls showmen htc to he believed, ing Io an estim ate m ade by the New j pay the price of public harassm ent to good-sired w ashroom and lavatory By W. A RADFORD Five or six o th er acts follow 1n suc­ such nights are passing from the th ea­ York S tate College of A griculture nt i a ttain the goal. complete the room arrangem ent on the Mr. W illia m A. ita d fo r d w ill a n s w e r I A m ateur night Is nn Institution ns cession. Elm er, th e demon hoofer from te r never to return. The reason for Ithaca, N. Y„ und the Geneva experi­ first floor. U pstairs th ere are three q u e s tio n s s n d g iv e a d v ic e F R E E O F T he largest saving ■ old as the th e a te r Itself. As Its nam e the levee district, does a buck und th eir demise Is simple, If one may take ment station. bedrooms, bathroom and a num ber of COST on a ll p r o b le m s p e r ta in in g lo th e which came from the spray Inform a­ wing. The McGoofus sisters do a the word of the inusicul and stage 'suggests, It affords an opportunity for s u b je c t o f b u ild in g , fo r ib e r e a d e r s o f good-sized «Insets. A basem ent, of tion w as on m aterial ordinarily used th is p ap er. On a c c o u n t o f h is w id e ■ those who have am bitions for the stage double—Cecilia at th e piano, Molly director of one of the theaters. course, extends under the whole house e x p e r ie n c e a s e d ito r , a u th o r a n d m a n ­ ' to display th eir skill, a none too sym­ with her mandolin. They both try to “T here Is no longer an excuse for for the control of aphid or plant lice. u fa c tu r e r , ho la, w it h o u t d o u b t, th e mid is of the sam e dimensions, 39 hy pathetic audience sittin g as Judge sing, too. Tom and Je rry do a tum ­ am ateur actors to make a public show L ast spring the college saw th a t tills h ig h e s t a u t h o r it y o n th e s u b je c t A d ­ 24 feet <1 Inches. and Jury und by Its vote of approval bling act and narrow ly escape death of them selves In order to get a h e a r­ pest w as alm ost absent In most w est­ I d r e ss h II I n q u ir ie s to W illia m A. I ta d ­ This Is an attra c tiv e home, com- J or disapproval denoting the degree of ,as ttie.v essay a giant swing In midair. ing,” he says. “The reason is found ern New York orchards and that spray­ ford , No. 18S, P r a ir ie a v e n u e , C h ic a g o , fortable and convenient. It la of fo r r ep ly . ing for them would be unnecessary. • success with which the neophyte has A rthur T rem ont Is a versatile chap. In the motion-picture theaters, which, fram e const ruction and Is set on a con In previous seasons the use of nn put over his act. F o r some th ere were He sings te n o r; he plays th e saxo­ w ithin the Inst two years, have en­ A broad porch for sum m er and a crete foundation. The long, sloping resounding bravos and tum ultuous ap- p hone; he juggles six hulls sim ul­ larged th eir field to Include much more aphid killer was usually considered good sized lit Ing room for w inter are roof line la broken hy a gabled dorm er necessary, for although aphids are two features of a home that are most window at the front, with the sam e lause, and for o th ers a silence th at taneously, and he can clog dance. A r­ than the mere cinem a presentations. th u r Is pretty much of u vaudeville damned. “T ake St. Louis, for example. O rigi­ scarce In the spring, under favorable desirable. They are Included In this type of window nt the hack. The show In himself. The Announcer's Speech. nally all the motion-picture houses In conditions, they multiply rapidly and, design for n seven-room house. The house Is suited to the needs of a rather T he scenes at all am ateu r nights Sylvester and his crooning tro u b a­ the city w ere Just that, th e a te rs In unless controlled, soon become destruc­ porch Is S feet deep and 2-1 feet 0 large family, It huvlng four bedrooms, are virtually the same. The regulur dours conclude the hill—un am bitious which motion pictures were shown tive. Inches long. The porch walls und pil­ as well us the custom ary living ami It w as determ ined nlso th a t San lars are constructed so that the porch dining rooms and kitchen, llow the program Is curtailed and some one gang of syucopalers who may be com­ with an orchestra to furnish Incidental steps out of the wings to the center of mended for laudable zeal, hut not for music. But it great change has come Jose scale was not Im portant enough may be screened. The entrance door rooms a re arranged anil th eir sizes the stage. Ills speech Is alw ays th e th e harm ony they dls|»ense. over the profession. As soon hs a In certain lucidities to need the strong leuda Into the living room, which Inis are Indicated on the floor plans shown sam e: The announcer again steps out of th e a te r ceases to be more than a mere llm e-sulphur sprays Io control it. The an open fireplace lit one end and the above. "L adles and G entlem en: We have a the wings und raises Ids hand for si­ neighborhood playhouse It goes In for Inform ation about these two pests m eant an uveruge saving of uhout $43 little som ething ex tra on th e program lence. He requests all the perform ers stage production. to the grower, according to figures ob­ Wax in Liquid Form tonight, som ething th a t we think you to come hack on the stage, and they Difficult to Decorate Stage Management a Problem. tained from Wayne and Monroe coun- obediently line up In a semi-circle be­ “The best of th eatrical talent Is ob­ ties. Preserves Linoleum New’ Plaster on Walls hind him. He Is speaking: tained for these shows. S tars from Proper care not only keeps your j a a o o otHjcr Not ninny types of surface are so T he college states thnt this spray "L adles and gentlem en: Well, you the legitim ate willingly go to the I have seen the hoys Hnd girls perform, movie houses because they m ake more inform ation could not have been used linoleum alw ays new-looking hut ac­ dltficiilt to finish ns the plaster wall Pigeons Come for Meal und now we will see who gets the big money, even though they have to work- so well had It not been for the organ­ tually saves hours of housework be T here are, however, a few fundam en tnl reasons for failure, the correction ization of the farm bureau in the coun­ sides. Same Time Each Day prize. I will pass behind the perform harder. Stage m anagement, stran g e as The proper method of care Is Just of which will do away with a large ers, and I will ask you to show by It may sound, has been a big problem ties, and In locul comm unities, anil Milwaukee, WIs. — Thom as your applause whom you think Is for motion-picture th eater m anagers th at th is saving was twice as much as th is: If your linoleum Is plain o r In­ percentage of plaster painting troubles K oeferl, un assistan t In the city Mnidi of the trouble results from best." < inly he doesn't say "whom”— for some time, and the field h as by the y ear's cost of the farm bureau laid, simply wax It. No scrubbing building Inspector's departm ent. No hot H ater. Spread a little wax painting n newly plastered wall he In the fru it counties. "who” Is better. Is certain th a t pigeons think. no means been expanded to Its limit." either in paste or liquid form, between fore It has thoroughly seasoned or F o r a year he has been feed­ Picking the Winner«. All of w hlrh being true, the question the folds of a piece of cheesecloth. dried out. Nn plaster wall should he ing th e birds th a t hover about He places his hand on little M arga­ Is, w hat does th a t have to do w ith the Mechanical Devices for Kuh the floor thoroughly with this, palm ed under any circum stances the building, perched a t times passing of am ateu r night? re t's head. A burst of handclapping applying the wax sparingly. Then while It la still green. Six or eight Protecting Young Trees on the window ledge. He has He answ ers the question read ily: M argaret sm iles and sticks her thumb polish It. Fur tills purisise you can m onths should lie allowed for drying C ylinders of woven wire netting are noticed th a t the birds sta rt coin­ "B ecause o f th e fact th at all the In her mouth. Mother, In th e front use a weighted brush made especially anil a year Is still better. During tills nmong the best mechanical co n triv ­ ing to the window Just before row. Is gesturing wildly for her not to large m otion-picture th eaters are mak for this purpose or make n sim ilar tim e the walls should remiiin w ithout ances for protecting young trees from fhe clock In St. M ary's church, swallow It. E3mer app aren tly didn't ing stage presentations, they are n a t­ polisher yourself with a heavy brick covering of any sort. If the projierty rabbits, W. It. M artin, horticultural a block aw ay from his office, register much with his hooting—or urally trying to recru it as much of ow ner la not willing to wait this wrapped in a soft cloth. strik es the noon hour. maybe he didn't bring many o f his th eir talent as possible right at home. specialist at K ansas S tate A gricultural length of time, em phasize the fact Hist The result will be a soft, mellow They seem to know, he says friends to the theater. He doesn't do Economic reasons, if no other, would college, believes. Poultry lietlltig of gloss oil your linoleum th at you can the Job is done nt Ills own risk. The th a t noon Is tim e to ent and he so well. The McGoofus sisters likewise prom pt such action. The result Is one lu d i mesh made of No. 2(1 galvan­ retain alw ays hy an occasional dry- usual result la that the active alkali has found the pigeons as good get a lukew arm reception, and they thnt In our theater, for Instance, I ized w ire Is recommended. Bolls IS mopping and by touching up with a In the damp plaster acts upon the as a w atch In m arking the nohn make a sudden shift from dental d is­ hold semi-weekly auditions at which inches wide may be used for cotton­ cloth moistened with liquid wax the paint vehicle; the puiut film softens hour. local perform ers are given ample op­ tails, and the m aterial cut Into one- pluces Hint are walked on most. play to sullen glares. i and filially cornea off. Koeferl was curious to see Tom and Jerry are rem em bered for portunity to show Just w hat they ran foot lengths. One of the sections Is If your linoleum la printed then you w hether or not th e birds came th at rem arkable swing In m idair und do on the stage. The sam e Is done rolled Into cylindrical shape about the should varnish It with a good, d e a r Itemizes Cost of Each trunk of eut-li tree anil fastened nt around on Sundays, and made get a big bund. A rthur T rem ont, the elsew here In th e city.” several places by bending and tw ist- I w aterproof varnish. Tills protects the two trip s to th e office on the boy with th e curly blond h air and the Trade on a Building printed design from being scuffed or holiday. T he birds did not sp- g Ascot tie, goes over big, clearly o u t­ The United S tates bureau of mines lug the projecting cads of wire. Following completion of n three scratched. Apply the varnish In a G uards should he left on the tru n k s pear eith er time. distancing Sylvester and his crooning Is m aking a movie of the copper In­ story brick apartm ent building, a i'll! ns long as the trees require protec- i thin, even coat. A fter al least a day, JOOOOQOOOOOCI o o o o o o o o o q S troubadours, who are obviously piqued dustry of th is country and Canada. cago contractor compiled a table lion. They may he adapted Io p ro ­ apply a second tilln coat und your p rin t­ showing the proportions of Individual tection from both meadow mice and ed linoleum can he kept like new with costs to the total const ruction. Just an occasional wusliiug. This pro­ rabbits by using wire o f finer mesh Poor Man’s Judge Bars The total cost of 33 re n ts a coble tecting coat of varnish should he re­ anil by passing the lower edge Into foot Is divided, according lo percent­ Lawyers From Court the ground. newed once or twice a year. W ichita, K ans.—A court In which When you must wash linoleum, be age, as follow s: Veneer and othpr forms of wooden Excavating 2, masonry 31). carpen­ no law yer Is adm itted, except as a pro tecto rs uie popular ami have sev­ sure thnt you use a mild, pure soap try Hiul mill work 33 1-3. roofing 1, spectator, w here th ere are no court eral advantages when used for c o lo n ­ willi lukewurin w ater and wash hut plastering 7, piumillng 9, heating (I, Indications Point to a Return to tends to lpt her h air grow because the attach es, no office equipm ent, no per­ iali rabbits. When left perm anently a small section of the linoleum lit a electric work 1. tile work 1, sheet "boy friend" likes It so. "ftephiaticated C oiffure” W ith Ita Upon the trees, however, they furnish time. metal 0 5 , painting and decorating 4. The consensus among these college m anent records and which meets at Braids and Halrpina. re tre a ts for Insect pests. The labor of glazing I, miscellaneous Iron (1.5, fin­ girls seems to lie th at they consider the time and place most suitable to rem oving anil replacing them Is con ished hardw are I, d enning and p ain t­ bobbed h air not as good as they first the litigants, Is conducted here by Furnishings Set Off Boston.—Thia y ear may see the thought. Many were of the opinion David D. Leahy, veteran new spaper alderuhle but they have the advantage, ing Up 0.1, electric fixtures 1, shades when pressed well Into the soli, of by Good Woodwork I 0.33, screens 0.5. swing hack to long hair. Indications th at th e day of mannish fashions for man. In th at direction are seen through­ women had passed, and having had Conservatively It Is estim ated that Approximately the sam e ratio a p ­ The Jurisdiction of the court Is lim­ protecting the trees from both mice out New England colleges where once th eir fling of freedom, a re willing to ited to the city, and to sum s of money und rabbits. one-sixth of the total cost of a house, plies to other buildings u s e d fo r bobbed h air girls are turn in g to the revert to form er standards. exclaslve of the lot. goes Into the dwelling purposes, we are told. not to exceed S20. Often cases In­ braid and the hairpin. Report« froin woodwork. Thus, In a IG.IMSI house, Various modes of fixing the h air In volving less than a dollar are heard. Propagate Fruit Plants Sltnmona. Iladcliffe, Wellesley and the "In betw een” period a re now las­ O rdinarily a fte r Judge I>eahy has ren Some farm ers are able to propagate * 1 .0 0 would go Into the woodwork, Applying Wall Paper Smith, strongholds of fem inine Inde­ ing employed. T his period has pro­ dered a decision, paym ent la made on th eir fruit plants successfully, and not necessarily expensive, but posses­ If wulls have been calsonilned one pendence, show th a t the bob is on the duced alm ost a new sort of coiffure In the «pot. When a Judgment la not thus elim inate the cost of purchasltlv sing beaiity of design, correctness of wane and th at the "sophisticated coif­ Itself. T he "aw kw ard" stage has re­ paid he sends notice of It to the clera from nurseries. In general, however, proportion. good Isste and In harmony will have to wash this off w it h w ater fure" may supplant It. vealed the renl Ingenuity of the col­ of the D istrict court and It is exe this Is an unwise procedure. P a r with the architectural design of the or a solution of vinegar ami w ater, to Numerous reasons are given fo r the lege girl to meet the change Io hair cuted In the same way as any other tlcularly so for the farm er who Is not house, which Is n o rth more money. If neutralize the alkalinity of the limn change hot the moat prom inent one Is styles, and In this case she has come judgm ents are executed. acquainted with the various propa­ It Is to he sold or rented, than the before applying wail paper. Then T he court was created by th e legls that "we are alck of seeing ears, ears, through successfully. gation methods. Thia la a day of home with "Just ordinary woodwork,” give the walla a coat of "size.” let It T h o u .b many adm it th at th e very lature. About ten years ago Judge specialization, and the nurserym an selected w ithout thought. It Is attrac- dry. then you can apply the pu|ier and bristly necks." Many complain of too many trip s Io th e harber shop; thought of letting the h air grow pre­ Leahy took It over. In less than a who m akes n business of propagating live even when sparingly furnished with assurance th a t It will not |>eel other« 'don't w ant to look like every sents a trying prohletn, they are will­ y ear he has heard pw re than 300 cases fruit plan ts Is usually able to grow or empty. Furnishings alw ays show off. Use a good flour or cornstarch girl we m eet;" some say th a t long hair ing to pass through the ordeal to re ­ and not one o f them has bean ap- j much b etter nursery stork than the o ff to b etter advantage when aet off paste, or you can buy a paste pre­ pared for the purpose. pealed. by good woodwork. baa more Individuality, while 00» In­ gain th eir crow ning glory. farm er. Amateur Nights Fast Dying Out ♦ BOBBED HAIR SEEMS DOOMED, BELIEF OF UNIVERSITY GIRLS