RURAL A g r c u ltu re H o rtic u ltu re L iv e s to c k A Weekly Chronicle 0| Local Kvc-nts Established 1912 From the Editor’s Point of View p rog,.t,ss ¡„ L i||„ Cu,|[|tv D ai r y HALSEY, OREGON, THURSDAY F E ß / 17, i9;r P o u ltry W ool t l a year in advance Interesting Sessions The two-day session of the Liau County Christian Endeavor con vention closed Sunday. It opened W a s h in g to n N o t an O ily early Saturday with delegatee P o litic ia n . present from Mill City, Albany Lebanon, Sweet Home, Browns, Georg* Washington, whose birthday ville and Shedd. At 5:45 Satur­ w ill be celebrated Tuesday, was a day evening a fine banquet waa wealthy man and somewhat aristocratic served to the delegatee at the in h it nature, but loved justice too well church. te let either of those facts interfere with The oratorical contest Saturday his acute perception of right and wrong night was won by Jean Baker of between individuals or peoples. In another column Mr. Botsford gives Albany. She get* a free trip to our readers and instance of George's Oregon City to represent Linn shrewdness io business, although the county in the oratoricol contest record also reveals that the hero, for there io April, at the state conven. $200,000, got out of the oil business, though hit advice to hi* heirs in his tion of Christian Endeavor. Many good speakers were pres- w ill reveal that he bad not lost confi­ dence in the oil prospects in this coun­ •nt, among the most important try. The ram mentioned was then as being Paul Brown, who came up good as half a million doflars would be from L-a Angeles especially for today, or better, so the father of our the convention. country may not be classified among The officers cboeeo to serve for poor men by a good deal. Abraham Lincoln, who was honored the coming year are Charlotte through the land on bia birthday last Kudd, Albany. president; Carl week, was at poor as any of ns, and as “ »perling, Halsey, vies- presidedt; homespun in bis iqanncrs, but he a t­ Albany, secretary, tained a station in the world’* estima­ Jean Baker, tion quite as high as that which Wash­ and Gladys Wilbanks, treasurer. W a sh in g to n ’s Early A d ven tu res Washington and Rockefeller Held the Same Now Assum ing New Significance Faith in Oil John D. Persevered and Made Miltione ot D ollars! George Didn’t ______ By h e n r y botsfo ’ rd I A of machinery was only beginning} l r T ER weI1 nlKh a century and with Its Insatiate demand for lubrl- l / - \ J three quarters a new Interest cante. while kerosene, though the beet ogLMfij laa rec®ntly been aroused In tlrumlnant ever known, was danger» L ffviT J “ »e earliest military adven- ous because poor refining l i f t gasoline u tUr,M of Georse Washington that was liable to explode. I t Is diffi­ 1751 ‘ »enty on* year* old. In cult nowadays, when the world is be- IT68. Washington was sent by Gov ing combed for more petroleum to •rn or Dinwiddle of Virginia Into the make more gasoline, to realize that • ar northwestern wilderness— that 1* gasoline waa once a nuisance and ■ northwestern Pennsylvania—to warn menace. The Internal combustion aa- the French that they must cease their gine craated the demand for gasoline, effort« to occnpy that region. Recent now the primary product of petro­ rweearchee have given a new hlstorl leum. The demands of million* of mo- cal significance to that expedition tor cars Increasing constantly, Inven­ ur*“ K which Washington, always tion and chemistry were set at work reckless of his personal safety, had by the captains of the Industry to one of his narrow escape* from deatfi make the barrel of petroleum turn out t the hands of a treacherous Indian • larger and larger proportion of gas­ guide. oline. This was done by the cracking The French at that time occupied process, through which every year now « * nd claim"d ’ he Mississippi **es a larger proportion of crude ell n? w ? ? aII’ yg' Though the fringe turned Into gasoline. or English speaking colonies along High and Growing Demands the Atlantic contained the chief Euro­ Today well-nigh 2,500,000 barrels e>t pean population, France maintained petroleum are required every day to sovereignty over most of North Amer satlcfy the demand for motor cars, 2a S , ar? ’ They were apparently de tractors, trucks, buses, artificial gas ington holds. The two illustrate the termlned to occupy northwestern An Astoria dairyman has orders poet’s claim that ‘ honor and fame from plant* and the Innumerable by prod­ I Pennsylvania. partly because It was from Japan for 25 to 50 Guernsey no c o n d iti» rite .” known even then to be rich In petro­ uct*. Invention Is constantly finding new uses, as enterprise Just as con. Washington appreciated the value of leum. stantly finds new supplies of petro­ oil. even iu in h «■I. n it il day, jay, but he was not an ------ ~ Region's Wealth Known leum. The wonderful snd rather, mys­ oily politician. The playing of politics, P j l 4 y i n t i n Pioneers and missionaries, Eng terious fluid has revolutionised social as we tee the game plaveJ today, would 1 U U t 1 *h, French. German and Dutch, had habits and IndustrtsJ methods; yet le have been impossible to a man with bis C o i T ) 111 U T l l f V a‘> r*P °rt*d to their governments Is only two-thlrds of a century sinew dignified conception of honor. IlU llU Illiy that the petroleum was of great po the Industry had Its feeble beginning tentlal value. There Is, howevor. no In the Pennsylvania oil country. reason to believe that Washington • ia S il }ear the coun‘ry wm use about Milwaukee and Delaware are pretty anew of Its existence or value untlf , 99,000.000 barrels of petroleum. Th« hla adventure of 1753. Then he lsarn free from crime. ì he city say* it's due — country will use 700,090,000 gallons of ed that the oil had long been used by gasoline «Dd will export 1,900.00»» to official efficiency and the eliminaiion Good ~ the Indians and ths pioneering whites of graft, and the state gives the credit gS Two or more sets more. The production, processing and for fuel and light, for medicine and in marketing of petroleum Is probably . w re , . , w a ô „ ,o „ L i t T ' he making war paint. Washtogton was second only to agriculture among of the two would make this country ar tures. CoJlectlOD t n d other fea- so ranch Impressed with Its possibili­ American Industries. < crime free a* England. ties that he later became owner of a Roundly, 70 per cent of ths world's large area of oll-bearlng lands. A l­ Lots «»•ssiw i tbjoKi of t(j good #at Clifford Carey ban been called j was raised for the purpose Sunday though the petroleum Industry in lte petroleum Industry Is American. Ten Brnpe P en ajj hasn't changed his spots billions of capital I* Invested in It— modern form was then undreamed of, for another year as pastor of the i morning. for 6ma|l charge He tried to ring in a tirade against an half The valuation of th* national rail- Washington was so sure that a for- income tas when permitted to speak at r«aa system. It employs Juet sbooe Admittance, 10c Church of Christ, resided in his oll-bearlng lands 1,000.000 people. The petroleum pip* the Medford Lincoln day gathering, I The revival meetings are stilt in tuae that In hts w ill he listed them as nts Fleet* Llvic’s house was en­ hut the audieao* choked him off pj progressât the Methodist church most valuable holding*. In the prop- line system, yridironing a good shars of the country, aggregates about gs.- tered the other uight by somebody with good attendance. tinging A m e ric a ,"** the -voter* did; ort.v schedule attached to the will he 000 miles. Petrolanm revolutionised FOR ale cheap with piece* of paper last election. wrote: who forced a blind aud broke open naval warfare by bringing In the o il “This tract was taken up by Gen Thomas Palmer's flu turned out a window. Fleets is at Florenc burning ship; it I* fast rsvolutlonlslng era! Lewis and myself on account of I t has bean aster te J in Salem that the and Marshal Rector and Night to be mumps, from which he is i the bituminous spring which It con merchant marines Its the seme fash- ton. Multiplication of motor cars, iccoveri ng game and fish commissions are in poli­ Watch Barber, who investigated, | tains, of so Inflammable a nature as along with the special taxation of ties. if that ia news, to would be a to burn as freely as spirits and as could not tell whether anything their gasoline, has made possible lb» Geoige Finley returned to Bort- nearly dlff.cult to extinguish." Statement that there are whales io the B. M. BOND modem highway system. m i taken or not. «.e»a. land Tueedav, after a visit to hi* The W ill of Washington A True Social Service FOR SALE Some historians declare that In tn f rank Gibson's oar was consid- Crawfordsville property. Perhaps the roost nearly revolution­ earlier will Washington dedicated this Ike Patteraou's school of naughty ary result of Drake's modernization oe erably damaged yesterday in a A sure boy* at Salem is pulling on its farewell F. E. Roberts is selling the “burning spring" to the public. At the petroleum Industry I* to be found breeder collision at the corner of First aud any rate. It had passed from his own­ Stunt of devilment this week. The at­ McConnon products hereabouts. ership before hlg death. He sold this in the change It has brought In the One and Pne-balf years old. H streets with A. J. Hills, driven life of rural America, it has carried tendants from Linn county have made if taken soou. Amoug them is a water softener tract for 1200,000. but. suspecting it the city to the country, the country os proud bv heir conduct. by George Hayes, who promptly Can furnish paper« extra. which is said to beat them nil A might revert to his estate under a to tBe city. It has. by making posel- accepted the responsibility and mortgage, he warned his heirs that ble th * cheap and quick transporta­ water softener is surely needed iu should It do so It would be worth ^ ^ ^ ^ J n q n ire Enterprise office. agreed to pay Gansle for the Halsey if Anywhere. tion that everybody nowadays en­ much more than the *200,009. joys, enabled country and» city to necessary repairs FOR SALE Although Washington's first knowl- know and understand each other as Rosa Hughes’ bouse at Browns­ edge of petroleum was gained within 4 and 6 years old they never did before. It haa brought The Church of Christ has ville caught tire in the upper story a few miles of the place where the social and educational privileges to The best. Reduced to 20c. wnd bought the quarter b:ock west of flrsto llw ell In the world was drilled two-year old Saturday afternoon and the fire country dwellers that a few decades lese in larger quantitieg. Supply ita building for flOO, $90 of which that first well was not opened until department had a hard ffght. T ie one hundred and six years later, ago seemed absolutely denied to AH Jeraevs and all with calf your needs while it lasts. them. On the one hand It has en­ N. H. Hess, Brownsville 1859. In that year Edwin Laurentlne abled the cities to spread out Into sub­ N. T. Snead Lock box 24 Drake bored the first well. Just south urban areas and the zone of country of Titusville, Pennsylvania, and really estates; on the other, It h*e enabled started the modern petroleum Indus the people of the open country to have try. neighbors. society, church and school A Development Wonder privileges, latlmate acquaintance. Today the American Industry is the It Is n historic fact that the tendon- major part of the world's oil business cy toward division of Interest and un- Americans are directing oil develop tierstanding between city and country msnts all over the world. It Is all Is the most serious Internal menace to part of the huge problem: to make the security of nations, to the Integri­ Call at our expense. sure that the tomorrows shall see ty of society. America's requirements m et Evsry More than anything else, country Phone 37C4 decade the production of petroleum and city need to know and nnfierstand Brownsville, Oregon has doubled. Science and techni­ each other and each other's prob­ cal progress have met all demand*, lems The easy transportation, ths foreign Investment and development ready opportunity for association snd are In the nature of Insurance for the acquaintance that have came with future. the Age of Petroleum have made pn.i- In the days of Drake and the Indue eible, In this favored country at least, try's beginnings petroleum’s value lay •zactly this new Intimacy and under­ In lubricants and kerosene. The sge standing. Feb. 22 Program 8 p. m. I- O . O. F. Hall H A L S E Y , LIN N A N D O R E G O N Lunch Counter •E veryb od y I n v ite d S Wheat and Oafs Mixed Good Cow or Sheep Feed Jersey Bull Comb Honey « C p O O R u 2 Cows 2 H eifer E le c t r ic a l C o n tr a c tin g H ow to Buy Good Quality Foods al Popular Prices W e do wiring of all kinds. a specialty. Ask Us f