to the bank o f a sm a ll strea m , w bei a tral'- marked a ford. "Under those hushes," she said pointing, "you will find your clothes and weapons. We hid them this eve Drink Water If Kidneys Bother nlng," Take a T ablespoonful of Salta Back P ains or Bladder la Irritated I scurried Into the undergrowth anC started to don the tattered garm ent, which were fastened n a bundle to the barrel of my m usket- Hie m usket that Juggins bail given Io me, years and years ago, it seem ed, tn London, and which I had expected never to see again. But she halted me. “No, no, Mr. Ornierod !” she ex claimed. "There Is uot time. You must go on aloue. the tw o of you They will expect you to strike Into the Doom Trail. T I s the quickest «■»? to the settlem ents. Ga-ha-no hade me tell you to go west Instead, making for Oswego at the mouth o f the Onou riagas river. So you may shake off tlie pursuit of the Keeper«." "But you?" I cried, standing up. bun ble and m usket In hand. “ 'TIs my part to lead them in to the Doom Trail." Ta-wan-ne-ara Joined with me in a violent protest. But she waved us as! de. "There Is no other way. I will have learned much since my com ing here. Master Ornierod, and am ongst othei things, to think the less harshly of you." "For that I am thankful," I replied, "but sure, you must let us take you hack to Fort Orange. Governor llur net will cure for you." "Il cannot lie," she Insisted. "My place Is here. Wicked as they be. these men h ere--and be who ts called my father is not the cleanest of them —they work in a good cause. "I’ls for me to stay by and see they do what I:, expected of them for It. Now he off sir. The F alse F aces will be on us any moment and I am not w ishing to be caught by them, even though they would not venture to do me harm." A hurst o f ferocious yelling came from the heart of the pine wood. "They have seen traces of us In the open space by the altar." Interrupted Ta-wan-ne ars. lie swung nitiskel and bundle to hls shoulder, anil faced Hie hear mask, a spleuded figure in bronze. "Sister Ne-e ar-go-ye,” he said grave ly, "did Ga-ha-no give you any m es­ sa g e for Ta-wan ne-ara?" She hesitated. "She said that If you asked for her I was to tell you to forget Ga ha no. that she w as unworthy o f your mem­ ory. But you were to believe that what she did for you tonight was io reparation for her first great wrong." He bowed Ills head. "And oh, T aw ati-n e ars," she went on Im pulsively, "she pays a b iller price. F orgive her." Ta wan-ne-ars liaiked up. "Say this to Gu ha-no," lie answered. ■*Sa.v Ta wau-ne-ars think s o f her as a Lost Soul, tarrying for a while with A ta-enl-sic, and in Hie end he will com e for her and bring lier home again to his bulge. Say that Ta-wan ne ars never forgets." He raised his right arm In thé ges Hire of farewell, and stepped Into the current of Hie stream. . "We part once more. M arjory,” I ■aid, offering my hand. She took It. “ For certain words I liMie spoken to you. I am sorry," she sh I i I. "I know »more now' You may he my enem y, bur 1 h e lle ie you not 10 be a traflor." F lu sh your kidneys by drinking a quart o f w ater each day, also take ! sa lts occasion ally, sa y s a noted au- I thorlty, w ho te lls u s that too much j rich food form s acid s w hich alm ost p aralyze the kidneys In their efforts to expel It front the blood. They be­ com e sluggish and w e a k e n ; then yon m ay suffer w ith a dull m isery In the j kidney region, «harp pains in the AUTHOR, o f PO R TO BELLO G O L D ETC back or sick headache, dizziness, your W N U S E R .V IC E c o p y r i g h t ar b k i n i a s OT stom ach sours, tongue is coated, and w hen the w eather is bad you have "In case," said the fam iliar voice. CHAPTER X— Continued rheum atic tw inges. T he urine gets "Ami here Is otic for tlie Iroquois, cloudy, full o f sedim ent, the channels Tom and Moiling rolled In barrels of loo." often get sore and irritated, obliging I stared down in bewilderm ent at rum, which were opened and consumed you to seek r elief tw o or three tim es as rapidly as ttie heads were knocked tlie bear mask. T h ii , so unexpected, during the night. off; and the raw sp irits combined with yet so obviously what I might have To help neu tralize th ese irritating the hellish chunt and the su ggestive known she would do if tlie oppor­ a c id s; to help clean se the kidneys and throbbing o f the drum s to stim ulate tunity arose. That clean scorn, that flush off the body's urinous w aste, get afresh the passions which Ca ha-no's brave honesty o f purpose, I. had four ounces o f Jad S alts from any dancing had aroused. marked In tier, w ere earliest of her pharm acy here. T ake n tablespoon- j At first they paid no attention to us. determ ination to dure ull for w hat she ful in a g la ss o f w ater before break- ' They w ere preoccupied with the ex believed to he right. fa st for a few days, and your kidneys ( traordlnary hysteria which had A chorus o f yelps like a wolf-pack m ay then act fine. T h is fam ous sa lts gripped them. They apostrophized the In full cry split tlie night behind us. Is m ade from th e acid o f grapes and moon. Tlie women flung them selves One o f the F alse F aces sp ran g irfto lem on Juice, com bined w ith llth ia, and upon the F alse F aces, for It was our path, and Ta-wau lie ars closed h as been used for years to help flush deemed an honor to receive the alien with him. Tile Seneca's knife plunged and stim u late sluggish k id n eys; also | Hons of these priests o f evil. The men Into Ids throat, and he collapsed with to neutralize the acid s In the system I worked them selves Into an excess of a strangled scream . so th ey no longer Irritate, thus often debauchery, (¡roups formed and dis- As the pine trees shrouded us 1 relievin g bladder w eakness. solved wltii am azing rapidity. Indi­ looked hack over my shoulder. Tlie Jad S a lts is In exp en sive; cannot viduals, wearying o f each other, ran | dancing place w as rov ered 'w ith it inoh Injure and m akes a deligh tful efferves­ hither and thither, seeking partners o f runnleg figures wliti fell over each who w ere more pleasing or n ltracllve ■ cen t lithla-w ater drink. other ¡11 their drunken frenzy.. to them. “To the left," sobbed th e voice from But at last a portion of tlie drunken B ea rd lea a E ra fo r M en the h e a r s mask. T he tim e may com e when men, If mob turned upon 11s. An old woman We turned between the trunks of with wispy gray hair mid shrunken they wish, cun relieve th em selves of the pines. Hie mat of fallen needles the botlier o f the morning shave, ami breasts heat Ta-wan ne-urs on tlie springy underfoot. Behind us the tires flank with a sm oldering brand. B oll­ when women won't need to worry ing. w h atever of man there w as in him of the dancing place w ere a faint about trim m ing tiieir bobbed hair. radiance In th e ilusk. B lanches T h is prom ise, sa y s Popular Science sm othered in the hrutlshness tlie rum crashed; bodies hurtled against each M onthly, is held out by H. C. Brooke. hud excited , carefully Inserted a pine- other; a bedlam of shrieks resounded splinter In tlie quick of my linger nail. E nglish naturalist, a s the result of e x ­ 1 gritted my teeth to force hack Hie to the skies. p erim ents in the regulation o f hair "Let me help you," I puntetl to otlr scream of agony, mid managed to laugh grow th. Hair, Brooke says. Is purely rescuer. a m atter o f heredity. In his experi­ —how, I do not know—when lie set it "There will lie no need.” she an ­ m ents lie produced a struin o f mice alight. “The brother o f Ta-wan-ne ars Is a swered, running stride for stride be­ w h ose heads becam e bald In 10 days. A few days later th ey lost the fur on great warrior," proclaim ed my com ­ side us. “Do not he concerned for.m e. their backs, and a little later all their rade, sw ift Io com e to my help. “ Bed Many a mile I have run with the gillies Jack ami Ills friends cannot hurt Or- over the Highland hills." halr. merod. We laugh at you." She stum bled as she spoke, and I B olling ripped out Ids knife and set my bund under her elbow. Ta- staggered toward the Seneca’s stake. wan-ne-ara <11,1 the sam e on the other “I'll m ake you laugh," he spat w ick­ side, and so we ran for a space, rtiree edly. “ I'll carve your mouth wider so and three, our bruised and rusty joints you can laugh plenty when w e begin gradually lim bering with the effort. on you In earnest. Think tills lias Presently w e cam e to an opening T h e exclusive Luden m en­ been anything? W e—" amongst the pines, with a huge, fiat t h o l b le n d c o o l s a n d A yell of mingled fear mid laughter rock ill the center and before (Jie rock so o th e s— brings quick re­ Interrupted him. F alse F aces and the ash es of a fire. M y.-foot stru ct warriors, women as well as men. were lief to irritated air passages. som ething round, and a human skull, ladnting toward the background of the blackened and charred, hounded ahead pines. COUCHER "Ne-e-ar-go ve. tlie Bear. Is com e to of us. I fell a sllhilder pass tflrough the slender figure lu the mask. play with us," they cried. " 'TIs the a llar of the F alse Face«,” P A R K E R ’S And others prostrated them selves she murmured. “None hut the Ga-go-sa H A IR B A L S A M and called— I i t c m o w D a n d ru ff S to p * I l a i r t* a ilin g will dare to follow us tlfroiigh the “Qua, Ga-go-sa Iln-nun as-tase ta !" R e s t o r e s C o lo r a n d I B e a u t? to G r a y a n d F a d e d H a ir For Hie second tim e that night I wood," 60c and Si 00 a t D m g u ie ts , Htocos ( hem W k a .P a t c h o g w .N Y "W as that your thoughtt" I ques­ tw isted my neck to peer behind my H I N D E R C O R N S Removes Corna. Oal- stake, and sure tlie sight which met tioned. louaea, etc., stops a ll pain, ensures com fort to t b s "No. I w as helpless. 'Tw as the my eyes w as weirder even than tlie feet, makes walking easy. 16c by m ail or at Drug- w hite figure o f the Miain Malden. M istress she bude me call her Ila gist*. I ll sou x Cbeiutaal Works, Hatcbogue, N. Y. . There within the circle of the firelight liH-no— thought o f everything.'’ . Ta-wan-ne ars stopped in hls strldg. 1 stood Ga-ha-no again. But 'tw as a "What iff Ga-ha-no?" he demundeil vastly different Ga-ha-no. (in tier head . . sh e wore a h e a r s ma«k. with the fur sternly.. "Thank you. And Is that all you o f the neck and shoulders falling She glanced fearfully backward h a ie to say Io me?" around her body to the ga-ka-ah which along Hie way we hud Come. "That Ta ail," she replied softly, draped her loins. In each hand she "We may not stfiy," slie answered w ithdraw ing her hand! gripped a knife, and her w hite limbs rapidly. "I will talk us w e run. Oh, haarlem oil has been a w orld­ "I will not leave you,” I cried. Hut staggered under her In pretense of haste, haste, or all will lie lost!" m ade to WHlk With her along the trail w ide rem edy for kidney, liver and tlie unsteady gait of a hear w alking The Seneca resum ed Ills steady gait, But she pushed me hack. bladder disorders, rheum atism , erect. lint the inooiil I gh t filtering through the "P lease go, M aster Grmerod," ah* lum bago and uric acid conditions. The F alse F aces began their chant. branches revealed the agony In - hls begged. "If I am not overtaken, thia Hie drum s rumbled crazily, and she (ace, an agony which Hie qt(leal ul tlie m a sk will protect me as far as the wavered forward, arm s flopping like stake had nol been able to "product. cliHpel. w here my own cloth es are 1 paws, head poised absurdly upon on:» "Go-ha-no thougla of all." gasped aw aitin g me. They dare not enter side. T he savages, keen to appreciate our com panion., her voice strhngely there." what they knew, applauded uproar- muffled by the mask. "She cam e to I raptured her hand again and car ! lously such faith fu ln ess to nature. me th is m o r n in g - w hilst I w as plead­ rled It tn my lips correct internal troubles, stim ulate vital They were equally enthusiastic ing with them — told me how it It might "My nam e Is Harry," I answ ered organs. Three sires. Ail druggists. Insist I when she advanced her m uzzle sus- he done— fetched me here— pria-ured “And I have never forgolien the song on the original genuine G old M edal . i plclously and sm elled o f my face. But me the mask and costum e tHiighl me In the cabin of the New Venture." they could not hear tlie fam iliar voice the dance. 'Twas she secured the de­ "Thank you. Harry," she ret urne I T o o T ru e which w hispered In my ear— lay—In your torture— made them send with a trill of elfin laughter. "And I T he m inister w as putting on a new ".Mr. Ornierod, when I have cut your you final- bolstered your strength." do assure you I know other songs." collar, and w as having tlie usual ; lionds be ready to leap after me as "Where Is she now?" asked Ta-wan W illi that she was gone. Yet I hud trouble with It. ■ soon as th e Iroquois Is free." n e a r s hardly. a feelin g I had never known before ‘‘B less the co lla r !” he said, Impa- I started so that my surprise must She looked sid ew ise at him — 1 think that she was still jfcUh ap 25r «h n lm a n t 26 and Sftr l a 1m m 25«* Sold every w h ere Sam ple each f r e e A ddreea . **0wS- • a r a L a b o r a t o r t a a . Dap« IM M e)d«a. Maaa.** C uticura 5 b a rin g S tick 2 5 « . H old» H o p e fo r L epera FOR Dr. I’aul A. M cllbeniiy l as reported tn Hie American Medical association on preventive m ethods that may head off many of Hie frightful deform ities long associated with leprosy. At the national leprosarium at Carvllle, l.a., corrective t real incuts consisting of m assage, baths, exercises and ultra violet irradiation have lieen used with su ccess lu treating Hie m isshapen hands and feel even o f cases of long standing, s ly a the sp ecialist. Since Utile preventive work of this char­ acter has ever been attem pted in Itqier colonies, ph ysician s are w atching the progress of these corrective methods with great Interest. So many deform ­ ities have been improved that In time cures o f (lie less severe deform ities are not regarded as im possible. lliir n ln « ( «tkln I lln r n n e n q u ic k ly r e l ie v e d C arbolinalve ahd heaJe <1 H b A l’V K l.T, ('nlorHdn C o la 's ' TnnipI«» <*»urt( N o m edt- I _____ _ M __ ______ __ _ c in e c h e s t c o m p e t e w i t h o u t it 30c a n d ea