A g r c il l t u r e Ho rtic u ltu re L iv e s to c k NTERPR! A Weekly Chronicle of Local Events and Progress in Linn County Established )9li HALSEY, O REG ON, T H U R SD A Y TAN. 37. 1927 , t 1 a year la advaaec From the Editor’ D • £ \ Z* I omt Ot V l e w The pollution of streams with mu- H A L S E Y , L IN N A N D O R E G O N ! n*c‘Pd1 sewage has been cussed and d'seussed a good deal and the gener­ of A. e O. W»«- al belief ------ seems though i Clarence, » «on - t„ be .-v, that mvujpi .............. dirt may not be wholesome it is t p o |íl*ne^• ^ied tbi« m oru iog of heart F arm er’s Best Chance in cheap and convenient to be dispens­ disease at his home southeast of Improved Methods ed with town, aged 34 years and 11 An article on this page from the te »¡-k- . . , months. Funeral at the home Eugene Register gives reasons why l.ke the 7 ° 7" Am*rica’ Saturday at 10. with interment in ,e lv „ the city consumer pi ys about twice hke the nlajonty of men of w ealth,L ,. Rirfc Monday evening, accompanied by Ed- , W » ward Blood, who had been at Spring- H r e a m . 3 U C ; two wvefca an advertisement has Our last report of the condition and Sunday night with Beverly Isom. 12-cen^ saving, but the time he would u se , up and the transportation costs been in the Enterprise saying his of Mrs. D. J. Hayes was encour­ i X r n „t h e 7 rthwT is s e v e r a lc e n tf ¡'Chamberlain’s . . 25c Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burkhart of he Would incur would wipy out the higher per dozen because of their v visit would be “ Thursday, Feb aging. .Salem visited their farm the first saving and leave him in thr- hole. work. aud don’t forget 1.'' Feb. 1 will be Tuesday. of the week. Linn county's school population He would be late to work, the boss • >peaking of one of its constructive M orris’ Cold Tablets Maarle, young son of Harry is 28 legs than a year ago and is Mr. and Mrs. John Ringler and would call him down and since he members, the manager savs children were Sunday guests at J. I). would bo tired from his eflurts his D avit, ran away the other day, 3875 boys and 8600 girls. “It would be worth millions and People come mfles for these. Brubaker's. efficiency would suffer and he would spent a cold night in a barn and 1 he state board of health plans Sure relief and guaratead millions to the agricultural industry probably lose his job. So it would waa caught next day hoofing it B. E. Cogswell of Portland is visit­ to have Oregon free from diph- of the country if all those engagea be a costly experience for him nil ing at his ranch. for Eugene. 25c the box tharia by 1980. in it had the same understanding of around The high school seniors took in he co-operative movement that he Iteuben Rinbold is visiting at the While we are at it, let us look at Read “ Mexican Indians Are H a lse y P h a r m a c y about »70, of which »50 was net, Fleet Brubaker home. -ad, and then followed it up bv this business of food sales from the of Foot,” ou one cf our insert action.” at tbeir play Friday night. other side of the fence. If the pro­ pages this week and tell us if you Spoon Rivor Spark« The loss farmers sustain because ducer could deliver direct to the con- The Southern Pac ific will run want to try a footraoo with one of they do not pull together like other ( E n t e r s r l« « C o r r e s p o n d e n c e ) sumer he would get 26 cefcs instead interests was shown by a recent an­ Hie best. Reduced to 20o. and another special train to Sen Fran- the Tarahunaares. Hiram Bierly was a caller at AI of 14, minus the freight and other oiaco on the schedule of the Shasta nouncement by O.A.C. that potato lese m larger quantitiee. Supply transportation charges, but what Last week's Lebanon Express bany Saturday. limited, with fare of »15 one wav growers near Portland, instead of would it cost him to get the higher your needs while it lasts, f had a cartoon showing Winter Lester Powell and wife and Carl p rice. It would cost him a lot- « (day coaches) ooly. If party getting more for their product, which N. T. Sneed. was first d a .,, than those farther __ wants to return the fare will l e mired in a January thaw. The Seefeld and family mot»red to Al­ more, in all probability, than the 12 I'.'R ¿A LE ¡' ' from the market, were standing ¡, cents, for he would have to incur all >30 for the round trip, limited to paper reached Halsey Friday bany Thursday. loss of «bout »10 a ton because they M. B. Harding and sons Bruce, the costa of distribution to the ulti­ fifteen days. Return in day morning, the oddest thia year, 12 were not combined and the Portland coacbea of regular trains. This above, when old man Winter did Dick and Harry, motored to Salem mate consumer. He would have to buyers were. vlait each house, make bis sale, weigh train leaves Portland tomorrow, not show a sigu of having been F riday. While there they visited Or measure it out and collect tha at tho / Many co-operative farm movements 'T he Frank Durban Dairy Ranch,” mired. Saturday it wae 14 and fail because of the tendency of farm­ nn. 28, just as it did last Friday. money. His expense bill, by the timd Vannice Ranch Sunday there was enough snow so and also the J. H. Van Nice». ers to assert their individuality and he finished, would be -daggering. W. G. McNeil has removed to Herman Stienke and family visited the boye made enowbaljs. And resent restraint, but there are glow­ But that is not all. While the Lacomb, this county, where the at W. A. Falk's last Sunday, for S A L E -------------- the next day it rained. ing examples in the record of profit producer was doing all this deliver­ luscious strawberry carpets fields from whole-hearted co-operation in or trade for heirs of one breed M. H. Harding and wife and child ing he would be unable to produce, of hundreds of acres with green marketing. I’fhe Grove Point« ren visited at Merwyn Van Nice’s and would have to hire somebody 3 Young Bronze Gibblers and white and pink and rc-d and Co-operative marketing and buying Tuesday. J. H. Van Nice spent sev to do it for him. Thus his costs (By Special Correspondent) eventually brings many dollars rn»y help some, but the most prom­ AUo would buy a few hens eral days last week with them also. would go up sharply at the source. Mrs. L. E. Eagy arrived home Mon­ He returned to his home at Salem Then there is the unquestioned fact ising means the farmer has of help­ from far and near. He will be Willard Hamlin, day after a five weeks’ visit with Saturday, ing himself lies in the production of that modern conveniences of distri­ on Rogers place at Alford her sisters in California. Comb H oney Good Ford M otor moro acre. near, acre what money’s worth of crops per The time is coming, -far or when the average production per in this valley will be double it is today. w . M. B U R B A N K 30x3j J Tire for aale for IQ days at $7.50 The D elegates a 3-act comedy-drama will bo reproduced by th e S e n io r C la ss o f H o w to Buy Good Q uality Foods at Popular Prices HALSEY HI SC H O O L Ask Us for Preferred Stock tomorrow (Friday) night at 8 at K oontz’ Hall Admittance 35 and 15c That is the answer. This brand includes a largo assortm ent o f quality foods which are sold at popular prices. Wo can sell vou these splendid goods at popular prices because they are produced and put on the m arket by m odern m eth­ ods and at the lowest possible expense and cost. " hen you buy Preferred Stock you get thw e p>o< quality you want at a price y o u can afford to pay. J L. R. Falk and son Charles and Miss Leone Palmer spent the week daughter Ava spent Saturday at C end in Albany. L. Falk’s. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Eagy were Al­ Janet Bilyeu was on the sick list bany visitors Wednesday. several days last week. Mrs. W. D. McLaren and Mrs E. Rev. M. C. Clarke of Newberg and E. Hover attended the missionary Rev. Taylor of Salem were gueets meeting at the Peoria parsonage at C. E. Gillette's ever Tuesday night. Thursday afternoon. Clyde and Leonard Robinson of Miss Mabel Hartrick of Eugene is Salem are cutting wood at H. L. ' isiting Mrs. L. E. Edgy this week. Straley’s. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Blood were Kenneth Van Nice and Miss Nellie called to Eugene Monday by the ser­ Falk spent Sunday with the former’s ious illness of their daughter, Mrs. parents at Salem. Mao Markham. Mr. Blood returned A number of young folks of this vicinity skated at L. R. Falk's Sunday How about W ir e iiet our prices before you buy. We have the American Zinc Insulated Field Fence No. 939 Fence, 39c a rod, cash No. 832 Fence, 36c a rod, cash No. 7 26 Fence, ¡3 I c a rod, cash M. V. KOONTZ Co, »■» Í 0 -, H ill & » i Co, Mi. and Mrs. G. ors at Albany spent the evening ter, Mrs. Charles bution tend to increase consumption. If Consumers ate only what they could buy at their doors from peddlers, they would eat much less. It is hot here intended to say that modern distribution system i are per­ fect. They are not — far from it. But it is extremely unfair to say that because food that costs the New York consumer 26 cents at his home costs only 14 cento at the dock there te an unscrupulous Ethiopian In the woodpile. It costs a great deal of of money to get food from the dock to the consumer and somebody has to pay that cost. It would cost the consumer even more to go to the dock •nd get it himself. J. Rike were visit­ Church Nolle« Wednesday. They Methodist—Next Sunday : with their daugh 10 a. m,, Sunday Reboot Straley. Ellen Van Nice spent the week tn l with her brother Kenneth at the Van Nice home. Robert Ramsey and wife were Sunday visitors at J N. Elliot's. Mrs. Hazel Munkers and daughter spent the week end at H. L. Straley'«. Merwyn Van Nice and family spent the week end in Portland and Salem visiting relatives. 11, Public servicers 3, Junior League 6 80, Epworth League 7 80, public services. 7 80 Thursday, prayer meeting Here all will find a welcome, regardless of social standing. Your presence will help, and wa will try to do you good. J. 8. Millar, pastor. W. R. Kirk and wife and son Ray­ mond made a hurried trip to Browns­ Sym bolic CAinwa« C a le r t ville Thursday evening to consult a T h e Chinese have tlx symbolic col- dentist about Raymond’s teeth, which o ra: lied algniaea flra and the aouth • were giving him a great deal of black, w ater (jf^botiDucl OB last page) forhidden fru it to look at lt and m ir a — M argaret Perclval, ad­