If Back Hurts Flush Kidneys T he DOOM TRAIL — By — < Arthur D. Howden Smith A lb e rt R o o k e M a k e s H is C o m e b a c k VV ins six-year fight for health. N ow well and strong This continued for a long time Twt light was at hand before they dropped a t 60. Husky as ever, he praises Tanlac Au.Aer • / "Ta wan nears has only one regret back, and a select band of young war At 1830 West 30th Place, Loa An­ rtors began to exhibit their skill wltfc that he Is to die," he said. “That Is FORTO BELLO COLD. Etc. geles, lives Albert A. Rooke. a re­ bow and arrow, knife and tomahawk. because he cannot live to find your (Í2 by Brentano**.) spected citizen with 38 years of active When your kidneys hurt and your lost soul and return It to you.’’ Arrows were shot between our nnnl W NU S ervi«« railroad experience. He tells of a very back feels sore, don't get scared and She laughed harshly. and bodies; tomahawks hurtled Inte interesting expenenee. » proceed to load your stomach with a Nie posts beside our ears; knives Ta-wan-ne-ars Is a child," she said. “Aboqt seven years ago,” says Mr. Rooke, “my stomach and liver went lot of drugs that excite the kidneys "His heart Is turned to water. He were hurled from the far side of the back on me. I t was a most distressing open space, so closely aimed that their and Irritate the entire urinary tract. talks of things which are not. My soul experience. Nothing set-med to agree points shaved our naked ribs. Once Keep your kidneys clean like you Is here." She tapped her left, breast. with me; I lost all desire for food. A In a while we were scratched; the “It does not matter, however, for the keep your bowels clean, by Hushing sound night’s sleep was out of the handle of a tomnhawk, poorly thrown, them with a mild, harmless salts Ga-go-sa Ho-nun-as-tase-ta does not question, so 1 rose each morning tired raised a hump on my forehead. And which helps to remove the body's need a soul ns other mortals do.” and peplesa. Then constipation de­ lie Veulle. squatting on the ground She turned on her heel abruptly, and veloped and made life a continuous urinous waste and stimulate them to with a knot of chiefs, applauded the misery. I lost weight and coul 1 hardly followed the priests Into the loug hark their normal activity. drag myself around a good deal of the show. The function of the kidneys Is to house from which they had emerged. time. After six years of that 1 was all It went on and on. New forms of The great mob of Indians melted filter the blood. In 24 hours they in. Along came the ‘flu’ when I had mental torture were constantly de­ strain from It 500 grains of acid and away as soon as she left us. They all no resistance left That was about the vised. Darkness rlosed down, and the waste, so we can readily understand but tied In order to reach their lodges last straw. Nothing seemed tohelpme. ever in m y life. T hat waa a year ago. fires beside the stakes were lighted. I before sundown, and so hurried were the vital Importance of keeping the “On a friend's advice I tried Tanlac, I’m still iii fine sha|>c, as you see. Few was In a daze. I had ceased to feel our guards that In removing us from and that certainly did help. 1 soon kidneys active. men of 60 are us well as 1 am, thanks fear or misgiving. I was conscious the stukes to the Council-House In the began to get refreshing sleep again, to to T anlac/’ Drink lots of good wuter—you can't only of a great weariness and thirst. eat with old-time seat. The distressing Tanlac is nature’s own tonic and drink too much; also get from any center of the village they forebore to stomach and liver troubles disa;»- Of a sudden I realized that the body builder, made from roots, herbs pharmacist about four ounces of Jud bent or maltreat us. peared. Briefly Tanlac put me on and barks by the famous Tanlac for­ shouting had died down. The prancing In the Council-House they supplied Salts. Take a tablespoonful In ti my feet, with all my old-time vigor mula. Try a txittle—it may do far you figures were at rest. But Into the glass of water before breakfast each us with a liberal meal of meat and and enjoyment of life. I put on weight what it did for Mr. Rooke. Your drug- circle of firelight swayed the hideous and after five bottles wus us well as morning for c few days and your kid­ vegetables. Then our bonds were re­ gisthaait. Over SJmillion bottles sold. column of False Faces, their masks placed and we were covered with neys may then act fine. This famous robes, whilst our guards cowered close of monstrous birds and beasts and rep F ig u r e o f S p e e c h O p p o r tu n it y salts Is made from the acid of grapes to the fire In abject fear. They start­ tiles seeming nllve with horrid purpose “He gives Ills orders with an Iron “Dear, shall we see a show to­ and lemon Juice, combined with llthla, ed at the slightest movement. Had In the shifting gloom, their feet mov­ hand.” “Do you mean he uses the sign night?” “Yes, I’ve lots of things to and has been used for years to help we been able to stir hand or foot I ing harmoniously In the hesitant step language?” tell you.” clean and stimulate clogged kidneys; think we might huve won our freedom. of the dance, their voices united In the also to neutralize the acids in the But they used cure In binding us, and monotonous music of their chant. To Have a Clear, Sweet 8kln system so they are no longer a source we lay Inert ns corpses. They strung a circle, as they had of Irritation, thus often relieving done the day before, and halted, heads I Touch pimples, redness, roughness “What do they feur?” I whispered to bladder weakness. wabbling this way and that. There or Itching, If any, with Cutlcura Olnt- Ta-wun-ne-ars at length, desirous of Jad Salts Is Inexpensive; cannot In­ hearing a friendly voice. was a hrlef pause, and I noticed lie I nient, then bathe with Cutlcura Soap jure; makes a delightful effervescent “1 do not know exactly, brother,” he and thrust for the one weak spot In Veulle, risen to his feet and staring I and hot water. Itlnse, dry gently anil llthla-water drink which everyone said. “These Cahnuagas are rene­ the man's armor of egotism. Intently behind me, where the wall of dust on a little Cutlcura Talcum to ”Y6u do proclaim yourself for what pines made a perfpet background for leave a fascinating fragrance on akin. should take now and then to help gades from the Great League.“ 6 B ell - a n s keep their kidneys clean and active. “But the Moon feast they talk you are,” 1 answered him steadily. the spectacle. A sigh hurst from the Everywhere 25c each.—Advertisement. - s ’ , Mot w ater Try this; also keep up the water about,” I persisted. “What Is that?” “Sure, no man of breeding would de­ half-seen throngs of savages. L e ss o n in L a sso Sure Relief drinking, and no doubt you will won­ “Ga-go-sa Ho-nun as-tase-ta I” “It Is some Invention of their own,' scend to the depths you reach. I do der what became of your kidney trou­ he replied. “Perhaps Murray or De assure you, fellow. If you ever return I craned my neck, and as well ns the “What’s the baby crying for?” ble and backache. “We’re playing rodeo nu’ he doesn’t Veulle helped them with It. My people to civilization and attempt to ndx with thongs permitted me peered around (he gently bred, your plowboy origin the stake to which 1 was lashed. A know why we rope him.’’ know nothing of such things.” will out.” white figure flitted from the protection Through the bark walls of the house His face was suffused to a purple of the trees and glided toward us. The came the weird, minor niplody which “ DANDELION BUTTER COLOR” 26« and 75$ Pkgs.Sold Everywhere False Faces stnrted a queer, rhythmic had attended the appearance of the hue. “ 'Sdeath !” he rasped. “Sir, know A harmless vegetable butter color Kcal F a I m I f B rok er«! Fxim 91,000 M onthly air, accompanied by gently throbbing I s y o u r stom ach o u t o f order? In d i­ Mistress of the Fnlse Faces, mingled you not I am of the Murrays of Cob- sa l 11 n s Hi«« Qrand« V alley Inoom e G r a p e fru it drums. The figure commenced to used by millions for 50 years. Drug P r o p e r tie s . w rite B A N T A A N D G IL E S, O w n ­ g e stio n , G as, H eartbu rn , B loatin g, with shrieks, groans, screams and er«. A ste r B u ild in g Hen A nton io. T ex a s. Stores and general stores sell bottles blelaw? I quarter my arms with the flnn,.e. flrnig w|de, hnlr floHt|ng free. S ick h ead ach e, Sou r stom ach, or yells. Our gunrds huddled closer to­ Kleths! I have a right to carry the Beside me Ta wan ne-ars choked hack of “Dandelion" for 35 cents.—Adv. sim ilar d istress cau sed by disordered gether. They abandoned their weap­ a groan of hate nnd love and fought stom ach. T hen tr y D Y JE S T , th e m ost ons and covered their heads with blan­ Bleeding Heart on my shield I I—” If you look Important, get a Job that “No, no,” I interrupted. “ 'TIs easy fruitlessly ngnlnst the rawhide thongs. w on d erfu l stom ach rem ed y known. kets. A drum throbbed near by. and ■ S en d u s 60c stam p s or coin , w e w ill at Intervals sounded the wailing chant for you to claim here In the wilder­ “Twas Ga-ha-no. She wore again suits your looks. Nine times out of ness, hut the humblest cadet of the her ceremonial uniform, the kilt and ten that procedure will work. een^ you D Y J E S T , p ost paid a n y ­ of the masked priests und the thud g Guu.lt tUtiv/l A rl«««*nt «lïetüv* «yrup. I house of Pouglus would disprove you. moccasins; but this time they were a. 35c *nd ftOc size« w here. ding of dancing feet. A n d e»Mrnoliy, u«c r I SO'S I dislike to speak 1 1 1 of any woman, Cole*« < a r b o lla a lv e Q u ic k ly R e lie v e s white, fashioned of skins taken from a n d h e a ls b u r n in g . it c h in g an d to r tu r in g Throat and Cheat The uproar Increased In violence. MERTES REMEDY CO. Women's voices, some In dreadful and certes I could weep for the grief the bellies of young does. Her limbs a k in d is e a s e s . It in s t a n t ly s to p s th e p ain 1201 Geneva Ave. of her who conceived you, whatever and body, too, were coated with some o f burnn. H e a ls w it h o u t s c a r s . 30c a n d protestation, some In enger ecstasy. 60c. A«k y o u r d r u g g is t , o r sen d 30c to S A N F R A N C ISC O , C A L IF . Those who say that life Is u burden Joined In It. It was near, then at a Rhe was. But I make no doubt she white substance that made her gleam T h e J. W . C o le Co.. 127 H E u c lid A ve.. was some Huron squaw." O ak P a r k . H l., fo r a p a c k a g e .— A dv. always make others tired. like a dpllcate marhle statue when she distance, then returning. And occa­ His face went dead white. postured in the flickering radiance of sionally that one shrill, sweet voice “I was pleaded with overlong to the fires. The dinner gong nnd the dinner It’s easy to fool a man who has no quelled the saturnalia and was lifted spare you,” he said In accents so cold faith In human nature. I • quickly improved and usually She tossed up her arms In a curving ring nre not always synonymous. on a note of pagan exultation—only to that the words fell like Icicles break­ cleared entirely if properly treated with hp drowned In the thrumming of ing from the rocks. “I am glad I re­ gesture toward the moon, riding low above the treetops. The music of the drums. sisted. I shall give orders now that Gur Are dwindled and was rekindled your torments he the most Ingenious attendant priests swung Into u faster measure, the pulsing of the drums be- The night crept on toward the dawn. our savages can devise. cume subtly disturbing, commanding. The monotony of the noises, the end­ “I doubt It not,” I said. ”O So-a ka-ga gwn," she cried, “I less repetition, deadened the senses, “You will die In much agony,” he and we slept. When I awnkened. continued placidly. “Nobody will ever your servant, the Mistress of the False 'twas to «ee the daylight trickling •know of your taunts. And I"—his Faces, begin now the Moon feast we through the smoke-hole In the roof. vanity flared up again—"I shall die a I make In your honor!" She resumed her dance, hut ’twas Somewhere in the sunshine a bird marquis and a duke. began to sing, and my captors yawned “And a convicted criminal," I added ' verY different from the graceful, plens- M ITC H ELL EYE SALVE and sat up. The squat chief, bis fears He murmured to De Veulle and 1 s,c'1" H,1<‘ ll“d flr"t u’,p'1* 1 know h e a ls Inflam ed ey e s, g ra n u la te d lids, of the night gone, kicked Ta-wan ne-ars walked away, the savages moving from 11 bow to describe It, save perhaps s ty e s , etc. Sure. S afe. Speedy. 25c a t awake. a ll d r u g g ists. H a ll & R u ck el, N. Y.C. his path ns If lie were death in per- ' "'«» *tw«s like the music, provocative, “Tills is the day of the Moon feast,” son, for Indeed they feared Ulin, more j sppeeBng the basest Instincts In Amusement is to the mind what he snid. “You will soon clamor to even than they feared Black Robe anil man, Indecent with a peculiarly attrac­ die.” their own accursed priests. He was tive Indecency. It was. I think, the sunshine Is to the flowers. dance of creation, of the Impulse of the master of all. life, one of the oldest and In Its per­ “So you are Io be chief torturer, CHAPTER X DEMAND “BAYER” ASPIRIN monsieur le chevalier?" I remarked to verted way one of the truest dances which man ever devised. It could only De Veulle. The Moon Feast M O T H E R F l e t c h e r ’s Taka Tablets Without Fear If You he danced by a savage people, primi­ “Even so," he agreed. We were yanked to our feet and See the Safety "Bayer Croat.” "There could not tie a fitter," I said tive and unashamed. Castoria is a pleasant, harm­ pushed outside. Thousands of Indians sympathetically. Faster went the measure of the less Substitute for Chstor Oil, Warning! Unless you see the name lined the narrow, dirty streets be­ "I thank you for your appreciation,” dnnee. Faster whirled the glistening ■'Bayer” on package or on tablets you tween the hark houses and lodges. he replied. "I have instructed the sav­ white figure. Now she danced before Paregoric, Teething Drops are not getting the genuine Buyer They greeted us with a silence so In­ ages to give you the long torment. us, her eyes burning with mockery— and Soothing Syrups, espe­ Aspirin proved safe by millions and tent that It was aR arresting as a shout. You will tie still alive this time tomor­ I know not what—of Ta-wan ne ars. cially prepared for Infants in arms and Children all ages. Not a finger was laid upon ns, not a prescribed by physicians for 26 years. row. Think of It I Your Iroquois Now she spnn around the open space Say ‘‘Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Voice was raised. Yet the fierce an­ friend knows what that means—an In a series of Intricate steps and pos­ Imitations may prove dangerous.—Adv. ticipation which gleamed In every face eyeless, bloody wreck of a man, beg turings. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of was more threatening than definite glng to be slain!” The music worked up to a crescendo, Proven direction) on each package. Physician« everyw here recom m end i t One admire« charity that Isn’t on gest ures. He beckoned to the Cahnuaga chief. the drums thudding with furious speed Ahead of us opened the flat expanse parade. Firmness, gone to seed. Is obstinacy “Let loose your people," he ordered, Ga-hn-no leaped high In air and raised N o C r e d it of the dnnclng-place, with the two nnd stepped back. her arms toward the moon, whose Mr. Slow Pay—If thia floor paint and obstinacy makes deadlocks. lonely stakes, flanked hy piles of The Cahnuaga put his hand to his sickle shape was no whiter or fairer works. I’ll owe It all to you. freshly gathered firewood, standing mouth, and the hlgli-pltched, soaring than she. Clerk—Pardon me. sir, hut our terms j Arid rtom aeh, h ea rtb u rn an d n a u sea a r e like portents of evil ngnlnst the dark notes of the war whoop resounded co r recte d w ith th e ucc o f W right'« In d ia n The chant stopped In the middle of V e g e ta b le T ills. 373 P e a rl S t., N. T. A d r . green background of the pines which through the air. And aa If one direct­ a note, and as her feet touched the are cash.—Good Hardware. walled the rear of the amphitheater. ing center animated them all the thou­ ground again she ran lightly across It Is merit alone that counts most Life without love would be as use- Ta-wan ne-rrs looked eagerly In ev­ sands of savages closed In on us, yell­ the amphitheater and threw herself • less as a lamp without oil. ery direction, hut she whom he sought ing-and shrieking. weapons menacing, Into De Veulle’s arms. He tossed her In every man's worth today. was not present nor were there visible feet pouniTIifir' ltya._ measures of some upon his shoulder. any of the carrion crew of priests clumsy dance. “The Moon feast Is open, O my Only the sinister faces of the negro. They swirled round and round us, people,” she called hack as he disap­ Tom, and Bolling, with his tangle of those who could get nearest dashing peared with her Into the shadows. red hair, sftrred recollections In that up to the stakes to mock at us or All those thousands of people went alien, hostile mass. threaten us with words and weapons. mad. The dancing-place became a Our guards hound us to the stakes Nobody touched us. but the strain of wild tumult of naked savages, men and A POPULAR PRICE HOTEL as they had the day before, and Ta- constantly expecting physics! assault women, leaping In groups and couples OF DISTINCTION wan n e « ',. with a significant glance was nerve-racking. Ta-wan-ne ars to the renewed music of the False Main Street between Sixth and Seventh at me. rallied them with the searching smiled serenely at them all. and when Faces. Decency and restraint were wit of bis race. Phone Faber 8840 he could make himself heard, returned cast aside. “The Cahnuaga dogs are not used their threata. (TO B E CONTINUED.) LOS A N GELES to taking captives," he commented. "They are women They should he till­ •M->X-:X->X.>X'>X'C'X'>X‘> X < -I> X -;X :X > X < -X < X > I> X < -X > X v X > X > X :-X :x :X < . ing the field. They do not know how 700 ROOMS to torment real warriors." 300 rooms w ithout b a th $1.50 N o t M u c h D o u b t a s to W h e r e S h e S t o o d 200 rooms with private toilet ¿2.00 When they were passing the thongs 200 rooms with private buth $2.60 under his arm-pits, the Seneca bent Attorney W. B, Ward tells of the of even with contempt the woman took forward and fastened his teeth In the Good Garage Facilities forearm of the Incautious guard. The terance of a client he once had In her aland In front of the bench and blood spurted and the man yelped with Kansas City that he regarded as a fixing Judge Birney with her eyes she classic in finality. The client waa of exclaimed; pain. Ta-wan-ne-ars laughed. "Judge, the man I'd marry again “Unarmed and bound, yet I can ebon hue and was asking to be di­ Hurt you,” he cried. “Truly, you are vorced from what she termed the ain't been born yet and furthermore BAN FR A N C ISC O 'S NCW rtNC MOTEL women. The warriors of the Great “most nocountest, trlfllngest man that his mother's dald.” Crwry room with hath or ahawer. 12.00 to Sft.50. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for < r