Yemen and its K h a t Three Wlee Men of Yemen. (P r e p a r e d by th e N a tio n a l G aograph lc S o cie ty . W a sh in g to n . I>. C .) EMEN, an Independent country of A rabia, across the lower end of the narrow Red sea from the Italian colony of E ritrea, la the la te st land to e n te r Into treaty rela­ tions w ith Italy. As a result th e likeli­ hood Is seen of the peaceful p en etra­ tion of southw estern Arubla by Ita l­ ian Influence. T his reign, like all o th er p a rts of A rabia, w as under at least nominal T urkish control before the g reat -var; but since It has constituted an Ima- niate, under the rule o f the Arab Imam Yahya ben M uham mad ben Ham id al Din, who rules from Sabla. Yemen has the distinction and the good for­ tu n e to be one of th e few p a rts of A rabia th a t a re of ag ricu ltu ral Impor­ tance. U nder a stable governm ent It w ould have an Im portant commercial fu tu re. T he B ritish p ro tecto rate of Aden Is one of the chief outlets for Its produce. Yemen’s American fume rests p rin ­ cipally upon the fam iliar nam e of an alm ost deserted city, Mocha, through which coffee no longer comes, w here debris clu tters the streets, w here only m osques rem ain Intact, Coffee still Is a m ajor crop of Ye­ men, but It Is exported largely through H odelda, and In even g reater q uantity via Aden, port of the B ritish pro­ te c to ra te to the south, which today Is the commercial neck o f the Bed sea bottle. O rder coffee In Yemen, however, and you will not repeat the experim ent. F o r the A rabians of coffee-land pre­ fer the husks to the berries, and the brew therefrom has been com pared to hot barley w ater. To the occidental mind th is concoction affords n eith er flavor or stim ulus. T he Yemenite looks elsew here for a stim u lan t—to kbat. T he world knows alm ost nothing about khnt. O ur scientific books are nearly silent on the subject. ' T rav el­ ers who ought to have observed Its uses w rite from heresa.v and usually w ith th e most am azing Ignorance. T here a re even E uropeans In the Ye­ men, whose serv an ts have chewed khut every day of th eir lives, with so little know ledge of native life and custom s th a t a fte r years of residence they a s k : “Why, w liat Is k h at? We never h eard of It.” Yet no Yemen event Is com plete w ithout Its presence, and no Yemen Arab—man, woman or child— passes a day If he can help It w ithout th e aid of at least a few leaves of the precious khnt. supply Is so lim ited th a t It Is nevet seen except among the richest mer chants of Zeblde, Ibb, Talz and Sanaa ■ The commonest kind Is Moquarl, which grows In the district of M akatra about four day s’ camel ride from Aden, and most of the 2,560 camel loads of k hat which reach Aden In th e course of a year Is of th is variety. K hat cultivation Is simple. The p lan t bears n eith er flowers nor seeds, but is grown from cuttings. A fter the farm er has flooded his field till the sdll has absorbed Its utm ost of w ater, he rovers It w ith goat droppings and allows It to “ripen" for a few days. Then be buries the cuttin g s In shallow holes from 4 to 8 feet ap art, with space enough betw een th e rows for pickers to pass. B ut th e Yemen cow and th e sad-eyed camel, whose maw Is never filled, have a nice taste In khat cuttings, and to discourage these m a­ rau d ers the form er covers each hill with thorn tw igs and spiny cactus leaves. Som etim es be tra in s one of th e half-w ild dogs which infest the village to guard th a t p a rticu lar Held. At the end of a y ear th e young shrubs are two feet high with a th ick ­ ly spread green foliage 18 Inches In diam eter. Behold now the farm er go­ ing out Into the dawn of each morning to gaze at his field and th e sky In the hope of seeing th e [tortents of harvest time. On a m orning the air Is thick with bulbuls, sparrow s, w eaver birds, shrilly clam oring. They rise and fall upon his plantH, picking a t the tender- est leaves. "Allah be p ra ise d !” cries the sim ple farm er, “th e leaves are sweet and ripe for the m ark et.” And now he calls bis women and the wives of his neighbors to th e crop- picking. U nder a bower of Jasmine vines, with plumes of th e sw eet-sm ell­ ing reban In th eir turbans, the farm er a n d ’his cronies gather to drink klshar from tiny cups and smoke the hubbuk, while the womenfolk bring them arm ­ fuls of the freshly cut k h at leaves. W hat a Joyous tim e It Is for all the village; for alw ays the farm er dis­ trib u tes the whole of his first crop among his neighbors. T he kbat p lan t grows from 5 to 12 feet In height and then It stops. As the foliage thickens, th e larger branches are pruned out to prevent crowding, and when th e p lant Is six­ teen years old the top usually diss. It is cut off about a foot above the ground, and from th e stum p new shoots spring out and th e pluut Is re­ born. Khat Is Their Stimulant. Marketing In Aden. Y W hen th e European Is weary he In Aden the nrrlval of the khat calls tor alcohol to revive Idin; when <*nmels is looked forw ard to as the he Is Joyful he tak es wine, th at he chief dally event. When they arrive, may have more Joy. In like m anner about noon, the m arket is filled with a th e Chinese woos his “w hite lady,” restless, yelling mob. Bedlam has th e poppy flower, th e Indian chews broken loose, but It Is a m erry, good- bhang, and the W est A frican n atu red bedlam. seeks surcease In kola. K hat Is A fter the k h at Is weighed on the m ore to the Yemen A rab than any governm ent scales and duly taxed, It of these to Its devotees. It Is no n a r­ Is divided Into bundles the thickness cotic, wooing sleep, but a stim ulant, o f a m an’s forearm . Then the sellers like alcohol. U nlike alcohol, It con­ m ount tables and auction It off. ceals no demon, but a fairy. The In an hour the place Is all but de­ k h at e a te r will tell you th a t when he follows th is fairy It takes him Into re­ serted and the foot-marked, earthen gions overlooking paradise. He calls floor U ttered with debris. Now come the venders of firewood and all the th e plant the "flower of paradise." I C atha edulls, as the p lan t Is known despised castes, like scavengers, to botanlcally, grows to some extent In buy the refuse for a few pice. But A byssinia, but It Is cultivated chiefly out In the streets may be seen h u n ­ In th e m ountains of the Yemen In­ dreds happily wending homeward, a te rio r behind Aden. T he word k h at Is bundle of th e precious leaves under said to be derived from an o th er Arable each arm , th eir Jaws w orking and word, kut, m eaning sustenance or re­ th eir eyes full of a delicious content. viving principle, and refers to the It Is close on to noon, and you will not most salient property of the plant, I see them again until a fte r two o’clock. C ontrary to the general opinion, th a t of exalting the sp irits and sup­ porting the bodily stren g th , under ex­ k h at Is never used as a beverage In trao rd in a ry conditions, of one who the Yemen, but the fresh leaves are The youngest e a ts Its leaves. T he researches of Invariably chewed. A lbert B eltter of th e U niversity of leaves are th e best. They have a fltrassburg. seem to show th at Its ac­ sweetish, slightly astrin g en t taste, not tive principle Is an alkaloid In the u npleasant to tb e E uropean palate, form of crystals, very b itter and odor­ but certainly not alluring. When brewed, they lose most of th eir less. Along the steep, terraced slopes of stren g th and the flavor of th e d e c o r - th e m ountains betw een T aiz and tlon Is much like th a t of grapevine Yerlm you will find the sm all p la n ta ­ "cigarettes." tions of the khat farm er. Not till you J u s t w hat Is the exact toxic effect have climbed nearly 4.000 feet will of k h at on tb e hum an system has you see th e first one, and when yop never yet been ascertained. It Is cer­ reach 6,000 feet you will have passed tainly a stim ulant with a lively and th e last nearly Im m ediate effect upon the Varieties and Cultivation. brain and nerve cells; th e gloomiest Rokharl is the sw eetest o f sll k h at man becomes cheerful under Its Influ­ and by fa r the most expensive. The ence, th e most enervated active. Cunning Forgery Plot Is Revealed ♦- • .................... „•.............................. | M ontreal M an Lays C laim to Labrador - London.— Rev. Isaac de la Pen- ho of the Sephardi congregation of Spanish und Portugese Jew s at Montreal has Just subm itted to the privy council of the B rit­ ish em pire a modest claim to ow nership of the whole of Labrador. The laud claimed com­ prises 511,006 square miles— about ten tim es th e urea of Eng­ land. Penho bases his claim, accord­ ing to the Jew ish World, upon a ch arter grunted to one Joseph de la Penho, a w ealthy m erchant of R otterdam , by Klug William III. According to Reverend Pen­ ho his ancestor on one occasion saved King William und several members of th e royal family from drow ning when ship­ wrecked. and the king m appre­ ciation bestowed upon “Joseph de la Penho and his heirs pos­ session of L abrador.” LIFE’S LITTLE JESTS Realty corporation. All th a t he was to do, in retu rn for $15,060, w as to adm it them to the offices of the cor­ poration. The whole thing w as to be done on a high plane—no safe-blowing, robbery or gun-pluy. New York.—The cast of “T he G reat “You’re the kind of a man th a t could W HY CHANGE? Capitol T h eater $148,1100 Check F org­ use money," they told him. “You ery" includes a sign p ain ter, a F atty ought to be a heavy spender—not Just A friend of ours com plains th a t Arbuckle-sized elevator boy, a girl fas a $28-u-week elevator pusher. With the coal he gets now adays Isn’t w hat clnated by an auto m atic Ice-producing fifteen grand you can have a swell It used to be or w hut It should be for machine, an elderly and Innocent New time. H aven’t you got a girl th a t can the cost. We are rem inded of the Jersey business man of established help you have a good tim e?”- story of an Inventor who w ent to a honesty and several as yet unidentified The picture was too alluring for coal dealer and s a id : “I have here persons. The elev ato r boy, who ad ­ Itoedel, as he thought of the luxury- som ething that yon'll want, som ething mits, according to th e police, th a t he loving Nancy Kirby, und he gave In. new—a substitute coal th a t you can got $1,500 out of the $148,000, Is held He closed his eyes. The sign painter sell a t half price." In the Tombs on a forgery charge. The and his associates went Into the More­ “Shucks I" returned the coal man. girl Is being detained as a m aterial dall Realty corporation offices one "H aven't we got one already th a t we w itness. night, got out th e company’s check «ell at full price?"—T rnnscrlpt. William Itoedel, th e elev ato r o p era­ book and w rote two checks—each for tor, Is w hat detectives cull a "sap ” or $78,560. They used the special m a­ 'î<ÎX*xè)<ÎXîXsKÏ)>îXstîXîXSXSXsXîX^«' CLQLQLQXrCXO “sucker." He w as not, according to chine by which authentic checks of the REJECTED the charge against him, un aw are of company are identified, handed Itoedel heard th a t "F atty ” Roedel had the plot. But he w as so naive th at $1,500 In p a rt paym ent of his share signed his Job ut the Capitol. be got but a fraction of his sh are of and departed. T his w as a thin clue to work on. the loot. T he respectable business Doing so they heard th a t Roedel had Hire an Executive. man was E. P. Ford, sixty-four years Then they left M anhattan and took a girl friend nuined Nancy and they old. up headquarters In Newark. T heir looked up some of the girl’s friends. Mr. Ford knew nothing of th e plot, first step there w as to Insert an ad­ W here was she living? The friends und when he finally becam e suspicious, said they did not know, but some of notified the auth o rities. T he sign vertisem ent In a uew spaper saying them rem arked thut there had been th at they w anted an executive to op­ p ain ter, whose nam e Is e ith er un­ reports th at she seemed to be pros­ known or being w ithheld, w as the erate an office. T his was In the name pering. of the Forco P roducts company. Mr. "m aster mind" In a schem e a s clever “She's living In a flat w here there's as any th at clever crim inals have yet Ford nnsw ered th eir advertisem ent an Ice-making m achine,” the detectives and agreed to a salary of $t56 a evolved. Nancy Kirby, the girl In ter­ fluully were told. ested In refrig eratio n , w as merely week and a share of the profits. He Fascinated by Machine. w as told to open offices in the M ilitary Roedel’s sw eetheart. T his proved a fertile source of In- I P ark building In Newark, engage Tbe largest. If not th e chief, c h a r­ form ation. It developed th at Nancy ■ acte r In the plot, w as Itoedel. The stenographic help and prepuce for a Kirby was living ut No. 7 W est Ninth i elevator boy had been an object of rush of business. One of bis supposed street, a fine new apartm ent hotel at j E dw ard—Could we m arry on my pride, If also of some em barrassm ent, employers called him self Ilow urd P. the corner of F ifth avenue, w here j salary? D wyer and the other w ent by the a t the Capitol th e a te r on Broadw ay. there were refrig eratin g pMiehlnes In j Mary—J u s t nbout, but I'd w ant to Once he bad been a slender chap, but name of Graham. each apartm ent. Nancy had promised J e a t the next day. Soon afterw ard the two men came the ease of his life caused hint to grow “F atty " th a t she would keep quiet rapidly. H ired eight y ears ago, he In with checks th at they w lshetf to about th eir sudden affluence. But the Old Habit» Cling was becoming so large th a t passen­ deposit. They told Ford to open an Ice machine w as too much for her. Ira te H usband—-Why Is It th a t con­ gers In the building began to com­ account, and he did so, In hts own “All you do," she told friends, “Is founded new maid never answ ers when name, nt the N ational Newark and plain th a t no one else could get Into to slip a tray of w ater In It. In a we ring the bell? Essex Banking company. He w as told Ills elevator. H e weighed 256 pounds. couple of m inutes you yank It out und Ills W ife (placidly)—I don’t think The M oreilall Itealty corporation to deposit two checks, each for $76,- you have a lot of sm all cubes of Ice. we'd b etter be too exacting a t first, runs the C apitol th eater. One of Its 500 each draw n on the E quitable T rust It's Just like magic." Horace. The girl tells me she used to rules has been never to discharge an company of New York, and each ap­ H er friends w ere properly Im­ be employed ut a telephone exchange. parently signed by the Moredall employee who w as faith fu lly p erfo rm ­ pressed, so much so th a t when detec­ Realty corporation. Dwyer and G ra­ ing Ids duties. Even the most ex act­ tives crossed th eir trnll they told of IL Case of the Doc»! ing official could not com plain th a t ham explained they were th e profits Then followed the unhappy evening re­ Itoedel w as doing an y th in g else. If be from a real estate deul. Ford deposit­ cently when the operatives called nt the F irst P ugilist—I’m hard, I am i ed the checks. Second Pugilist—"Uh, huh! A fter w as grow ing corpulent It w as an act A few days la te r the two business F ifth avenue apartm ent. "F atty " him ­ I Investigate your anatom y with my of God and certainly not a cause for self, gorgeous In a brocade bathrobe, discharge. T h ere w ere no o th er men breezed In smoking big cigars. opened the door. He looked a t the boxing gloves there'll be somebody places vacant In th e th e a te r and he Ford bad been slightly puzzled by the men and knew at once who they were. Investigating your anatom y w ith rub­ fact th a t he had been asked to do could not be tran sferred . “Come on In," he said. “I snw you ber ones. So Itoedel continued operating the nothing at all. B ut his em ployers ex­ a t the Capitol last week. I'll tell you elevator, even If casualty Inspectors plained all this by saying th a t a big all about It. I'm tired of th is F ifth A Puritt m aking th eir periodical exam inations deal, which w as to s ta rt everything, avenue stuff, anywuy. Give me Sec­ “S arah amm oniac—you have It, of w as banging fire. They told him to of the m achinery looked at him with course." ond avenue every tim e." a suspicious eye and Intim ated th at draw $88,500 In cash. T his he did. “Do you mean sal amm oniac?” T he detectives removed th eir derby T he next day they said to draw $79,- they w ere going to reduce the num ber h ats and went In. They found the asked the druggist. of persons legally perm issible as long 500 additional, leaving $5,000 on de­ place stocked with cigars, candles and "I believe It Is som etim es called as he continued to operate th e hoist. posit. Ford also did this. fruits. " F a tty " had been p artial to th a t," replied the lady stiffly. From then on, for alm ost a week. “F a tty "—so he w as called by his these. They also found Nancy, un­ phrase-m aking fellow w orkers— w as Ford sat In his office and w aited for de­ happy and bitterly regretting she had Improved With Age velopm ents In W ashington. He be­ paid $28 a week and seemed contented. cam e suspicious th at bis employers told her friends In various motion H ew itt—George W ashington could Liked His Job. w ere not entirely honest and suggest­ picture th eater ticket cages that she not tell a lie. H is salary may not have been com­ Je w e tt—Well, statesm anship wus ed th a t the E quitable T ru st company hud struck It rich. The rent of the m ensurate with his size, but tb e post Investigate the authenticity of the place. It developed, was $325 a month. only In Its Infancy In Ills time. a t th e Capitol carried with It pleasant Roedel wag taken In charge by the tw o check». Tbe drafts, being ex­ privileges. He bad passes for most trem ely skillful forgeries, hud been police anil so wns the girl. He tulked i Not That Way of the o th er B roadw ay motion picture passed by th e bank w ithout question. freely, the police say, about the sign I He— People are saying you m arried th eaters, for Instance. Very freq u en t­ p ain ter and his friends anil about how B ut when the Moredall Realty corpora­ me because I hud money. ly he w as given seats for legitim ate tion was notified th eir real n atu re was he had perm itted them to enter the She— Nothing of the sort I The rea­ shows. Often he appeared with Miss offices of tbe M oredall Realty cor­ discovered. son wus th at I had no money myself. Nancy Kirby, known along Broadway poration. M in ag sr Eliminated. as “his steady.” Miss Kirby, nine­ “F atty " adm itted th at he had been Roth the N ational Surety company Real Courage teen, or so, an d p retty , also gradually played for an easy thing. They never and the American Surety company had acquired the puss courtesy a t other paid him more than the $1,500. He I Maxine— You can say w hat you like co n tracts w ith the E quitable T rust th eaters. had ten $100 hills und $15 In small bills j about Reggie! H e's brave, anyway. One day some weeks ago Boedel wns com pany to protect the bank against with him. T he rest had been spent Velma—How so? Ford, naturally, wns the o perating hts cor and listening with forgeries. Maxine— He keeps a pet squirrel. for the necessities of life on Fifth a som ew hat bored look to th e occa­ first man questioned. So stra ig h tfo r­ avenue. He begged the detectives to I w ard was his explanation, so Ingenious sional gibes from passengers about his let him keep the $15 ns a souvenir of SUFFICIENT FOR H IM size. He w as due to go off duty early the schem e und so natural his Inno­ bis days of luxury. in tb e evening and w as to tak e Nancy cent p a rt In It th a t no one suspected out. Possibly he w as beginning to feel for a moment th a t he was In any way th a t $28 a week w as a sm all salary on guilty. He bad lived In E ast O range O ne Man S p en d s T im e which to give a girl a good time. It fo r a decade, had been In I'arls as the in C o llectin g O dd N am es Is quite possible th a t Nancy had s ta rt­ rep resentative of a textile company Tacoma, W ash.—Speaking of names, and had at one tim e been a vice presi­ ed to urge him to earn more. At all D. W. C lapsaddle declares he has events, so his story la te r related to dent of the D urhex L eather company found many others as bad or worse th e police goes, he lent a receptive of Newark. than his own. F o r twenty-five years F ord w as prom ptly elim inated os a e ar to evil suggestions from a man he has carried a book In which he Jots p articip an t In tbe conspiracy and who had form erly painted signs d ’”7n names of people whose nomen­ w ent with police and the surety com­ around the theuter. clature Is unusual, and It contains a Tbe a rtist, Itoedel’» alleged story pany operatives to exam ine rogues W blteleather, Turnlpseed, Waggon- goes on, said th at he knew o f a mag­ gallery and private detective agency wheel, L eathterberry, Grindstone, nificent trick w hereby he had picked photographic collections. Shears, B rickbat, and W hetstone. The Alfred T yrell, chief claims ad ju ster up $12,500 In Springfield, Mass. It shortest he has heard of Is Ek. was a cinch Htid now, with several for the N ational Surety company, and friends, be wns anxious to try It on a D etectives August Mayer and Grover Dogs S ta r t F ir e “Son! You left this office early larg er scale. Roedel, the man went Cleveland Brown took charge of the South W eare, N. H.—Two dogs yesterday. How w as It you said noth­ Investigation. Detectives frequented on, had the freedom of the building In ing to me?" which Is the C apitol th eater. He places w here crim inals were likely to fighting In a barn n ear here caused “1 suld good-by, sir I" knew of the offices of the Moredall gather, listened to rum ors, but finally1 a $11,000 fire. They upset a lantern. G irl’s F a scin a tio n for Ice M ach in e H elp s in S o lv ­ ing B ig C rim e. GRASSHOPPERS, ONCE PEST, ARE NOW MISSED IN WYOMING Cowboy State Now Ready to Declare Truce W ith Ancient Enemy and Welcome Them Back. Cheyenne, Wyo.— Wyoming w ants more grasshoppers. T he cowboy state Is ready not only to d eclare a truce with Its ancient enemy, but to bid the [test welcome home to tb e Big Horn basin. In th e Wyoming of antiq u ity the hoppers flew In clouds thick enough to obscure the sun. Five years ago the basin had plenty. The plague did Its annual dam age to farm crops. T urkeys w ere Introduced to com bat the Insects, and did so successfully. They routed the hoppers from the farm land and pursued th e depleted Insect army to m ountain terrain . Now a severe decline th reaten s tbe grasshopper crop and lam entations are being heard from the ranchm en, who, In the m eantim e have discovered th st they can reap enorm ous profits from turkeys, grown half wild on the g rass­ hopper range In the m ountain foot­ hills. The turkey growing Industry has Increased by leaps und bounds; grusshoppers have accordingly de­ clined. G rasshopper preserves for the propagation of turkey food are a pos­ sibility of the future. Big Horn basin turkeys, excelling others because the clim ate and food conditions found In the basin make It a natural paradise for turkeys, a l­ ready are fam ous all over the United S tates for th eir superiority. They are sought eagerly by dealers, who pay exceptional prices to the growers, 41 | cents a pound being the 1925 rate. Rig j Horn basin ranchm en can grow rich ' on turkeys If only they can produce ' enough fowls. An unlim ited num ber ■ of fowls can be produced If only the grasshopper range bears up. As m at­ ters are, production cost Is one-third, i or less, of the selling price. C arn egie H ero W orks W ay T hrough C o lleg e Eugene, O re.—A lthough he has ac­ cess to $1,600 from the C arnegie hero fund, aw arded him In addition to a medal for bravery, Vernon Calluwuy, U niversity of Oregon senior. Is work­ ing his way through school by washing dishes. T his became known when tru stees of the C arnegie fund wrote tbe university for a record of Calla­ way's scholastic standing. C allaw ay received the aw ards for attem pting to save the life of a school­ m ate at St. Joe, Idaho. The Ice broke while the boys were skating and the friend fell through. Callaway Jumped In and tried to keep him from sinking until help came. The boy drowned, however, before help came. G la d to P a y Philadelphia.—B ernard J. Willis Is happy to pay a fine of $100 to a bachelors’ club for getting m arried. Mrs. Willis recently won a bathing- beauty c o n te st Mother’» Tip F riend—I suppose you cook w hat your husband likes. Young Bride— N o; m other put m s on to a b etter plan than thut. I started housekeeping w ith the under­ standing th at he Is to like w hat I cook. A Skeptic Murdock—W hat did Mr. Dubb do a fte r m issing his seventh putt? Joyce—Took out his tap e m easure and tneusured the ball, then the diam ­ e te r of the hole, A Liberal Parent "W hat did her fath e r give her when they were m arried?” "H e gave her perm ission to retu rn home a fte r three quarrels and sepa­ rations, but stipulated th a t a fte r more th an three they would have to arran g a th eir reconciliations elsew here." Quite the Revert» Patient - I can't afford to be sick. Slieclallst—Is your business so prof­ itable? Patient—No; yours Is.