RURAL ENTERPR1 A g rc u ltu re H o rtic u ltu re L iv e s to c k A Weekly Chronicle ot ijocal Events ami Progress iu Linn County Established 1912 Point of View B ro u g h t prosperous owner of a well-managed farm, who has no land to sell. There are farmers who would be better off if they were sure of a day's wages for every day's work. H ere to C arry The ducks got revenge Saturday wlien Fred Downs of Chehalis, 41, was killed and Chauncey Bishop, proprietor of the The Portland and state chambers of Pendleton woolen mills, was badly commerce spend much money inducing wounded, each with his own gun, while farmers to come to Oregon, and bring duck hunting. many here. I f Mr. borah were as w illing to com* The newcomer buy from farm owners promise and arbitrate in the senate as who have become dissatisfied with he wants Uncle Sam to be 10 the world conditions here. what a difference that would make I These unsatisfactory conditions are not natural. Natural conditions here are those of an agricultural paradise. Yet we are told that there; are 7000 fewer people on Oregon farms today than a year ago. Why I Shirkers’ Burdens HALSEY. O R E G O 7?X piU R SD \Y (AN. 20. 1927 , H A L S E Y , LIN N A N D O R E G O N Probably it would be some encouragement to our schoolboys to know that Ercell Sneed, who graduated from 0 . A. C. last smmmer and secured employment with the Large potash firm at Trona, Cal., has been advanced to the foremanehip at a good salary. He spent Christmas and the holidays at home. It rarely happene, as it did last week, that a church notice is left ont of this page for want of room If the announcement of services scheduled for next Sunday at your ohurch is not here it is because no member has taken enough interest this week to send it to this office We charge nothing for such notices of 4 inohes or less. 1881, it was 5 bslow, in December, 1990, 3 below and in December, 1924, 3 below. — Junction City Times. * Il a year is advance vellow giant set it back on lbs pavemeut and it limped off toward» Albany fot repairs. Spoon River Sparks (E n ta rp rla a C orreapondaaca) H a ir y Po ul try W ool Unspoken Sermons Reach Their Mark H o stetler P re ac h es W ith His F in g ers. The seventh aod eighth grade girls of Kiik school met at J, N (Harrisburg Bulletin) Elliot's Friday afternoon and Levi Hostetler of the Mennonita organized a sewing clnb. Mrs, church east of town is a deaf mute Elliot will be tbeir leader. Leone and has never talked nor heard a Philpott is preeident, Della Falk sound. Yet for ten years he has vice-president and Zelma Philpott preached to a little company of Mrs. Shipman’s lease of the secretary. The club will be known mutes. Four years were epent"at hotel haying expired, she left for as " The Busy Bees.” The next Hubbard and six here. meeting will be Jan. 28. Mr. Hostetler is not an ordained Portland Saturday. minister, bnt works under the Frank Isom and wife and two A lady in another state requests T he sta te ed ito ria l asso- direction of the deacons of the us to stop sending the Enterprise childrau were Saturday afternoon church. He has a little corner of Brains and energy are requisites of tio n ’s lo b b y its a t Salem success cm a farm aa in a counting house because she wants to stay where callers at W. R. Kirk’s. the church building for himself or in a factory. Successful farmers are say th a t th e c a n d id a te s’ she is and every time her husband The G. J. Rikes and Herman and his flock. He preaches with plentiful. As a rule they do not sell out. reads this paper he talks about Steinke and wife were in Albany hisghauds, of course, which does They pay an unjust proportion of the p a m p h lets in th e p rim a ry selling out and moving to Oregon, Monday of last week. taxes, overcome marketing handicaps, oot interfere with the services io electio n cost th e ta x p a y ­ live coinfortabty and pav their bills. Henry Seefeld and wife motored the other part of the church. The Next parent-teachers’ meeting Oregon ia.the first state to have Some of the newcomers w ill fail and e rs $9786'10 net, th e vot­ Fsb. 11. the fire-fighting equipment of all to Eugene Wednesday. ohurch does not believe in salaries join the liegira. A round plug w ill not e r s ’ p a m p h le ts $3940.35 its cities standardized and inter­ J. A. Falk of Harrisburg spent for preachers, and Mr, Hostetler Ten «««eg of mump« from this fit a square hole on the farm any better changeable. gets nothing for hie services. Saturday at H. J. Falk’s. than anywhere else. net, an d th e m a in te n a n c e county, 5 of influenza, 3 of scarlet The congregation consists usually When the new farmer sees an income o f m ailin g lists for th em fever and 1 each of typhoid fever The two Silverton banks have Miss Grace Kirk came from of six married couples, who are tax voted on again by the people, as it Monmouth and epent the week and pneumonia were reported to over $2,000,000 in deposits. surely w ill be, and sees the Portland $7,399.09. members, and one boy not a the state board of health last week. end with her parents. One Albaty firm shipped 10 cars people who brought him here raise a The E n te rp ris e rec k o n s Last winter we did not see a of clover and rye grass seed last J. N. Elliot still makes his two member. slash fund to defeat it and keep the Mr. Hosteller is a farmer as well farmer’s unjust tax bnrden where it is th e ir value to th e v o ters snowflake. This winter a boy year. One Halsey firm shipped 10 trips a week to Albauy, where he as a preacher. he may suspect that he was brought here says that by scraping up material cats on out contract and handled takes treatment for hie injured at a b o u t $0,000.30. as a geose to be plucked. much more. feet. from where it had drifted he got Boys* “ Fun** Brings Death Next Saturday will be old peo­ Mike Banich and daughter enough to make severe! snowballs John Trouble, president of theiKansas This did not happen in Halsey, the morning after our night “ snow ple's day at the Brownsville grange Anna called ar A. L. Falk’s farmers' union, fears that "b ig busi­ but in Ingersoll, Okla. C. E. storin’’ in December, and this end all elderly people, whether Saturday. ness " w ill get control of American Marble, 60. blind in one eye and There w a s'a slump of 91,149, morning wn find from a quarter to members of the order or not, are agriculture and turn the farmers into G, J. Riko and wife, H. L. wage workers. This prospective trouble 008,000 in farm products last year a half inch of the white in places invited. There will be ene of the Straley, E. E. Gourley and Web­ nearly so in the ether, lived elona troubles Trouble mote than it dohs the from the 1825 record. grange’s big midday feeds, and in ster and Arlelgh F«lk attended in a shack. The town boys had Arnold Handley of Portland has the afternoon an interesting pro­ the tractor demonstration at Al­ their fun stealing his fruit, throw- become a partner with Frank iog stones at his home and using bany Friday. Wave of Crime in the United States Distinctly Workinger in the Halsey garage. gram. provoking language to hear what Noah Robnett died last week at Henry Falk and wife visited be would say when angry. Find- Mr. Handley and wife have taken on the Wane his hom e^t The Dalles, aged about Harrisburg Friday. apartmente at H. W- Chance's. ing that words would not stop 80. The funeral was Monday at Merwyn Van Nice and the M. them, he took a revolver and Asked if he thought the busi­ By BANFORD BATES, President American Prison Association. Crawlordsvile, where Mr. Rohnett B. Hardings were among thole ness of the Halsey pharmacy had hunted them. Gilbert Hutchinson, formtrly resided,} and he was HE general volume of crime js on the downward trend in the increased because of its removal buried there beside his wife, who who attended Charity grange 14, he shot deed, wounded his Orother Roy, 16, so that he is in United States, though the crime-dealing machinery of today from First street to Becond, M.. lias been dead twenty years. Mr. Saturday. Mrs. E. E. Carey and children a hospital, near dearth, and put a should be reorganized to meet the changed condition« of modem Morris’ emphatic reply was . “ Ab­ Miller, the Halsey paslor, preached solutely,” visited at Clarerce Gillette’s last shor in their father, who was with life. the funeral sermon, Mr. Robnett Claims against Linn county for Friday. them when he found them, for The so-called crime wave has not increased in the last ten years. bad been crippled and contorted There are certain spectacular crimes, such as bank holdup«, but the sheep killed by dogs in 1826 were with rheumatism for years, yet he Clifford Carey and F. J. Keen allowing(the boys to be toughs. $4,832.10, of which 65 per cent general volume is decreasing. There has been a diminution of vagrancy was always oue of the most cheer­ and wife and son Willard were was paid, exhausting the fund. A and drunkenness. Card of Thanks ful of men. Mrs. Francis Kizer Sunday afternoon callera at R. E. Bierly’s. During the last fifteen year«, the number of automobile« has in­ bill is in the legislature to increase is his niece. We wish to express to our friends creased many times and the revolver has been circulated widely. This the dog tax; which furnishes the our siucereat appreciation of their H. L. Straley and wife and son Mrs. Moody spends this week is no reason for the American public to become terrorized, because there fund. Leroy and Mrs. Gordon Munkers kindness and beautiful floral offer­ end in Portland. ings in our receut bereavement. In 1926 the county added 6.2 are a great number of law-abiding citizens. and daughter motored to Mon­ Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Davis. Miss LaRue’s sprained ankle is miles of market roads to its 77. The freedom granted the youth of today and the liberties allowed mouth Sunday to see Mearle Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smith. On the Halsey-Rrownsville road better. by new inventions are blamed for crime conditions. Straley. Irene Quimby, who was Fred E. Carey. Mrs. S. J. Smith presided at the home for the week end, went with New invention« are breeders of crime. Intelligence and discretion, 2 1 miles was graded and covered Earl M Carey. with one course of gravel, another Parent-Teachers’ meeting, as Mrs. them. with the American public keeping its feet on the ground, will aid in com­ course to be laid next year, The Freeland was at the Eugene con­ bating lawlessness. Uncle Eben Hiram Bierly attended a dinner “De spirit of mortal,’’ said Undo Comparing the criminal of the past and present, there are bold finished roads were kept in condi­ vention. party at D. F. Burger’s, Albany, EheO. “should not be proud, unless It criminals in the United States today, but none conic up with Jesse James tion the year around at a cost of "T h e Eelegates” will be at Monday. kin show some good excuse fob bein' The characters are different and methods today are dissimilar to those $7,498.25. so."— Washington Star, Roontz’ hall Satnrday evening. Alford Arrows employed by old notorious criminals. The volume of the Albany Don’t know whether they are del­ Church Notices (Enterprise Correspondent) Creamery association’s business egated to the legislature or the Methodist—Next Sunday : increased 10 per cent in 1926. The penitentiary. Better go and find Brian Perry and wife and baby 10 a. ra., Sunday school aseocietiou is 32 years old, one of ont. visited in Portland several davs 11, Public servicees the oldest co-operatives in Oregon. Our local bank has increased its last week. William and Edward H ow to Buy Good Quality Foods 3, Junior League The coldest day since 1874 was capital stock from $20,000 to Perry stayed with their uncle, 6:80, Epworth League December, 1919, when the ther. $25,000. at Popular Prices Frank Willivms. 7:30, public services. mometsr dropped to 15 below. VVe A man from Heppner applied Mrs. L. E. Bond of Albany 7:80 Thursday, prayer meeting cannot find that the thermometer the brakes on a carve north of visited over the week end with her Here all will Had a welcome, has gone below zero but four i tow n Monday and bis car took the daughter, Mri E. D. Isom, and regardless of social standing. Your times since 1871. In December, J ditch. Frank Gansle with his family. presence will help, and we will try T h at is th e answ er. Chester Curtis and famfly were to do you good. (Continued on last page) How a b o u t J. S. Miller, pastor. Mr. Mitchell, shoe repair man from Harrisburg, after a good look-around here, concluded that Hill