t *- » OUR COMIC SECTION As th e tr u e s t s o c ie ty a p p ro a c h e s a lw a y s n e a re r a n litu d e . so th e m ost e x c e lle n t apeech A n a lly fa lls In to a l le n e . S ile n c e la a u d ib le to a ll m en a t a ll tim e s , and In a ll places. She Is w h e n w s h e a r In w a r d ly , sound w s h e a r o u t w a r d ly .— H e n r y T h o re a u . THAT PESK/CATi Keep in Trim! *■ KITCHEN CABINET e*i«ro Newspaper Lutuu. I W tlL .6 U t5 5 I'LL G t T M Y OWN B R FA K F A S T - UM! BACON ANO EGGS. \ *. 1 G o o d E lim in a tio n !• L u t n t i a l to G o o d H e a lth . HE kidneys are the blood filters. If they fail to fanc- lion properly there is apt to be a retention of toxic poisons in the blood. A dull, languid feel­ ing and, sometimes, toxic back­ aches, headaches, and dixzinesa are symptoms of this condition. Further evidence of impropei kidney function is often found in burning or scan ty p assa g e of secretions. Each year more and more people are learning the value of D o a n 'i P i l l s , a stimulant diuretic, in this con­ dition. Scarcely a nook or ham­ let an yw here b u t has many enthusiastic users. As/r y o u r T E G G S IN W IN T E R B R IN G P R O F IT S “To get w inter eggs Is essential If the average poultry Hoc It Is to pay a i profit," saya Prof. Willard C. Thomp- , son of the New Jersey A gricultural j experl men t station. “To get w inter EVERYDAY FOOD i eggs the bens m ust be given every pos­ sible stim ulus to production. -They j must be kept in perfect health through­ out the season. “T he hens’ environment directly a f­ n e ig h b o r . fects their productive energies. D ur­ ing the w inter season in New Jersey It Is usually advisable to keep the laying (locks closely confined to the laying S tim u la n t D iu re tic t o th e K id n e y s houses. .This keeps them near the Foster Milburn Co.. M f, Chemlats, B uffalo. N V food supply und more busily at work than if they were allowed the freedom of the yards. It ailow.s the poultrym au Mackerel Potato Balls.—Cut enough complete Control of sanitation. “Clean tlie laying house thoroughly. pared potutoes into q uarters to till a pint cup. T urn Into a saueepap and Take the.tnivable flxtnres outside and cover with boiling w ater und cook clean them. Remove and preferably until tender. Mush and mix with burn all old litter. Sweep down the flaked leftover cooked mackerel. walls, and such muslin curtains us Shape Into bi|lls, add seasoning und there may be In the house. Then fry in fat a fte r' dipping the hulls in spray thoroughly the entire Interior T o u t n ’s M a n y P e c u lia ritie s wlih a 5 per cent solution of one of egg. The town of Hancock, which bor­ the reliable disinfectants. Many prefer Pacific Salad.—Take one enpful of ders for sixteen miles on the New cooked spaghetti cut into hits, one to whitewash the Interior, and the York state line, w as 130 y e a rs .o ld good-sized stalk of celery, two green whitened poultry house has many ad­ lust year. It Is the longest and n a r­ peppers all cut fine, add two sweet vantages over a darker house. Let the row est town In M assachusetts,. says cucumber pickles cut Into thiu slices house dry out, and return the fixtures the Boston Globe. It has the sm all­ to their proper places. and plenty of good boiled salad est public school in the s ta te —one “Provide eleun, dry litter for both dressing. pupil. It hns the only S haker com­ Savory Loaf of B eef—Take two nests and floor. For nest litter pine m unity In the state. Its three oldest • wood shavings are very satisfactory, pounds of beef from the top of thfe inhabitants live under one roof. It round, one cupful of bread crumbs, but chopped straw will suffice, if shav­ has the second highest body of w ater ings are not at hand. For the floors three-fourths of u cupful of milk, two In M assachusetts. tahlespoonfuls of butter, one egg, one use any good dry substance. One of and one-half tahlespoonfuls of salt, a the peut moss litters is especially good The occasionai um of Roman Eye Balaam night w ill prevent and relieve tired eyea dash of nutmeg and cayenne and the if the floors tend to he dump or cold. at and eye strain. 37 2 P earl St.. N . Y. Adv Juice of one lemon. Add the dry In­ 'Unchopped straw also makes a good, gredients, then the melted butter, absorptive litter. Causes o f E ir e Loss “Keep the house free from drafts, lemon Juice, egg well beaten and milk. In 1924 lightning as a cause of fires Roll Into a loaf und dust well with dry, und comfortable at all times. Give ranked eighth. The cause heading salt, pepper and bread crum bs; bake the layers an even chance to m ain­ the list was exposure, which merely forty-live minutes, baste with butter tain an active, healthy productive cou- ' m eans the loss due to fires spreading und w ater or with beef ex tracts und dltion." beyond the point of origin. Next came water. Serve with a brown mushroom m atches and sm oking; then defective sauce. D ry M ash R e c o m m e n d e d chim neys and flues; stoves, fu r­ Rice and Coconut C ustard.—Put f o r W in te r-L a y in g H e n s naces. and th eir pipes; spontaneous one-half of a cupful of well-washed com bustion; sparks on roofs; elec­ Dry' mash has been so widely rec­ tricity and lightning. rice into a double boiler with three pints of milk, cook until very soft, ommended for laying hens that some then set aside to cool. Rent three poultry keepers have golteu the idea D oes W e a k n e s s D e tra c t eggs—leaving out the white of o n e - that a feeder full of mash In the hen­ F ro m Y o u r G o o d L o o k s? add one cupful of sugar, and one cup­ house is all th at is necessary to make ful of fresh grated coconut. S tir Into the liens lay. They have given the San Francisco, Calif.—“About two the cold m ixture and buke In a moder­ hens all the scratch grain they could years ago I was weak and rundow n' ate oven. Cover with a meringue eat. ntifl then wondered why the liens In health. I suffered so much with backache and pain made from (he beaten white and tw*o did not eat the mush thut Is alw ays — > *n side, and did tahlespoonfuls of powdered sugar. before them. When uens are given Wg tH li* not get a n y relief their choice of gruin Htid mash they Brown und serve with cream. j i t s - * J ? ® untl1 1 took Dr will cut the grain but If they get only A Day With Candles. P ierce’s Favorite u limited amount of serateli grain, they A simple recipe for chocolate cara- ’Q f P re s c rip tio n . A will com plete-their till a t the mash mels Is the following: \ fe * / iew hotties of the hopper. J / ’P rescription’ was Chocolate / \ n perm anent beno- Tills Is the Ideal ration and the one mels-—Take \ Y vN to me a ” d 1 am th at builds up egg production. Rernril- YE ' glad to recom mend It to others for I • xv ' believe It will do lor them w hat It did for me.”—Mrs. DOAN’S A A W ßU T THAT COFFEE »S HOT’ 0 WELL, T Vf LOST I M V A P P E T IT E ANYHOW! MICKIE, T H E P R IN TE R 'S D EVIL How to Resuscitate a REV, PUP« PUP DO Y o u WAKE UP AMD I'U, GIVE ya A W AVJT B A T H '? - / BATH I y w ow , a n y t h a t t o o b a d 2 8 M Y POOR. C O ic M O S T BE W D C A D , IF HE e o O L D u r H E A R ¿7 THAT « B u r o w e M O R E v\ ~ n rs r B e f o r e » b u r y h i m I O btain this famous "P rescription” now, in tablets or liquid, from your druggist, or w rite Dr. Pierce, P resi­ dent Invalids' Hotel In Buffalo, N. Y , for free medical advice. PO YOU w a n t a p ie e t OF GAUDY H e ’d L e a rn "Oh. professor, don’t you think dear little R andolph will ever I to draw ?” “No, ma'am , th a t is. not unless harness him to a truck.”—R ut C hanticleer. Poultry Facts C Wwl.rn N.vapap.r p,!,,,. The only hen worth listening to is the one th at says It with eggs. • • • Look over the Incubator and see if It needs any repairs or uew parts • • • T urkeys need very little shelter and will usually roost in the open air ex- cept during severe weather. • • • Sell ofr all the stock th a t you don’t plan to keep next spring, and save the feed they would eat this winter, • • • An arrangem ent th at will save labor In carlDg for chickens Is to place the houses In a square rath e r than In a long row. the featherheads NO StO.’ - H u i You OtO AU RttUT f ntWVCUt I t A UTn.i Ntovoos tut t'QSl Tims in coesi or a ’ m ik c - Bui ttoU ÛOT ALON«, / X g r io t — .. OuT M jurc ' KlOOIM* Mt &&OÛT Tut Joe o f an Mount in * r J y NO«! - W J obs yours \ ANO Y ou SW tT R i G m T ANkY- HtW-S TMt PPoGQûM- Vvt GOT To GO CAT— GO ON UP ANO / SSTAWT TALKING - TIME. ’ / - D u TT w o s S NO ONE HERE TO START ME . PROGRAM YET, n DEMAND “BAYER” ASPIRIN A spirin Marked W ith “ B ayer Cross" H as Been Proved Safe by Millions. JV an,In* ! U nless you see th e nam e “L ay er” on package or on tab lets you a re not getting the genuine B ayer A spirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians fo r 26 years. Say “B ayer” when you huy A spirin. Im itations may prove dangerous.—Adv T h e P r id e o f th e F a m ily Mrs. Plop—Good grief! T hut Isn’t th e way to m ake coffee. New Conk (hopefully)—W hat la It the way to make? S lo p th e P a ia . L Toe picking Is a vice of chicks that comes from overcrowding, or lark of protein feed—like tnllk or meat scraps and failure to'glve them green stuff. • • • To plan for w inter ergs, one must prepare good quarters, with plenty of light and room for exercise. The roosting place need only be large enough to accom m odate the fowls at night, thus leaving more room for them to work during tlie day. • • • Two males and 12 femalps of known capability can produce 230 hatching i G o o d even in g . fO K N O S / IHlS IS SlATvksl O t O . - EIU A ftA K llP U lA D k ANNOUNCING - s — Ï - ■ > v n X i , T h I l k It rt ! u rm p e Anqel Cake.—Cream two cupfuls of sugar and one-half cupful of butter, add four egg j.vlks, three squares of melted chocolate and one Cttpfnl of mashed potatoes. Sift two and one half cupfuls of pastry flour, one fourth teasponofUl of nutmeg, five teaspoonfulk of baking powder, one- half teasponnful of salt and nne- fourth teftapooaful each of cinnamon and cloves; add alternately with two- thlr.ls cupful of milk, beat for two minutes, add one cupful of w alnuts »lightly rhopped. Then fold in the egg whites beaten stiff. Bake In lay- tvs for tw enty minutes. irt of h burn or a cut stop« Ie s Carbolisalve is applied. It •• w ithout scars. 3