From the Editor's Point of View _______ Halsey and Other News Mrs. Stafford got home Sunday, Charity grange will meet next Saturday evening. Please attend the Parsnt-Teach- ere’ meeting Friday, the 13th, 7:45 P- m- A Teacher. Friday night at the Pine Grove church the cantata “ The World’s Redeemer ” w 11 be presented by Oakville people who made a big hit with it before a fnll house at the First Presbyterian church in Albany Sunday night. No chcrge for admieeion. and other orchard« and the road. The county was ueing the grvvel in road work. The Southern Pa- cific now complains t at the new tactic* of the river threaten its trestle near by. The first grange lecturers’ school will be at Corvallis Jan. 10 to 12 under the auspices of Minnie E Bond, etate lecturer, and the extension service of the college. aeootupauiad by Mrs. Hover, visited R. K. Stewart and family at Pleasant Hill. Alford Arrows Cured With Rain Falling (Enterprise Correspondent) Mrs. ,'Kump of Eugene visited Au id McNeil spent vacation week with hi* sister, Mrs. Silva Brian Terry and family several B etter in Q uality T han if days last week. Keene; near Albany. Kenneth O rtoitton tod a woman took Made in S u n sh in e Chester Curtis and family visited Mrs. Ray Hover visited her t cottage at Carmel the day that Mrs. About a year ago the Enterprise sister, Mrs. Fritx Torgenson of st Herbert Tandy’s, at Veneta, Almee Semple MrPherhon, the evan- published an account of the « tlia t, myaterionaly disappeared from a Albany, from Thursday until Tuesday of last week. bathing beach near Loa Angelea. He Sunday. Visitors at J. H. Rickard's procw* by which Mr. Meson, in had been i . M r . McPherson a employ Illinois, harvest* bis alfalfa, rain H ., L. Blood and family were Thursday were Mao Jenks and wife as a radio operator The district attor- or shine, end tarns it into meal, John, brother of Georgs Bayne Eugene visitor» Thursday. and two children aud Jesse Jenks ney’s offiee suspected that Aimee m ight retaining all the leaves, soma of of route 1, Shedd, was found dead have been the woman at Carmel. Its Mesdames W. D. McLaren and and wife and two children, all ot investigation alarmed Ormiston and his Friday in the hills near Oakland. E. E. Hover attended the mission- Tangent, and Mrs. Despain of which art unavoidably lost by any process of field curing, and eo paramour and they dropped out of C»l.i thought to be the victim of a ary meeting at Mrs. J. S. LaMar’s Eugene. sight, .vimee came home and said she making a feed more palatable to murder. He was a miner, aged Thursday afternoon. had escaped from kidnapera who had E. D. Isom and wife aud stock and higher in percentage of 65 years. Albany poatoffiee receipts in the been holding her a m onth for ransom. A watch night service w»s held daughter Beverly went to Eugene protein. She found the story current which year came np to the requirement« M. D. Powers and wife and at the Pine Grove church Friday Fridayjevening and returned Mr. Mason was then endeavor- clouded her reputation im pairing her for a first class office. daughter arrived Friday from night. Several ¡people from the Saturday evening. They attended uaefnlheaa, and the was w illin g to pay ¡ng to interaat other owners of Rurl Walker and Edna Boggie Sparks, Nev., with the intention Lake Creek and Peoria neighbor the midnight matinee at the large tracts ot alfalfa in the new the coat of finding evidence. Mrs. Sie- of settling somewhere in the valley. hoods were present. are Brownsville newlyweds. l»f produced an alleged affidavit from McDonald theater and visited (at proceee. The Mason Alfalfa Prod­ the other woman and said the eonld pro- The Pine Giove orchestra pro­ A. F. Robnett’s. Carl Isom ucts oompany, with ita offise In The annnal meeting of the Linn Mrs. Powers is a daughter of P. dnce her in person. She got some H. Freerksen and wife. vided the music for a dance at returned from Oakridge Saturday Philadelphia, has since been county fair stockholders is next money, but wanted so much more that Mice Gladys Willbanks was a Shedd Friday evening, which afternoon and accompanied the formed. the pastor became auspicious and Saturday, j several Pine Groie people at­ home. Portland visitor Monday. dropped her. Then Sielaf flopped to A second plant has been set up A very steady and reliable tended. the prosecution. on a 1600-cow dairy in Naw Jersey J. II. Rickard and son Emery John Willbanks and wife had as source of light and power the T h e grand ju r y ignored the charges Grace Pehrsson and Eunice Syl­ went to Albany Saturday. and the secretary of agriculture guests for new year’s dinner D. S. Mountain States Pawer company of im m orality against Aim ee and ad­ of Pennsylvania, a representative proves to ba in these dark day* Davie and wife and The''. Hoeflich vester returned to Monmouth, journed. Mrs. Michael Rickard returned Since then the name of the district and long nights. and wife and daughters Pearl and Pean Pehrseon to O. A. C. and home last week, after havfog of the national department of agriculture and more thau 500 Nora Pehrsson to her teaching at attorney has seldom appeared in the visited relatives in Eugene, Mc­ Jeraey alfalfa growers watched a P. H. Freerksen and wife and Rida, all of Albany, The Davises Bmks Sunday. cate, but Deputy Asa Keyes has filled Farland end Yrquina. Sunday remained for a few days’ visit. the newspapers with announcements of grandchildren returned demonstration there, of which tho Ida Schick spent the vacation evidence that would convict Aimee and evening from Portland, where Mr*. Miss Gladys Willbarks was a week with her aunt, Mrs. Myrtle Miss Lillie Rickard i* spending Philadelphia Farm Journul says ; others of conspiracy to defeat justice. Freerksen vi«ited with her sister paaaenger for Eugene one day this McNeil, and niece, Mary McNeil, the week with her aunt, Mrs. G. Nearly every day he Oroadcast a new while Mr. Freerksen went on to week to care for her sister, who is piece o f "in c o n tro v e rtib le " evidence, anl visiting her cousin, Dorothy R. Taylor of Bentoa county. " The electric motors whirr, the and nearly »very piece controverted one Seattle to visit with hie brother. ¡It McLaren, Deo Rolfe returned Saturday to heavy gear* aad link bolta olank or more of its predecessors. By a court order Browniville The Christian Rodeavorers have Miss Esther Bass was elected West Fir, where he is employed and rattle. At the ‘ green end ’ He hunted noisily for Ormiston, ap­ made the county quit dredging the elected as officers for the year : parently hoping he would not find him, leader of the Pine Grove pra ver in a mill. the big toothed cylinders are old channel of the Calapooia close President, Carl Sperling; vice- meeting for the coming year. It and when that hombre walked in on Visitors at C. A . Curtis’ Sunday tearing at the mass of wet alfalfa The river ha president, Mary Smith, secretary, him he collapsed. H e had invited the to the city perk. is held every Thursday evening at were Henry Brock and wife aod aa it climb* slowly op the long world to see him joust w ith the w ind m ill been moving south and, ae the old Genevieve Welle. 7:30 o’clock. icnUne, Steadily the even green (Continued on last page) he had built of wind, but it fell on channel filled with gravel, got ‘ m itlress’ of alfalfa it formed The sugar beet hopper was one him. broke hie wooden spear, threw him habit of overflowing Robertson’s from h it Kosinante* and sprawled him and ateadily it disappears into the factor, probably, in causing the eud bancho Sielaf in the dust. long sheet iron funnel of the postponement of that lOOO-acre Siinaet magazine announces in our ‘ oven.' project at our doors this year. The special notices that Mrs. M cPhigion s "A busy workman ie feeding agricultural bill preseuted to the first signed story of the case w ill appear anthracite Into a row of furnaces, senate by McNaay’s committee e x tra ch air in th e living ro o m —one i*l its February issue, which w ill be on and alongside the huge fan drones calla for <10,000 for investigating ,n ,lx’ut ,en da>s We a n d W e A .r c of co n tra stin g d esig n —m ay be ju s t away, farcing 80,000 fast of hot the hoppar in thia valley. i h ub for copies. air and gases every mioute through w hat you need bi give th e finishing Still filling Mrs. Margaret Raucb, mother of .A fte r it was announced that conk st­ the alfalfa aod back again. The P re sc rip tio n s to u tc h to a h arm o n io u sly fu rn ish ed hom e. Charles Rauch, Brownsville black-- eals in the W rigley Catalina island man watched carefully a ther- smith, died last Thursday, rged T h e re ’s alw ays som e c o rn e r th a t needs filling twins, boih sexes, w ill be nude there Still selling mom .ter on the fan, for if there is 78 year*. was a surprising rush of new entries. Drugs —p o ssib ly w ith a co nsole table or som e o th e r too much heat the alfalfa may The original one-piece suit teems pop­ Still selling sm all b u t a p p ro p ria te piece you can choose HalMytos Homeward Bound ular. blase, and If not enough It will not S tatio n ery & S upplies from o u r stock. I t is th e odd an d c o u tra stin g be dried. . A. H. Quimby aud Herman Still selling Voico o f the Sluggard ‘ At the 'd r y en d ’ tho mattress pieces o f fu rn itu re th a t lend an atm o sp h e re of Bierly, who left here October 4th, The early bird catches the worm— i F lash lig h ts & B ottles traveling by auto, are expected of alfalfa flows out, green as in tim acy a n d sn u g com fort to th e tastefu lly and often catches a cold Into the bar­ Still selling ever, but dried as no suo could gain.— Florida TltneaU nlon. home soon. fu rn ish ed hom e. W e can assist you in proving Stock Foods & T onics They have traveled across more over dry It, »very leaf and stem th a t b e tto r fu rn ish ed hom es can he effected ci lap tnd fragrant. A big grinder W - M . B U R B A N K Still selling than twenty states and have visited w ithout extravagance. Garage, Shell gas station, restau- M a g a z in e s takes the hay as it oomss from the friends and relatives in at least machine, and an snsilaga blower rant, confectionery and grocery ten of them. They visited the deliver* the grottad alfalfa to the When in town and can’t find F IS H E R -B R A D E N C O M A N Y 4 off on Ivory and gricultural college of Pennsylva­ what you want, call, and if we sackera or the storage hard. nia. Mr. Bierly saw Niagara falls. Stationery have not got it we’ll he glad to get H O U S E F U R N IS H E R S UNDERTAKERS ‘ That is Mason process alfalfa They visited the capital and Jsaw same for you. drying plaot No. 2, tbs first ALBANY OREGON both houses of congress iujeevion. oommsroial plaut io the world, as T h e v saw Mount Vernon and operated at Plaineboro, N. J. many other place* of interest. A G allant F ig h t A gainst a W indm ill O d d P ieces Fill V acancies The N ew Y ea r is H e r e Halsey Pharmacy How to Buy Good Quality Foods at Popular Prices Ask Us for Preferred Stock T h at is th e answ er. T his b ran d in clu d es a large a sso rtm e n t o f q u a lity foods which are sold at p o p u lar p rices. W e can sell vou th e se splen d id goods a t p o p u la r prices b ecause th e y a re produced an d p u t on th e m ark e t by m odern m e th ­ ods an d a t the low est possible ex p en se and cost. W hen you buy P re ferre d Stock yon get th e good q u a lity you w ant a t a p rice y o u can afford to pay. M. V. KOONTZ Co. PH Near Birmingham, Ala., they tried camping out again, but it rained so hard they took up their bed aud traveled on at 2 or 8 a. m. In Oklahema they got "stuck iu the mud’’ on ChrietmaB day. This must have made them homesick, for they started on west Tuesday morning. They are probably enjoying the sunshine of California now. Un-| (eta the sights there prove more enticing than thoughts of home we expect to see them witbiu another week. Cor. Church Notices Methodist—Next Sunday : 10 a. ra., Sunday school 11, Public services* 3, Junior League 6:80, Epworth League 7 :80, public services. 7:80 Thursday, prayer meeting Here all will find a welcome, regardless of social standing Your presence will help, and we will try to do you good. J. S. Miller, pastor. Pfhe Grove Points