< /£ j A g rc u ltu ro H o rtic u ltu re L iv e s to c k I) a i r y P o u l t r y HALSEY. O REGON, T H U R S D A Y From the Editor’s Point of View W alter M. Pierce. The editor's couver sion from «nth evil ways came, as <«d denly as a flash of lightning, when the governor voted t * locate a normal school at L a O iM d e instead of at Pendleton, He does not seem to think the gov. ernor m ight have conscientious reasons superior lo political pull. Maybe be Do yon remember when, half a dozen would not recognize anything better or more years ago, we were asked to vote than such p ull if it bumped into him in wore highway bonds and told that they daylight. would not increase our taxes beccuse One wrong type iu last wreck's paper the income trom automobiles and gaso­ line would pay principal and interest ? robbed the O. A. C. barred rock flock record of 100 eggs per ben per year. Xow the legislature is to be asked to The average was 233.9, not 1JL9. take the burden Is till virtually at full high!) off gasoline and autos and put it Funeral of Albert Barons on the common or garden variety of taxpayer. And, too, tbere are autos and The funeral cervices for Arbert gasoline in connection w ith most of the Barens, who passed away at gardens nowaday s. DEC. JO. 1926 >1 a y«»r 1 o O ur Pati ons : advAsev o o l Pfi’« Grove Point? (E n te rp riM Corrwpcnaeoc«, /o y s o f n in e te e n tw e n ty - s e v e n ¿ ß e u n to y u u tik e i f r e a m s o f h e a v e n Lawmaker and Financier Buncol the Taxpayer id W s ( n d m a y su ch i t t s a s c o m e to y o u I Mie* Not a Pehrsson arrived last week Wednesday evening to spend tue holiday s. iOMFTHING jn H oliday The Christmas tree and pregram at the «choolhoue* Friday evening i ß e te m p e r e d b y th e h o ty a r t . was well attended. C f i o v e on fJ k l n t i n t i s i s tb e t i e u r t ■ Ray Hover and wifo spent e b e w i s e i Christinas at the county seat. t r e a d t b e p a t h w h e r e h o n o r tie s . Miss m I a HO8L n t i - big u._ red - j , .. i ,, M iss Doris . Torgpnson " , . and ,, U tte r day* ou th« Georgia Overton ot Albany are * calendar maan particularly munp- spending vacation week at Ray tuoue dinners to th * average Am er­ Rural Enterprise. ican housewife. H er faintly sxpena Hover’s. I wmietblng In the nature of roast Misers Sophia An» and Mary turkey, duck or chicken. O f course, Season’s Greetings Heinrich of Corvallis and Fred lh* h“ Ws raaaeger doesn't want to s tive th * tame thins each yaar und bis home near l’eoria Friday, were d h r e u g h e u t f / i e non* y e a r m a y you h a re su ccess- lleiurich jr. of Portland spent ss a censeqasase. the spend* hoars Do you remember that when the great highway bond scheme was broached we at the Pine Grove church Sunday Christmas with their parents, In banting recipes and planning new r e s k t t i d m g s a n d n o p u n e t u f t i m a r y o tiT u ,a y . thing* In the menu Hue. were shown maps of proposed paved afternoon. A large number of George and John McNeil andi . .. . y ^ itb s t e a d y h a n d a t t v / i t t t m a y y o u p r o g r e s s . rx . T b * appended menus for tbe holiday roads, a complicated network of feeders friends aud relat ves were present their faimlios anu John, Douglas diiwar and auppar may prove n wcl- leading back among the farms to take to pay their respects to the ^ n d p r o s p e r w i th e u t m t s / e p o r e te /a y . and Cnarles McLaren of Portlaud ehargo to yonr fam ily, produce to m arket— m arket roads— aud departed oue. Rev. Mr. 8mith of speut Christinas day at the Will o r* w p tn “ik .k .t. we were asked to vote bonds to get them. ► Arrow Garage The bouds were votedjsnd the great Peoria preached the sermon and McLaren home. Nate Olivo« c«i*ry W ee«» D ark G lb ltt (Jrsvy scenic high way and through lin ts paral­ the Knights of Pythias lodge of Ralph McNeil of Junction City , Fe*n«t WtviPn», sw«et Pot«tn«« leling the railw ays wire built. W hen Corvallis, of which the deceased H A L SE Y , LINN A N D O R E G O N spent V hrietmas with his parent?, ?rt..s Faaeh.», Caullflew.r aa Gr.tm farmers complained that they were not was a member, had charge of the Fr«ad H u lt« * Tent« to Salad W, G. McNeil and wife. getting the promised roads they were services at the grave. Cbaaaa Straw« Buttor Fr»Dlt Workinger has bought the and pleaded guilty cud paid »26 ladtvISual F m x p k la Ft« W ith W hipped told to be patient. In good tim e thev E. E. Hover and family were | lMM"auu »am Sanoa Halsey garage and takes possession Mr. Barens was the youDgest Gao fcr reckless driving. Would get them. The roads could not CoS»« ) Christmas day visitors at Everett The Pupmans The Christmas gift of Herbert | , , „ . , all be buffi ato n e*. T h e y waited. The son of Mrs. Alice Uareus of Peoria with the lew year. •u nssi-- 1 Harrtsbug. Hover e at Oraasi) «f Tomato T return to Portland. gasp Crouton* lliOBiy was all used on through liues. and made his home with her. Lerwtll of Urowutville was a F.-Uft ta la d 1 W ilk WTu»p«d Creato fianca These are roads to be proud of, though Besides the widowed mother he Alford Arrows Ch««SS Çr» pardon from the couuty jail, where ¡raíkers A»sor»«<5 C alti» Glenn St.veusou *p*ut Christ­ some costly mistakes were made iu their Nat t« C hoce lota leaves six sisters : Mrs. Clarence mas at Harold's at Brownsville be was boarding out a booze fine. (Enterprise Correspondent) P um pkin 01«. sonatructiou. Some costly rebuilding B rattain, Mrs, G rant B rittain cupial w at«r XU oupfu!« p a o li- Mrs. J. C. Bramwell came home Only two uew subscriptions were was necessary. Landis I’hilputt aud wife a n / 3 tbop ovan*« ra il , anil Mrs Ijeightou Bayne of Peoria; from Corvallis for the vacation. U capful b.-o»a received at this uflice during the fute* M aiket roads, which were more needed Iittlo son of H arrisburg spent eu*at t top. *ln * « r Robert Jones of Benton receut eight days when all such by the people who ar* developing this Mrs. Miss Ixira Scott, from the blind Christmae at Chester Curtis'. 3 «■*■ 1 to*, etne anion Studley e, receipts were dedicated to the near school at Salem, is spending a few X cupful avxparataS M to*, aalt state, are being b uilt by county and road county; Mrs. Glenn nilla A Christmas program was given distiict taxes. And the through road Astoria, and Mrs. Grace Apperson ICS th* «u *«r aa< «»ason. Beulah Dean and children, anS pour 1» a <«op c n n t - llx « * iaui Bareue of San Francisco. what use was to be made of the Harold aud Annette, and Robert clü**d uutU “ ,tor ,he output of marketable products — the P«3. « aka at iso Sagvta« F ah ro uh dt for S flt 10 mlnat«« and 103 d««raa« Roosevelt h ig h w a y -• is still awaiting its money. An elderly subscriber, J . D. Brubaker aud family rch reah »tt for tS tulnut««. Loug of Albany spent Christinas time, instead of being the first to be Too Alert none too wealthy and physically 0 *U ltfl« w *r iu Qratln. ‘peut built. . . Christmas _ _ _ day with _ Mts. ..... JIOQOVO laavaa and trtin off the o ta lk Luck may run down ut the heel, l.ut handicapped, donated $2, so $4 with the Quimby?. Brubukt t ’s parents, S a m K i u g l t r fro*s !»r«o aaallflawor. Saak !u a oolu- T h e Portland Ad club views the pluck never does.— Boston Transcript. Miss Marian Lowery, society went to the relief of the little ,v¡( > ¡ t!o® ?* L tbop vtnagar^ 1 top. sa lt aud I situation aud advises that the fund au«Jt o f w » tsr for l i m inu tas to r s - editor of the Eugene Guard, spent sufferers. S a ’ I flli* a s í !as«ots Cook w h s ls . raised for advertising Oregon be devoted Carl isoin went to Eugeue »t-.vj up. la b «;;Jss »a!:e4 « ) » • » f«p The thousaud.aore sugar Leet Christmas d a y aud Sunday at the Sunday night aud fiom there Uok s«v«n I.niv.atos yU e« o * n ü e« w o r !n s n to attracting tourists, not farmers. That ei!«4 b « k t).( 4tsh. pour ovov • th in is what the state h at b u ilt roads for. project for this valley has beer, Veatch home. •▼ «Bovsud m¡Jk w h it* s*uo* x:id o*v*p the train Monday morning fcr Do you remember when the state wa w ith VutM tod crumb« and * r tt« d indefinitely poetpi u* 1. Only two cats*s ot iliseat-e were Ashland to spend the holidays ut ehs*«« » m a lx * m od«-«?* ov«a. T il« asked to guarantee inierest ou irrigation ••T-r«« six. W illard L. M i l s is the new reportml from thie county to the ; the home of his uncle, f. F. Isom. bonds for five years aud did so, with the Cr*«m ot Tomato Soup. preaideut of the Lii c C m u ty Bar state board of health last week, 1 j Miss Lillie Kit kar 1 and btotl • 1 No. 3 c m to m « - l tb«p. «u * * r promise of reimbursement out of the to«« IH « V ««n profits on irrig a tio n . I t did so and ot scarlet fever and 1 of whooping | association. U tap. «oda er« Jesse and Emery attended the 4 «»f*»« p«v»i«y paid the interest as it accrued, but all <♦ t«p. thyrao 3 cup« «v«p vrat»4 cough. H lreue Quimby, Monmouth stu­ m ltk dilu ted Christinas program at Tangent W bay l«af prospect of reimbursement has gone w ith tap. p«pp*roava« dent, Wayne Veatch of the U. of M’ss Nettee Spencer has ebanged Friday night. Lillie spent the X glim mering. And now what? The « clo v es S sup» w at«r 3 thap. Sour (J., Enid Veafcb, teacher from her abodo to Eugene and we note uight at the home of her uncle, 3 all««« ev.lea lnlders of the dishonored bonds are 3 thtp. b u tttr eouiiug io Salem to ask that the taxpay­ Roseburg, and Ethel Quimby, that (ho hue her Enterprise se n tin Charles Jenks, am t her fatbor, Mak« • w h it« ««oc« o f th« d ltu U il • va p era ttd m ilk, th« b u tlsr and Sour. ers be required to redeem them. Why? recently from eastern Oregon, are care of Mrs. P. L. Campbell. Mr mother and brothers came tl e Osolc th« t*m *td M with the ««aaoli- On the ground that by paying that In­ ta*» tor flt* mlnti!«« and «train Th«r« spending the holidays at their Campbell w ar for many years lb s I nexi Jay for Christmas dinner. • bowl« b« I % ruu« o f pulp. Add •» « < terest the stale led the simple miuded to pwlp and «otnbfn* w ith lb « hot w h it« homes. fjsi’.d of the U. of 0 bond buyers to believe those securities B. F. Clark and wife wcie •an««. P o sr Im m ediately Into llierm es sound ! Because the state allowed itself Ruth Quimby [of Haleey high Mrs. Shipman of the hotel Lu« afternoou callers ut Chester Curtis’ h- i "e Whipped Cr«am flauc*. to be buncoed once it must submit to school is still on the sick. list. been bedfast several days but if Friday. T h r« « -feu rth i «up « ea p o ra ttd m ilk, t another and heavier buncoing! cup w h ip E. D. Isom and family spel t •u *«r. p in g ar««m. % cup powd«r«d The people ot C harity grange improving. The taxpayer w ill not be at Salem to Chill th« cr*am and «vapuratad rullk protect himself. H e w ill be at home hall neighborho’d enjoyed a Delos Wesley is slowly gaining Christmas day at Frank Bund's, Com bine and w hip u n til «tHf F old In try in g to produce enough to pay his near Rowland; O ther guests weie t h « pu*«r and k*«p ch illed It ti ra a d r Christmas program and trie at the in his race with inlluenza. taxes. Mis. L. E. Boud and Lester and to ««rr« hall Monday evening, with plenty Green fields and sunshine were Vera and W. C. Sickels aud of candt aud nuts lor all. The The Pendleton East Oregonian makes the weather bureau's contribution family, all of Albany. later part of the e reuing was spent confession that fur years it bat supported Rank Health W ith to Halsey • Cbiistmus. for office and lauded in office one of the in conversation anil games. J. D. Brubaker and family \ ¡sited Three " R i" I* Pie* must despicable of human beings— i T here were Christmas trees and ut John Ringlet’s Sundar. Mrs. Sm ith, formerly of Charily Christmas fare ^n Soutlmrn 1 a i i f i c W iuoua and Marjorie I’erry grange com iuuuity but now of By M A R IE K. JO HNSO N traius uud every kiddie got a bag returned home last week from a Corvallis, is spending a few days A i an educational «uld*ct for cbil- Mrs. M Ward has not fully visit with their grandmother, Mrs. flron. health «l iold bold equal rxplt visiling »Id friends. w ith th * threo tecovtren irom the effects of rtiui Kump, in Eugene. Mrs. H. U. Thomas of Portland "H'a'’ In the cur- fall. Mi»« E tta G ard u tr.l Mr. Gule rlcnfnni of pub­ spent Christm as day with her lic achoolt. Doc­ The ilustrated sermon at the I’ruyther and George Godwiu and brother, S. Veatcb, and went tor« declare t b i t IT H R E A L pleasure we Methodmt church Sunday evening fa m ily o t Buena Vista spent ou to Votlago Grove for a few w ith o u t a ¿Umlay before latt tt John Rolfe'*. attracted many uoo.meuibwp. healthy, atari,y weeks' stay. pause on the threshold of a body It la Itnpoy. John Rolfe and wife went lo Church Notices Philip Merriam had his appendix «It»,« f blld Albany Monday. to b *v * * b o a ith j, excifsd last week. Methodist—Next Sunday new year to thank the friends happy nilud. Deo Rolfe cf Oakridge i* «;>*nd. 10 a. tu., Sunday schorl N • * I e ct of XV. W. Bass parked his car in mg the holidays with his father, childhood defect« 11, Public services^ who have honored us with front of the Imperial restaurant in may raaolt In Jobu Rolle 3, Junior League Albany Monday eveotgj. Io p e r a a a M t physi­ Mr. and Mrs. Johu Rolfe spent M » -l* K. Jdhns**. 6 30, Epworth League cal hapslrssore their patronage. backing oui he was not * atchful 7.30, public service. All »re Christmas at George Godwin'*, Liter on. Many childhood tU* m-w enou«b aud collided with tide car of traceable directly to tn*tautrlUo»>. May the future hold for Mrs. Mabel Wilson of Portland. cordially inviteJ to all theee serv­ u«*r Buena Vista, returning ou High achoot students eapsclally Sunday. J S. Miller, p*»tor. He settleed with her for damages ices. Bead a verlety In foods for at tl»*.« («?*>/• d candy An ip p e tla ln * tvAebooa put op * t hots* I* much t * be p r*f* rr *d to th * sort tb * boy or girl might obtain *t tb* cerur «tor* a *o r tb * «cbool. < M *a t la all rtfh t fc r th * achoo* tuo^h**n but tt should bo put tip In ^•flsptlng fort». I f ollced thin It I* a,ore appetising to ««ndwlrba* than t f la thick ploc** Fevers*«« or soup M y b * ctrvlod la th«nuo* bottle* h»t th * bottle* « o a t b * ear«fully washed and s’ r*d daily a ft* r ustag. M ilk I* roc»a>*>«nded for *a lm p*r- ’»At ptac* la th* hoy'» or g'rf* diet ba- iCoubcseu on last page,