ii-lm (Cherokees) or ourselves. It can issue. He was Interviewed. More I resist—for a time.” satisfactory, he received a check. In | He fell silent and his eyes gazed rtrat payment, for seven thousand dol- , moodily Into the smoke of the council lars. fire. Very soon his mother descended In “Why do you say Tor a tim e’?“ 1 trium ph upon him and haled him forth asked. with kisses aud reproaches. Tom, who "Because I mean It," he retorted lived In a vague world (as alw ays), In fiercely. "Today the Indian Is still which the central figure was Elsa, had strong. He has the protection of the By TREMONT FLAGG 6 B e ll a n s a misty vision of a tear-stained face, forest. The white man foolishly has and a memory of his promises to re­ - » i i Hot water given him guns to fight with, and steel (C u p ) r i g h t by w . O . C h s u u a a I turn. axes and knives. But the Indian i ] Sure Relief ''lie 'll never return," said practical GUESS w ell let the boy see grows w eaker; the white man grows U what poverty's like,” said Mrs. Elkins. "H e's the best ever, but stronger, in the end the Indian must go." close-fisted old Slinou Granger —w hat's the use? I kuow human na­ ture. Elsa. So dry your eyes and don't to his wife. He leaned forw ard until his facs be a little goose!" was close to mine. Marla G ranger agreed. She was and ,75 t Pkgs.Sold Every where At home Toni’s father condescended "When all else falls the w hite man typical product of Newburgh, a manu­ will use fire-water, w hat you call rum facturing town of two hundred thou­ to Invite him to resume his life with Retain the Charm The neighbors, who and the French cull brandy. The red sand souls, as one might say. The the family. man cannot resist It—and It ruins him. Grangers, by virtue of Simon's four thought u good ileal of a man who Of Girlhood / AUTHOR, of PO RTO BELLO GOLD ETC. He becomes a red anim al." could make good In the wrttlug busi­ mllllou dollars, acquired lu the puck A Clear Sweet Skin "B ut—" , WHO. SERVICE____________________________ COPYRIGHT Sr B R E N T A N f f J Ing business, stood ut the head of the ness, resolved to forget the scandal He would not let me speak. C u tic u ra of his departure. Maud Barry-Smith aristocracy, although the Barry- the English from the land. Ga-en-gwa- C H A P T E R V I I — Continued "Amt your missionaries told me I Smiths ran them close, old Jim Smith, released a teututlve millionaire from W iU H elp You ,ra go has sent my brother Ormerod, must believe In th eir God!" he went , or Jim Barry-Smith, as his wife came her clutches —15— “1 knew you'd make go»xl, Tommy," He took one step forw ard as we who has lived amongst the French und en scornfully. "A God who perm its to he known, owning some three uill- she said, uiid looked meaningly ut [ halted, and his right arm went up in speaks their tongue, to spy out the whlte men to do things the God of tb s Hons acquired In the paper game J When Tom Granger announced his hi in. ground at Jag ara. I go with him. Indians forbids! I said to them : the graceful Iroquois salute. • am an Indian. A good In- decision to become an author there Tom was too much absorbed In the •XJua. Ta-wan n e -a rs!” his voice A fter that, If we may, we shall seek INFLAMED LIDS plans for his second novel to read that boomed out. "You are welcome home, the Doom T rail and clean out the dlan Is better than a good white m a n ; „ as consternation. In the end his fa I I Increase« ihn Irritation. he is a better Christian, as you call IL ther gave him the choice between en light In her eyes. But everybody took O my nephew. I can see th at you Cuhnuiign dogs.” Van M IT C H E L L MY II BALVK. a «Duple, dn- For five m inutes Do-ne-ho-ga-weh And between had Indians and bad terlng the packing business aud earn ­ tbe engagemeut for granted. They be­ have been brave against our enemies, »MMtablK »»!• rwmndy. white men there is only a difference ISe at all .Irfifglau. gan to discuss the date of the wedding. ing his own living. for you carry a string of scalps at your smoked In silence. Then he emptied H N U U n e tjlw t in kinds of evil." Tom had a constant vision of Elsa's ''H e'll soon come to his senses, ma. belL I can see th a t you have been Ids pipe. ■Sa The next day we started upon the "I am glad th at Ga-en-gwa-ra-go tear-stained face. But, unpractical ns N tA lram an W MM te d . B ig n r u n u tIo n a u to m o b ile he told his wife. honored, for C orlaer w alks with you. march to Jagara. We had not gone I can see th a t you have been fortunate, keeps his eyes open, O my nephew," very far on the morning of the second ! There was consternation also In the ever, he only meant to return as soon w o r ld r a d ia t o r p ro te c t to n W i l l n o t fr«>ese, ju r e c a r R e t a il |1 p e r g a llo » . for a strange w hite man walks beside he said. ”Do you wish my counsel?” Barry-Smith household. Maud Barry- as he had done ,hls duty tow ard his • H v a a n p fo o r r d a t a N o o n r I P n re e a a . M u i a h a llto w n Io w a day of our Journey when I began to I Ta-wan ne ars Inclined hla head. family. Meanwhile his book uhsorbed you who has friendship in his face. Smith was considered as good as en­ hear what sounded like a muffled roar, j W A N T T<» I I K A K F K O M ( H t N K H o f gc "The Messesagues you met on the him. Then one day the storm burst. f a r m o r r a n c h fo r a ale . K . K , r s t . t t i |«< “E nter,O my nephew, with your white not thunder, but the bellowing of some I gaged to Tom. The union would es "When are you going to ask Maud w e ll. C r e te , N ob. friends. We are eager to hear of your Mohawk told you th at De Tonty was gigantic monster, whose breath could ! tablish the two families at the top of experiences and the deeds you have in trouble. I do not think word of ruffle the trees of the forest. Ta wan- the Newburgh social register. Maud, to be your wife?" Ids mother askeil this can yet have reached Joncalre. fondly. “You see, we don't want to done. E n te r!” ne-ars smiled ut my obvious bewilder- ; a heartless, shallow society girl up­ hurry you, Tom, but people are begin­ braided Tom sternly. and Power Lawnmower He tu rn ed on his heel and walked My advice Is th at you dress yourself ment. A Practical P ro ve n P ow er (.Cul­ “ 'TIs the voice of the Great Falls, [ “Don't be a fool, Tom I” she suld. ning to talk, and—” before us, and those who had accom­ as a Messesague w arrior, O my tiv a to r G ard e n e r«, S uburb Tom felt a devil of craft enter his anitee, T foe ruckera, panied him fell Into single tile behind nephew, and th at your white brother brother," he said. "The Thunder Wa | “Are you going to throw away all F lo rie n , N u r •e r y m e n . Fru I tG r o w r n .C o u r those millions? If you must write, do heart. All at once he suw the baited us. So we paraded through the vil­ call himself by a French name. Then ters." try Eat a tea a n d L a w n w o rk . the two of you may go to Joncalre aud trap that aw aited him. It at home, In your spare time." lage—or rath e r I should say town, for "Does w ater make th at noise?" I ex ­ A M E R IC A N F A R M M A C H IN E CO. "Oh, yes, mother," he answered Tom felt cut to the quick at the lJOO-JArd Ave. S. R .. M in nea polls. M in a . It contained many thousand people— say that you have JUst come front Le claimed. vaguely. de Trolt and give him the news and girl's defection. He, too, hud grown until we reached a house In the center “Nothing but w ater." When she hnd gone he stole down­ up In the Idea that some day he was ..Da. S ta ffo r d ' s ! where burned the tribal Council Eire he will make you welcome. So you " 'TIs impossible.” may spy out his plans at Ja g ara.” and w here am bassadors and distin­ "So many have said ; and, Indeed, to do w hat had been drilled Into him stairs. Like a thief lie left the house, “Jn ,” assented Corluer in English: the missionaries told me 'tw as ope of ever since he could remember—marry gained Ihe street, und took a street guished guests were lodged. “th at Is a goodt plan. You needt a the greatest wonders of the world." Maud. However, he could not give up car. H alf an hour Inter lie stood, The roy an-ehs. chiefs and elders goodt plan for a fox like Joncalre. heal» sore throat. D o n ’t cough all In the early afternoon a mist ap­ the plan, the great plan for the great with desperate Intent, before the over­ bled into it ut our heels and arranged joyed Mrs. Elkins. And Elsa, enter­ night — a few drops give» quick relief. themselves uround the bre in the cen­ Hy—. I hop»*, you fool him andt bring peared, overhanging the treetops on novel. home his scalp.” ing, saw them there. Never tails. So he left the parental household the horizon and shot with gorgeous ter. Then squaws fetched in cluy HALL « RUCKEL. I m . "T he news which Ga-en-gwa-ra-go rainbows. The volume of noise In­ with about twenty dollars In his Tom heard her step, he turned and dishes of m eats and vegetables of sev­ IO W.ndr ru™ asks for will be sufficient," replied Ta- creased. When we stepped from the pocket, ostensibly bound for New grasped her In his arms. eral kinds, as well us fruit, which they New York wan-ne-ars. “O my uncle, we thank trees and the panoram a of the cata­ York, However, he knew th at he "T om !" she protested. set down at intervals uround the cir­ you. Now we may sleep with ease." “1 came to ask you to m arry me nt ract lay before us, a vast, seething could live unknown In a less secluded cle, and at a signal from Do-ne-ho-ga- ''T h at Is well," said the roy-an-eh, wall of w ater th at swirled and smoked part of Newburgh, and he had no In­ once!” cried Tom. "At once, Elsa, weh everybody began to eat, each one rising. and tossed und fumed In an endless tention of seeking his fortune In the dear." dipping his lingers Into whichever dish H e lifted his arm In salute. "But you two aren't engaged!” ex fight for freedom, I was amazed, stag­ metropolis. He went to a cheap hoard wus neurest or most to his liking, hut "May Ha-wen-ne-yu, the Great gered by the m agnitude of the spec­ ing house not two miles from Ills home, claimed Mrs. Elkins, scandalized. N o c a p i t a l r e q u ir e d G e t In b u a ln e a * fo r all governed by the utm ost deference Spirit, and the Homo-che-no-keli, his tacle. “Now gee here I" Tom burst out. “I y o u r s e lf s e llin g C A R I I A R T T O V K R A L I - H . and disappeared from the ken of his tow ard the wishes of th eir neighbors. Invisible Aids, have you in th eir keep­ guess we all got on together pretty m o a t fa m o u s g a r m e n t s , d ir e c t Io w e a r e r — At I stumbled behind Ta-wan-ne-ars old associates. At the conclusion of the meal Do- ing.” e s o r f u l l tim e . O v e r tw e n t y t h o u ­ Into the trail of the portnge which led “When you’re ready to enter the well when I lived here, didn't we? o s a d n d d tim a g e n c ie s W r i t « to d a y f o r p a r tic u la r s . ne-ho-ga-weh lighted a ceremonial around the falls. Canoes and goods packing business my home's open to Well—I w ant Elsa. And I'm deter­ W i l l te a c h y o u lio w to s e ll by m a tU H A M I L ­ pipe, carved of soapstone, with a long T O N C A R H A K T T . M A N U F A C T IIR B R mined to have her. And those people k e t A H an P e d r o H lre e ta . Ix is A n g e le s , C M a a lif r . werp transported hy this route from you," his fath er had said. C H A PTER V III wooden mouthpiece decorated with the other side of Newburgh have got a the C adarakul lake to the I.nke of the The first three w»*eks Torn spent heads and small, bright-colored feath ­ Erlps whence poured this endless writing ceaselessly. Then he aw ak­ Iilan for me to murry somebody else. T rapp ed ers. He blew one puff tow ard the S e rv a n t P ro b le m stre a m ; It was a m ain-traveled road ened to the fact th at his money was I didn't see It, because I never see ground, one puff tow ard the sky and It w as a week before we left De-o- between the French posts In Canada "Is she liuvlng trouble with her things. But It seems th at It's all fixed, one tow ard each of the four quarters. nun-da-ga-a, and although the delay and th eir outflung establishm ents In gone. His landlady, a kind-hearted cut und dried, and—and It's up to you housekeeping?” “Yes. Ton much woman named Elkins, took him to Then he passed It to Tu-wan-ne-urs on Irked me It could not he avoided, for the farth er wilderness. bridge ami not enough Bridget.” two to help me out." task. his right hand, and Ta-wau-ne-urs the prolonged absence of Ta-wan-ne- We followed It northeastw ard until "Mr. Granger, you're perfectly ab­ "W riting may earn money,” she gravely pulTed It for n moment, and nrs from Ills post us Warden of the twilight, the ro ar of the falls gradu­ W atch Cuticura Im provs Your Skin. surd I” exclaimed the mother. handed It to me. I did likewise, and W estern Door of the Long House had ally diminishing behind ns, and came said doubtfully.” But a young man Tom turned to Elsa, who, oddly On rising und retiring gently sm ear gave it to Corlaer, wht> handed It on perm itted an accum ulation of ques­ at length Into an open space ttpon the w ants to get a Job. A steady Job. enough, was still hnlf in and hulf out the face with C uticura Ointment. to the next man, and so it went the tions of political and m ilitary impor­ banks of the sw ift-running river which Now, why don’t you speak to Mr. Bog of his embrace. Wash off Ointm ent In live m inutes tance which required his attention. He carried the shattered w aters Into the ers on the fourth floor. He was Buy­ rounds of the bre. “I know I’m a fool. I can't under­ with Cuticura Soup und tint wuter. It ing only yesterduy th at there's going There was a moment’s silence, and spent the days either In consultation C adarakul lake. Close to the bank to be u vacancy in Ills Insurance of­ stand life. 1 cun only w rite about It,” Is wonderful whut Cuticura will do then Ta-wan-ne-ars began the account with the roy-an-ehs and chiefs and del­ stood a flagstaff, and from Its summit said Torn. "I wish I knew how lo ask for poor complexions, dandruff. Itching fice for a couple of men." of his travels, speaking slowly und egations from neighboring tribes or In floated the white ensign of France. Tom obeyed, because he had obeyed you properly, hut—Elsa, dear, won't and red, rough bunds.—Advertisement. Inspecting Ihp marches. Corlaer de­ w ithout oratorical effect. A fterward At the foot of this stuff, as If resting most of his life, and the upshot was you overlook my stupidity and tell me he told me w hat he and the others parted with a small band of braves fecure under thp folds of the flag, rose In n novelist's hands a scandii! fie- that he found him self engaged at fif­ th a t you'll m arry me? Yes, und take upon a hunting trip, hut I availed my­ had said. He made no references to Ihe walls of a substantial log house. are of me. I want to m arry you be­ com es a "romance.“ teen dollars a week on the clerical self of the opportunity to gain an In­ our mission, hut he described Ills Jour­ Behind It was a collection of sm aller fore they find I'm here und yank me staff. And there his life began. ney to New York, ills Interview with sight Into the workings of the rem ark­ huts and lodges of bark. G r a n u la t e d e y e lid s . S ties, In fla m e d e yo a To come home on Saturday nights, away." r e lie v e d o v e r n ig h t b v H o m a n K y e B a ls a m . A large, Rtout man, with very greasy, Ga-en-gwa-ra-go—tills Impressed his able m ilitary confederacy which held O n « t r i a l c o n v in c e « , 172 P e a r l Ht , N . Y A d v . '"fom, do you love me?" the girl de­ with fifteen dollars of actual earnings, lanky black hair, hailed us from the audience mightily, und they applauded the balance of power In America. with seven over when I l l s board was manded, looking him very straight In One of Ta-wan-ne-ars' first acts was log house ns we approached. by a succession of g u ttu ral grunts— Mnny it fiaraiKhted man li a clotte the face. to organize a w ar party to harry the "I Iola !" lie shouted In French. "Who puld gave him a sense of strange aud his m eeting with m e; the arriv al of "I never loved anyone If I don't,” observer. delightful Independence. He hud a Miami» In retaliation for an attack comes so free from the westwurd with­ M urray and He Veulle and Its m ean­ good stock of clo th es; he had no wor­ said Tom. upon a village o f the Andastes In the out canoe or fur-packs?” ing; our Journey homeward und the “Then—yes, dear," said Elsa. “Be­ “ DANDELION BUTTER COLOR” Susquehanna valley who were subject "A jioor. miserable laseul of a forest- ries. And night a fter night he worked cause I love you with all my heart." bght with the Calinuagas. Io the Jurisdiction of the League. sleudlly at I l l s book. He wus depict­ runner,” I called back ga.vly. A harm less vegetable b u tter color T here w as a pause. Then Do-ne-ho- "Then I'll take charge," said Mrs. “It was the intent of the Founders "And who might th is 'poor, m iser­ ing Newburgh, because It was all h e nsed by millions for fit) years. Drug ga-weh rose. Elkins, "I believe you two were Just to prevent quarrels amongst the five able rascal of a forest-runner' be?" he had known, except for his years ut stores und general stores sell hotties “We thunk you, O my nephew,” he nations who formed the Ho-de-no-sau- made for each other, anil you wunl of “D andelion" for 3S cents.—Adv. demanded. “These are the king's college, which hud left only a hazy ■aid. "You have Indeed honored us nee," explained Ta-wan-ne-ars. “Re grounds, and we must know who Impression. And because It wus so somebody to look a fter you, Torn, you and yourself, and your w hite friends fore we built the Long House we dear, foolish hoy, because—" 1 never found the companion that simple the hook wus really great. comes and goes." have shown them selves to he brave fought constantly amongst ourselves. And she hurst Into tears at the was so compmiloniihle us solitude.— At home tils worldly m other worried "Mon D leu !” I appealed In mock men. Now we will re tire so th a t you A fterw ard we fought only against oth­ consternation to the stars. "But It Is a little uhout him, and Ids fath er dis­ thought of the happiness In store for H enry David Thoreau. may rest.” ers, and because we were united we a hard man to deal w ith ! Will you missed him from his mind, und Maud the young pair, and their love, which y 'e " D e a d K h o t” la n o t « k»e»*nge He w alked out, and th e others fol­ always won. although sometimes our have an objection, monsieur, to the Barry-Smith made up her miud that was to carry them through the un­ o r D s r y r u P p e e r bu t a r e a l. o ld fa s h io n e d m s d lc ln « charted seas of marriage. lowed. w ars lnsted for many years. w h ic h d o a r io o u t W ir r n is o r T a p e w o r m w i t h name of Jean Courhevolr?" 1 she must get m arried that year, a a in g la doso, 171 P e a r l M t., N . Y Adv. When, three hours luter, Tom and “W hat next?” I asked as Ta-wan- "And now that w p are strong, and "None In the world, Jean," he re­ whether Tom returned or n o t Elsa found themselves husband and ne-nrs blled his pipe. only white man can venture to oppose turned promptly, “if you have your Tom's eyes were opened to the Ideili friendship m en tis s e lf sucri- The Seneca smiled. our w ar parties, we fight for nothing trading perm it with you. But who Is meaning of American life. He lived wife, and emerged Into the late sum­ flee. , mer sunshine from the little church, "Soon we shall have a real talk,” he more than the right to Impose peace the good savage with you?" and worked In an old fashioned part said, and reached for a live coal. upon others. If a nation makes Nobody had told me anything of a of the city, not far from the roaring photographers came hurrying up with An hour passed, and I began to trouble for us too frequently we sub­ trading perm it, Hnd I fought for time. arteries of traffic, yet secluded as If It camera». Their path was blocked— doubt my friend's wisdom. I was jugate It, as we did the Delawares. If "You call him good with Justice, were a century ago. And Ihe people that magic puth to the stullou und the sleepy and tired. B ut in the event I a nation Is In difficulties, as were the monsieur— By the way. what ia your whom he met, honest young working honeymoon land. V» c f ¿ » fig u rin g b lo li h r , and "Look !” gasped Mrs. Elkins, staring _____ irritations. U u was rew arded, for a shadow durkened T uscaroras In the south, and they ap­ name?” fellows and quiet fam ilies, were us the en tran ce und the G uurdian of the peal to us for aid. we give It. We look “They call tne JoncatTe,” he said different as itossihle from those of the nt a newspaper which somebody held before her. the T uscaroras Into the le a g u e be­ with a trace of grlmncss. W estern Door stood before us. old life, which seemed so far uwuy. Under the caption "A uthor's Run­ “Joncalre! Mort de ma vie! The And If ever lie had felt a tenderness He sat between Ta-wan-ne-ars and cause th at was the best way we could very man I have been searching for!” for Maud Burry-Smith It was forgot­ away .Marriage" she saw the photo­ me, and cram m ed tobacco into his pipe protect them." "Against whom?” I asked Innocpntly. "W hat? How Is th at?" he asked. bowl. ten as soon us lie set eyes on his land­ graphs of the bride and groom. "Against the white man," he an­ “Ah, but th at Is a tale! I cannot be­ lady's daughter, Elsa. Then, through the crowd, scattering “You a re not sleeping, O my swered. “Aye. brother, down in the lieve It now! Am I In very truth on it, came an automobile, und Tom's pur- I nephew,” lie commented. Elsa wus a girl of (wenty, and study- southern colonies the white men hun­ French soil once more?” ents hurled them selves to Ihe ground "We have th a t upon our minds “This Is the Magazln Itoyal," he re­ lug stenography to help support her ' Stop the murrluge If It Isn't too | which will not let us sleep.” answered ger for land Just as they do here In mother. Torn wus amazed at the lltn- Ta wan-ne-ara. (Tills conversation was New York. When an Indian tr'b e Is turned. "As for French soil, mon itatlous of her knowledge. A fter a lute!" exclaimed ihe father. "It Is too lute," said Mrs. Elkins, SA N F R A N C IS C O 'S N E W F IN S C4C I L tran slated for me la te r by Ta-wan ne­ weak, as were the T uscaroras, the brave, I do not see how you could have while It dawned on him that her lim­ wliltp men drive It before them. When been off It.” Every rootn with l« t or shower. |2.U0 to W.60. ar».) G a ra g a next door. itations were precisely In those things planting herself squarely In front of a tribe Is strong, like the G-ya-da-ga- ( T O H E C O N T IN U E D .) h la . ‘Would It ra se the weight on your of which he hud never taken any ac •'H u rrah !" yelled a street urchin, nulnds to confide your troubles in me?" co u n t capering before them. , “T h at Is my thought, O my uncle.” She was quite Ignorant of flashy res "You hear thal, Simon?" asked Do-ne-ho-gi>-Weh bowed gravely to tauranl life and hotels, of New York T h oreau ’s Tribute to W onders o f Nature APPROVED LANDS J l of us. gayetien und uuiuinohlles. lint how Tom's mother, with cold rage. "Our STATE Hinull Irrlifnted f a m e In w ell «Mughlisbed "My ears a re open.” he said. happy Ihey were when they went to­ son has disgraced our name again, aud •etUeinonlk F r u it, a lfa lfa , d a iry , h?>y came this w hite w ar­ reached Tom's ears. For already, with salute and a response to all your en­ a fter church I bower. rior, (irm erod whom I call my brother, thusiasm and heroism.—Thoreau. The young man was drifting Into n Elsa, he was traveling the flowery When I walk In the wood» I am re­ with word th at M urray had defeated very serious love affair when an meads of honeymoon land, which minded that a wise purveyor has beeu Ga-en-gwa-rs go before Oo-weh-go-wa. reaches, If one can find the way, to the U n ited State» M int» amazing thing happened. He had fin Oil the sam e day came the Frenchm an there before m e; my most delicate ex­ -lopes of paradlae. P aper money 1» printed at the plant tubed the book and sent it to a pul> perience Is typified there. I am »truck De Veulle, who once lived for a while of the United States bureau of engrav­ Usher, who had accepted It, much to amongst us. Him you will rem ember ’ with the pleasing friendships a n t ing and printing. Washington, while his surprise, though be knew nothing B anish W o r r y I unanim ities of nature, as when tne The bronze mask of the roy-an-eh's most of the coins are turned out at the of the difficulties of first books, Bu' Worry Is evidence of an Ill-con­ lichen on the tree» takes the form of face was contorted for one brief ln- There are two months later, he found himself fa • RIC E $150 AT YOUR DRUG STOfff their leaves. In the most stupendous mint In Philadelphia. trolled brain; It 1» merely a stupid •ta n t by a flare of passion. sm aller mint» In San Frsnclsco and mous. wnste of time In unpleasantness. If H’tite for fret Booftltt “I rem em ber him." he said simply. scenes you will see delicate and fra ­ Iiefiver. Coins have been minted else­ All the papers were full of the youn^ men and women practiced mental cal­ 'KOENIG MEDICINE CO. "De Veulle comeg from (fnontlo’s grant features, as slight w reaths of where. at other times. There were isthenics as they d>< physical calis­ 1045 N WILLS ST. CHICAGO. ILL. king with a message for tha Canadian vapor, dewlines, feathery sprays, formerly m ints In New O rigins, Car- author who had been satisfied to stay at home and w rite of tbe local town thenics, they would purge their bruins tribes, o my uncle. He and Murray which suggest a high refinement, a son City, Nev.. and Dahlonega, Go., His photograph was In every Sunday of this foolishness.—Arnold Bennett. end Joncalre work together to defeat noble breeding, as It were. Bring s a crystal j but these arc now closed. W. N. U . San Francisco. No 52-142*. • u r frlenn Ga-cn gwa ra go and drive spray from the wood, or HE SAW THE BAITED TRAP «DOOM TRAIL //> ARTHUR D. HOWDEN SMITH I Sure Relief ELL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION DON’T R KINKADE GARDEN TRACTOR olive tar c o ld s . - and a s t h m a Earn $25—$50 Per Week fLEAR YOUR SKIN Resinol CALIFORNIA DIRECTORY HOTEL ROOSEVELT CALIFORNIA PASTOR KOENIGS N E R V IN E J°f Epilepsy Nervousness G Sleeplessness ki