Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, December 23, 1926, Image 1

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    From the Editor’s
Relief Work in Wake of Earthquake
Point of View
Profit in a Year At Americas Orphan City in Armenia
H M. Byllesby &, Co. and
Blyth, Witter 4 Co. recently
offered an at ditional 9760,000 ot
We have ol olJ time read that the sins Mountain States Power company
of parents would be vitided upon their 5 per eent gold bond», aeries B.
children. It was never truer than today dated Jau. 1, 1918, and maturing
Sins of oniisaion are quite as disastrou
Jan. 1, 1938. The price was 1021
as those of commission.
Aside from transmitted constitutional and interest, yielding the investor
diseases, whose toil is heavy, the ills 5.7 j or cent.
which [come from early-life iguorance—
The company own* and operates
ignorance whidh it is the duty of six groups of utilities, in Oregon,
parents to diapel—are among the great'
Washington, Wyoming, Montana,
est curses
Don’t be too prudish. When your Idaho and South Dakota. Its
little one comes to you asking about the system furnishes, without compe­
origiu of life don't abuse this trust in tition, public itility service in 86
you by telling a silly lie about a stork communities, having a eotnbinsd
or a bundle dropped from the sky. The
population in excess o; 300,000.
asking of the question is proof that it
More than 77 pet dent of the
is time; the child should be correctly
informed; and prevarication or evasion present net earnings is derived
ou your part will only lead to loss of from the sale of electric power sad
confidence in your word and to the light, approximately 17 per cent
Near East Relief Orphan» Repairing Damaged Street»—American Ambulance
Bringing In Casualties.
obtaining of distorted and demoralizing from gas and 7 per cent from
ideas lrom other sources.
steam and
Evil habits, formed In this wav, have
changed bright aud promising children
again in Oregon, with nothing hut
Just Suppose
For the twelve months ended
imo such morons as are filling the
chill in the air, tile stinging
city newspapers with accounts of the S<*pt. 30 last earnings of all prop­
( Portland Telegram)
pain in your cold fingers aud the
outraging and strangling of women, the erties in the system were, $3,298
Jnat suppose you were in far-off slippery ice under yonr cold feet,
rssaulting of girls and the murder oi
352; operating expenses, mainte»
young boys.
Armenia. Just suppose that you to remind you what suffering cold
Delinquent parents are the offenders nance and taxes, excluding depre. waked thia morning to find no cvn bring, and the larger need of
Clarion, 92,055,623 ; net earnings,
in such Sases.
fuel for your furnace, no furnace food for fuel when wood and coal
Offenders against women ought never 91,242,829.
put it io, since your house are scant.. Just support al hi s,
to be ’released from prison or asylum
,1'he net earnings are in excess of
until sterilized in the interest of them twice the annual interest require was a heap of ruins, shaken down and it will be easy for you to feel
selves and the community.
by an earthquake, and vour bed a that no Christmas gift could be
meuts on all first mortgage gold
pretense of a bed in a quite so appropriate or so effective
When O miston burst in upon Asa bonds and dividend bonds out­
shelter. Suppose you as a gift to the funds of the Near
Keys in Los Angeles with: “ Well, standing, including those of this
had no breakfast, and no place to East Relief, which m&kas it possi­
here I am ! ” he made that official gasp.
esile. During the five years ended
Another deputy was about to start on a
get one. Suppose you saw ubout ble for you to reach out and help
joy ride (at public expense) to Chicago Dec. 1, 1925, gross earnings of the you hungry children, blue and
these helpless children with the
to catclTlhe radio man. It is mote than properties at present in the system
gift of all, the gift most
an even bet that soon the proseutors will
□creased over 25 percent and net
thin rags, whimpering or silent nearly duplicating that of the
be even more anxious to lose Ormiston earnings more than 75 per cent.
with that despair that realizes the Christ—the gift of life aud hope.
than they have been to find him.
.Th^ proceeds from tbS-ssle of
uselessness of tears.
Every dollar received for a
this isst» oh 9750,000 first nx»rt-
Suppose It was Christmas t'ine
yearly subscription to
A basket of big white Leghorn eggs gage bonds will be used, in part,
and you knew that all over the the Rural Enterprise before ti
presents a picture hard to beat, but Prof.
reimburse the company for
Dryden, probably the best informed
world people were making ready o’clock Friday evening, Dee. 24
extensions and additions heretofore
man on the subject of hens' on this
gay and luxurious gifts to make will be turned over to the Near
nd now being made to ite proper­
coast, in another column quotes a report
happier stl I the happy children in East Relief. Make the paper a
from O. A, C. to show that the big Mas­ ties
comfortable homes.
Christmas gift to a friend and
sachusetts breed makes the stronger
The company sells light and
Now suppose yourself
back help the homeless littje ones.
appeal to the pocketbook.
power in Halsey and regularly
S in s
from hit great-grandson, Edward
Alfred Steinhauer, which »aye the Plymouth Rocks
young man weighed aix pounds
Versus Leghorns
Dee. 19. That ia more than the
editor weighed 76 years ego last
B ig B ird s M o re P r o fita b le
month, When he sent hts first
a t O. A . C.
■quail out over the soows of north-
ern Vermont. Young Steinhauer’a
(We taka the following from a
home is at Greenleaf.
copyrighted arliclejn the Reliable
H alley’s tax levy ia 8.9, the Poultry Jaurnal written by Dr.
lowest among Linn county cities. Dryden, formerlv head of the
poultry department at O. A. C.,
It was 9 last year.
The Albany milk condenaary is and hope the Journal will not
to be 23x80 feet, between Jeder- penalise the Enterprise too heavily
son and Thurston streets and for the Infringement. The facta
Water street aud the river, and may ba worth money to some of
our readers :)
part of it two stories. Construc­
White Leghorns bava more
tion began Saturday.
world records in egg production
The load limit for trucks this
than any other breed. There are
winter between here aud Browns-
two reasons for this ; First, more
villa is 4000 pounds, iucludiug
of them have been trap-nested
and more have been entered in
The prettiest calendar we have egg-laying cent sets than of any
seen came from Thompson’* mills, other variety.
Second, breeden have bred them
From Toronto wo have this for many yeara for high produc­
week on another page the story of tion, uaing trap nesta for the
a sailor ou the Titanic who hat selection of breeder*. Compara­
inherited a fortune as a reward for tively few of other varieties; have
his csrejof a baby intrusted to bins been trap nested aud bred up the
on the occasion of the awful wraek same way.
of that ship. It ia wall worth
fl aa many Plymouth rocks bad
been trap nested and as many
Springfield’s two • hundred - and- entered there would have been
fifty-acre free industrial tract has more Plymouth rock record* to
as its first tenant a big tannery claim attention.
J have just received from Prof.
and meat plant, with woolen and
G. Luno, head of the poultry
paper mills in prospect.
(O. A. C.), a complete
Douglas county ships ten cars of
flock of 200 barred
Cbriatmaa turkeys.
A lumher company baa installed
Starting with Oct. 1, 1926, with
at Dallas a [chipper to prepare
200 barred roek pullets In one
material f«r a Salem pulp aod
pen, the record for the year was
paper mill.
an average of 183.9 eggs a hen.
Reported from this county to tba Some of the bena did not start to
state board of health last week lay en the 1st of the montn and
were 1 case of chickenpox, 14 of did not finish their year'* laying
influenza, 2 of mumps, 1 of pneu­
S«pt. 30. Others no doubt started
monia, 1 of scarlet fever aud 1 before Oct. 1 and finished before
of tuberculosis.
Oct. 1 thia year. If a twelve­
o f P a re n ts V is ite c
o n th e C h ild r e n
Having returned Ormiston to Los
.augeles the news diggers can return to
their stunt of finding the D ’Autreipont
boys once or twice a week.
On the last column of this paper are
some comments on the potato market,
received this morning from O. A. C.,
which are worth consideration. The
college people know what they are
•alkmg about. I he Portland hogs who
keep fat ou the farmer’s potatoes now,
and oa other crops at other times, have
no funds in sight when the asaessor
comes, and they jolly well defeated the
income tax, which might have caught
¡lays interest in Halsey on some of
ts securities which are held here.
England's greatest
reace to 'is hashes.
Delo» Wasley is quite HI.
Rural Enterprise
T year fo r^ dollar
Gifts for
Everybody Î
Good by, shortest day.
Church Notice«
Methodist—Next Sunday :
10 a. to., Sunday school
11, Public services, gubject,
“ The Divinity of Christ.”
3, Junior League
6:80, Epw orth League
7:30, public service. Rev. Rod­
ney D. Hnydar will give an illus­
trated sern on with eighty colored
lantern slides of the world’s mas­
terpieces. All are j cordially i n ­
J. 8. Miller, pastor.
h:s name as “ R. M." The paper
was hardly ini the postoftice in
the morning before J. J, Corcoran
was at the editor’s residence ask.
ing where to find the advertised
pigs, but before he reached Mr.
Miller the grunters were all sold.
Such pigs as Miller raises are in
An Oregon green Christm as demand.
Alford Arrows
seems probable here, though near
The realization farmers herea­
(Enterprise Correspondent)
hills are w hite.
bout have of the feed value ol
at Chester Curtis' Sunday
Ernest Adams, who was shot
Pbilpott and wife and
and killed by his father while they
and Berg
were hunting ia Benton county,
was buried at Fine Grove. The can, io half a minute, convert Clark and wife of Halaey.
eight pounds of milk iao a pound
John Rolfe and wife called at A.
family formerly lived in Peoria.
i>l powder that will keep indefi­ E. Whitbeck's one afternoon last
Secretaries of rural telephone nitely, but it adds nothing to its
companies in this county and food value.
E. D. Isom aod fam ily want to
Lane, Beutoo and LincolD are
W. H. Beene arrived from Long Albany Saturday.
asked to collect 75 cents from eseb Beach, Cal., at the end of the
Velds and Alice Curtis spent
subscriber for the fund to psy the week and the whole family returned
Saturday night with Wilma and
cost of the proceedings which there Sunday,
Lois Falk.
forced the Pacific T. and T. to
a . M. Smith of Portland spent
reduce its charges on joiot busi­
days the first of the week
Wid Allen.
B. M. Miller escaped a deluge of
Among the cards received by the I Glenn andpark Curtis of Paoria
calls for pigs last week because
(Continaeu on last page)
tba Enterprise accidentally gave editor these holiday times was one
Where is G ra n t Reynolds?
Price of mint oil is due to fall.
Mint is being heavily overplanted.
The Albany creamery associa­
tion has put out a beautiful calen­
<3 r
> ^ ia n u
U rie n c /s a n d
M a tro n s :
G h r ist’m a s
iM. V.
,Jhe Blaise y Pharmacy
S ’. SR uforè
o rris
month record for each ban had
been kept and all the complete
year’s records of ell the hens
added together the hen average
ould bava bean considerably
A total of 88 pounds of grain
and inash per hen was eaten in the
twelve.months. The conaumpliou
of feed varied considerable in the
different months. When the pro­
duction was heavy tba feed coo-
au rapt loo w*e heavy.
In the cold months of November
and December there was as high a
production *■ in the spring months
—iu fact, higher.
Io November after paying for
th* feed there was left 9132—•
nice little month’s income from
200 bens.
7 he total value of aggs sold in
the year was $1126.66, which was
9678.62 above the cost of feed.
Th* green feed baa not bean counted
in th* food ooaL
Another startling thing ia that in
thia flock of 200 rock* nine finished
with record! of above 800. These
records were 826, 321, 316, 816,
311, 307, 305, 304 and 303.
Th* record for tba high hen ia
believed to be a record for the
United State* for the breed.
The mortality lit the flock waa 14.
Sid* ,b y side with [the barred
rock dock was a flock of 280
Leghorns. Its racerd was kept lor
but 11 months. Extended for tb*
fall year at the rata for these 11
month* it would h*v* been 220
egg* p*r hen for the calendar
Deducting th* cost of feed from
receipt* for egga tb* profit waa
$2 91 per ben, against' 93.21 for
the rocks forth* same 11 months,
although the rock* ate more end
their eggs sold for 8 cents a dosen
less than the Leghorn eggs.
In 1908 I purchased the founda­
tion slock or each of these flocks,
(Continued oa last peg*)