RURAL ENTER? A g rc u ltu re H o rtic u ltu re L iv e s to c k A Weekly Chronicle oi Local Established J912 F rom the E d ito r’s Point of V ie w E v e n ts a m i P ro g re s s in L in n C o u n tv HALSEY, OREGON, T H V R S D \Y | DEC. 9. 1926 Happy Wedlock Sure Thing I f Bride Is Cook h a ir y P o u ltry »1 a year in advauv, W ool H A L S E Y , L IN N A N D O R E G O N grain fields, was interesting. News of Interest One of the moat striking views showed a colony of owls looking b rom the Schools Francis Kizer, G, G, Belts. E. slumbers. There is much timber like soiuauy soli mucowlcd monks. E. Grimes and William Cook sold up the Calapooia which will cou.e One was seen swallowing a rat, Profitable Quackery or two carloads of registered Shrop­ out some time. Brownsville wants apparently whole. Blue Dovils” and “ I toll Purchased Perjury shire sheep that were shipped a logging railroad to bring the Cats '- are Curbed When a criminal is too poor to hire from Rowland station last week. timber to mills in that city, but Alford Arrows I.ct nobody imagine that any­ "experts ” to testify in his bahalf it is mills may gy to the timber and Two women he did not know thing in last week’s Enterprise (Enterprise Correspondent) liable to go hard w-th him. He may their product be railroaded out in tried to sell Christmas cards he came ofllcially from the Halsey even have to pay the penalty provided J' I), Brubaker enjoyed a vi it some other direction. not want to Paul Popman a few schools. Miss Smith, the school by the law for his offense. Six eases of influenza and one from his nephew, Oscar Wideman reporter, who has been unusually days ago. Soon after he got rid of Sheridan, and his cousin,jAiden If a rich murderer will pay enough of them Mrs. Laubner appeared, of mumps were all the diseases Brubaker of Ohio, or.e day hist constant in bringing in news since an accredited expert alienist will swear desiring to place a Red C ross! rePorte<1 from Linn county to the week. They were en route to she held that position, failed ro that he is a victim of dementia praecox Christmas seal poster in his w in -!state board last week, turn in anything last week, aud By KATHRYN ST. JOHN California. or paranoia or mental whangdoodleitis dow. He didn’t know the lady and, I I)n another page is given tie Haphazard meals yearly ruin thou­ Guests at E. 1). Isom ’s Sunday we were forced to rely upon other and utterly irresponsible for his acts. •ources of information. News sands of marriages. Most marital misunderstanding her request, he.m*>ue and addressed a man, now , were Frank Bond am 1 wife a id If the proseuction will pay the price it ships would maintain an evener keel from the school repuitcr is always thought: " H e re ’s another out-, IOC years old, who made feme sons Melvin and Liny d of 1 can produce another alienist, equally If brides knew cooking. Lincotn. i land aud Mrs. L. E . Rood of * so marked. Many of the first year’s troubles be­ sider selling Christmas cards in raila with Abraham accredited, to testify that the accused Principal Patton says, and cor­ tween newlyweds would be avoided If Halsey, ” t and gave a curt refusal. More remarkable ttill, his fath ei Albany. is perfectly sound mentally. The jury the wife were capable of preparing You don’t want them here?” she lives, aged 133 rectly, we are sure, that ‘‘ no one may believe one expert is honest and foods with on experienced hand. Alvin Alien and fa mily of better than the school realizes the And she the other a fool or a crook, or thai Wives are to blame for the failure of asked agaiB. ‘'N o ,” Collage Gmvo visited at Chester Church Notices both are fools or crooks. I true status of tha morals of the many business men In the final analy­ departed, full of righteous indig­ Curtis’ Sunday. At the Ainiee Semple McPherson e x ­ sis. The business man's health de­ nation at the rebuff. When the Methodist—Next Sunday : youth of this community, and amination in Los Angeles a proseection pends a great deal on what he eats. (’. E. Cogswell ol Portland spent no person or group is trying harder fact9 were known nobody regretted 10 a. in., Sunday school desert expert testified that Ainiee could And It's up to Ills wife to see that he a few days this week on his lancli. lo elevate these to a high stand­ 11, 1’uhhc services, free to all not have traveled as far across the gets the right kind o f food. A health­ the incident more than the g-.niai A, M. Smith of Portland was a ard ." Through alhlesics and hy- fully balanced diet goes a long way 3, Junior League Paul. dessrt as the said she did without dam­ toward making the tired business man dinner guest at Chester Curtis' ;iene edue.irion the results and t):80, Epworth Leaguo aging her shoes more than they bad less fatigued. L. V, Chance keeps a couple of Sunday. 7:30, public services been damaged, and that he had fol­ penalties of smoking have been The expert home manager sees to hundred buff Orpington hens and lowed her back tracks and they came It that her husband never comes home Prayer-meeting Thursday, 7:30 Little Winona and Marjorie explained in general assemblies. them profitable. Mrs. only from an autoinsbile track four to a delicatessen lunch. There Is a finds Perry are visiting their grand, Pine Grove church : Three changes in text hooks miles away. A defense expert, with carefully planned meal waiting for Chance; who largely tends the mother, Mrs. Rump, in Eugene. I have been ordered by the commis­ Rev, Mr. Smith will preach at i him. The real housewife knows that longer desert experience, swore be had hennery, finds th» skimmed milk unbalanced diet means trouble and , . . , . . . , 2 o'clock Sunday. A. E Whitbcck, L. 11. Am - sion. History and political geog- worn shoes farther in the desert, with ! an avoids It. Likewise, she appreciates en better foundation for the study man was that of Willie Stevens. The H cup cream m ilk people in a talk he gave on the The Enterprise called Mr. defense threw on a screen enlarged pho­ Mix the fruit and Juices. Combine of the Powell school spent Monday than any book published since. is specially exempted tographs of the two prints and the dif­ milk aDd cream, chill and whip; then Almon Hugh instead of Hubert desirability of obec iente to the and Tuesday nights with their Portland fold In the fruit and mayonnaise. Tour last spriog when it did not know game and fish laws and of the ference wns apparent to all. from the jurisdiction of the com­ •teacher, Mrs. E. D. Bom, and Experts are such cheerful liars that it Into a mold and pack In equal parts better, but knows of no excuse for perpetuation ot the wild denizens accompanied her and Mr. horn mission and there are several other of salt and Ice. Serve on lettuce might be well to bar them from court haviog done so last week. of our forests and waters. leaves. This serves eight. and Beverly to Albany Tuesday to placeg where its ukases are ig­ Orange Bavarian. The pictures were highly enjoyed ie* Santa Claus. nored. If the legislature removes Miss Margaret June Standish is l-l cup evap orated i he editors of the state will endeavor I tbsp. g ela tin Ity a gathering which tilled hut did any barnacles nt tha next session U cup cold w a ter m ilk her» from Albany, where she bas to have the voters pamphlet abolished cup oran ge Juice t-S cup w h ip p in g Pfha Grove Points I wo recommend this one to its resided since her birih. She came not crowd the house aud which ulce cream in the interest of economy. People who t Ibsp. lem on JtT M tsp. sa lt S cup su gar j attention. (E n te rp rise C orresp on d en ce) visit her father at his uncle John's. included many of the young folks read the newspapers have no use for it Soak gelatin In cold water, add whom the speaker especially and those who don’t won’t read i t And fruit Juices, sugar and salt. Heat In Her mother came with her. At the Engi ne high ichool some Miss Eunice Silvester citin’ it ooats us a lot of money. wished to reach. 1 ..... lop of a double boiler until gelatin of the boys who disliksd Principal lion e from Monmouth Wednesday t Mr. and Mrs. Veeke of Harris- , dissolves. Strain and set In pan of The catching of large fish with Swan thought they could run tho returning Sunday. P“‘““ and line, where the hooked Tetzie, the Brownsville butcher, cold water. When mixture begins to bU^ . W' re . . T ‘, " g school board and forco him out. set, fold In the evaporated milk and at the hotel Suudav. Mesdatnes Hughes and R. E. went hunting Sunday and bagged cream which have been beaten stiff. victim made a gallant stoggle lhay committed various deeds of Hover attended the week-of-prayer a fox. We don’t know whether Banana lee Cream. W hat promises to be o re the for life against overpowering unii outlawry, one of which was the 2 cup* evap orated they make good sausage or not. 8 very ripe largest potato shows ever held on , unpitying odds until its splendid service of the missionary society at dousing of him with whitewash. bananas m ilk By the way, that fox of Stanford cup lem on Juice 2 cups cream the Pacific coast is at Klam ath strength and staying powers were the Peoria church Thursday. Some of them organized under the 2% cups su g a r W tsp. sa lt A large crowd attended the Sparks’ that escaped last spring Scrape off adhering fibrous portion F alls yesterday, today and to- ' exhaneted and it was thrown quiv- name of 11 Blue Devils," kidnaped and was advertised and hunted so on surface of peeled bananas. Mash morrow. Of this seasoB’s crep 833 ering into the creel to die, was c immunity meeting Fiiday nnd • omo schoolmate«, carried them much is at home While working and rab throu«h 0 8leve- Ad<1 the carloads of potatoes have already among the most striking—a coun- enjoyed the program given by our into the country and made them in th . i ,.,„ oat fi;„i.i cj . • u. , regt of the '»ircdlents In the order *. 8rV Sparks sigh ted , given and stir until all are well blend­ been shipped from there. The terpart of "The Dying G ladiator’- Harrisburg neighbors very much walk borne. These latter o rg an ­ a black object on the hill above ed. Let stand for 20 minutes so that Klamath gem has been bringiag picture of Roman times, Frank Githeos and wile and son ized the " Hell Cats ’’ and gave him. It disappeared so suddenly all sugar may dissolve. Freeze In a the top market price. were Albany visitors Monday. The immense pheasant farm at thetr late captors some of their 1 to 8 salt-ice mtxture. that his curiosity was aroused. In ­ makes H gallon cream. This recipe A couple of stocks of Albany Eugene, where the birds are most Mrs. J. A. Joh naon is building own medicine. The (malcontents vestigation showed a hole. He merch andige are going at bankrupt humanely treated and fed on a new henhouse. also conspicuously skipped classes. called for tools, dug and extracted sale. The owners did not adver- wheat until they are old enough Charles Straley is driving a T he m en of th e neighborhood, Last week the school board took a Madame Fox and she was returned brea t wagon between Albany and tiee in the Enterprise. to be turned loose on the farmeja* (Continued on la.t page) hand, sustained lbs principal and to her quarters. Newport. -uspended nine of the unruly ones. Chrietmos is near. Peace and good will. This term of Linn © t ® © ® © © f t f t & f t f t f t 0 f t others are being investigated. connty circuit court had almo-t I By dav the school property is ! '» ing guarded by the board, and nothing to do. cffîe ChmimaL Gifts for Everybody The Albany State bank has a new card in our directory this week. Miss Lois Pugh is so seriously ill that the does not expect to be able to return to high school this year. L. C. Merriam, S. P. section foreman, has been transferred from here to Newberg. H. P. Willis has a railroad job at the Woodburn station. Letter« to the company from Halsey business men at tha time of his discharge here, stating that ,f re­ employed tbev thought he would Q Dot offend again, probably helped f t him. A new United Statss bird res­ ervation, to be kriown as tha Co- Ittrobia River bird refuge, has been set apart by the president. ( It conslste/if two islands, abont 8) acres, at the mouth of the Walla Walla river. William Green of Brownsville was in Halsey a few hours last Monday. T he] Brownsville woolen milk f t are closed tor repairs cud the holidays. Visions of railroad building continue to tinge Brownsville'* o M. V. KOONTZ Co, (P/irisimas ò u y y e s tio m 5 fo r the Whole Family » (Continued on last page) The attitude ot China is to be worrying all tho 'great natiniis. Oddly enough, they i have not hit upon the simple expedient of minding their own f t i business and letting China mind hers Eugene Register, « « Stationery . . 33c a box to 3 2 .5 0 box Pace Pow der . . . 50c to «33.50 a box Perfume . . . . 50c to $ 3 .0 0 a bottle <5 , Acceptable St Bath Salts........................... 5 0c to $ 1 .7 5 Christmas ft Bath P o w d e r ............................ $1 a box f t (iifts © K o d a k s ........................ $ 1.0 0 to 6 5 ,0 0 0 /9 ^ a n a ru Kodak A lbum s . 75c, $ 1 .5 0 and $ 3 .0 0 f t Bin! Cages G am es-R ook, P it, F linch, etc. o Bird Supplies B ill Folds . . . . . . . $ 1 .0 0 to 3 .0 0 P u rs e s .....................: . . 50c to «$3.00 ft Aquariums F la s h lig h ts ............................... $ 1.40 up ft Fish Bowls f t W atches , . . . $ 1 .5 0 , 2 .2 5 and 2.75 ft Ornainonts Pens, Parker Duofold, $ 3 .5 0 , 5 .0 0 7 .0 0 f t All reasonably priced "ZZ3 Penciis, Eversharp . . . 50c to $ 5 .0 0 o Make your selections early « e (¿J/a r m a c u f r t J l a / s scu e j