ÄrVjnla's Prospects improved uniform international SiindaySchool ’ Lesson ’ . C .) Naomi (1:1-18). On account of famine In Bethlehem of Judah, Naomi with her husband and two sons sojourned In the land of Moab. After the death of her husband her two sons married Moabttlsh wom­ en. After a time her sous died also. After the death of her sons Naomi re­ solved to return to her homeland, hav­ ing heard that the Lord had visited his people In giving them bread. They went to Moab to escape trouble but only got Into more. It was not until Naomi was thus chastised that ahe re­ solved to return. One purpose of God’e chastisement Is to cause His children to return. Naomi had the good sense to recognize thut the hand of the Lord was upon her for good. When the time came for her to go, Ruth and Orpah accompanied her for a distance. This she permitted but determined to place before them frank­ ly the difficulties which would neces­ sarily confront them. THEY W ERE Mr. Conkertnn, who had an Irre­ pressible habit of boasting, was hold- i ing forth. “Yea,” he said, "I was banging on i the buffers and the train was going 1 at 70 miles an hour. My arms grew tired, my hand« slipped, and I re­ member saying as my head struck the i rails—" No Good Customer I want to return thia b o o k 1 bought, "Stories For All Oc­ casions. Bookseller—What's the matter with 111 Customer—It’s a fake? There’s nothing there for a man to tell Ills Wife w hen lie gets homo at 2 a. m. S O M E T H IN G IN O IL difficult for Portuguese plantation HE latent rumor concerning owners to operate, and in many cases the solution of Italy’s great they took ’ matters Into their own problem, the finding of an out­ hands and forcibly put laborara to let for her too crowded and rap­ work. Government regulations against idly Increasing population, alleges such practices were ignored. In re­ that negotiations have been under cent years these conditions seem to way for the purchase by Italy of An­ have been greatly Improved and a gola, Portugal’s vast territory on the more forceful government esfahltahed. The government, too, has mad« avail­ Atlantic const of Africa. Angola coveys a large part of south­ able large funds for physical develop-, western Africa. It stretches along meat of the colony. In addition to the Atlantic ocean for a thousand fostering railwuy building, the gov­ miles and extends 800 miles or more ernment has itself constructed some Inland. A comparable slice of terri­ excellent motor roads In the plateau country. tory In southeastern United States Second Floor Plan. The big factor In appealing to would have a coast line extending First Floor Plan. , II. Ruth's Noble Choice (1:10-18). from southern Georgia to New York Italy, If she were considering such a The exterior of the home is made Much as Naomi loved her daughters- city and, excepting Florida, would In­ purchase, undoubtedly would be the attractive by the wide front porch By W. A. RADFORD Art I>ept. Salesman—Madam, can’t clude an area greater than all the sparse population. Less than 4,000,000 ln-luw, she would not have them go which extends the width of the house Mr W illia m A. R ad ford w ill a n a w e r inhabitants dwell In the 485,000 Into this matter blindly. She wished q u ea tlo n a an d w ive A D V IC E F R E E O F and is eight feet deep, the dormer In I show you something done in oil states south of New York and the suitable for your dining room? Great Lakes, and east o f the Missis­ square miles of Angola. It Is esti­ them to know the seriousness of their COST on a ll p r o b le m s p e r ta in in g to th e the roof and the exposed rafters of the Mrs. Newrlch—Oh, la thia where mated. while Italy, with only 118,000 undertaking. She told them the worst s u b je c t o f b u ild in g , fo r th e r e a d e r s o f porch roof. The house ia of frame con­ sippi river. th is paper. On a c c o u n t o f hia w id e you keep the sardines? This vast region, although It was square miles, has a population o f that could come upon them. This prin­ e x p e r ie n c e an e d ito r , a u th o r and m a n ­ struction and has a large basement, discovered by Portuguese sailors in about 40.000,000. In other words, al­ ciple ought to be carried out by us u fa c tu r e r , he In. w ith o u t d o u b t, th e which is of the same dimensions as Revenee ig h en t a u t h o r ity on th e s u b je c t. A d- the house. 1442 and although It has had Portu­ though Angola Is four times as big as In all our relations In life. In this h dresa a ll I n q u ir ie s to W illia m A. R a d ­ Th® h u n te r had bu t l it t le lu c k . guese settlements since 1575, has not Italy, It has only a tenth of the ac­ respect Jesus Is our supreme example. ford. No. 1127 P r a ir ie a v e n u e , C h ic a g o , The living room extends across the For he w e e o u t to s h o o t a b u ck . 1. No chance to marry again. fo r r ep ly . been developed to any great extent. tual population, or one-fortieth the H® «hot a fa r m e r 's c o w in s te a d ; front of the house and Is unusually “ W o rth 60 b u ck s," th e fa r m e r said . It was really a victim of the discov­ density of population. Perhaps one- Naomi told her that she had no more A small house with a number of large. 26 feet. 6 inches long, and 13 ery of Rrazll and the opening of the half of the area of Angola at least sons for whom she could wait. In feet wide. Connected with It by a large room« In it Is the deal re of most water route to India, for into tljose Is suitable for colonization by Euro­ that day to be unmarried was the Then He Detoured double <*ase<1 .opening Is the dining peans. It is obvious, therefore, that greatest disgrace. Society differed housekeeper*. The home illustrated room, 17 feet, 6 inches, by 12 feet, ex­ more promising regions was poured Parson Johnson (sternly)—Did you It would form an admirable outlet for then from now. No avenues were left fits these specifications nl(S*ly. Here all the colonizing energy of Portugal clusive of the deep hay window. At the come by flat wulehmelon honestly, Italy's surplus people. o|(en by which a woman eonld earn Is an Mt tractive house, 27 feet, 6 at a time when that country was the Brudder .Smith? In the southern portion of Angola's her living and be independent. Fur­ Inches, hv 50 feet, that contains seven back are the kitchen and washroom, world's lender In colonization. The The Melon Toter— Deed Ah did, plateau Is a sort of little Transvaal. thermore, It was against God’s law rooms, besides a large washroom ad­ while off a hall reached through the stream of energy and men passed pahson. ebry day fo nigh on two dining room ure two bedrooms, with a joining the kitchen on the first floor, Displeased with nllen eontrol from for the Jews to marry outside of their weeks. Angola by, and It has been a sort of two bathrooms and sewing room on bathroom between. which ordinary treks did not seem to own people. Portuguese backwater ever since. the second floor, and an unusually Upstair* are two good-sired bed­ free them, a group of Boers took the 2. She must renounce her gods. Its Coast Is Dreary. Slightly M ixed wearisome journey across the great Her idolatrous worship could not be large amount of closet and storage rooms, an alcove room in the dormer Johnson So you gave up trying to and a hut broom. But there are also potent geograph­ Kalahrarf desert and settled in this carried on In the land where God's space. teach your wife to drive the car? ic and economic reasons for Angola’s remote region. Many perished on the people dwelt. This was delicately Williams—Yes. When I told her to lack of development. With the ex­ road, but those who won through touched upon when Orpah went hack release her clutch she let go of the Plumbing and Wiring ception of former German southwest have established solid communities In (v. 15). Orpah went back when It Good Housing Elements steering wheel. Africa, which adjoins It to the south, which the Portuguese officials have was plain there was no chance to get in Modern Building Need Frequent Check-Up Angola has the dreariest and most granted them the liberty and self- a husband. Now Naomi puts an ad­ Tt Is not so much the cubic feet of What should be done to the plumb •D O N E O N T IM E forbidding coast of any section of Af­ government in their communities ditional test upon Ruth, that of giv­ rica Superficially It may be com­ which they so much desire* In tlielr ing up her religion. Ruth was equal space In a house as the way In which Ing system? The first place to look pared with (lie desert coast of north­ settlements, surrounded by house« of to the occasion. Her mind was fully this space Is used, which Is Important for trouble Is in each toilet tank, as 1 in a house of average sire. Hence it the little float valve wiiich shuts off I ern Chile and P eru ; and the com­ typical Transvaal architecture, and made up. She was willing to accept parison Is heightened by the exist­ with the great heavy wagons In use. as her God the one who was able is difficult to say what should he the* the water when the tank Is full some I ence of a cool current that sweeps one might imagine himself a thousand to produce In Hit subjects the nobil­ minimum space required for a family times gets out of order and does not of given sire. The extremely high close properly. Take the top off the tip the coast from the Antarctic as miles away In the vicinity of Johan­ ity of character ahe had observed In ceilings of a few decades ago provided tutik and see If the valve closes tight- j the Humboldt current flows north­ nesburg or Pretoria. Naomi. Naomi's very frankness In a lot of spartant valleys. It Is in such long, narrow rica. The Angolan port terminus of III. Blessings Which Attended Ruth’s consideration In selecting a house plan house should he gone over to see that ) done nothing lately on timet Wlfle—Oh, yes. dear. I’ve gotten a oases that are grown the vegetables this railroad Is Lohlto, with a fine Faithfulness. It Is In go«wl order. Old wiring Is | or in purchasing a house piano and a new dreaa lately— both ■ and fruits for the few coastal set­ harbor. Loblfn Is an upstart among Ruth was never sorry for her Families that are rearing children sometimes In a dangerous condition 1 on time. tlements. the ancient coastal cities. Rengúela choice, because: ordinarily require three sleeping because the Insulation has dried up I Behind this worst foot which An­ and Luanda and the middle-aged town 1. She found the true God (1:10). rooms. Where there are small «'till - and dropi>ed off, leaving hare wires I gola thrusts forward Is a region of of Mossamedes, having been horn o i l Instead of her heathen god who was U nutilized Retourcet exposed In places. surprisingly good potentialities. The j a hare sand-spit only a few years ago. unRhle to help her, she now had the dren. many parents prefer to have the B a n n o n w a i a m an o f b r a w n . A modern system of wiring In metal bathroom and one bedroom down­ W ho w a it e d a ll h is m ig h t. coastal desert strjp extends Inland The excellence of Lohlto hay’s har­ living God, the God of Israel. tubes will safeguard your home stairs. It® had b«®n lu c k ie r had he g o n e from 12 to 120 miles and then the 1 bor is hidden as one steams toward 2. She found human friends (ch. 2). In most moms the new wires can he In to a p r is e rltk* rtghl. Every family wants to have an at­ country rises by a series of huge ter­ It. The steamer seems headed fo r As she went to glean In the field “fished’’ In place and thus concealed races to a broad plateau which ex­ barren cliffs with a narrow, sandy the was led to the field of Boaz, a tractive living room; the need for a In the partitions. dining room Is not so essential. Among Sweet Sixteen man of wealth and grace. The serv- tends eastwnrd Into the heart of Af­ beach at their base. As a matter of the families that are able to afford “I t ’s bedtime, daughter. When, rica. On each higher terrace condl- fact, however. It turns out when one anta of Boaz treated her with consid­ only small houses an Increasing num­ are you going tonight?" tiona are better than on that below. approaches closer, that the beach I» eration. Wrought Iron Used ber prefer to have a large living room, “I don’t know yet. I’ll tell you to­ The transition Is from aridity and a narrow sp't of sand a mile or more A A good husband and a happy j and to, use one end of it for eating, More in Decorating morrow. mother." lack of vegetation through semi- off shore. This sand-spit walls off the home (chs. 3, 4). i with |M*rhaps a breakfast alcove to Wrought Iron has become Increas­ aridity to a reasonably well-watered sea. and behind It lies one of the ,««t She not only secured a husband, bnt , be used at th e m o rn in g m eal and occa- ingly Important In home decoration of The F a ta l Policy park land of grass and scattered J harbors In Africa. It is three miles a man of God who had an abundance ; «tonally for lunch late, and not only In the plan of the frees. Much of this plateau Is an ex- | long and a mile wide, sufficiently of thia world’s goods. Insurance Inspector (suspiciously) With a well-arranged kitchen (and modern house Itself—In lighting fix­ llow did your hiishiind happen to die 4. An honored place In the Israel»- cellent region for Europeans, healthy, commodious lo hold easily ships to ; It takes pleuty of time and study to tures. grill doors, etc.—hut In the fur­ cool, reasonably productive and much handle the sea traffic of an empire. lsh nation (4:18-17). so soon after getting Insured for a ! develop one) n mother can prepare nishings of that home. Whole pieces large amount? of It free from the tsetse fly Though she had to forsake her own The harbor seems protected In al, The grains flourish In the Angola winds and there la little tide. Plans people she became one of a nobler l»etfer food for her children, feel less of occasional furniture sre now being Widow He worked himself te fatigued at meal time and have n.ore I developed In wrought Iron; among plateau country, but they are grown for the development of Lohlto bay people. death trying to pay the premiums. I time to spend with her children and thern telephone sets, console tables, by only a few natives and fewer Eu­ call for a commercial port on the 5, She became a link In the chain coffee tables and small chairs. ro, >eans. There are enthusiasts for sand-spit and a residential town on of Christ’s ancestry (4:18-22; cf. | for other activities. How H e Felt “The more sunlight the better*’ Is a Wrought-iron lamp bases, candelabrs, this country, however, who insist that the cliffs. Matt. 1:5). "Well, how do you feel today?" said good rule for a house. Msny small smoking stands and plant stands, too It Is only a matter of time and the The one who fully decides for Loan da. capital of Angola, also j the first man. greeting an old friend. Influx of more energptle farmers, un­ has lines of steel extending Into the Christ and gives up all for Him shall , houses are built nowadays with an have refreshing notes to add to mod­ "Like a total loss. My wife has enclose«] sun porch, which is a valu­ ern Interiors. til thia vast upland region shall be­ Interior, and from Mossamedes a “toy gain a hundredfold In this life, and to lust s|M*nt s ti hour telling me all the able addition when It can be afforded. come another Argentina. It Is point­ railway." with narrow-gauge track the world to come eternal life. things that are wrong with me." Good ventilation in a small house Is ed not. too. that the country la In and tiny cars, runs acroaa the desert not hard to obtain during cold weath­ Bathroom and Kitchen much easier and less expensive reach strip and Into the hills. D e p e n d on G od er. when all that Is needed In a tin ­ the Whole Butinete o f European consuming centers than Need Special Attention Queered All of the Angola coast la Indebted Remember that nothing ran ere» gle room la to «>pen the window a few Landlord (ezaapernled)—I wish New Zealand, Australia, or South to the cold current that bathea It for harm you when you have given your inches. Too often. In planning a home, the you'd pay me my rent America, and that It would have a cool sea breezea and In general a ilfe Into the keeping of God. Man la bathroom and kitchen are neglected. Mrs. Jackson—Oh. Lawdy, Don't marked advantage alao in the produc­ much more pleasant climate than Ita powerless against Him who Is fortified Yet theae rooms, si most more than y,,,, gn„w when you wish fob anything Set Hinges Properly tion of cattle and the shipment of latitude entitles It to. Rut the cur­ of the Almighty. Too are a child of other places, should possess an air of ybu must nevab wish out loud. Iae meat. To do a g'MMl Job of setting hinges refinement and sanitation which will rent ia especially beneficent to the God—Immune, secure.—R. J. Campbell. 'frald you's goln' to be disappointed place the hinge where It la to go and leave I,a Impress upon every one who Portugal Hat Improved It. M ossa m ed es and Porto Alexandre now. then trace the three sides with the enters them. Since the World war Portugal districts of the south. These are the Jesus’ A ehiew em ents point of s sharp knife, being careful You perhaps hsve admired and en seems to h#re taken an Increasing healthiest portions of the coast with r / i e Returned T ouriet One Is sure that a great deal tliat no« to get the space too large. Cut vied bathrooms and kitchens In tho Intereat In Angola. There were long relatively low mean temperatures, "And what did you think of tM ngly rumors of a continuance of slav­ dry, cool air. and freedom from ma­ Jesus achieved He achieved bees use out the wood at thia point Just deep homes of friends, but did not realize beauties of the Yosemite?” ery In the colony In aplte o f interna­ larial mosquitoes. The coot current He was able to give thia deathless enough Io permit the hinge to He that equally artistic and practical ef •I've seen Just as pretty girls at tional agreement a for Ita suppression alao brings to the southern coast vast hope to the hearts of thoae te whom flush with the surface of the wood and fects could be secured In 'your own home." He spoke —Robert E. Speer. drive the acre we home. home et comparatively little cost. schools of fish like the cod and the The sparseness of the population and the latlneas of the natives mude It chief Industry la fishing. T