W h a t Is a D iu r e tic ? OUR COMIC SECTION ’ H u tu n u p p u p ! its ao>u WERE A M O J O c c a s io n a l CZso. SOME GRAIN IS FEEDING PULLETS NEEDED BY COW IN COLD SEASON Fatuous Last Words MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL P sop ls A r a L s a rn in g ths V alu e o f FIFTEEW LEAVE TH E D oor opeki as Too <50 O U T is T here Is a tendency to decrease the am ount of feed fed us the costs mount. The proper thing to do Is to select Late Laying Hens Best cows with suttlclent capacity to be­ come profitable and then Increase the for Building Up Flock am ount of feed. Eggs usually a re th e chief source E xperience has shown th at It Is not of Income from the farm poultry busi­ the highly concentrated rations th at ness nnd one of th e quickest w ays to Wake for the greatest production. It build up the egg-laying capacity of Is the fresh, partially dilute, soft, pal- the flock Is to breed from the best of ntnhle feeds, with a low crude fiber the late iH.vlng hens ra th e r than from content—such as g rass—th a t give the the young pullets which have not had best results. a chance to show th eir w orth as lay­ A m ixture of different kinds of hay ers. Only those late laying hens Is Im portant, especially with a high- w hich have th e proper size, type and producing cow, In order that all the o th er desirable characteristics should n u trien ts may he provided. Hay he used In the breeding pen. Poorly should be cut before feeding and the colored birds and those with dlsquall- different varieties mixed. Grain Is , S tations, such as side sprigs ou the combined with this nnd plant m inerals comb and stubs on the legs, a re un­ added. If properly mixed, this feed desirable as breeders, th e poultrym en receives the sam e treatm ent In the i say. paunch as ha.v. T his aids digestion T he most desirable of the late lay- and lightens the process of m astica­ , ing hens which molt as late as Sep­ tion. tem ber 15 or la te r should be mated with the best mules of the flock or preferably with m ales secured from Growing Various Crops a breeder of a good strain of produc­ to Provide Dairy Feeds tion-bred stock. The following am ount of home­ grown feed should be provided for Arranging Nests for Easy each cow for a period of one y ear: 3 tom« s ila g e I f as m a n y as 10 head 'o w s a re k e p t. I to n good le g u m e h a y — a l f a lf a , red c lo v e r , aoy bean, c o w pea, etc. I f no u lla g e Is p ro v id e d . 2 ton« le g u m e h a y s h o u ld he g r o w n f o r each co w . 15 b u sh els corn. 10 b u s h e ls oats. P le n ty o f good p a s tu re fr o m fr o s t to fr o s t’. of € W aetani Newspaper Union THE FEATHERHEADS Saved! TrhNH OF IT I - tw e n ty vollsus -T í n O u . lion Now X n R a SO& n m t C i Q . iXTtttttutffkXN S'Q- I IrUNK^ YOU MEAN P U T E WHICH IS -A S y o u W IL L F iA lD O N PASE 2 T A « - A H 'S l B SC O TLAN D IN THS ESTuAQY OF the C ly d e / - a h - w h a t a souoce ¡ OF P Q iO e IS T H E K W O V 4LE D 6E 0c b o ttle s . A t a l l d ru g g is ts . H INDIGESTION Green’s August Flower In tests at the Minnesota experi­ ment station In which 47 calves were fed, C. H. Eckles, V. M. Williams. ,1. W. Wilbur. I.. S. Palm er nnd II. M. H arshaw found th at the addition o f dried yeast to normal rations. Includ­ ing whole or skim milk, grain and hay. did not Increase the rates of gain from two weeks to ISO days of age. "In several experim ents with rats, from 15 to 20 per cent of yeast In the ration was required for the produc­ tion of normal growth. Increasing this am ount did not have an additional stim ulating effect. A calf ration was fed to rats, with nnd w ithout yeast, with unsatisfactory results In both cases, due probably to an excess of hulk." Those who expect any great num ­ ber of w inter eggs from old hens are doomed to disappointm ent unless they have especially favorable conditions such as electric lights. Old hens will molt. The poor layers s ta rt shedding In Ju n e while the best hens may not do so until late In the fall. And once In a while there Is a hen th at does not molt until Itecember. One must depend upon the pullet flock for satisfactory early w inter egg production. Box Stall for Bull Blood Spots in Eggs Attend to Ventilation yo u c a n n o t g e t It , w r i t e to G. G. G reen. In< . W tu id b u ry , N . J. The Purity o f Cuticura Makes It Unexcelled For AllToilet Purposes FOR OVER 2 0 0 YEARS haarlem oil has been a world­ A box stall Is the best place to Blood spots In eggs are due to varl- house a herd sire, although he should i ous causes, and often are not serious wide remedy for kidney, liver and he allowed more exercise tnan he will "v fa r ns the flock Is concerned. Such bladder disorders, rheumatism, get by just tram ping around In a small spots are found quite commonly In lumbago and uric acid conditions. stull. T urn hint out Into a sm all pad- eggs frotr. commercial flocks, and un­ dock each day or give Idin the free­ less In unusual num bers call for no dom of a haru lot to roam around and , change In managem ent. If they do exercise. The ordinary ration of hay, 1 appear In larger num bers, exam ina­ V HAARLEM OIL ailuge and a small amount of grain tion of the ration to And w hether Is suitable for him. Silage will have there is not som ething wrong w ith it no III effects upon Ids potency, al­ Is recommended. The cause Is some­ correct internal trouble», stim ulate vita though he should not be m ade to sub­ times feediug condi tu vu tul foods such 1 organa. Three sizes. A ll druggists Insist sist upon silage altogether. as pepper. j on the original genuine G old M u m l G0tD MEtHz