h t (C v a a y RURAL A g rc u ltu re H o rtic u ltu re U v e s t o c k TERPRISE A \\ eekly Chronicle ot Local Events ami Progress in Linn County Established )91i From the Editor's Point of View into a snccess. Here * hoping Governor 1 Patterson will be a* successful. HALSEY, OREGON, THURSDAY DEC. 1 1926 SI a year in advanec H A L S E Y . LIN N A N D O R E G O N Mr. Merrill of the Murphy seed store at the county metropolis was News of Interest The gushy, mushy, slushy, sloshy in Halsey Friday on seed business From the Schools letters of Pastor Hall of New Bnins- John Standish has a daughter. quate when we get two inches ot and called on tbe Enterprise. wick (N. J .) to Mrs. Mills were even ’ Baa, Black S h eep ; Buy more idiotically silly than those once She has been visible—and audible rain, or nearly that, as we do Halsey is a center for 'certain Im p e r tin e n c e A C ig a re ts —in an Albany hospital with Mrs. sometimes, in 24 hours, and tbe W hite W ool?” written to Mr*. Tilton by Henry Ward seeds. Ooe of onr dealers, who Standish since Monday. Her face state road becomes a dam that N o t in F a v o r Beecher. It takes an able linguist to had a call for ten carloads of tye may be redder than John’s, but the floods private property. The Portland chamber of commerce express in words such maudlin Venusian grass seed Tor a customer, last Halsey young people have a good top of her head isn’t, proclaim« it« altrniam. It love« and senility. The flood following Sunday spring contracted with growers for labor« for every denizen of Oregon reputation among Oregon towns Alberta Koontz was home over night’s storm wahod out a bridge the crop on as many acres as were Mr. Patterson says he will give us an every community, [every development for general orderly conduct, but a on tbe Halsey-BrownsviDe road expected to produce that amount. efficient government, not weakened by the week end. progra m ' few half-grown, half-bakel aud Portland is credited with more wealth partisan preferment*. If he can do Leighton Henderson is working near the Daugherty place. The yield this year was double the insufficiently spanked boys have of that he has one of the strongest hack per capita than any other city. A large Jim Driukard won two turkiy? average. That made the' price late brought a shadow ou that good in the Brownsville Times office. bon as on earth. part of ita wealth has resulted frcm at the gun club’s shoot Thursday drop. Our merchaut paid farmers name.. buying farm products for less than the Henry Kirk and Earl Elliott More than S6.UOO.OOO people paid ad and Carl Hill, Frank Gansle auil the agreed price and lost about cost of production and letting the con They will probably outgrow mission to fairs in this country last spent Saturday with Lester Albart- Mr. ¡James of Brownsville one numer have them for double the cast or $7,000 on tbe surplus over hi* their foolishness. We hope so, for year—over two-ihtrd* of the population. IJD. each. more. ten carloads. we wish them no ill, but there ofteu The Philadelphia exposition did not get Guy Layton, who is employed The funds used in this business The Halsey pharmacy will show its share of this patronage and was a Guy Hughes has bought tbe are boys who, starting with pranks at Eugene, spent thanksgiving largely escape taxation. The assessor failure because its manager* wasted it* you samples of Christmas card? Harrisburg Bulletin from S- P. played for fun, progress to slight can t see them. T he income from them pulicity funds in sending to the n w s with the home folks. and take orders ’ahd have your t t i f raclions ofjlaw andVo gradually goes tax free because Portland, in the papers of the country tons of appeals Randall and Bertha Zellnnr name neatly printed on them if Shutt and William H. W heier words of one of its representatives, for free advertising. The Enterprise till they reach the penitentiary or has bought the Halsey Rural En­ ipent tbaaksgiving at O. M- Ed­ you wish. ‘ put one over on the country voters the gallows. Leopold and Loeb, found its share of those tons really terprise from Hugh L. Alrnoo. wards’, near Brownsville. and defeaed the income tax. useful only in kindling fi res. A cam Mrs Wilder of Berkeley, Cal Mr. Shutt thinks the name of serving time for killing tbe little The grange, which reoresents the palgn among newspapers against g iving Robert Ramsay and wife and O. went home Monday after a visit ol this paper could he improved. Frank boy in Chicago, are exam­ country producets. pleads for an income fre e space to causes that ought to pay J? Albertson anA wife and son three weeks with Mrs. Curli? Perhaps be doesn't know how ples. tvx. The rural population vote for it. their own way is hearing fruit Lester spent thanksgiving at J. N. Veatoh. At Vancouver, B 0 ., week But Portland furnishes funds to fight it truly rural we all are heie in Elliott’s. and twice has defeated it. before lust, two youths who had Halsey. Dalos Wesley and son Scott The Harrisburg bridge revet­ Portland shows its love for the faint­ Karl Bramwell and family spent aud Mrs. Effie Wesley and son been traveling this progressiva Our first Christmas.gift adver­ er* by enconragiag immigration and the ment withstood this week’s flood. the week end in Portland. Mrs routo were convicted of attacking left here last week Wednesday and tisement comes from tho Murphy development of unused farm land. Good Edith Robnett had charge of the visited Portland and Tacoma seed store. Look at it. girls. Tbe judge told them that work for Oregon ; yes. But better for Meetings in the interest of the postoffice. under the Canadian law he had Portland. These immigrants are sc Mrs. Wesley and eon returned by The Albany Creamery company many more sheep for Portland to shear. sugar beet industry will be held power to send them to the gallows, Lester and Vida Albertson g a j train Sunday evening. The other? is ready to pay cash for yocr cream They add to production and that de next week. The Utah-Idaho Sugar but he let them off with a flogging party to a a number of their stopped longer io Portland and and eggs. Read its advertisement. presses prices. company wants the product of 1600 friends atO . J. Albertson’s Friday. arrived at home Tueshay night. and a term in prison. Jail flog­ Do you see anything suspicious ttndet acres. One meeting will be in tbe We hope von like this locality gings at Vancouver prison usually Present were Misses Gladys Will- the sheep's clothing Portland wears? An entertaining and in- hatnber of commerce rooms nt banks, I.nuise Scefeld, Mary Sunili, and ite inhabitants. We hope you cut the skin and mako the blood structive moving picture ot are disposed to help improve the fly. While these youths aro in Jf potential murderers in Italy were Corvallis at 1:30 Monday and one Lena Bass, Helen Carter, Violet The Wild Life ” of Oregon, as good marksmen as those in America at Albany at 7:30 Tuesday evening. conditions under which we all live. prison at hard lobor there will be Carver, Clara Blood, Bessie Sal­ showinS films of game, fish, etc., Mussolini would be with the preceding Nothing on eaath is petfect, and 1 e tiraef or their backs to heal and for mon and Bertha Zellmer, and will be given at tbe city ball Cesar*. who does not progress might ss them to consider whether tbe fun Messrs. Ted, Steve and Ralph Hnddling in the cold rain Friday, Dec. 3, at 8 p. m. No well be dead. We hope yott like they have had ^has boen worth its Of course they do good baking at Smith, Cecil Dawson, Edward r and blizzard.swept fields in admittance charged. Everyone Baker. When they cook a political your local paper and will help it to cost. Blood, Earl Albertson, Tracy Zell­ the valley of Ararat are thousand? cordially invited. goose the bird is done to a turn, as wa« do its part by your subscription and mer, Wayne Smith, Carl and Delaware has always had the of children. Continuous earth­ demonstrated in the late election] W. L. Wright has gone out of by speaking a good word for it to whipping post among its reform­ quakes have opened deep fissures Milton Elliott, j. N, Elliott and the auto business. tho neighbor who is not a sub. atory institutions. Latterly It fell Not even a campaign fund from Port '"¡the ground, have cansed the Robert Ramsay and the wives of Our second Chrismas advertise­ scriber. If the paper does not somewhat into disuse. W hen’the land could save the Dennis resolution foothills to sink fifteen feet, hare the two latter. Games were played Its name is still Dennis. destroyed scores of villages and until late, when light refresements ment comes from the Halsey phar­ suit you please tell us why. '1 he wavo of crime of which we bear were served. It was a much- macy, and it’s a hummer. Tbe editor does not know it all; and he so much struck that state the uso Can anybody recall the instance of a thousands of homes, killed aod tofjt includes gifts suitable for wonld like to learn. of the lash was resorted to mere enjoyed affair. retiring governor of Oregon who was injured many people and left evcrliodv, from the baby to grand­ Yesterday in a justice’s court 11 freely and hold-up men and mur­ not violently denounced tor the number multitudes homeless. The neat II. W. Chance sold nine buff tho county seat Herbert Lerwill derers have scattered into other of his pardons and commutations of east relief is wotkini faithfully to Orpiogton hens this fall that father. penitentiasy sentences? care for its 35,000 precious charge? brought him only a few cents less The roof of the Oddfellows pleaded guiltvjto a charge of hav­ states. ing booze in bis possession, To return to Ilalssy : Cigaret If Hector McPherson's announced and may have to abandon its than $18, or $1 50 apiece, at 24c a building functioned so poorly that program can be carried out and a stop orphanages in the Ararat valley poutnd, At that rate, and a dyantage was taken of the luM in i’ Anders Christiansen of Rowland smoking at the schoolhouse by pu­ pils when not under supervision is put to the immense waste of the peo­ and find other refuges for th corrssponding weight for that half tbe storm this week to make re­ is on tbe grand jury. ple's money in useless state boards and children who are dependent upon of every batch which roust be eold pairs. complained of by some who dis­ Alford Arrows commissions, and those which overlap like tbe odor it leaves. This is a our loviog gifts for their very liver youDg for meat because it will and fizzle can be stopped ,tbe effect may The Chicago Sunday Tribune (Enterprise Correspondent) Violation of the law, probably and for their training in] self never lay eggs, one can stand a be a reduction in taxes] recently published pictures ol Thanksgiving guests at Chester graduated to from the ringing ot support, Dec. 5 will be golden slight reduction in price for egg? Lewis R. Wilson of Halsey and Curtis’ were Alvin Allen and doorbells and similar pranks. The Britain consents that her colonies may rule Sunday. Make it the occasion beoaitse of the senseless prejudice Rufus R. Wilson of Waukee, la , family of Cottage Grove and Mrs. young smoker is liable to arrest be with her “ equal partner* under one of glad and generous giving against a brown shell. as “ the oldest twins of the blue," Mrs. C. H. Tandy and Mrs. Edna and pnisbment. king." " th e shot heard round the through your church or otbei Tbs Waymire family of North wuo attended the recent O. A. R. Philpott and little eon cf Harris­ We bane the names of several w orld“ 150 year» ago, and a good deal agency, to this urgent and blessed Band write to the Oregon Farmer : encampment at Deg Moines. They burg. of twistihg of hi* tall since then, have service of love in His name.— smarties who have aunoyed E. D. fsotn and family ate ’ We have a barred reck hen that are twins, 85 years old, and look contributed to the present amiable dis­ unprotected women on the street thanksgiving dinner with Mrs Literary Digest. «et io February, Then we as alike as two peas in the picture. position of the British lion. Or send direct to Near East gave her 87 chicks from the incu­ Mre. Kittie Smith of Chicago eent Isom’s mother, Mrs. L. E Bond, at by offensive conduct and imperti­ tbe courthouse city. nent and insulting remarke. These Governor Pierce changed Oregon state Relief, 613 Stock Exchange Bldg., bator. She raised 82 of them. a copy to her cousin Mrs. Curtis William Jenks and wife of Tan- also are Ruble to arrest and punish­ prison industry fr ini a farce and afizile Pott|and, OrJ She set again and we gave her 21 Veatch. (ConUnued on la*t page) ment under the law against acts She raised them all. She then or words Ithble to provokes breath -et again and is now mothering of the peace. A breach of the her third brood, 80, makiu» a peace is liable to result hers, for a total of 133 chicks.” report comes that one or two An 0. A. C. expert believes that women have taken to carrying itandardization of the product i? weapons when out alone. on« of the outstanding problem? One violation of the law is bad lacing those producing Oregon F o r t h e W h o l e F a m ily enough. Two are worse, Thi ugh butter for market. Co-operator? American juries usually acquit a aud others have been paying a Stationery . . 33c a box to $2.50 box woman who offends under such|csr- premium for sweet cream. P cuntslar.ee« as we have referred Io, received sweet they can control its • Face Powder . . . 50c to $3.50 a box our advice to tbe ladies is to con­ acidity for churning. In Iowa, trol taeir indignation aud report 50c to $3.00 a bottle after much research and experi­ • Perfume . . . . offenders to this office. If the ment, thay tnuiu cream with a 28 Bath Salts....................... 50c to $1.75 parents, then, are unable to cause per cent acid content, add 2 to 2| the youth to desist, on a second 'Good to tht per cent salt and make butter of • Bath P o w d e r............. ... $1 a box report the publication of bis name last drop" bigb quality, with a flavor that is will be a warning to look out for • K o d a k s ....................... $1.00 to 65,00 satisfactory to the trade. him. Tbe name of a complaining A. J. Hill, Frank Hadley and Kodak Albums . 75c, $1.50 and $3.00 woman or girl will not be reveahd W. L. Wells arc among 500 or unless tbe case gets into the courts. more men appointed as group • Games-Rook, Pit, Flinch, etc. One of the boys referred to leaders for the state Methodist threw a ball ct his teacher, a few • Bill Folds . . . . . . . $1.00 to 3.00 council in Portland Thursday and weeks ago, and hit her. She gave Friday of next week. P u rs e s .................... : . . 50c to $3.00 him a slap and asked : Tbe windows of besven were ” Will you do that again? ” Flashlights.............................. $ 1.40 up opened Sunday night and Halsey ’ Maybe.” was as nearly flooded Monday as Another slap and: "Now d i • Watches , . . . $1.50, 2.25 and 2.75 she ever is. Tbs highway com­ you think you will? " mission's two-tnbe culvert in the Pens, Parker Duofold, $3.50, 5.00 7.00 ” Yes.” north part of town is inadequate in '1 lieu the teacher became a Pencils, Eversharp . . . 50c to $5.00 big rain. Tbe commission’s en­ • LOCAL DISTRIBUTORS stepper in earnest and soon t h ’ gineer proposed to put in one of boy promised not to reheat bi those cement tubes. After strong offense. ocal protests a second was sent Another somewhat similar cast and put In, but tbeee are inade­ (Continue«! on last page) 2 G /iristm as S u g g estio n s 2 2 Maxwell House Coffee TODAY—America’s Largest Sell- High Grade Coffee M. V KOONTZ CO. 2 2 2 2 2 J ^ a ts e y ^ /la rn ia c y