RURAL ENTERPRISE Published Every Wednesday, By H ubert L. ^/^Ibanyj2)irectory lbany baking co . KD1TOR AND PUBLISHER L Wednesday, Nov. 17, l'.»2G 21 a Big Apple Crop Bad for Doctors A lmox year in advance Arrearages. I2% c a month Advertising, 20c an in c h ; no discount for tim e or space ; no charge for com position orcaanges, Cows for Sale Overcoat Stolen From Auto Black Minorca Cockerels from the George Kinner of Portland strain. Geo. Maxwell. Garage, Service Station for Sale] The Waterville garage and ser vice station will be offered for sale, Nov. 27, to highest bidder. Make me an offer. G. C. Thomson, Waterville, Oregon. W . L- W R IG H T FUNERAL DIRECTOR D. C. ROSSMAN, Local Manager Lady Assistant All calls answered day or uight Phone 2'i.j Halsey, Oregon T U S S IN G & T U S S IN G LAWYERS Halsey and Brownsville Flower phone 458-J. IkUPLEX GARAGE. 128 E. Second. Bert Adams, Prop Storage. Washing, Polishing, General lubricating, day aad Night service. U-i 4th and Lyon» Street The place to buy good groceries at the right price. On the corner, plenty ol room to park. Albany. Chile Cafeteria and confectionery Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ ings. Courteous, efficient service. We make our own candies. W . S. D cm ca N. CVrtmiller Furniture Co., fam i­ ly ture, rug», linoleum, stoves ranges. French Woman Famed for Skill at Cook U Yf (x PARLORS beauty aid for every need) st. Francis Hotel. Winifred Rose, Prop. ROSCOE AMES HARDWARE A lb an y C ream ery A ssociation D H \ f ARINELLO M r. M iller S leeps L ike L og; E ats A n y th in g The Winchester Store "After taking Adlerika I can eat anything and sleep like a log. CKARS GROCERY 1st and Perry W. O, Church. Mgr I Aad gas ou the stomach and Manufacturers of Buy where you Dollar buys more couldn’t keep food down nor sleep.” (signed) R. C. Miller. One spoonful Adlerika removes gas, often brings an d B u y e rs o f E ggs Waldo Anderson and Son, Props. surprising relief to tbe stomach. A F a r m e r s ' C o - o p e r a t i v e - D a y a n d N i g h t S t o r a g e - Stops that full bloated feeling. Re­ C re a m e ry moves old waste matter from in­ Atwater-Kent testines which you never thought Stromberg was in your system. Excellent for Federal obstinate constipation. Halsey Kolster (Paid adv.) Radios Pharmacy. 1st and Baker Sts. Local Agent for ALBANY OREGON W h e n in A lb a n y LINN BUTTER - Highway Garage - W. L. WRIGHT Chevrolet Motor Cars D. C. Rossman, Salesman H a ls e y , O r e g o n FARM LOANS at lowest rate of interest. Real Estate Call at the S p e c ia lty S h o p p e Insurance 318 W. Second 8t. for hemstitching stamped goods, fancy work, etc. Prompt service, courteous treatment. W m Ban«. Room 5. First Savings Bank bnilmng. Albany The ladies’ Sunday school class of the Church of Christ will hold their regular meeting at the home , lf of . Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bramwell and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maxwell of Drain Wednes­ day. Several cars have skidded from . . . the highway into the ditch north of town recently, caused by wet pavement. Mrs. P. H. Willis returned Mon­ day from a short visit with her husband who is working in New­ berg. O d d E a ttern C uttom a Some queer kinks In Chinese civili­ zation are described by Thomas Steep in “Chinese Fantastic«,” a book on Chinese customs published by the Cen­ tury company. Here is a prohibition kink: “A total abstainer, not wishing to be remiss at a banquet, delegates his drinking to a servant The serv­ ant, standing at a respectful distance, advances whenever a toast Is pro­ posed, lifts his master's cup, and drinks. The master Is thus vicariously able to drink Indefinitely. The servant, drunk, may be replaced by a sober one.” This might be called a sex k in k : “Students, when Informed by their teacher that a Western man proposes directly to the girl he wishes to marry, were astonished, for they could not understand how the man, In the event of a refusal, could sur­ vive the loss of face."— San Francisco Argonaut w er head« puni pic« J. L. STUART, "T he Insurance Man" A Ijiu n d rv sent Tuesdays Agency H ub Cleaning Works A B E 'S PL A C E O u r s h ip m e n t o f Holland Bulbs h a s a r r i v e d —a l i n e l o t r e a s o n a b l e in p r i c e . C a ll in a n d s e e t h e m Southern Pacific C. P. MOODY, Agent : Pianos For Sale J Some Good Used Pianos and Organs of Good value A fine Standard Make Piano for $150.00 Another Marshal and Snaith for 1195.00 W e d o n ’t use an y tricks to sell P ianos. Just com e in a n d look over o u r goods, w e will please you if you will call on us. ■TERM S- D A V E N P O R T M U S IC H O U S E , L E E G . D A V IS , P r o p r i e t o r For Your Pulletts— r fr ia n g / e ^ A ta s /i $ For Your Older Hens— 7 /k e rr s | Ç J. firo èi rocJucer (S< y g y T h e s e M a s h e s G iv e R e s u lt s O. w . F R I M Good Luck mea sgh Best in quality, lowest in price. Ask our many satisfied usars. Our Oregon Maid Dairy feed you will find will meet with egually as good success as our Good Luck Egg Mash. This excellent 20 per cent Protien dairy feed has within two months become one of the leading sellers from our Eugene store. Slacked on the Hoor beside three leading commercial feeds it is now going five sacks to one of all the others com­ bined. The proof ot the pudding is in the eating. Give it a Trial T. J. Skirvin Seed (° l'h o n e 400 Modern Barber Shop Travel at low cost on the train. Make your h oliday plans co n fid en tly by taking advantage o f thi3 safe, on time transportation. Avoid crowded high­ ways. Save tim e, money and nervous energy. Reduced roundtrip tickets for use Nov. 23, 24, 25; good until Nov. 29 The C a te fo r B ooht Why books, anyway? The answer Is simple. Books, as y e t afford the only existing means of constantly and continuously enlarging the Individ­ ual's range of experience; the only means of giving the Individual thor­ oughgoing understanding of any of the great aspects of life ; the only means of giving the Individual that enduring perspective, broad vision and real knowledge which are neces­ sary for his security, growth and hap­ piness under civilised conditions. Oth­ er devices may give the same mental or emotional stimulation or delight But no other devices can so thorough­ ly and endurlngly tie men's minds to­ gether, link men Into man.—Jesse Lee Bennett In the Bookman. A ll k in d s at Lowest Ratea. W e s p e c ill­ ile in A u to and T ru c k insurance. L A D Y A S S IS T A N T Brownsville, Oregon —for Thanksgiving Day Holiday A- H Qmmbv Friday, INSURANCE D ELBERT STA RR Funeral Director and Licensed Emlialnter Roundtrip Fares „ C « o ttr: D e c irte -borne water p u a i for deep w eueerrtoe 120 E lls w o rth St.. A lb a n y. R educed H A U - t O t l U C K 4 M IC U LTU 4A I M U N S A T IO M OCTORS w ill have an easy win­ the apples are grown In the Northern ter ofi the theory that “an apple states. New York Is the heaviest pro­ a day keeps a doctor away." says the ducer. The bulk of tbe crop Is grown Sears-Roebuck Agricultural Founda­ on general farms und less than 45 per tion, for according to the latest offi­ cent goes Into commercial channels. cial figures, the apple crop will be a The commercial crop will total about bumper one. A total of 242.1X10,000 40,000.000 barrels, which Is 33 per bushels w ill be produced, the govern­ cent larger than the average crop of ment report states. Last year the crop amounted to only 172,000.000 bushels, 30,000,000 barrels. On this basis, says while the average crop for the last tbe Foundation, each person w ill have five years was 170,000,000 bushels, . to eat four apples, as compared to the Foundation points out. Most of three a year ago. The famous Bhlllat-Savarin died February 2, 1820. He was celebrated Funeral directors. 427-433 west First for his book called “The Physiology street, Albany, Oregon. of Taste,“ wherewith he established the French tradition for good cooking, I7INTEL WRECKING CO says the Detroit News. * 436 West 1st A t a banquet held In Paris recently Used Parts for all cars In his honor It was remarked that there was no woman guest Some­ PR A N K G. WILL, Jeweler body has been explaining the omis­ * 326 west 1st street sion on the ground that both the great For wonderful values in sparkling gems, epicures and the great cooks have all {old and silverware of very beat quality been men. That may be broadly true, but not Q T D E3 and FURS TANNED to Order. Cash paid for Hides and long before Brtllat-Savarln's days there was one woman cook who Fura. Q. B. Ogden, East Water Street achieved an almost unparalleled popu­ larity. This was Marie, the cook of UOLM AN A JACKSON the Paris fermler-general of the Grocery— Bakery period, whose dinners at the Elysee Everything in the line of eats The Opposite Poatoffice palace had a wide celebrity. host would not employ a man cook, and though this at first caused aston­ IMPERIAL CAFE, 209 W. First ishment among the people whom he * Harold G. Murphy Prop. asked to dinner, Marie's achievements Phone 665 soon became famous. W l Navxa CLOSX According to an historian of tbe time, she used to be called like a AGNETO ELECTRIC CO. “prima donna” at the end of a k’A investigate the new Preatolite courses, and she was enthusiastically Battery prices before buying. toasted as “Le Cordon Bleu." Cordon Blue, though usually applied to men Y fen and money are best when cooks In our day, was originally used ivA busy. Make your dollars work in of French women cooks, and was air savings department. A lbawv S ta ts H a r k . Under government supervision. probably derive! from the blue aprons which they wore In the kitchen. I’ k Oregon HU-25 and all occasions. The party who took my overcoat aud a girls sweater from my auto armistice uight is known. Return CVjRD SALES AND SERVICE * Tires and accessories them at once and avoid trouble, Repair» Kiax-Pouxx MoToa Co. (pd ad) Fred W. Robins. Cockerels For Sale 1929 2 4 2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 pW I BWHtlS I »■' Albany Floral Co. Cut flowers Tw and planta. Floral art for every E’AriTBURN’S GROCERY Two fresh pure-bred Jersey« with paper«. P. A- Pehrsson, R 1, Halsey. 1920 405 West First B U TT E R -N U T BREAD A bb Yorn C hildrbn ’ s E yes R eady F or S chool W ork ? That children may develop phy­ sically, co-ordinately with tbe pres­ sure of the *ebool work, their eyes must have immediate attention It is very importknt that child­ ren see clearly and comfortably. You will flod that tbe correction of imperfect vision will reduce nervousness and crossness, and bring about willingness to do aud new ambition to accomplish in study. Unusual advantages are offered hare Nothing is spared that your children may see as nature intend­ ed them to. Do not neglect your children’s eyes. Take advantage of our special facilities and give your children the fullest opportunity to do their best. Meade & Albro Optometrists A L B A N Y ___________ OREGON. HALSEY STATE BANK Au tornati' «i«c«rk home w ater plante. T M IP «OU «alloue per hour motor-Ortven pneum atic w ater . 800 to ÛÛOO gaUoM per hour H alsey , O regon One of these Fairbanks-Morse Home Water Plants w ill meet your needs a t lowest cost I t it no longer necessary for anyone to struggle along without the labor- aaving. health-giving convenience of running water. Come in and let us prove it I Our Fairbanks-Morse line covert every possible condition and require­ m e n t— electric or engine driven plants, engine driven pump jacks, power beads, etc. Since we can tup. AN D SU RPLUS $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 Commercial and Savings account! Solicited ply a n y type o f pumping equip­ ment you can come to u t with full confidence that our recommendation will exactly fit your needs. N aturally a request for demonstra­ tion and estimate placet you under no obligation. F airban ks-M orse Products may now be purchased under the new Fairbanks -Morse Finance Plan. HILL & COMPANY F A IR B A N K S -M O R S E Home Water P l a n t« “Every Line C A P IT A L a lta J tr ” W h o W o u ld n ’t S m ile happily upon opening a box ol these delicious candies? Tb« wonderful assortment, varioui flavors and tempting appearance of these "lamps of delight” win tc ns all lovers of good sweets and judges of confectionary excellence. Try them once and see if we ex- aggerate tbe perfection of the«« goods. C la rk ’s C onfectionery