yf'6 A g rc u ltu re H o rtic u ltu re L iv e s to c k J y A \\ eekly Chronicle oi Local Events and Progress in Linn County VOLUME 15 HALSEY, OREGON WEDNESDAY NOV, 17 1926 Mrs. Mary Drinkard Pretty Good Pro­ Linn County Holiday Travel Passes Away gram For Halsey Couple Married to be Heavier The death of Mrs. Mary Driuk- ard occured Tuesday, November 9, at the home of her son in Ephrata, Washington, after a lingering ill- nese with complaints common to old age. NUMBER 29 High School Notes (High School Reporter) Both the girl’s and the boy’s basket ball team have been turn­ ing out for practice. Harry Huesey was absent one day last week. The student body held their regu­ lar meeting Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 10th. The following students have re­ ceived honors in that they have made grades of 90 or better in all of their subjects and have been perfect in attendance for the past six weeks period: G. Clark, N. Coldiron, M. Smith K. Williams, L. Phelps, B. Rey­ nolds, P. Falk. W. Veatch. The boys of the Freshmen and Junior classes will play those of the Sophomore aud Senior claeses on Friday afternoon, November 19 at 4 p. m. A very quiet and pretty wedding took place at the Free Methodist parsonage at Lakview last Wed- nesday, when Miss Ruth A. Mc­ Neil became the wife of Silas O. Keau of Albany. Rev. J. R. Stewart the Free Methodist minis­ ter performing the ceremony. Miss McNeil is a dughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McNeil of Halsey and was a student in the local high school for two years. Mr. Kean is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Kean of Albany and is a graduate of the Albany high school. They will make their heme on a farm east of Albany. P a ir y P o u ltry W ool friends gathered there to oelebrate three events, the wedding anoivsr. sary of Mr. and Mrs. Rickard and the birthdays of two of Mrs. Rick« ard'a brothers, E. M. and Win. Jenks. Rev. and Mre. Smith of Peoria spent Tuesday night of last week at the Michael Rickard home. Railroad travel during the forth­ coming holidays will be unusually heavy this season judgiug from present indications, according to announcement by F. S. McGinnis, passenger traffic manager for the Southern Pacific Company. Pine Grove Items McGinnis also announced that (By an Enterprise Reporter) special reductions in round trip fares between practically all points The community meeting was on the company’s lines will be put held Friday evening with a good into effet for Thanksgiving, Christ­ crowd present. Prof. Floyd Row­ mas, New Years and Washington's land gave a liquid air demonstra­ birthday. tion which was very interesting The Thanksgiving day rates will and the musical numbers on the be in effect from November 23 to program were much eujoyed. 26: Christmas fares, December 28 John McNeil was an Albany to 26; New Years rates, December visitor Saturday, 30 to January 1 and Washington's Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hover via'ted birthday fares, February 18 to 22. at Bert Haynes at Harrisburg, The reduced fares are expected Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Josepffi Miller to greatly stimulate travel over the spent last week in Portland where Miss Pearl Pehrssou was lion • the latter took medical treatment. holidays, McGinnis stated. from O. A, C. from Wednesday Alford Arrows Mr. Miller returned Saturday, bis until Sunday. Spoon River Sparks wife driving down on Sunday (Enterprise Correspondent) Raymond Mode left Thursday (EtrterprlM C orresp on d en ce) with their sou in an Oakland sedan H J. Falk aud family spent Sunday callers at the J. D. Bru for Hoquiam, Wasbintoo where purchased by them. Another son, Sunday at Harrisburg. paker home were Mr. and Mrs the Mode* ars making their home. Joseph jr., who is principal ot a John Ringler and children o N H. Cummings and Mrs. W. A school mesliog was held at school in Washington, surprised Harrisburg and Mr. and Mrs. John D. McLaten visited the echod the W. R. Kirk home Mondav. them with a visit Sunday. Monday afleroooo. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Templeton Rolfe. An eight pound daughter was spent Sunday at the A. M. Tern Mr. and Mrs. George Bayne and Herbert Tandy and family of born Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. pleton home in Brownsville. sons and Mr. and Mrs. George Elmira visited his sister, Della Willard Maxwell of Cottage Grove. Victor and Wilbur Waterman of Curtis and family Thursday even­ Workinger and children spent Willard is the second eldest son of North Dakota are visiting with ing of last week. Thursday at the Johnson home. Geo. M. Werline, prominent Frank Maxwell and wife of Drain. their aunt. Mrs. Emma Hussey and Bert Haynes and E. E. Hover hop grower of Independence, while Mountain States Pow<*r Company, Frank Williams has been on the the H. L. Straleys. They expect went to Albany Monday. breaking in a new Studebaker se­ one of the largest public utilities sick list the past week aad is stay­ to be here sometime. dan Sunday, drove to Halsey for in the northwest, has just purcb Additional Taxes Mr. and Mrs. W. O. McNeil ing at the home of hie nephew, W. A. Carey and daughter a visit with H. L. Almon. Mr. ased the Midwest Public Service were Albany visitors Wednesday. Brian Perry. A re Voted Down Mary of Salem motored to E. E. Werline and the editor were neigh­ Compauy supplying electricity to Mr. and Mrs. Silas Keens of Sunday visitors nt the Chester Careys Sunday and returned to bors years ago at Woodward, Okla­ a group of twelve communities in Albany spent Wednesday night Curtis home were, Elmer Tandy The people of two road districts Salem the same day, taking Mrs. homa. Mr. Werline has about Wyoming, Southern Montana and ot Harrisburg. Forrest Tandy of with Mrs. Keene's Barents, Mr. 160 acres in bops and 20 acres of southwestern South Dakota, ac­ adjoining Harrisburg evidently Carey who has been visiting in Yonchila and Orvie and Alvie and Mrs. W. G. McNeil. are very strongly opposed to any this neighborhood with them. mint near Independence. cording to an announcement today Tandy of Elmira. Miss Nellis Falk spent Saturday increase in their taxes, though Mrs. C, G. Hamer and son from C. M. Brewer, vice-president the increase would be email, judg night and Sunday with her friend. Julius Falk and daughters, James and Mrs, D. C. Rossman and ceneral manager. With the ing from the results of elections Jennie Nicewood. Wilma and Lois, and Vslda and and daughter Fern, were Sunday acquisition of these towns, Moun- W. R. Kirk was a business visit­ Velda and Alice Curtis attended visitors at the Chancy Sicksls held Saturday for the purpose of tain states now serves nore than raising a special $1600 fund in each or at Albany Saturday. church at the local Mennonite home. 100 communities in the five north- district to maintain and increase church Sunday morning. Paul Bierly and family were western states with electricity, gas, Mrs. Walter L. Johnson of Kana, the highways these vtcioitlea now dinner guests at R. E. J. H. Rickard and family visit« Idaho, gave an entertainment at In all the latest styles steam heat, telephone or water have. At Rowland the vote was Sunday Bierly*. ed at the E. M. Jenks home at service- The new properties wfl! grange hall, recently and for Christmas and all be operated as part of the Casper, 12 against and 7 for, at the Busey Mrs. J. N. Elliot and Mrs. W Iangent Sunday. A group of Charity was the guest over Sunday of Mr. headquarters, 31 against to 16 for. R. Kirk attended the Potter sewing about twenty-five relatives and and Mrs. CbaDcy Sickels. the rest oi the year, Wyoming division. club at O. J. Albertsons Wednes­ Towns acquired through the pur­ day afternoon. from chase are Baker and Forsyth, Services at the Cecil Bilyeu and family and E Montana; F.dgmont, South Dakota; 25c a box E Church of Christ Carey and family spent a very Byron, Greybull, Hudson, Lovell, to. . enjoyable evening at the J P. Tem- W e W ill Welcome You Aa A Shareholder Newcastle, Pavillion, Rivetton, pletoo borne Saturday. $2.25 a box Worland and Yoder, Wyoming. H. L. Straley ie having elettric lights installed in bis home. Har­ Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sickels Halsey old Steyenson of Brownsville is do­ and little sone Harold and Dale of ing the work for them. Pharmacy Albany were week-end guests of Mr. end Mr«. K. T. Newbry of Mr. and Mrs. Chancy Sickels. Talent who bad attended the stock show at Portland, spent several days last week at the M. B. Hard­ ing home. Mr. Newbry is an nncle Sunday School 10. of Mrs. Harding aud were on their Preaching 11. way to Medford. Christian Endeavor 6:80. W. G. Abrahem and family and Preaching 7:80 family visited at J. N, Elliot’s The cement sidewalk to the Sunday. north of the church was put in last Albert West who bas been with November 10 — 20 Stock your Pantry week. tlf» A. L. Falgs for several years * Here is the opportunity the thrifty houswife has been look* There were 91 in Sunday School. left for bis home at Bandon by the ing for. If you were not one of them and if sea Monday. Buy your Canned Goods by the dozen assorted as you like you do not attend Sunday School Miss Nellie Falk and Kenneth and get 10 per cent in Free Goods. anywhere elee, come and help us Vannice attended the league ban­ new Colonial 8 You can become a preferred shareholder During this sale we are giving away free a make It greater. quet at Eugene Friday Evening. in this company— $5 a month is all you need day clock. One clock dial ticket with each 75c cash sale and Sunday morning, “ Thanks- They were accompanied by Miss to stan. one with each $1.60 on accounts in full. g iv in g ” ennle Nicewood. Jennie remain­ There are over 200 varieties of canned foods. Here are Sunday evening, “ Wanted— A ed over night with Nellie Falk. Your investment will be backed by per­ some of them—check the ones you want. Legitimate Excuse.” They called on Esther Seefeld manent income-prodacing properties engaged Preferred Stock is Quality Vegetables Clifford L. Carey, Pastor. Saturday afternoon. in useful public service., Asparagus, Beaus greeo, Baked beans. Corn white or yellow, You will receive a dividend check reg­ Hominy, Oli**s green ripe or stuffed, I’eas tender and melting, ularly by mad every three months.. Peppers green or red. Pimentos, Pumpkin, Potatoes sweet, 8aurkraut, Spinach. You can get the facts about tltis invest­ The Armistice pragram given under the auspicss of the Ladies Study club Thursday evening was well received by a capacity house audience. The hall was nicely decorated with bunting, flags, fes The body arrived in Harrisburg toons of autumn leaves and pots of A Friday, and funeral services were small flowers and shrubs. decorated candy booth was also held in the Harrisburg Christian church on Saturday at 10 a. m., among the attractions and was alter which burial was made be­ quite generously patronized. side the grave of her husband, in A cabinet Victorola was borrowed Alford cemetery, whose death oc from the Halsey Pharmacy and it furnished some good selections cured about nine years ago. The deceased was born in Mis­ while the crowd was gathering. The program follows: souri in 1863 and came with her Song, America, by audience. parents to Harrisburg when a child Invocation, W. F. White. of three years. She is survived by Solo dance, Fern Rossman. five children, four eons and one Address, Miss Frances Cameron. daughter, all of whom reside in Solo, Mrs. Clyde Williamson. Washington, extept Clyde Drink Song, grade girls. ard of Harrisburg. She also leaves Songs, audience. three brothers and one sister—the Reading, Miss Lucile Shedd. latter, a Mrs. McNary, residing in Song, Star Spaogled Baoner, Portland. One of the brothers, audieuce. Albert Miller, resides in Halsey, After the program, sandwiches, Eli Miller in Harrisburg, and coffee, ice cream and cake were Monroe Miller in Hood River. eold. About $17 was the net result. Mrs. E. E. Gormley is able to be up and arouud again after a severe attack of flu which kept her bed- Mountain States Power f n t for two weeks. Company Expands •Stationer, ^ N a tio n a l (Sannec) ,Jooc/s Start W ith $5 a Month Fruits Apple butter, Apricots, Cherries red, Cranberries, I igs, Fruits for salads, Grages, Grapefruit, Peaches, Pineapples Fish and Specialties Catsnp, Chili co» carue, Chili sauce, Jalliae, Milk, Mincemeat Salad dressing. Syrup, Tomato sauce, Clams. Herriogs, Salmon, Sardines, Tuna, Oysters, Shrimp, Spices. Extracts, Baking powder, Salad oil«, Lard, Pancrust. Tea, Coffee, Fruit gelatins. See The Colonial Clock on Display M. V. KOONTZ CO. Special Thanksgiving DANCE 1.1 : At Tumble Inn, Thanksgiving Night, November 25th ment by mail, telephone or a pers-ynal cad. You Should Know the Pacts About Investment In Our Preferred Shares T i l l P »U K R K C I) SHARkS OF This is the first time that Walker Brothers complete old-time orchestra ba* ever been brought to this part of the valley. Get up a party aad oome hear thia famous orchestra which plays all over the northwest. MOUNTAIN STATES POWER CO. May be Purchased Fro rn Mountain States Power Se curities Co.