Popular San Diego Woman Recovers From Long Illness I f K id n e y s A c t B a d T a k e S a lt s ’ Says Backachs Oftan Means You Hava Not Bean D rinking Enough W atar tVhen you *wuke up w ith backache nnd dull m isery In the kidney region It may m e a n 'th a t yoh tiavu been e a t­ ing foods which create ucld«, says a weH-koown authority. An excess of such acids overw orks the kidneys In tluelr effort to filter It from the blood and they become sort of paralyzed and loggy. When your kidneys get slug glsh and clog you must relieve them, like y o u . relieve your bowel«, pemov- lug all jh e body's u rin o u s wuste, else you have backache, sick headache, dizzy sis-lls ; your stom ach sours, tongue Is c o a te d and when the w eath­ e r Js bad you have rheum atic twinges. The urine Is cloudy, full of sediment, channels often get sore, w ater scalds and you are dbltged to seek relief two o r th ree times durlug th e night. , E ith er consult a good, reliable phy- alclun ht once o t get from ybur p h ar­ macist about four ounces of Jad S alts; take a tablespoonful In a glass of w ater before b reak fast for a few days and your kidneys may then act fine. This famous suits Is made from the a d d of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthlu, and has been used for years t(< help clean and stim ­ ulate sluggish kidneys, also to neu­ tralize a d d s In the system, so they no longer Irritate, thus often relieving bladder weakness. Jud S alts Is Inexpensive, cannot In­ ju re and makes a delightful, efferves­ cent llthhivwater drink. Drink lots of aoft water. E x p la in in g It “Rrederln, we must do som ething to remedy '. t J f r f t years ayo tufas rejected by mb fife tnsu fence Co because '"fJ^fifoodSugar^Fst mas 2oo-, b e st medical Treatment ¿nourn ■> hefp'jhen a Tf/end ufho ufas ' SjLAejC+nAF "In s ta n t «fle e t in mu c a s e -tm preitement noticeable tn I u ) ccf -¿ tç im provem ent m a m o n th - 7?oW S food S ugar don)n to 90 and ’(¡very Diabetic should sta rt n a h taufay to d rin k n o r n m j ahddUeniny — MsMMjJto 11 T opical HERB T E A DIABETES j d U r mehrst ‘ haife a Blood Test ana 77oii)-d n k th n7ouf- d r r i m th e Tea Æ; tehee a day lo r a m onth- then have a n e u ) 'B lo o d a n d U n n e T e s t a n d - ? sm tyicvt/mA/Tvc : /lo C llc o h o l-T lo D ru g s H A L F -P R IC E . O F F 'S P • Î Ingram sTrqptctlnetL , J fl a d u r ffrr )Qn TfeKisco #•__ . •ee --------- Send »o re •-dans---*---- m foruafioa obhÿ+tiOH O* Rprf.-. ¡» O « M M M * - s e NO TOO AYAM » S A Y F H A L F Coughs and Colds i r n o t o n ly s n n o y i n x . h u t d e n « » r o u s f n o t a t t e n d ' <1 Io a t o n c e th e y m a y lo p I n to s e r i o u s a i l m e n t . E o s c h e e ’s S y ru p la t o o t h i n g a n d h e a l i n g In au«-h c a s e s , a a .l p « » h e r n u s e d f o r a l a t y y o r e 3tto and »0c buttle» A t a ll d r u g g i s t s If »..<> c a n n o t g e t It. w r i t e t o U. G. Green. I0V-, W o o d b u r y , S' J . Your kindness was the greater be­ cause you obeyed It by Instinct.” I regarded him with Increasing am azem ent Who was this savage who talked like a Loudon courtier?" “I helped you," I said, "because you A m azing Improvement in Mrs. Jester’s Health Surprises were a stranger In a strange city, and by the laws of hospitality your com- I ' Friends. Seriows Ailm ents Caused by Nervous Break­ fort should be assured." dow n Relieved and Strength Restored by Tanlac. "T hat la the law of the Indian, Eng- I Looks and Feels Better Than Ever llshman," he answ ered p le a sa n tly ; "bat It la not the law of the white "T anlac has certainly done won­ man." ders for me; I cannot praise it enough, “It Is the law our religion teaches.” declares Mrs. T. D. Jester, 1268 Penn­ I rem onstrated. "I go now to Gov- | sylvania Avenue, San Diego, Calif. ernor Burnet. I shall ask him to make ! " I had suffered a nervous breakdown, a law th a t Indians shall be as safe and for many months afterw ard I from mockery as from violence in New , continued to get worse and worse, despite all the different nerve med­ York." “G overnor B urnet Is a good man. 1 icines I tried. Nothing seemed to help until I tried Tanlac. My brother will speak to friendly “ I was as near to being a complete ears.” nervous and physical wreck as I could “You call me brother,” I said. “ 1 PO RTO B E LLO G O L D ETC. be, w ithout entirely collapsing. T he have no friends In this land. May I slightest noise would make me w ant COPYRIGHT ST B R F .M A s O t call you brother?" to scream, and after retiring it would be hours before I could sleep. I would T hat wonderful expression of burn “An ugl.v knave,” I commented. awaken with terrible nervous head­ But the citizen only eyed me Ing Intelligence lighted hls face from which Mrs. Jester suffered so aches and the slightest exertion would askance, and I walked on. I was pass­ again. keenly, get relief before it is too la'el tire me out so th a t I would be trem ­ "My brother has befriended Ta-wan- ing through Bridge street, with the Tanlac will doubtless help you just as bling. I lost weight and appetite. I ne-ars. Ta-wan-ne-ars Is hls friend leafing tree-houghs overhead and the i t helped Mrs. Je ste r—and as it has tried Tanlac with little expectation and brother. Ta-w an-ne-ars will not helped thousands of other suffprers. walls of F ort George before me. when of improvement. Tanlac is a pure and wholesome another and sm aller crowd rounded forget." "Before I had taken all of the first compound, made from herbs, roots He raised hls right hnnd arm high bottle, I developed a ravenous ap­ the corner from the Brofld-Way; a and barks, according to the famous petite. and was sleeping better. 1 con­ street which formed the principal th o r­ In the gesture of greeting or farewell, Tanlac formula. I t is a wonderful tinued to im prove rapidly and felt oughfare of the town and took Its and we separated. tonic medicine,forrun-down andnerv- like a different person entirely. In name from the wide space between the ous conditions and for digestive dis­ less than three weeks I had gained house walls. CHAPTER V orders. All good druggists sell Tanlae seven pounds! L ater, my weight In the lead came an Indian. He was — get your first bottle today! Over went up from 105 to 125 pounds ’’ 40 million bottles sold. the first of his race I chanced to see, If your troubles are similar to those T h e G overnor in C ouncil and sure, ’tis strange th at we were W here Garden street crosses the destined to he friends- aye, more than C a n a d a G ro w s T o b a c c o friends, brethren of the same clan, lie Broad-Way I met the town bellringer Tobacco Is being grown for m arket brandishing hls bell. I approached was a large man, six feet In his moc­ in a valley in B ritish Columbia which W as Your casins. and o f about the sam e age a* him with a request for the location of corresponds in latitu d e to the n o rth ­ C aptain van H orne's house. myself. He stalked along, arm s sw ing­ G randm other’s Remedy o f N w foundlaud, suys the ern purt “Do you but follow your nose ing easily at his side, wholly Im per­ F o r every stomach D earborn Independent. straight before you," he directed me, vious to the rabble of small boys who and Intestinal UL tagged behind, yelling and shrieking ''until you come to the red-brick man­ T his good old-fash­ sion with the yellow-brick walk this “ DANDELION BUTTER COLOR at him. ioned herb home He was naked from the w aist up, side of the Green lane. T hat Is hls." A harm less vegetable b u tte r color rem edy for consti­ The negro servant who answ ered my and on his massive chest was painted used by m illions for 50 years. D rug pation, stom ach ills in yellow and red pigm ents the head knock adm itted th a t the governor was stores and general stores sell bottles nnd o th er derange­ within. of “D andelion" fo r 35 cents.—Adv. "R ut Massa B urnet done hab de m ents of the sys­ gen’lemen ob de council wld him Jus’ tem so p revalent these days is in even W itd o m a n d L e a d e n h ip now, sail,” he added doubtfully. g reater fav o r a s a fam ily mediclnq T here Is no n.an ro Ignorant th at “I am this m inute landed with let­ th a n In your grandm other’s day. | he cannot give the w isest some Infor­ ters for the governor from Loudon," I m ation he does not possess. Yet this said. "Oh, bery well, sail. D at be a dlff- Is no reason why the w isest man quickly relieved and often cleared runt, m atter. M assa B urnet be plumb should not do all In hls pow er to re­ away by a few applications of lieve Ignorance. T he w isest men glad to see yo’. Dis way. please." He ushered me Into the wide hall­ should he leaders in popular educa­ way and knocked on the door of the tion.—G rit. first room on the right. l e ’n < a r b u l l s a l v e Q u i c k l y R e li e v e « "E nter," roared a Jovial bass voice. a n ( ’o d h e a la b u rn in g , itc h in g a n d to r t u r in g The negro threw opeu a leaf of the s k i n d ia e a a c s . I t i n a t a n t l y a to p a t h e p a in o f b u r n s . H e a l s w i t h o u t s c a r s . 30c a n d door and stood aside. fiOc. A a k y o u r d r u g g i s t , o r s e n d 30c to "Dis gen'letnun done Jus’ lan’ fom T h e J W . C o le C o.. 127 8. E u c lid A ve., O a k P a r k . 111., f o r a p a c k a g e . — A dv. London wlf letters io ’ yo' excellency,” For bamlnar or » m U y lídi. he announced. ' • n d tu re lia r« in fla m o * , 't io n *ndaorenea».ij»e MítHieU H i t M e m o r y N e g le c te d I saw before me a group of eight Eye Salve, areordii p to dirao- ti una. S o th in fr, healinff men gathered around a dinner-table, An old-fashioned type of tom bstone H A L L A BÜCkXL which w as spread w ith maps and pa­ m arks the grave of M ajor I.'E iifant, 147 W a v a r lf Placa Maw Torfc pers In place of eatables. At th e head who planned the city of W ashington. sat the man of the bass voice, ruddy- O ther than this, we have no memorlul faced, com fortable In girth, with the to Idin. high forehead of the th in k er and the and Power Lawnmower If W orm « or T tp e w o r m p ersist In y o u r square Jaw of the man of action. A Practical Proven Power Cul- 'V sy ste m , umh th e rea l v e r m ifu g e . Dr. P eery s t att»»o< "I am Governor B urnet, sir,” he “ D ead S h o t.“ O n ly SO c e n ts at you r d r u g ­ tivator for Gardener«, Suburb snitea. Trucker», F l o r l» t A ,N u r - ^ n f a s C ^ ^ Fr** g is t or 372 P e a rl St.. N . Y. A d v . said. “Who are you?" •erymen.FruirGrowers.Coun-fl* ' try Eataret and Lawnwork. j '* ' "T hese letters will explain, your ex­ W o m e n G iv e Job» to M e n A M E R IC A N F A R M M A C H IN E CO. cellency,” I replied. 1200-J.lrd Ave. S . E ., M in n e a p o lis. M in n . The large num ber of unemployed In I tendered them to him. of a wolf. He wore no other paint, " H a l l , from M aster Juggins!" he ex­ England and In o th er countries of Favorit« rem« and lie was weaponless, except for the claimed with heightened Interest. "You ! E urope has led ninny m ercantile and dy f u r th re e DR. S T A F F O R D ’ S generations for other establishm ents to dism iss th eir tom ahawk and knife which hung at sailed on the New V enture?” C R O U P , b r o n c h itis , his belt. "Yes. your excellency—with M aster women em ployees who are m arried in flu e n ia . and fill th e ir positions w ith men. The children dnneed around him so M urray." “T hat Is well. Be seated, s ir; he many little anim als. They never touched him, hut some of the more seated." ordered the governor as he C uticura for Sore Hands. venturesom e hurled pebbles from the slit the packet. Soak hands on retirin g In th e hot suds I found a chair hy the fireplace, and of C uticura Soap, dry and rub In Cu­ walk at Ids braw ny shoulders. I can­ not repeat the catch-calls and rhymes w atched In silence w hilst he read ticu ra O intm ent. Remove surplus which they employed, some of them through the close-writ pages, with an O intm ent with tissu e paper. T his Is occasional word or Interjection to the too disgusting for print. only one of the things C uticura will do I looked to see some citizen Inter­ others, who had risen from their If Soap, O intm ent and Talcum are used vene, hut several who sat on their places and were clustered about him. for all toilet purposes.—A dvertisem ent. W. N. U., San Francisco, No. 46--1926. doorsteps or lounged In front of shops, They were, as I afterw ard learned, the B e tw e e n B rid g e P la y e r» smoking the Inevitable pipe, viewed most prom inent men of the governor’s To m anage men one ought to have the spectacle with Indifference or open faction in the province, who strove to 1 a sh arp mind In a velvet sheath.— "Flaying bridge much lately, Mlt- clinch the control of the fu r trad e In i George Eliot. amusement. tie?” ?" My w rath holled over, nnd 1 charged English hands. I "Not much. H av en 't played slncq “So! H um ph!" down upon the torm entors. T here a re p raises which reproach, yesterday.” T he governor laid down the cover­ “Re off," I shouted. “Have you no ing letter which accompanied the de­ proper play to occupy your time?" They tied hilariously, pleased rather tailed report of the operations of Mur­ than outraged by the attack, a fte r the ray In London. "You are M aster—" perverse habit of children who prefer He examined the le tte r again. alw ays to he noticed instead of Ig­ “H um ph! Yes." nored, and I was proceeding on my way He turned from me to hls councilors. when I vvas duinfoutided by hearing “It Is apparent from w hat M aster the Indian address me. Juggins has w rit th at M urray hns tr i­ "Hold, hrothpr,” he said In perfect umphed, gentlemen, even If not so ab- English, hul with a certain thick gut ! solutely as he would have our citizens tural accent. "Ta w a n -n e a rs would believe. However, we know the worst, thunk you." •• You speak E n g lish ?' I exclaimed. and we may prepare for IL If I may have your Indulgence. I would crave A light of am usem ent gleamed in h is an adjournm ent of our m eeting to en- eyes, although hls face remained ex­ ! able me to discuss some aspects of the pressionless as n mask. | situation more Intim ately with M aster "You do not think of the Indian as Juggins' messenger." these Ignorant little ones do?” he asked curiously. "I—I know nothing of your people,” Ormerod I» to get an Inkling I stamm ered. "I am hut this day lund- of th« power an unscrupulous ed here." man can wield by the employ­ "M# brother Is an Englishm an?" he ment of superstition to Influ­ questioned, not Idly hul with the cour­ ence an ignorant people and a t­ teous Interest of a gentleman. tain leadership. “ I am." "Ta-wan-ne-ars thanks you, Eng­ lish m an " He extended hls hand. ( T O J»K C O N T IN U K D 1 %DOOM TRAIL ARTHUR. D.HOWDEN SMITH AUTHOR, o f W N U SERVICE P R E C E D IN G C H A P T E R S H a rry O rm e ro d , p r o s c r ib e d t r a i t o r to K in g G e o rg e an a S t u ­ a rt p a rtis a n , re tu rn in g fr o m F r a n c e to L o n d o n , re s c u e « A l d e r ­ m a n R o b e r t J u g g t n e fr o m a n s a e «Ins. J u g g i n s p r o v e s to b e th e g r a n d s o n o f a f o r tn e r s t e w a r d o f O r m e r o d 's f a t h e r , to w h o m J u g g i n s f e e ls h im s e lf I n d e b te d O rm e ro d t e lls J u g g i n s h e h a s abandoned th e S tu a rt cause J u g g i n s I n f o r m s h im o f a J a c o ­ b ite p lo t In th e A m e ric a n c o lo ­ n ie s to w e a k e n E n g l a n d by f o r ­ w a r d in g F r e n c h i n t e r e s t s . A t Its h e a d is A n d r e w M u r r a y , a S c o ts ­ m an. and a F ren ch m an , De V e u lle , d e a d l y enem y o f O r­ m e ro d . T h e tw o a r e In L o n d o n fu r th e r in g th e ir sch em es A n­ t i c i p a t i n g th e p l o t t e r s ' r e t u r n to A m e ric a . J u g g i n s a r r a n g e s fo r O r m e ro d to g o t h e r e w ith l e t t e r s to G o v e r n o r B u r n e t, f r ie n d o f J u g g i n s , a n d w o rk to fo il M u r­ ra y . D is g u is e d a s J u g g in s * s e r v ­ a n t, O r m e ro d t a k e s p a s s a g e to A m e ric a . O n th e s h ip h e m e e ts a g ir l , M u r r a y ’s d a u g h t e r , a r d e n t J a c o b ite , w h o b e lie v e s h im to be lo y a l to th e S t u a r t s . D e V e u lle r e c o g n is e s O r m e r o d a n d e x p o s e s h im . T a k e n by s u rp ris e , O r­ m e ro d Is t h r o w n o v e r b o a r d by th e n e g r o , T o m , b u t r e g a i n s th e d e c k In s a f e t y . H e a c c u s e s M u r ­ r a y o f i n c i t i n g T o m to m u r d e r h im , b u t o f c o u r s e c a n p ro v e n o th in g A t r u c e Is d e c l a r e d u n ­ til t h e v e s s e l r e a c h e s N ew Y o rk . C H A PTER IV— C ontinued —9— "TliHf la true," I assented. "T here la souiewhat I would venture to observe upon. If yon will perm it me," he continued detiichedly. "You are n youth of boldness and courage. Yon possess Intelligence. You tuny go far Ip Hie province«, alwnya supposing you do not succeed In winning u p a r­ don. I opine th at n pardon might he won If yon went about It In the right way. T here are gentlemen at W hite­ hall. who—" Ilia hesitation waa eloquent. “And you would suggest?” I asked him, faintly amused aa I percelvpd the drift of Ills Intention. "Think well before you commit your­ self to tlda venture. You cannot hope to overcome me. Why, Hie governor of thia province, with all the sernl- regal powers at Ills command, has failed to balk me In my plans. My influence la no leas In London. If you continue as you have begun you will end. I fear. In an early grave. I say It not aa a th reat. 'TIs merely a pre­ dict Ion.” "I fcMr me I should lose your good opinion did I lake your advice,” I re­ plied. He looked me straig h t In the eyes. "You would," lie said curtly, and he turned on Ida heel and left me. T hree hours later we lay at anchor In the E ast river under the lee of Nutten Island, which some called the Governor's because It was a p art of hts official estate. Small boats landed us at a w harf on a canal which ran up Into the town along the middle of Broad ‘street. From here I had my b sg g n te ta rrie d hv a w atertnah to the tieorge tavern In Queen afreet, which he recommended as being fa­ vored by the gentry. M urray's party I overheard giving directions for the conduct of th eir e f­ fects to C awston'a tuvern in H anover square After a meal I Inquired of M aster Kurt van Dam, the proprietor of the George, where I might find Governor B urnet. Van Ham was a broad bodied, s q u a r e , I,eadetl Dutchman. He sat In the nrdtnflrv. smoking a long clay pipe "I»er gofernor la at C ahtaln van H orne's,” he said, anti Immediately replaced Ills pipe In Ids mouth. “ And where Is C aptain van H orne’s house?" I naked. "In the llrcad-ViiT not far oop from tier fort. You valk across through lltm ofer »qttiire.” I thanked hltn and walked forth. In Hanover square, which was only a few steps distant, there was a crowd collected about the entrance to Caws ton’s tavern Murray was standing In the doorway, Tom on one able of Idin, and a huge, red hatred giant In buckskin, with knife nnd toniHhawk at his belt on the other I stared at the red haired man, for he was the first woodsman I had seen, observing with curiosity his shaggy locks nnd fur cap and the brutal ferocity of hl» face 1 stared so long that I attracted the attention of Murray, who broke off Ida conversation with the group surround Ing him and with a pale smile pointed me out to his buckskin retainer. The man scowled at me. and oue hand went to his ktdfe-hllt. I spoke to the citizen nearest me. "P ray, air. who Is the tall fellow In buckskin on the steps r ’ The man edged away from me stis pldously. "I am a stran g er In your town." I added. " 'T is a frontiersm an." he replied re- rttctan tly ; “one called 'Red Jack ' Roll- Garfield Tea RASHES Resinol EYES HURT? KINKADE GARDEN TRACTOR Excess of Gratitude Not a Common Fault G r n t l t u d e . in niHDy people. Ifl only a strong and secret desire for further favors. 1 believe It was Goethe "h o w rote: “ He who Is not grateful for a favor may be likened to one w ho mud­ dle« the spring from which hia th irst w ms quenched.” When gratitude. 1 heard another say. has become a m atter of reason­ ing, there sre ninny waya of escaping its bonds. This Is only another m an­ ner of saying th at he who expect» g ratitude Is a m erchant, not a bene­ factor. G ratitude, which the ancients alw ays painted In the brightest color* Is oue's duty, but It Is not an Inalien­ able right one Is at liberty to exact. Honore de »«line. In probably one of hts less lucid momenta, w rote th at g ratitu d e was a foolish w ord; that, though appearing In the dictionary. It could never be found In th e hearts.— Frank Hanson, In lx>s Angeles Times. N e w U te fo r M a th » Gas masks of the type th a t pro­ tected soldiers dui Ing the World war w ere pressed Into service by a crew of w orkers tn London while hunting leaks In the city gas mains. The hazard of the Job was increased hy the necessity of working in deep trenches w here vapors had insufficient chance to escupe In case flows of considerable pressure were encountered. With the masks, the w orkers were able to make a thorough search. SAY "BAYER ASPIRIN” - Unless you see the “ Bayer Cross” on tablets, you are . getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by n lions and prescribed by physicians over 25 years fo r Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism P d OES NOT AFFECT THE HEART I only •'Bayer’' pack a i which contains pioven direction ‘ ■¿ola Is lbs t n e . Handy "Bayer" boxe» of 12 table Also bottle» of 24 and 100— Druggie u r t w BtRS M ss sfsc ts n U 1 — n -f o —