Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, November 10, 1926, Image 1

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    t ' 1 l ( i
A g rc u ltu re
H o rtic u ltu re
L iv e s to c k
L ./
A Weekly Chronicle of Local Events and Progress in Linn County
P . T . A. Holds
Study Club Meets
Interesting Meeting
With Mrs. Laubner
The P. T. A. held an especially
interesting meeting at the school
building Friday evening. J. E
Calavan, state industrial field
worker of Oregon was present and
gave a Very helpful address oa
club work. It is planned to organ­
ize a few clubs in the country sur
rounding Halsey, and Mesdames
9. J. Smith, Nora Coleman, Ed
Kizer, O. W. Frum, Chas. Straley,
and Miss Ferguson were named as
club leaders.
Program by the pupils was as
Halloween play, Primary room.
Recitation, Kenneth Workioger.
Song, “ The parents won’t visit
the School.” by Intermediate girls.
Piano Duet, Georgina Clark and
Mary 8mlth.
Recitation, Cedric Moody.
Song, Topsyturvy Band.
Miss Agnes Hayes who has been
attending school at Monmouth, is
convalescing at the borne of her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. E. S. Hayes
after a twelve day stay in a Cor­
vallis hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Laubner
attended the stock show at Port
land Friday.
The Halsey Study club met at
the home of Mrs. George Laub­
ner Thursday afternoon with twelve
members present.
Mrs. S. J.
South had charge of the lesson and
Mrs. James Drinkard gave the les­
son on “ Art of the recent war,”
illustrated with seven pictures by
Percy Smith.
Refreshments were served by the
hostess, assisted by Mrs. T. I.
Marks. Mrs. W. L. Wells and
daughter, Miss Genevieve were
The W F. M. S. of the M. E.
church held ite monthly meeting
Friday afternoon et the home of
Miss Beulah Miller with IS ledlee
present. The name* of Mrs. Jos­
eph Miller end Mr*. Charles Ham­
er were taken aa new members.
Mr*. B. M. Miller was program
leader aud made the leeson very
Mrs. Franklyn Stafford is spend interesting with maps thawing the
rine several weeks with relatives at spread of the Moslem religion.
3 be hostess served delicious can­
Emmett, Idaho.
dies at the close of the meeting.
Spoon River Sparks
The next meeting of the society
will be held at the home et Mrs.
(Enterprise Correapoae
Chas. Wright.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Templetoo
speut Sunday afternoon at Beulah Reynolds Again in
We have been requested to an
nounce that the Ladies Aid of the
M E. church will hold a stampec
good* and cooked food sale Satur­
day, November 20th at Hill and
Company’s store, beginning at 10
a m Proceeds to go to the aid.
Everyone idvited to attend.
M O R N IN G S E R M O N :
a r o s e u p e a r i y in th e m o r n i n o "
a re a lr e a d y d e a d "
- Local and Personal Mention - i
Rey. Audley Brown and wite of
Brownsville drove to Halsey Tues­
day and took Rev. Miller and wife
to Bellfountain where they attend
ed the convention of the Holineee
Miss Eunice Sylvester spent the
week end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. F. W. Sylvester. She
has just concluded several weeks of
practice teaching at the childrens
Farm home near Corvallis and will
School boys are responsible for
resume school work at Monmouth, breaking a large glass in the front
of the Koontz store Saturday—one
Mr. and Mrs. Buford Morris
pushed another through it.
motored to Albany Tuesday oven-
The P. T. A. will hold its regu.
lar business session at the school
building, Friday, Nov. 12. The
S. P. Excursion
reports of the delegates to the P.
Well Patronized T. congress will be heard at this
Manv Halsey folk took advant­
The Epworth Leaguers accepted
age of the excursion via the S. P. the invitation to the get-together
to Klamath Falls Sunday, motor­ banquet at Eugene and many are
ing to Eugene to board the excur­ planning to go Friday evening.
sion train.
J J. Cortoran finished building
An extra train had to be made
tank for Brad Moss the
up there owing to a larger number
of people on hand than was anti­ latter part of last week and has
cipated. The regular one way fare lately been making the concrete
of $9.40 was reduced to $5 for the walk at the Christian church.
Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Rike and
Mr, and Mrs. Herman Steinke
were among those who attended
thn funeral of Mrs. Chas. Falk sr.,
which was held in Portland Sat­
Wayne Robertson of Halsey was
a member of a party of O. A, C.
seulors in civil engineering who
made a tour of inspection of the
Ross Island and Burnside bridges
in Portland this week.
Miss Vida Albertson visited with
her friends, the Misses Louise and
Esther Seefeld Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Elliot and
sons were Sunday dinner guests at
Robert Ramseys.
R. E. Bierly aod family spent
Miss Maude Ackley who baa been
night and Sunday at
employed at Eugene for sometime
with the Titua Bierlys.
it spending a few days at her Hal.
Straley spent Sun-
sey home.
day and Monday at H. L. Straley*
helping care for Mrs. Straley who
Alford Arrows
is quite ill.
(Enterprise Correspondent)
G. J. Rike, Herman Stienke and
Mr. and Mrs. A. Brubaker and
Frank Kirk spent several days last
daughter, Mrs. Wiseman of Sheri­
(By an Enterprise Reporter)
dan visited at the J. D. Brubaker week enjoving the stock show at
home last week.
W. G. McNeil and family attend­
J. N. Elliot and family and Mr.
ed church at Ingrams island Sun­
Mrs. John Rolfe called on Mrs.
Mrs. W. R. Kirk and sons were
day and also visited Ralph McNeil
E. D. Isom Thursday afternoon of
those who attended the
at Junotion City.
last week.
round trip for this occasion.
entertainment at Charity Cringe
Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Miller were
Ruth, Roy and Elsie Kropf visit­ Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. frank Gibson of
Those going from Halsey were: given a canned frnit shower at
Corvallis visited at Frank Gibsons Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Cross, Mr. their home Tbursdsy evening after ed the Curtis chllreu Sunday after­
Mr. and Mr*. A. L. Falk visited
one day last week.
and Mrs. (J. W Frum, Mr. and prayer meeting by a number of the
at Roy Bilyeue in Portlsnd Sun­
J. H. Rickard, and family at­ day.
Fred Sylvester and wife were Mrs. Wesley Holloway, Mr. and members of their congregation.
business visitors in Eugene Mon­ Mrs. Curtis Veatch, J . R. Mode, Unfortunately, many heard of the tended an all day church meeting
Mr*. Merwyn Vannice was called
at Lake Creek Sunday.
Douglas Taylor, James McWil­ affair too late to attend, it seems.
to Portland Thursday evening on
liams, Ben Hoit, Frank Kirk and
Mrs. Susanna Hedgpath, age 71, account of the serious illness of
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Skirvin were
L. E. Eagy and John McNeil
J. C. Walton.
of this community died her mother.
Albany visitors Friday,
called on Newt Cummings Tuesday
in Creswell last week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Falk visited
John Craner and family of relatives in Washington the fore
Fritz Torgeneon and sons of Al­
High School Notts
tarrisburg were Sunday guests at part of this week.
bany visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Methodist Church
the Joseph Comely home.
Guests at the G. J. Rike home
Hover from Friday until Sunday.
(High School Reporter)
Fern Rossman spent Sunday Sunday were Mr*. F. W. Falk and
Mrs. E. D. Isotn visited the evening with Beverly Itom.
The community meeting for
Sunday school, 10.
daughter, Herman Steinke and
rooms last Tuesday.
Nov. 5th was postponed indefinite­
11 a. m. Public service sacra­
Ernest and Leo Certovski visited family, Arleigb Falk and Jennie
ly, as the committee had no pro­ ment of the Lords Supper.
The juniors have received their their friend Ted Comely Sunday Nicewood and Andrew Falk. The
gram ready.
clast rings and are well pleased afternoon.
2:30 p. m. Junior League.
evening was spent listening to the
with them.
H. L. Blood and wife were Al­
6:30 p. m. Epworth League.
George Godwin and family aud radio.
bany visitors Tuesday.
7:30 p. m. The regular service
Melba Rossman visited the high Mias Etta Godwin and Gale Prath­
Mrs. W. A- Carey of Salem is
All are cordially invited. Hope school rooms Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Hover and
er of Buena Vistla visited at John spending a few days In this vicini­
son Robert visited Mr. and Mrs. to see all the members present
The high school party Saturday Rolfe’s Sunday.
ty visiting her children.
Frank McManamus at Corvallis Sunday morniog.
evenfng was well attended. Sever­
Joe. S. Miller, Pastor.
al contesta were taken part in by
various students.
Kenneth Smith, who returned
home last week, started to school
Lillian Reynold! was absent
several days last week.
Pine Grove Items
^N a tio n a l Ganned
Jo o d s
November 10 — 20
Stock your Pantry
Here is the opportunity the thrifty houswife has been look«
ing for.
Buy your Canned Goods by the dozen assorted as you like
and get 10 per cent in Free Goods.
During this sale we are giving away free a new Colonial 8
day clock. One clock dial ticket with each 75c cash sale and
one with each $1.50 on accounts in fall.
There are over 200 varieties of canned foods.
Hers are
some of them—check the ones you want.
Services at the
Church of Christ
Apple butter, Apricots, Cherries red, Cranberries. Figs,
Fruits for salads, Grages, Grapefruit, Peaches, Pineapples.
Fish and Specialties
Catsup, Chili con came, Chill sauce, Jellies, Milk, Mince meat
Salad dressing. Syrup, Tomato sauce, Clams, Herrings, Salmon,
Sardines, Tuna, Oysters, Shrimp. Spices, Extracts, Baking
powder, Salad oil*, Lard, Pancrust, Tea, Coffee, Fruit gelatins.
See The Colonial Clock on Display
Charge of Hotel
Mrs. Evelyn Johnson who has
successfully conducted the Halsey
hotel for the past six months left
for Marshfield Tuesday where she
expects to engage in similar busi­
ness. The hotel is now in charge
of Grant Reynolds. the owner, who
is well aod favorably known to the
public, having operated the estab­
lishment for several yean previous
to Mrs. Johnson. Mr. Reynolds
promises to maintain the high
Standard of hospitality the place
has long been noted for.
Notice to Merchants
and Patrons
You are requested not to charge
ecoount* against our school or
classes thereof, unites persona mak­
ing the parchaaes bear an order
signed by some member of the fac­
ulty aod the secretary of the stad-
eat body or class concerned.
An eight pound daughter was
boro to Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Chance
at the Albaay general hoepitai,
Monday, November 8th. Thia la
their first child after sixteen years
of married life.
Mother and child are reported
as getting along nicely at the
hoepitai and the neighbors are
kindly looking after the father who
is staying quietly at home this
(2/ol/icraft ^Ouits •• Overcoats
water mark in buying clothes, for instance, we suggest to the men who wants a staple suit that
$ 2 9 .5 0 i s n o t t o o m u c h
to pay to get the most for the money. Thay ere an all wool serge io grey, brown or blue,
guaranteed to fit and wear, and you can buy extra trotuere at a nominal price.
Sunday School 10.
Preaching 11.
Christian Endeavor 6 80.
Preaching 7:80
The bill for the furnace was
burned Sunday morning.
we are prepared to give people a
warm welcome. We want 100 in
Sunday School Sunday morning.
Your assistance and your presence
will be appreciated.
sermon, “ And He Arose up Etrly
in the Morning.” Evening ser­
mon, “ Million* Now Living are
Already Dead.”
Clifford L. Carey, Pastor,
Ask for
Clot/icraft 5130
Mallory Hats
Edmond Shoes
> ♦ V‘ *
[ blain CLOTH ingco J
After 16 Yean
Every mab wants and has a right to expect real wearing qualities in his clothe*. There is a low-
Preferred Stock is Quality Vegetables
Asparagus, Beans green, Baked beans. Corn white or yellow,
Hominy, Oliv»» green ripe or stuffed, Peas tender and melting,
Peppers green or red, Pimentos, Pumpkin, Potatoes sweet,
Saurkraut, Spinach.
Ladies Aid to
Momen’s Society
Have Sale
Holds Session
V our ty r e s tn e t
^ A till io n s n o iv l i v i n g
D a ir y
P o u ltr y
W ool