GLOBE, Albany (Enterprise Correspondent) Nov. 7-8-9 BY LONDON Hi» greatest Story of Loves, Hatreds and Impulana on the Seas aboard the Histrionic Wind Jammers. - Our Gang Comedy - C olds This is the time of the year we go around snuffing and blowing, all because of a cold. Stop this. It can lie done overnite with Morris’s Cold Tablets which are guaranteed Can be had only at your drug store which is the Halsey Pharmacy, (paid adv.) Mrs. J. K. Mode and Bon.4 left Saturday for Douglas county to visit for a while. High-grade Piano Near Halsey. —Will be sold to reliable party at big saving. $10 monthly will handle, A real buy. Write at once for particulas. Tallman Pi­ ano Store, Salem, Oregon, FINE PIANO must be sold.—If taken immediately, will sacrifice fine piano in storage near here. Will give very easy terms to a re­ sponsible person. Write Portland Music Co,, 22? Sixth st., Portland, Ore., for full particulars and where it may he seen. W h e n in A lb a n y Call at the Specialty Shoppe 318 W. Second St. for hemstitching stamped goods, fancy work, etc. f F P F H H H. C. ROSSMAN, l.ocal Manager I I.ady Assistant All calls answered dnv or night, Phone 25Ó ' I’ A (A beauty aid for every need) SI. Francis Hotel. Winifred Rose, Prop. N otice of S chool M eetin g DOSCOK AMES HARDWAR E Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 41 of Linn county, State of Oregon, that a school meeting of saiil district will be held at the School-house, on the 27th day of November, 1926, at 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of discussing the budget hereinafter set out with the levying board, and to vote on the proposition of levying a special district tax. The total amount of money needed by the said school district luring the fiscal year beginning on June 21st, 1926, and ending June 30 1927, is estimated in the following budget and iacludei the amounts to be received from the county school fund, state achool fund, elementary school fund, special district tax, and all other moneys of the district: The Winchester Store GEARS GROCERY 1st and Ferry \V. O. Church. Mgr Buy where you Dollar buys more TUSSI NG & TUSSING - Highway Garage - LAWYERS Haleey and Brownsville Waldo Anderson and Son, Props Oregon A lb an y C ream ery A ssociation Manufacturers of LINN BUTTER and Buyers of Eggs A Farm ers' Co-operative Creamery W. L. WRIGHT i Local Agent for Chevrolet Chrysler Cars Atwater Kent Radios Accessories and Supplies - Day and Night Storage - 1st and ALBANY Baker Sts. OREGON Holland Bulbs has arrived—a lino lot reasonable in price. Call in and see them INSURANCE All kinds at Lowest Kates. W e special- ire ill Auto and Truck insurance. J. L. STUART, l’hone 400 I ’gbt ....................................... ............................ Water____________________ ____ ____ _________ . . . . __ _ Postage, stationery and printing___________________ . . . A B E S PLA C E ,7280 00 25 00 22 50 50 00 T otal................................................................................................... M ain trn a n c b and R e p a ir s : School building and grounds................ i . . . „ ........................ POO 00 ,1257 50 Capital, like labor, earns wages. The wages o f capital are interest and dividends. You can share in the wages o f capital by investing in Preferred Shares of this company. You will receive your capital’s wages reg­ ularly— a dividend check by m ail— every three months. A large sum o f money is not needed— you can start investing with as little as $5. You Should Know the Facts A bout Investment In Our Preferred Shares THE PREFERRED SHARES OF MOUNTAIN STATES;POWER CO. May he Purchased From Mountain States PowerlSecuritiea Co. 52 BiHion Loaves in U. S. Wheat ,300 00 Tot* l .................... - ......................................................................... I nsura n c e : ...................................................... * ........................ .......... . M iscella n eo u s : Premium on clerk's bond ............................... ............. .. ,5 00 Audit of clerk s l o o k s ____________ . ___________ __ J so ,100 00 , 50 00 T o ta l................................................................ . . . . .................. E m erg en c y : ............................................................................................ . Total estimated amount of money for all purposes during the y e a r ............................... . , 7 The New Verdol Frame from county school fund during the coming school year.. ,1057 from «late school fund durirg the coming school year___ 151 From elementary school fund during the coming school yr. 1011 Estimated «mount to be received from all other sources during the coining school year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 * 4 Meade & Albro J e w e le r » , l i ■ , $0 ,193- 15 $9188 15 61 50 CO sold at cost and below . Linoleum originally selling for $1.25 yard, now 79c and 87c Table» selling for $17.90 now $11.90 Tables selling for 27.00 now 18.C0 Tables selling for 24.50 now 16.25 • Tables selling for 11.50 now 7.25 A ll chairs at cost and below cost Leather coucb, sale price $23.75 was $38 50 Leather upholstered morris chair $'20, was $30 Desk $15, was $24 Was $33.50 now $22 00 Was 85.25 now 23 50 ■ ■ .. ("otal indebtedness of District No. 41 is as follows: Tutsi warrant in d e b te d n e ss-...------ . . . . . . . . . . *231* 03 Total amount of indebtedness.- — . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2313 03 Dated this 1st day of November, 1926. H. C. D a r» . Optometrists and Manufacturing Attest: Opticians A ^ A N Y ^ '^ ^ ^ O R E G O N . B. M. B qms , District Clerk. BIG SALE A ll D ressers and C heffoniers to be sacrificed 04 — Here is just what you have been I waiting for; a real ? G estimated receipts, not including proposed ta x ........ .. $5188 15 A Princeton frame that ia becom­ ing to almost every face. RKVAP1TVLA1OS The Cambridge with it« high Total estimated expense, for the y e a r .... ______- — . . . . . *91(8 15 arched bridge are some of the new lotal estimated leceipts not including proposed tax . . . . . . SIM IS Rda». r. amount to be raised by district tax .1 — A- — . — $4000 00 frames for fall. A*k to see the jaaau new samples. > bushels and spring wheat 271,000,000. The present crop Is above the five- year average of 802,000,000 bushels. according to the Seurs-Roebuck Agri­ The acreage devoted to the crop this cultural Foundation. The latest offi­ year Is put at 57,584,000 and the lat­ cial estim ates Indicate that 839,000,- est estim ates place the production at 000 bushels of wheat will be produced 14.0 bushels per acre, the Foundation this yeur, and It Is figured that 02 states. Winter wheat will run over one-pound loaves of bread can be ob­ 17 bushels per acre and spring wheat tained from every bushel of wheat. Of 10.2 per acre. Domestic needs are es­ the total estimated output 620,000,000 timated at 640,000,000 bushels, so bushels were produced by winter there will be more than 250,000,000 wheat growers and 212,000,000 bushels bushels for export. Prices are not as by spring wheat growers In the high as a year ago, but the crop prob­ Northwest. Last year the winter ably will bring growers more than a wheat production was 396,000,000 billion dollars. NOUGH wheut will be produced In E the United States this year to make 52,018,000,000 loaves of bread, E v ery th in g in the furniture line to be T o ta l............................................................................................... I n d eb t ed n ess : < Warrant and interest thereon............................................ JmO 00 — Modern Barber Shop ,1600 00 2250 00 2700 00 720 00 10 00 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS "The Insurance Man" Brownsville, Oregon S alary peb Y ear ,1600 00 1125 00 900 00 720 00 10 00 Our shipm ent of Halsey, Oregon D ELB ERT STARR P ersonal S e r v ic e : N o . P rincipals............................................... 1 Assistant Principals. . . . _____ - - ___ 2 T eachers...................... 3 Janitors ....... 1 lin k ............................................... 1 T otal........................................... ........................................................... M ateria l and S u p p l ie s : at lowest rate ot interest. Furniture, (desks, stoves, curtains, e t c . ) . . . . —. . . . . . . . . . ,450 00 Real Estate Insurance Prompt service. Courteous treatment Supplies. (Chalk, erasers, e t c . ) . . . . _______ . . . . . . . . . . . 100 00 Library Ixxiks..................... .................... . 75 00 W m B a in , Room 5, First Savings Bank builning. Al bail v ......................... ......................................... 10 00 Playground eq u ip iu eu t_____ _______ . . . . ....... 50 00 Janitor's s u p p l ie s ......_____ ____ __ . . . _____ ______ _ 125 00 f uel . ................................ 350 00 D. C. IlossmnH, Salesman Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer L A D Y A S S IS T A N T Budget ESTIMATBD EXPENDITURES FARM LOANS Motor Cars Laundry tent Tuesdays Agency Hub Cleaning Works You Can Share In the Wages of Capital Under government supervision. ¡VlAltlNELLO PARLORS FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1 .0 Ellsworth St.. Albany. We Will Welcome You As A Shareholder D B a n k . W R IG H T Halsey, Oregon F. H- Porter of Portland called Mrs. John Willbanks and Miss lbany baking co . at A. K Whitbeck’s Wednesday Gladys went to Eugene Sunday 405 West First afternoon of last week. BUTTER-NUT BREAD evening to visit their daughter and Beverly Isom spent Sunday with sister, Mr». Vera Harms and to A lbany Floral Co. Cut flowers her friend Hattie Starnes of Shedd. have Mrs. Willbanks tonsils re­ * » and plants. Floral art for every moved. and all occasions. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Allen and Flower phone 458-f. A new shipment of books from three children of Lebanon were the Oregon State library has ar­ Sunday guests at the Chester Cur­ uplex garage . rived at the Alford school and any 129 E. Second. Bert Adams, Prop. tis home. one In the district is invited to Storage, Washing, Polishing, General Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ringler end lubricating, day aad Night service. nse them. son Jacob and Mr. and Mrs. John Miss Chandler entertained her Ringler and two children from PA STBU RN’S GROCERY pupils Friday afternoon with a Washington are visiting at the J. $-4 4th and I.yons Street party at the school The place to buy good groceries at the D. Brubaker home on the Cogs­ hallowe’en right price. On the corner, plenty ol bouse. well place. John Ringler and room to park. Albany. Miss Lillie Rickard visited the family are moving to a place near school Friday afternooo. plite Cafeteria and confectionery Harrisburg where they will lo­ -4 Home cooking. Pleasant surround­ cate. ings. Courteous, efficient service. Pine Grove Items We make our own candies. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Isom visited W. S. D uncan . the county seat Wednesday morn­ (By an Enterpiise Reporter) ing. The Pine Grove community 'ORD SALES AND SERVICE Velda and Alice Curtis enter­ meeting will be next Friday even­ Tires and accessories Repairs tained a number of their friends ing. K ir k -I’ ullak M otor Co. and schoolmates with a hallowe'en Mesdames William Gillispie and party Saturday night. Games ntm iller Furnitute Co., furni­ and stunts were enjoyed uutil a Harvey Wallace of The Dalles ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. arrived Saturday for a visit with Funeral directors. 427-433 west First late hour when refreshments con­ Mrs. Wallace’s parents, A. F. it reet, Albany, Oregon, sisting of puapkia pie, doughnuts Albertson and wife. and cider were served. Those piNTEL WRECKING CO. W. G. McNeil and family and present were Ernest, Leo aud Anna 436 West 1st .Mrs. Gillispie attended chnrch at Theresa Cersovski, Josephine, Used Parts for all cars Bertha and Theodore Comely, Dor­ Ingram Island Sunday. RANK G. WILL, Jeweler Rev. Mr. Gillette preachsd at othy and Maxine Gentry, Mr. and 326 west 1st street the Pine Grove church Sunday, Mrs. Julius Falk and daughters, For wonderful values in sparkling gems, gold and silverware of very best qualit) Wilma, Lois, Erma and Violet, Grace Pehrsson and her friend, and Mr. and Mrs. A. E- Wbitbeck. Mies Huut of Monmouth, spent ides and furs tanned to J. F. Isom returned to his borne the week end at the Pehrsson home. Order. Cash paid for Hides and Furs. ur savings department. A lbany S tate in Halsey. returned Tuesday from California. M a M U M M r n n M U U H i W. L Miss Wilma Falk spent S atur­ day aad Sunday wifh her friend, Velda Curtis. A “The Sea Wolf” JA C K Alford Arrows ^ lb a n y ^ ire c to ry Chairmaa Board of Directors, Was $34.60 now $22.75 Was 20.00 now 18.25 A ll W all paper one-half off Dishes and glassware at a tremendous discount. All our farm implements, htrnese goods and a good deal of our hardware dock at a discount. C n \e us a call and see w h at w e have for you Harrisburg