Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, November 03, 1926, Image 2

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Will They Change the
Shades Brady
Regains Health
N a m e o f O u r To7
Son D iego M otorm an Found
Ihtfit ully Slaying un Job Due Io
ill Health Hrought on by Severe
Stoma/ h Troiiltl/i. M a n tlu la
Tania/ H n torn ilim.
“ Irregular work­
ing hours and eq ual­
ly irreguKr ineaU,’’
says Charles Brady,
a r e s p e c te d S an
Diego resident liv­
ing at 482X ( ¡eorgia
Street, “robbed me
of good health. E at­
ing became a trial,
for I suffered from
indigestion and gas
t h a t b lu a te d m y
stomach. M v liver was so sluggish th a t
I was deprived of normal strength and
energy. 1 lost weight, too.
“After reading about Tanlac I de­
rided to try it. Immediately I began to
feel stronger. My appetite returned.
By the end of six weeks I was feeling
like an entirely different person and
was eating and digesting mv fissl lietter
than in years. I got rid of the sluggish,
iagged-out feeling, and my strength
anil energy came back with vim .”
This amazing tonic, n atu re’s own
remedy mude from roots, barks and
herbs, usually builds up weak bodies,
drives out causes of pain and anguish.
Take Tanlac. Results are amazing'
Ask your druggist for a b ottle—today.
s till q u e n c h e s th irst,
c o o ls th e p arch ed
th roat and b y its d e­
l i g h t f u l f la v o r a n d
r e fr e s h m e n t r e sto r e s
th e jo y o f life.
N o t h in g e ls e can
give y o u so m u ch e n ­
jo y m e n t for so little.
A harm less vegetable b u tte r color
used by m illions fo r 50 years. D rug
sto res and general stores sell bottles
of "Dandelion"’ fo r 35 cents.—Adv.
R e m e m b e r W r ig le y ’s
N osed O u t
W hen Max Cohen, artist, got Ills I
Inst raise, an Insurance agent was the
logical result. F or nn hour he talked, | » H i m t r z a FKO.M in g r o w n
nnd finally a s k e d : "You own your " N t n A n l l t - a S n ? v o a u i . q u la ic a k t ln e g f . f ic 5 i 0 e c n t p o C u u t r e p a R id e lie W f
c e n t . P . o . B o x «1. S a n t a M o n ic a
1 own home, don't you?"
“No," said Max. 'we have company
most of the tim e."
A f t e r E v e ry Meal
F ev er h e a d a c h e o r g r ip p e >
Colds break in a day for the millions who
use Hill'». Headache and fever atop. La
Grippe is checked. A ll in a way so reliable
that druggists guarantee results, ColJa are
too important to treat in lesser ways.
P r ic e X k
A spirin M arked W ith "B ayer Crocs’’
H as Been Proved Safe by Millions.
W o n d e rfu l G o w n
A woman (over the p hone)—My
dear, (Jo come over and see my new
gown. Every one says I look awfully
well In It.
Her Best F rien d —I’ll eonie at once,
dear. It m ust he a wonderful gown.
Shave W ith Cutlcura Soap
And double your razor efficiency ns J
well as promote skin purity, skin com­
fort and skin health.
No mug, no
slimy soap, no germa, no w aste, no Irri­
tation even when shaved tw ice dally.
One soap for nil uses—shaving, b ath ­
ing and shampooing.—Advertisem ent.
A to r p id liv e r p re v e n ts p r o p e r fo o d a s ­
s im ila tio n .
W r i g h t s I n d ia n V e g e ta b le P i l l s
to n e u p th e
liv e r .
T h e y a c t g e n t ly
■urely. 372 P ea rl S t.. N e w Y o r k . A d v .
A winch th a t holds several hundred
feet of w ire rope has been invented
th a t can be attached to tra c to rs and
operated by th eir engines.
O pportunity knocked on the door,
hut the man Inside was so busy knock­
ing he did not hear.
N o c a p i t a l r e q u ir e d .
(J e t in b u s in e s s f o r
> o u r a e lf s e llin g
("A R H A R T T
s h o e « , ir lo v e a . s h i r t s a n t i t r o u s e r s , t h e w o r ld »
m o s t f a m o u s g a r m e n t s , d ir e c t t o w e a r e r — n t
o d d t im e s o r f u l l t im e , o v e r t w e n t y t h o u -
a a n tl a g e n c ie s . W r i t e t o d a y f o r p a r t i c u la r s .
W i l l t e a c h y o u h o w t o s e ll b y m a ll. H A M I L ­
M A N U F A C T U R E R . M a r.
k e t & S a n P e d r o S t r e e t s . L o s A n g e le s . C a lif.
T h e J . W . C o le C o .. 127 S. E u c lid A v e ,
O a k P a r k , III.— A d v e r tis e m e n t.
G e ttin g P e rfe c t
“Well,” sighed the fellow whose
horse hadn’t shown, “at least I an»
a good loser."
"You ought to he.” snarled his wlfa.
"You have bad plenty of practice "
Build Up Your Health With
D R . P I E R C E ’S
purchase plan
A Tonic which Dr. Pierre prescribed when
in active practice 60 yeara age.
f n l i / l u i j o r T u b lr tr . a t y o u r
D r a lo rt.
Send 10c. to Dr. Pierce’a Invalids' Hotel.
Buffalo. N . Y., for trial pirn- Tablets.
E d u c a tio n a l
"It Is a fact," says Paw Hoptoad,
"th at I am having my d au g h ter in­
structed In ninn.v old-fashioned things.
For Instance, th e art of conversation
ever the telephone.**—Louisville C our­
Lots of people mnke n specialty of
pouring Ice w ater on entliuslnsm .
Should He Corrrctod - Good Elimination
It Essential to Good Health.
T 1-* you would be w ell, see to
-*• your elimination. Faulty kid ­
ney action permits toxic materiel
to remain in the blood and upset
the whole system. T h en , one is
• p t to have a tired, languid feel­
ing and sometimes, a toxic back­
ache or headache, and often some
irregularity of secretions, such
as scanty or burning passages
More end more people are ac­
claim ing the value o f D oan's
Pi lit. a stim ulant diuretic. In this
condition. Fo r more than forty
years, D oan's have been w in ­
ning favor the c o u n try o v er.
A s * y o u r n e ig h b o r '
Stimulant D iurttic to tb t Kidneys
F o e lc , Mlthnrn Co. Mtg C hrndata Buffalo N V
f ° l Epilepsy
Nervousness &
JF/af«- fur /ret R outt lei
- .--A------' M i « .Wtf'ii
v in -
C a lif.
W arning: U nless you see the name
“B ayer” on package or on tab lets you
S uccessful N e w P a ra c h u te
a re not getting th e genuine B ayer
A spirin proved safe by m illions and
Cushioned so It can be worn as a
prescribed by physicians for 28 years. coat Instead of being strapped on as
Ray “B ayer” when you buy Aspirin. a se p arate garm ent, a parachute re­
Im itations may prove dangerous.—Adv. cently devised has withstood actual
te sts successfully.
A Good Lead
S lo p th e P a i a .
K itty—And you let him kiss you?
T h e h u r t o f a b u r n o r a c u t s to p s
I w h e n C o le 's C a r b o lie a lv e is a p p lie d . 1,
B etty—Let him ? G reat heavens,
h e a ls q u ic k ly w ith o u t s c a rs .
30e a n d
had to help h in t!
60c b y a l l d r u g g i s t s , o r s e n d 30c lo
w ith po rtrait
If You
|H tn .
Earn S25-S 50 Per Week
D E M A N D “ B A Y E R ” A SP IR IN
C ct Red ftux
O l d E n g lis h L a w s
If a trav eler led a horse up to the
Savoy or Cluridge hotels, the m ana­
ger, under English law. would he
obliged to furnish sh elter for "man
and beast.”
It Is no dead letter either, for the
m anager, ulthough he has no longer
any stab le on the prem ises, would
send the horse around to a livery
stable for the guest mid act as though
nothing bud happened.
A bill has been drafted lo remove
some of the many anom alies in an
act which has stood pretty well un­
changed, for 3tM) years.
At preseut a landlord Is responsi­
ble to a guest, up to the value of $150,
for any property stolen on Ids prem ­
ises unless he can prove gross negli­
gence on the p a rt of the guest. It
does not m a tte r how many notices
lie posts up repudiating responsibil­
ity, the courts under th e present law
will hold him liable. T his is a point
which the B ritish hotelkeepers are
anxious to see changed.—London
No Cold
Be Sure
S e e k C h a n g e s in
the hundreds of lliou-
sunds of nam es bestowed on geograph­
ical units mid n atu ral objects thro u g h ­
o u t America. Now for the flrat tim e
all the Jones' corners. W ildcat creeks,
Hogback m ountains and am usingly
nam ed ham lets in the country are io
he christened officially by the federal
governm ent.
T his com pilation will Include the
review of each nam e for au th en ­
ticity, proper spelling, and In many
cases propriety and convenience. At­
tem pt will he made to evolve new
n am es for places which now have
none. Then all will be published in
an official gazetteer.
“T he history o f the nation Is re­
flected largely In these nam es,'' said
F ran k Bond, chairm an of the U nited
S tates G eographic hoard, which Is
to supervise th e work. "It Is a big
Job. and th e hoard will need a lot o f
voluntary help. We hope to develop
w idespread anil constructive Interest
In place nam es."
The hoard Is appealing to the gov­
ern o rs of the sta te s to assist 111 quick
cuing th e sources of Hie vast amount
of m aterial which the hoard must
g ath er and scrutinize. The gazetteer
Is to contain the name, authentically
a ttested even ns to spelling, of every
ham let, village, town and o th er geo­
graphical unit, as well as th a t of ev­
ery creek, river, hay. Inlet, m ountain
o r n atu ral object having or deserving
an Identifying name.
In the m ajo rity o f cases nam es al­
ready exist In undisputed forms, and
consequently much of the task will
entail Compilation only. It Is ex­
pected. however, th a t when "the hoard
c o n ic s to puss on these officially there
will be many dem ands th at old names
be discarded and new ones adopted.
Even svliliout the stlniulntloii to such
action as th e present work provides,
the board In th e past regularly hak
handled ninny requests of that same
•M t.
Ill m aking up th e official gazetteer
Named From Genoese
Mincing l.ane, London, th e center
of the w holesale tea trade, derives Its
nam e from certain tenem ents there
once owned by the "iiilnchuns," or
nuns, of Si Helen s. There, in the
tim e of the I'laiitageneta, lived a col-
ou.v of Genoese tra d e rs called galley-
men because they brought th eir wines
and oth er m erchandise lo Gulley
w harf, nays the London Chronicle
They w ere a w ealthy and powerful
many changes probably will be on one side a re called Green on the
th o u g h t desirable In certain Instances other.
on account of confusing duplications
In gazetteerlng places and objects
and som etim es tru ly objectionable th a t have more than one nam e each
terminology. Recently, for example, the hoard must decide which a re most
the board accepted a new name for au thentic and appropriate. T here Is
L ittle Smallpox creek In Wisconsin room for a thousand heated local dis­
because of th e claim th a t the old putes In the clarifying of these con­
nam e carried a detrim ental sug. fusions. Many people su rren d er old
place nam es w ith great reluctance and
The board has good reason for un­ many others are equally dlsputattve
d ertak in g this work. In probably no about the way place nam es should be
Other country In the world Is there spelled.
such u trem endous duplication of
Ill form ulating the gazetteer new
place nam es as In the United States nam es will have to be originated, for
T h ere are, for example, dozens of there is still a large num ber of nam e­
P e e r and Silver creeks. T here are less n atu ral objects of distinction or
ten or more Lookout mountains, -it im portance In the country. In the
loast two of which are of note his­ Itockles alone there are hundreds of
torically or otherw ise. Scores of tall m ountain peaks which never have
tow ns have been named a fter famous been christened.
A m ericans and well-known European
In clarifying confusion nnd finding
p laces: the P arises and Londons are
legion. This of course results In u s ­ appropriate new nam es a vast amount
ing th e sam e nam es more than ever of research In local history, custom,
philology mid convenience m ust tie
T here are eases of small villages | n done. L ittle atten tio n will be paid to
the sam e county using the same etymology os such, for In evolving
Instances of “ n e ie h I place
- i- . ,
I’l a v r i nam
iu i ii r es
N usage as a rule Ignores
ld’>»“ fl«‘d by the th at science. When L'Enu E rals be­
sam e name. These confusions made comes Low F reight or custom turns
little difference In the earlv d a y of Aux Anes Into Gzan the national
the country, but now. with Intensified board raises no staying hand. For
comm unication, they are bothersome the most p art the board attem p ts only
In many ways. T his Is particularly to guide the cu rren ts of usage.
tru e In map m aking of the kind done
Old nam es, such as reflect early his­
by th e United S tates geological
tory or preserve the nam es of original,
settlers, are prefer!ed. The objection
Confusion of many kinds has been th a t an old nam e Is homely or even
There are Instances
a mill ludicrous does not carry much weight
tlpllcatlou of nnw . . ■ j (o'limoii M ags w ith the board. Indian names, where-
for the sam e place or object. T here ever preserved, also have th e affec­
are small rivers known to people in tion of the board. B ut tn passing on
one county by a nam e different from these no attem p t Is made to conform
the one designating It In another to the originals as against usage or
county. Mountains railed Hogback sim plicity.
people and one time Issued a silver
coinage of th eir own. These coins.
known as "galley half-pence.” were
broader than the ordinary English all-
ver half-pennies hut not so thick and
strong. T heir use w as prohibited by
an act of parliam ent in the reign of
llen ry IV.
F r a n c h m a n 's D itc o u e r y
One hundred years ngo Braconnot,
" I rench chemist, while exam ining
various vegetables and fruits, dlscov
cred the Jellifying principle of fruit
Juices. T his he named pectin (from
the G reek word pektls. m eaning co-
agnluifl). Braconnot puhltshed the
story of his researches th a t led to the
discovery of pectin In 1S28 lu the
French Annals of Chemistry.
S till A w a k e
T he world may quit aleep, accord­
ing to a chem ist, hut It seem s to many
of us th at a great num ber of Ita pop­
ulation abandoned sleep some time
a g o — Oklahoma City P ally Okie
The standard price of a General
Motors car purchased out of in­
come is the cash delivered price,
plus only the low GMAC fi­
nancing charge.
The GMAC Purchase Plan is
offered by General Motors dealers
exclusively. It is a sound and eco­
nomical credit service in which
the best interests of the car buyer
are of first consideration.
General Motors makes "a car
for every’ purse and purpose and
under the GMAC Plan purchase
may be arranged according to the
individual circumstances and as­
sured income of the buyer.
Ask your nearest General
Motors dealer to explain the ad­
vantages of the GMAC Plan.
general motors
of*T< the GMAC P lan for the fm rrh aie of
O A K L A N D ■ B U IC K
’ C A D IL L A C