) <~d * d d M A g rc u ltu re H o rtic u ltu re L iv e s to c k Ö> ENTE A W çokly Chronicle ot Local Events and Progress in Linn County VOLUME 15 HALSEY, OREGON WKDNESOAV NOV. 3 1926 City Election Held; Wins 3 -Cornered Race Clark Mayor Again At the city election held last Tuesday afternoon, the voters if Halsey expressed their choice for city officials for the coming term The result is as follows: Mayor, Pert S. Clark; Recorder. Carl J. Hill; Treasurer, D. Tavlor; \rm ist ice ^d'cty z royram d / t t h e H i t y d i a t i , 8 : 0 0 o ’c l o c k . 1 ) a i r y Po u I t r y W ool NV M Ut R New Governor-Elect ,G. O. P. Sweeps State; Democrats Elect Constable j Results ot the state election held (Tuesday show tbe Republicans are ■ yet tbe political masters of the i d i o t it L o c a i a n d ( J a ts /ie , i a i e n t .large and glorious commonwealth d \o v e r y n c i te d known a- Gregon. 1 he full state Marshal, J. W. Rector; Council- ticket was swept into office. Soma S a d i e s o f t h e S t u d y id / a h a r i l i s e r r e nieo, C. H Koonli, O. W. Frum. of ths majorities were riot as great asd J. W. Driukard. as usual, but nt tbe same time they S a n d w i c h e s a n d ( C o f fe e were large enough to show th at n F tro c a e d s g o to th e C ih r a r t/ 7 a a r t High School Notes democrat who can be elected in a state-wide contest is a very lucky (High School Reporter) man Yes Indeed. In the three-cornered senatorial The examinations over the first Mrs. Gray Entertains Sp ecial Meeting of race, Frederick Steiwer, regular G. six weeks’ work were finished Fri- day afternoon. O. P, nominee was elected over Past Grands Club P. T. A . Friday Frederick Steiwer, G. O. P. can­ Bert Haney, democrat, who car­ I. L. Pattersou who was elected Leroy Straley was absent from didate, who won the senatorship Mrs. Frank Gray delightfully school several days lust week. Do not forget the special meeting governor of Oregon by a s ife m ar­ ried Portland and only lost the in a three-cornered race against entertained the Past Grands' club balance of tho state by a few thous­ Several visitors were present at of the Parent-te achers* association gin over bis democratic opponent, Bert Haney and It. N. Stanfield. and, and R. N. Staufield, indepen. at her home Friday afternoon. Friday, to hear J. E. Calavan, Walter M. Pierce, inumbent. a halloween program given by the dent, who was third. After a business meeting the even­ grade and high school students field worker for industrial c!ubs. j-. , . The other im portant race was ing was pleasantly spent in fancy Friday afternoon at the school­ Christian Endeavor Every patron is invited to attend t . p W O l t h P c B g l i e between Governor Pierce, democrat, work and social chat. Refresh- house. and I. L. Patterson, republican, Society Entertained ments were served. Present were to bear him, as well as the reports Society Entertained tho latter winning by about 25,000 The student body is making Mesdanoes C- H, Koontz, Albert of our delegates to the state con- plans for a Halloween party next majority, • * Elbert gress, convened at Salem last week. Twenty members of the Halsey Miller, George Taylor, Saturday evening. The Epworth Eeague livid a very Although Governor Pierce car. All boys and girls of Halsey and Christian Endeavor society met at lo rn , E. E. Gormley, O. W. pleasant business meeting mid ried Linn county the rspuhlicans Mr. and Mrs, H. Green of Walla the home of their president, Gladis Frum, J. E. True, C. P. Moody, surrounding districts who aie halloween party in the league grabbed all tho county offices iu W alla, with some friends, have Willbanks, Friday evening. The Karl Bramwell, Edith Robuett, interested in club work are urged room of the M. E. church Friday sight. been visiting their uncle and aunt, rooms were prettily decorated with Fied Robins, W. L. Wells mid to take advantage of this oppor­ evening. Gladys Hadley, Hope In this district E. 1). Isom, demo, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Skirvin. Frank Gray. Mrs. Wesley Hol­ tunity of meeting Mr. Calavan and autumn leaves and crepe paper. Hussey, Charles Wright and Cur- crat, was oiectsd constable by the being instructed in club work. Two new members were taken in loway was a gucet. rin Miller were on the decoration old proverbial “ overwhelming ma­ Notice of Taxpayers’ Meeting during the business meeting. and entertainm ent committee and jority .’' There are two reasons for Halloween games were played, Notice is hereby given that on Friday spared no pains to make the this however. One reason was Mr. evening, Novem ber 19th, 1926, at the and at a late hour refreshments affair a success. lilark and yellow Isom’s popularity and the other hour of 7:30 p. m., in the council were served by the hostess. crepe p aperj stream trs, witches, reason is that he had no opponent. chambers, w ill be held a m eeting of the Those present were Misses Hazel Mr. and Mrs. John Harms are Brandon school, Louise Robnett bats and cate gave the desired taxpayers of the city of Halsev, held Mrs. teacher, edjoyed a halloween party effect for halloween. Thirty-six for the purpose of adopting the budget and Pearl Johnson, Louise Seefeld, visiting at John W illbanks'. Robert I.ong, who attends the for the year 1927, as reported by the Vida Albertson, Mary Smith, Do­ W illbanks and daughter Gladys Friday evening. The play shed young peop'e’ were present. Sev- Albany collrge, spent tbe weekend budget com m ittee. ris Dykstra, Esther Starnes, Helen will accompany them to their home was artistically decorated. C ider' eral musical numbers were enjoyed with Ins aunt, Mrs. A, II. Quimby. Estimated budget for th e year Decern - Carter and Genevieve -WAl*^#nd irf^fugene Sunday evening. snd pumpkin pie were served to I during the buein'ss meetii.g and ber 3 1 st 1926 to December 3tst, 1927. He brought his cousin Irene from Messrs. Earl Albertson, Clay more than forty guests. an interesting letter from Rev. Estim ated expenses: Mrs. J. W. Stewart of Corvallis Monmouth. Misses Grace I’ehrs- Dykstra, Lester Albertson, Ted Kobeit Parker was read. Die C o u n c ilm a n ___ ____ ____$ 72.00 Mrs. Glen Stevenson and son of son and Grace Kirk made tbe trip Smith, Leroy Straley, Ralph is spending a few weeks with her Account M arshal................ 222.00 Halsey league ie invited to a gf t- sister, Mrs. William McMahan. with them. Beaverton visited tbe former's M ayor.................... 12.UO Smith, Carl Isom, G'en Kendall, togetlier league banquet ut Eugene mother, Mrs. H annah Cummings, Health Officer........................ 12.00 Carl Sperling, Mac McCord and Mrs. S. J. Smith recently had a Friday, Nov. 12. over the week end last week. Ad­ R e c o r d e r _________ ______ 50.00 Stepheu Smith. letter from tho G- T. Kitchen Street L igh tin g......................... 612.00 ditional guests were Mr. and Mrs. family, near Newberg, which states Street In ter se ctio n s...........20*1.00 Walter Smith and daughter Edith, Jack Curtis of Peoria visited ut that they have been seeing a little L n rn b er....................................360 00 Local People Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cummings J. J. Corcoran's Sunday S treet W ork...................... 758.40 of the seamy side of life, LaVelle Touring in the East having undergone an operation for of Lake Creek, Mrs. Aunie Laurie M aintenance city propetty 85.00 .1 ust a few leit fit Seefeld and children and Ollie M iscellaneous and la b o r.. 136.60 A n Appeal to appendicitis and Mr. Kitchen 4 bars for 25c Stri ding of Engine. $2.520.00 $2520 A. H. Quimby and Hiram being in poor health from badly SALTS Parents of Students Bierly, who left here- Out- 4 in a infected teeth. Estim ated Receipts: Mrs. B. M Bond attended the 3 lbs for 25c License F e e s....................... $ 20.00 Ford roadster, write th at they Parent.teachers’ congress at Salem Mrs. Clara Gates and little Road l a x . . . ............. ............ 500.00 have had a fine trip. Excepi Wdl the parents of pupils in the POTASSIUM Tuesday and Thursday, going as a when visiting, they have slept out. daughter returned to their borne at delegate. Mrs. C. P. Moody, also seventh nr.d eight!) grade room j $520.00 PERMANGANATE Recatritulation: I Near St. Louis they encountered Eugene Monday, after a visit of a delegate, attended Thursday and please attend the parent-teache’s' for your chickens Estim ated e x p e n s e s . . . . . . . .............$2520 the first rain and secured a cabin several days with their aunt, Mrs. Mrs. A. H. Quitnbv on Friday. association Friday evening n n d ' Estim ated receipts________ ............. 520 1-4 lb 15c. 2 lbs 50c f r the night. They visited in W- F. White. J. 3. Beene and wife and I file help the above room win tl.e Amount to be raised by ta x ___ $2o0o | Ja|sey Nebraska and Kansas and spent G. B. Gage left Wednesday for sou of Eugene and \V. II. Beene potted plant that will be given to By order of the council, •n veral days in Kansas City. Mr. the room having the most parents and wife spent Sunday a t the home Oregon City, where he was called Bert S. Clark, Mayor. Pharmacy Quimby is now with bis brother in by tbe critical illness of E. J. Gage, of the Beenes parents, Theodore present.? D. H. Sturtevant, Chairman. Mrs. Kizer and Pupils. Ohio. Hiram ie m Wisconsin. K. F- Cross, Recorder. Beene and wife of Brownsville. his brother. d I mrsi’a ta r s d a y a \zrentng, dr dfoventber 11 - Local and Personal Mention - - SOAP - Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dutf of Grants Pass, who traded recently for the Jay W- Moore residence, arrived the latter part of last week and ate ebout settled in their new home. Mr. Duff made a business trip to Sheridan Wednesday. cl Frank Koontz ot O A. C. and Alberta of Tangent spent ' the week end here with their! parent«, C. II. Koontz and wife. Miss Which in your home Miss Oceola Miller of Portland spent the week end with her parents, Rev, and Mis Joeepb I A. J. Hill and wife and Ben M filer. Holt and family left Wednesday to Allen Beene spent tbe week tnd : enjoy a look ai the stock ebow and with his cousin, Irwin Cain of I maybe Queen Marie berselt. Junction City. Good to the last drop" a a v e tt dio ouse C offee TODAY-- A m e r i e n ’, d iig h Id a ryest Ss e t t i n g , S t r a d e C <9 o f f e e L o c a l D is t r ib u t o r * M. V. KOONTZ CO. Halsey, Oregon George Maxwell and wife were Mrs. George Tycer has been vis- Albany visitors Wednesday. itiog her parents, J. \V. Bressler j Don’t tforgat the free community and wife, for some time, while Mr. meeting an I program armistice Tycer is having some improve­ ments made on their Portland evening at the city hall. residence. Hardwood floors aie A costume party at Charity being laid and a full cement base­ grange bail Saturday night was ment iiia^p under the house- Mr. enjoyed by 100 people. Tycer spent the week end h*re Wayue Veatcli of tbe U. of O. with his wife. and Miss Enid Veatcli, high school teacher of Roseburg, are home for Noted Entertainer at the week end. B. M. Miller and wife and Grange Hall Saturday daughter Gar die were guests of A largn crowd is expected at Miss Beulah Miller Sunday. • Charity grange hall Saturday eve­ Mrs. C. P. Moody went to Leb- ning next to hear Mrs. Waiter L anon Friday to the Past Noble Johnson, reader and personator, Grand convention. | Mrs. Johnson gives several costume Edna Vannice of Salem spent j numbers, as Grandm a Grout in the week end in Halsey, the guest I“ Hum an Tonic ” and Si* Hop- of her brother, Merwyn Van Nice. I kin«. She has given more than and aleo a visitor at the home of j LY) entertainm ents in Idaho and Miss Ruth Sturtevant. I Oregon. liUii, '“Pum p and carry ” ‘F aucet S e rv ic e " The difference between drudg­ have running water than to be ery and convenience— the dif­ w ith o u t it. ference between merely existing Whatever your source of water and realty living— that ,, supply — whatever ca­ is the d iffe re n c e th e p. pacity you r e q u ir e — F a irb a n k s -M o rs e w h e th e r you need an Home W ater Plant will engine or motor driven make in your home and plant — whatever price life. you wish to pay—there is a Fairbanks - Morse You'll realize the truth Home Water Plant that of this when you see this will give you dependa­ finely built plant dem­ Automati«? rientri«? > t * r p lan ts; IW» onstrated. And you'll be I f ■- uns p w allo ble service and greater n a p e r n o « r. r-« « tn e o r n v J o r d r iv ­ surprised to find that it en value per dollar. Let us I ». o rn a to - » a ( » r fcnij t o £ M t really costs you less to prove it. gh-loufl tour. HILL & COMPANY HALSEY F A IR B A N K S-M O R SE H o m e W a te r P la n ts "Every I.Ina a