Rural enterprise. (Halsey, Or.) 1924-1927, October 27, 1926, Image 1

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    A g rc u ltu re
H o rtic u ltu re
L iv e s to c k
A Weekly Chronicle ot Local Events and Progress in Linn Countv
V O L U M E 15
Lake Creek Locals
I Mrs. L. E. Bond and son Leater
were Sunday evening callers at E.
(By to Enterprise Reporter)
Springfield and Mr. and Mrs. C art­ D. Isom's
Wm Allingbam, wife and daugh­
er Allingbam of Portland have
Mrs. C. H. Tandy and son El­
ter were guests of C. 8. Williams
been the guests of C. R. Williams mer visited at the Chester Curtis
and family this week.
and family.
, home Sunday.
Merle Cummings,
wife and
Quite a number of the neighbors j Mrs. A. F. Robuett and Mr*. C.
daughter and Mrs. Ada Cummings, called informally at the home of E. Mercer of Eugene visited at E.
of Corvallis visited Wednesday at
Mr. and Mrs. John Bass and gave D. Isom ’s Monday.
M srtin Cumming's.
them a noisy but royal welcome1
Pine Grove Items
The miieionary society of Peoria to the community.
met with Mrs. Thomas Ardry
(By an Enterpiise Reporter)
Alford Arrows
Thursday. Twelve members and
R. K. Strwart of Pleasant Hill
visitors were present.
visited his daughter, Mrs. E. E.
(Enterprise Correspondent)
Rev. W. B. Smith of Peoria
A. B. Surfling, wife and eon By-J Hover, and family, and other
preached Sunday morning and
relatives at Halsey Suoday and
afternoon here. On Nov. 7 an all ron, of Eugene were week-end Monday.
day meeting will be beld. Rev. guests at the E. D. Isom home.
E. E Hover and family and IL
Miss Lillie Rickard spent the
H. S. Shangle, presiding Elder will
K. Stewart drove to Stayton S atur­
be with us. Quarterly conference week end at Eugene and Creswell! day to visit H arry Stewart and
will be Saturday evening, Novem­ visiting friends and relatives.
ber 6.
Velda Curtis called on Bertha
Mies Nora Pehrsson, who is
Ja y Suitar is moving to the Win. Comely Tuesday afternoon.
teaching school at Banks, spent
Allingbam farm recently vacated
Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Sm ith of the week end with end her par-
by Bert Haynes.
Peoria visited at the J. H. Rickard ente.
Mrs. C. R. Evans who has been home Sunday.
Fred Sylvester and wife drove to
Corvallis Sunday, taking Eunice
ill with the grippe is recovering
Jack Curtis of Peoria visited his
back to her work as practice teach­
aud hopes to be out soon.
nephew, Chester Curtis and family
at the children's farm home.
Many hunters have invaded our Saturday.
There wgs a good deal of excite­
domains during the past week
Mrs. E. D. Isom is taking an ment in the Pine Grove ueigbboi-
There is talk of a reserve and a
enforced vacation this week as the
move to have hunting on Snnday
Powell school is closed because of
Hunters have come
Scarlet fever. Two of the young­
here from Cottage Grove to Port­
er children, Louise Starr and Al­
land and the farmers are indig-
ton Sullivan have the disease.
Veida and Alice Curtis visited
Notice of Taxpayers’ Meeting
Wilma and Lois Falk Sunday.
N o tice is here b y g iv e n th a t on F rid a y
ev en in g , N o v e m b e r 19th, 1926. a t the
h o u r o f 7:30 p, ra., in th e council
chambers, w ill be h eld a m eetin g of the
ta xpayers o f th e c ity o f H alsev, held
fo r th e purpose o f ad o p tin g th e budget
fo r th e year 1927, as repo rted by the
budget com m ittee.
E stim ated budget fo r th e y e a r D ecem ­
ber 3 1 s t
192b to Decem ber 31st, 1927.
E s tim a te d expenses:
C ou ncil m e n _____
< 72 (X)
Account M a rs h a l......... ........
M a y o r ______________ . . .
H e a lth O fficer__________ . .
R ecorder .
A real good paper, about
an equal mixture of crepe
and tissue.
S treet L ig h t in g ...................
S treet In te r s e c tio n s ____ . . 200.00
L n m b e r ...................... ............
S tre e t W o r k ......... ................
3 roils for 25c
M a in te n a n c e c ity p ro p e ity 85.00
M iscellaneous and labor . . 130.60
Good Toilet Soap
at 4 for 25c
E s tim a te d Receipts:
License F e es.....................
Road " l a x . . ....................
R e c a p itu la tio n :
E s tim a te d expen ses___
E s tim a te d re c e ip ts _____
You didn’t know we had this stock
did you? Well we have many-
more items th at I have been try­
ing to tell you about in our ads so
watch them or come in aud see
what we have.
A m o u u t to be raised by t a x ___ $2000
By o rd e r of th e council,
B ert S. C la rk , M ayor.
D . H . Sturtevant, C hairm an .
K F. Cross, Recorder.
N U M B E R .’6
1) a i r y
P o u 11 r y
W ool
hood Saturday, caused by a man
The Potter Sewing club met
High School Notes
thought to be deranged, who.
last Wednesday with Mrs. Martha
after having threatened the lives of
Albertson, Sixteen member* an­
(High School Reporter)
two men and also to burn a barn, |
swering to rollcall. Visitors were
Ruth McNeil was a high school
stole a revolver and a rille from
Mesdames Edna and Laura Abra­
the Knighten residence.
The visitor one day last week.
ham, Rennenkanip, Manna Freerk-
sheriff was notified aud Deputy-
The high school elected Helen san of Shedd and Hanley- of Port­
Sheriff Lillard arrived about 5 Carter basket ball manager.
land. The afternoon was spent in
o'clock and took the man, who
, sewing for the hostess and social
Six-weeks’ examinations are in
offered no resistance, to Albany.
conversation. Lunch was served
order the coming week.
by the hostess, assisted by Mrs.
Will Eagy and wife of Oakviie
Edna Freerksen and Mae Abra-
visited at L. E . Eagy’s Saturday.
1 student body.
Mesdames W. D. McLaren and
E. D. Hover attended the mission­
The students taking music for
Mrs. Beuna Ramsay spent Friday
ary meeting at Mrs. Audrey’s a ’ credits ar® to select the songs for j nt Halsey, the guest of her friend,
La?e Creek Thursday aiternoou
the student body to sing each Mrs. Emma Bressler.
E. S. Hayes and wife spent
Willard Marks, candidate for
Several people attended the pro- ■ Friday evening at the Amos Ram­
state senator, will speak at the
Lake Creek schoolhouse at 8. p. m. E. W illard. One of the numbers say home.
Friday evening on the issues of on the program was a school talk
Fred Washburn of Portland
the campaign and explain his views by Rev. Mr. Miller.
spent the week end at the home of
on the issues to be voted on.
The freshman class gave a return 1 his brother-in-law, Amos Ramsay.
J. N. Elliot and family spent party to the sophomores Friday
William Zellmer and sons loaded
Sunday at 0- J. Albertson’s.
baled hay at Hclaey Friday and
Vida Albertson spent Sunday
Bessie Harvey returned to school Saturday.
with Esther and Henrietta Starnes. Monday after an absence of severnl
Mrs. 0 . J. Albertson and chil­
Henry Seefeld and wife were days.
dren were in Harrisburg Saturday
callers at O. J. Albertson’s Sunday
Mrs. Karl Bramwell visited the afternoon and had dental work
grade school Thursday of last week. done.
Read this proposed
Amendment to the Constitution
of Your State
Initiative Measure — Proposed by Initiative Petition
Initiated by Housewives’ Council, Inc.: Josephine M. Othus, Mary A.
Dean, Clara M. Siraonton-O R EG O N WATER AND POWER
BOARD DEVELOPMENT M E A S U R E -C reating the Oregon Wat­
er and Power Board of five elective members; appointing fir^t mem­
bers, board filling vacancies; giving said board full authority for
conservation, development, storage, distribution of electric energy
and water for irrigation aud domestic purposes; authorizing state
bonds issued not exceeding five per centum of assessed state valuation;
bonds issued to pay interest or principal of outstanding bonds; is­
suance of interest bearing state public utility certificates; paying
principal or interest of bonds from state general fund with repay­
ment from bond fund; taxes levied to provide such moneys; appro­
priating $250,0C0 from general fund returnable from water and pow-
er revolving fund.
336 Yes. I vote for the foregoing measure. Vote yes or no
237 No. I vote against the foregoing measure.
This means fifty-three millions of new bonds.
This names five inexperienced people to spend your money.
This mortgages all your property to politics.
This leaves the taxpayer to foot the bills.
This would all go into the Constitution of Oregon.
Goad to the
last drop"
^ A ia z iv e /i C louse C offee
TODA^t — A m
e r ic a s
if a r q e s t
S e llin g ,
f jr a D e C o ffe e
L o c a l D is tr ib u to r s
Halsey, Oregon
The Constitution would protect these Tax-Spenders
But what about the Tax-Payers?
Your only protection is to
Vote 337 X NO!
in November
Paid A d r . b y Oregon P ub lic U t ili t y C e m m itte e — O p o o s e l to th e Ilo u te w iv e a ' C ou ncil " W a te r and P o w e r” [lo a d in g A m e n d m e n t—
424 Pacific w uihiitig, P o rtlan d . Oregon