Spoon River Sparks ^/^lbany<^)irectory GLOBE, Albany < Enterprise C orrespondent«) Charlie Burly and Charlie Falk were visitor» nt M. E. Harding's Saturday afternoon. October 17-18-19 ZV * I II II K a LBANY baking co . R u d o lp h V alen tin o ’s 1 George Blain called at W. R. K irk’s one day last week. A lbany Floral Co Cut tlower« **■ and plants, Floral art for every Mr. aud Mrs. R. E. Bierly and and all occasions. Flow er phone 458-f. their sou Kenneth were business callers at the county seat Thursday uplex garage . afternoon. Final Supreme Triumph “The Son of the Shiek” The greatest of hl« screen career A wonderful successor to “T he S h ie k ” B e tte r C om e Early li n a D 129 E. Second. Bert Adams, Prop Storage. Washing, Polishing, General lubricating, day and Night service 4tb and Lyons Street Misses Ethel and Ruth Quiinby The place to buy good groceries at the «pent Saturday with their sister, right price. On the corner, plenty ol room to park. Albany. Mrs. Paul Bierly. W. L. WRIGHT ,. , . I E live Cafeteria and confectionery I iviio. v y u yue o Barber a i u e i dim Mrs. Wayne and o son and t > . r at Home cooking Pleasant surround- M r" ' R ' L ' B lly*iU SP‘,n t * riday r> ings. -------------— ings. efficient service. I A. L, F a lk ’s. We ________ make our Courteous, own ___ candies. ____ s • _ I R, E. Bierly and family visited W s. D uncan . Local Agent for Chevrolet F O R D SALES AND SERVICE M otor Cars * Tires and accessories Repairs K ir k -P ollak M otor C o . D. C, Rossman, Salesman Iportrailler Furniture Co., furni- Halsey, Oregon ~ ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. Funeral directors. 427-433 west First street, Albany, Oregon. FIN E PIANO must be Hold.—If taken immediately, will sacrifice fine piatio in storage near here. Will give very easy terms to a re- sponsible p»rson. Write Portland Music C o., 227 Sixth st., Portland, Ore., lor full particulars and where it may be seen. P IN T E L WRECKING CO- 436 W est 1st Used Parts for all cars at L. R. Falk’s Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Carey vis­ ited in this vicinity Sunday. They returned to Salem the same day, taking their daughter Mary, who hrs been staying with her sister, Mrs. Cecil Bilyeu, this summer. Gilbert Carey, who has been work­ ing for Henry Seefeld, went home with them. W. R Kirk was at Albany Monday Cecil Bilyeu and family and F R A N K G. W ILL, Jeweler ~ 326 west 1st street Mary Carey spent Thursday even­ For wonderful values in sparkling gems, gold and silverware of very best qualit) ing at J. I*. Tem pleton’s. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Elliot were IIID E S and FURS TANNED t< Order. Cash paid for Hides and FOR SA LE.—Brown seed oats, Furs. Q. a. Ogden. E ast W ater Street. 55o per bushe.'. A. H. Quimby, route 2. phone 26. U O L M A N & JACKSON Grocery—Baker E very th in g in the line of eats i Executor’s Notice Notice is hereby given that the under- signed has been appointed executor of the last will and testam ent of John R Gould, deceased, by the county court ol Linn County, Oregon. All persons h av ­ ing claims against said estate are hereby required to present same to the under- signed at his office in Shedd, Oregon, duly verified and with proper vouchers as by law required w ithin six months fioin date of this notice. Dated and first published this Septem­ ber 22. 1926. C. J. SHEDD, Executor. L. L. Swan, Attorney for Executor. Administrator’s Notice of Hear injr of Final Account Notice is hereby given th at the final account of B. M. Bond as adm inistrator with the will annexed of George F Schroll, deceased, has been filed in the County Court of Linn County, State of Oregon, and that the 1st day of Novem her, 1926 at the hour of 10 o'clock a m has been duly appointed by said Court for the hearing of objections to said final account anil the settlem ent thereof, at which time any person interested in said estate may appear and file objections thereto in w riting and contest the same Dated and first published Sep. 29, 1926 B M. BOND. Ailuir. aforesaid. Tussing A Tussing, Atty«, for Adrar. Notice To C reditors Notice is hereby given that the undet- signed has been duly appointed bv the County Court of the State of Oregon for I.m n connty. adm inistrator of the estate •1 Elisabeth A. McNeil, deceased, and ba« qualified. All persona having claims against said estate are hereby required to present them , duly verified, with the proper vouchers within six (6, m onths from the date ot this notice, to the undersigned iiiliiiiuistrator nt the office of Hill, Marks * McMahan, in the Cusick Building in Albany, In Linn Connty. Oregon Dated and first published this 15th »lay of September, 1926. W. G. McNKIL. A dm inistrator. Hill. M arks A McMahan. A ttorneys for Adn m istrator. Balloons for the C h ild re n W alt Smith and II. L Straley are building a woodshed a t Mr. S traley's home. f pASTBURN'S GROCERY COM EDY II 40$ \t esi P in t buttmr - nut BKEAI) ALL DAY SATURDAY, OCTOBER, 16 IRISH’S CASH STORE A t Brownsville BIG FALL PROFIT SHARING DAY SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL LINES A FEW SPECIALS F lour, h a rd w h ea t, sk. $ 1.9 7 P .& G . l’d ry s o a p 2 5 bars 1.0 0 I lb P e te r P a n coffee C a n n ed goods, reg 2 0 c 2 .3 5 1 loaf of b re a d free w ith ______ Oppo"ite Pottoff,ce Superior C irculator beans, N o . 2 can 3 for .2 5 .4 9 each p o u n d of coffee. C a n n e d goods, reg 2 5 c 2 .4 5 V a n C a m p p o rk an d WOOD 3 lb box N a t. Bis. C o . crax .4 5 S u g ar, sack, $ 6 .4 5 L im it one to custom er. MANY O TH ER SPECIALS IM P E R IA L CAFE. 20!) W. Fir« Harold G. M urphy Prop. Phone 665 W k never close at Albany Saturday and at Salem Monday. The Elliot« are making V 1AG NET0 ELECTRIC CO. arrangements lor the treatm ent) Investigate the new Prestolit» that Mr. Elliot will take for his Battery prices before buying. feet, which were injured iu an en and money are best when accident last summer. busy. Make your dollars work ii> Iiir savings departm ent. A lbany STA Tr. | Gilbert Carey spent Saturday B ank . Under governm ent supervision night with the J, P. Templetons. M A R IN E I.I. o PÄRLÖR8 Mrs. E. S. Marsters reports the (A beauty aid for every need) St. Francis Hotel. Winifred Ros»-, Prop marriage of her granddaughter, p Ô i Ô Ô Ë AMES HARDW ARE Miss Helen Pearl, to Theodore WOOD George of Springfield, Miss. Mrs. SU P E R IO R The W inchester Store C IR C U LA TO R George is the daughter of Mr. aud G ears g i : o ( e i ; v Mrs. L. B. Pearl of S anta Ana, ° 1st and Ferry W. O. Church, Mgr The Wood Superior Circulator is Cal. Mrs. George will continue Buy where you Dollar buys more made like a warm air furnace. teaching school at Springfield, | The inside stove is constructed where she taught the past year. s in ila r to our well-known Wood Waldo Anderson and Son, Props. Superior, but has in addition at Pine Grove Item s outer casing which forms the cir Chrysler Cars (By an Enterpiise Reporter) culuting Hues. The body of thi Atwater Kent Radios inside stove is made of special Mr». W. D. McLaren and Mrs. A ccessories and Supplies heavy gage iron and securely fit E. E. Hover attended the mission ted to the cast inner closed top and ary meeting at Mra. Russell Gith - Day and N ight Storage to the corrugated bottom. The ens’ Thursday afternoon. i 1st and Baker St«. ALBANY OREGON sectional ventilated, coriigated Miss Undine Dannen visited the linings ure extra high and durable. Pine Grove school F riday after­ The Wood Superior Circulator noon. consists ol an inner lire chamber, at lowest rate of interest. Bert Haynes and family moved Real Estate Insurance surrounded by an ornamental cas­ Prom pt service, courteous treatm ent ing. either W alnut Enamel finish to the George Wilhelm iarm , at W m ' B a in , Room 5, First Savings Hank or Black with Wellsville Pol- Harrisburg, this week. M -H ighw ayG arage - *.4.4.4 | Pianos For Sale > Some Good Used P ianos and | O rg an s of Good value ■ W e d o n ’t use a n v tricks to sell P ianos. I builmtig, Albany « i i ’ Ju st com e in a n d look ov er o u r goods, -T E R M S - 1 DAVENPO RT MUSIC HOUSE, w LEE G. D A VIS, Proprietor Albany New Parking Notice! \ on ladies who have n e v er been able to wear repaired shoes, do not need to park your worn sho, s in th e closet any longer Vou can now have your shoes " re b u ilt’’ b v the new Kurooean “ H ydro" press method. It is a neat, com fortable and water-proof cem enting process, w ithout the use of nails or thread. Y our .shoes are returned to yon w ith all the comfort and appearance of a new p a n W e have special facilities for rebuilding arch p re se rie r shoes retainit ig their original shape and giving them a factory finish. Hand tu rn ed Me. Kay and Goodyear welt shoes are handled the same way w ith this new -.method. Dr. Seth T. French F M. French & Son C. G. HAMER A I- 4 sheil steel body. This casing is Delta and Helen Haynes and not in contact with the fine chamb­ Arthur Dorsey qait school Friday, er at any point, there being an in. as they are moving out of the Why Buffer Iront headache? terveniug circulation space from district. Special Notice For Men Park your g»o«l old and new shoes at W hite s Shoe shop. W e take pride Have your eyes examined the bottom to the top of from four Mrs. Kuby Dorsey visited at the in giving yon quality ai id service at a reasonable price. to live inches. 1 he bottom ¡date H, L. Blood home Sunday, M hite s (iuar an teed Shoe Rebuilding Service has open fret work perm itting the W’th There will be a school meeting easy ingress of the colder air near Opposite Hotel Alba ny, Lyon St. Albany, Oregon the tloor to the space between the at the sahoolhouse Thursday even, lire chamber and the casing. Here ing to elect a director to fill the vacancy caused by Bert H aynes’ Easy to Sell at G oo J Profit Jeweler« Optometrists it becomes highly heated and NO STOCK TO C A J lR Y Albany pushed upward and out through moving from the district. W . L- W R IG H T Chirstmas Cards with sender', the fret work top, thus causing The J. R. Mode «ale Saturday a ' - £ 3 - & 3r FUNERAL DIRECTOR nistaut circulation of all the air was well attended, io spite of the in engraved effect. 0» er 60 indi­ vidual styles on q u ality stock, D. C. ROSSMAN, Local Manager n the room or house, quickly re inclement weather, and good prices D E LB E R T STA R R lulling (n even temperature were realized on almost everthing lovely colors, lined envelopes. Lady A ssistant Funeral Director and Licensed Over 150 sentim ents to choose throughout. All calls answered day or night Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hover were trom, of love, friendship, Christian I Embalmer The Woo»1 Superior Circulator is Phone 256 L A D Y A S S IS T A N T Albany visitors Sundey. cheer charminglv expressed. Deal­ provided with a water pan, enam- Halsey, Oregon Brownsville, Oregon L C- Hughes of Peoria has er« or individuals write today. | inaid*, which is attached to the s ta rt taking orders NOW7. Deal back casing and is large enough to purchased the J. R. Mode farm direct with the m anufactui tr s . sff'ird a satisfactory degree of moist and is. with his family, moving to TU SSIN G & TUSSING Levison Printing Comp anv dr, owing to it« large evaporating it this week, 1543. a,.fo rj,,, s t San G e n e ra l D ra y in g an d sutfaie. LAW YERS Mrs, J, R, Mode and daughter The New Verdol Frame The Wood Superior Circulator is (Mr*. Ruby Dor«e>) aud the Halsey and Brownsville H au lin g Apples For Sale A Princeton frame th a t is becom. unip stionably the moat wonderful latter'» son A rthur left Monday Oregon Buy them now, while th e y ’’ are A n y w h e r e -A n y t im e in j to almost every face. heating stove ever offered for the for Hoquiam, Wash., where they F or Quick ser v ic e cheap. Waxena 25c a box whilst The Cambridge with it« high use ol wood. will make their borne. Mr. Mode they last. Northern arched bridge are lome of the ne and i A lb a n y P h o n e 16x6 It will heat several ceonecting ---M y r o 35c oc ana ---------- — frame« for fall. Ask to see the room easily supplyiug plenty of and sons will remain here until he up * Jonathan «oc and Up.if* x«ioo) C re a m e ry A ssociation disposes of his corn. new «ample« moieture to keep the circulated air pears -MX., 50c. ¡.ease bring co ntaiu-1 M anufacturers of main Mrs. J. A. Johnson and daughter iu the most healthful co m fit inn •r», as we will have to „ tke . J a a e l are working at the Junction For Sale by charge of 20.’ for boiea. Money J e w e le rs , Laundry sent Tuesday« City cannery. O ptom etriits and Manufacturing A ency Hub Cleaning Works refundea on boxes when re .uroed. and Buyers of Eggs Opticians G et‘ No Hunting” signs at the Geo. A. Mitscb, on the old f It ration Haleey A B E 'S P L A C E ALBANY OREGON. Enterpriee office. A F arm ers’ Co-operative Modern B a rb e rsh o p T w e w ill please you if you will call on us. I 4 1 FARM LOANS ^ 4 - 4 4 / 4 4 4 4 4 44 -! Meade & Albro LINN BUTTER Hill & Company pl>ce, east of Brownsville. Creamery