OUR COMIC SECTION SAY “ BAYER A S P IR IN ” - Unless you see the “ Bayer Cross” on tablets, you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by mil­ lions and prescribed by physicians over 25 years for Here is a treat that can’t be beat! Benefit and plea­ sure in generous measure! GUO * P ep p erm in t Flavor Install CHAMPION ô Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Sparkplugs Accept on!y "B ayer’ ’ package which contains proven directions. NOW/ Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tahleta. Alao bottles of 24 and 100— Druggists, A new set will assure easier w in ter startin g— better perform ance — save oil and gas. Stop at your local dealer's and hewillsupplyyouwith a set of the correct type of Champions for your car. aavlrtu la the tra d . B a rk of B arer Manufacture o f MoMMaUeaakdafaW of HatlryUcacld THE FEATHERHEADS The Business of Being Busy C h a m p io n X — e x c l u s i v e l y for f v I I z w Fords — p ack ed v V V R o lls D o w n M illio n s in W a te rm e lo n s Cecil de Xlllle Is quite a boatman, his "Volga I toil t ma ii” notw ithstanding, but even he was nonplussed when som e one sprung on him the un dent question: "Why do they cull u bout u she?” F lually, nfter due dellherntlon D e Xlille r ep lied : “I expect It’s because they make u better show ing In the wind." W hile the waterm elon Is t. seasonal delicacy and Is not considered In any » a y us a food necessity. It Is estim ated that the w aterm elon crop for th is year In the tn lte d States will lie worth »12,004),000. With one exception, the crop of 1020 bus been tile greatest lu history. ('duration la not to teach you to know so much. It Is to teach you to use whut you do know. “You say you married him for Ilia money?” "Yes." "Ami why did yon divorce httu?" "I got It." Ptinama has raised by a national lottery sufficient funds to com plete the National Insane asylum. Wit Is wisdom— sharply |>olnted FRIGIDAIRE C ham pio n—fo r m o i cars o th er th an Fords — packed • in the Blue B ox bach I <79 T h e B a ttle W o n and DELCO-LIGHT Toledo. Ohio PETALUMA HATCHERY also m ay be b o u g h t o n th e GMAC P la n E s ta b lis h e d 1902 b y L . W . C lark — P o u ltr y sin c e lbHft. W h ite L e g h o r n s o n ly , th e large, h e a v y la y ­ in g k in d . T h is h a tc h e r y i s a c c re d ited b y th e S o n o m a C o u n ty F arm B u rea u , w h ic h g u a r a n te e s a m o n g o th e r th in g s . CHICKS FROM HEALTHY FLOCKS. W r ite fo r f r e e C a ta lo g an d F arm B u rea u r e q u ir e ­ m e n ts . T h e p r o fit from F a ll c h ic k s m ig h t s u r p r is e u. A ll p r e p a id and G u a r a n te e d s a fe d e liv e r y . C W. CLARK, BOX 155, P E T A L U M A , C A L IF . WE PAY YOU CASH '“¿ r tffïîïï’ Besides General Motors cars, two other well-known utilities—prod­ ucts o f General Motors— may be had on the GMAC Plan of credit purchase: cr o w n s, f a 's e te e th , old p late« diamond*, m agneto point*. W LUTING GOLD RK E l NI NG CO.. W F ifth A ve . M5W YORK Bend gien ls now . h r fer e n te » : ChaAham P h e n ix B ank. New York. S u re To Jam es Ford It bodes, the fam ous his­ torian. said at a dinner In B oston: "In studying great men's lives you are am azed at the abuse their con- i tem poraries heap on their best work. ' W agner Is an exam ple. The finer the m asterpiece W agner turned out. the viler the ridicule that would he v isited on him. Jealousy? No, stupidity." Doctor Rhodes sm iled and ended In j bis epigram m atic w a y : "When you put your best foot fore most people arp sure to step on It." MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL u0, OOG ». WMKtr OU I MIMO'? ARE VOU IRVIUS TELL ME eOMEtWIUG1? ig e VOU VJAHT ME TO r VOU -THROUGH VouR ifiKS, ew A AU. RlGHTI Sure Relief CH.L OVER • • HO*» » Good fo r Mickie! HOVJ A B O U T P l AV i u G D E A D S 0 « MAVBE V O U CA H SPEAK * UJEUU, SUAKB HAHDJ T H E M « G O SH , uAtJT VOU DO A U V TR IC K S A T A U ., EXCEPT "T H A T OKIE IEU S IT U P OH TOUR IIHO LESS • H o ir 6 B ell - ans I Hot water Sure Relief -y ELL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION a D u m b dog of TOURS, M ie t o » » CAIJT ~ HE DO AUT T R ifiK S AT f a l l "» vjht p o u r v o u S 'TfeA C H HIM S O M E ? “ T il w ow o ' b ' - S hould GENERAL MOTORS ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION CHEVROLET » PONTIAC • OLDSMOBILE H A U . A RUCKEt. I m . 147 W .m r t, r U c . New York OAKLAND - BUICK » CADILLAC "¡“ asthma u . » 4 0 FrsncM co, No. 42 -192« THAT LIL DOS «S MV PAU, AHO WWV SH O ULD 1 MAKE HIM LOOK U K £ A S A P OO'WS A LOT OF SlUV TH aetuS^ * £ 'S MV FBI «WO, HOT A PiRFOBM IHS- m ohkev operating the GMAC P la n fnr the [>urcha,e of N o th .« * tw t-- — Qviek - G rs tif» . I « « — S a tla frio v — • MMKlb» fa r a m r a la t , z m .- v In t l M u u d a of h«aM*. N Through the GMAC Plan, sound credit service at very low cost is available to those w ho desire to purchase these products out of income. ~TUA ts C u tic u r a T alcum Unadulterated Exquisitely Scented W DELCO-LIGHT electric light and power plants, which bring the conveniences and labor-saving devices of the city to the farm. Your nearest dealer will he glad to explain how you may adapt the GMAC Plantoyourrequirem ents. 25$ and 75$ PkSs.Sold Everywhere O h .S tj ^ , FRIGIDAIRE electric refrigerators, in whose production General Motors has applied thesame manufacturing processes which have brought the automobile with­ in reach of the average family. FRIGIDAIRE • DELCO-LIGHT C N tw tp e w r V a t« i