s / * t RURAL E A g rc u ltu re H o rtic u ltu re L i v e s t o c k A V eekly Chronicle of Local Events and Progress in Linn Countv VOLUME 15 HALSEY. OREGON WEDNESDAY OCT. 15. 1926 NUMBFR 24 D a iry P o u ltry W ool P. T . A. Hold First Meeting Mrs. Fred Taylor has been High School Notes school student, was in town Friday Veteran Passes Away Jay Moore has traded his resi­ visiting at the home of her father, evening. ____ _ dence property in East Halsey to J. C. Standish, and wife. Fred The P. T- A. held its first ses­ (High School Reporter) Waller Duff for a 5 acre tract of Frank Vennor, 82, veteran of Iris McPherson, who was a high recently purchased a modern home sion of this term at the school The high school classes have building Friday, Oct. 8. Mrs. D. on Oswego lake with lake frontage. elected their officers for the year, school student last year, is now the civil war, died at his home in land adjoining the city of Grants Brownsville Monday morning. Last. Mr. D u i and family ex- going to school at Monroe. H. Sturteva nt, who was elected He goes back and forth to and as follows; Mr. \ enner was one of the surviv­ | pect to move to their new home in president at the last meeting, re­ from his work in Portland. Floyd Walter and Goldie Carter freshm en — Bessie Reynolds ing members of the Brownsville G. Halsey within a abort time. Paul signed the position and Mrs. Inez Three young p?ople from Halsey president, Allan Beene vice-presi- returned to grade school here on A. R. post. Mr. Venner bad been Popraan aud family who have been Freeland was elected to fill the •will be enrolled at the Noreh Pa­ Tuesday, Oct. 12. dent, Ernestine Coleman secretary occupying the Moore property a resident of Linn county for the place. Delegates elected to go t > cific Evangelical Institute this and treasurer, John Miller ser- past 55 years. His first residence have moved into the residence re­ the Parent-Teachers’ congress at winter. Miss Amanda Mitzner, The Christian Endeavor society in the county was at Halsey in the cently vacated by Tom Hover and geunt-at-arms aud Professor Patton Salem were Mrs. B. M. B^nd and who has been spending her vaca­ class advisor. of the Halsey Church of Christ early 70’s when he operated a family, Mrs. A. H. Quimby alternate and tion at home, returned there Mon- served lunch at the Clark Smith photographic studio for about two Sophomores — Bessie Harvey Mrs. C. P. Moody alternate to day to resume her studies, as did Mrs. Adda Letper who recently sale and made $22 above expenses. years. take the place of Mr3. Freeland, Gilbert Carey, while Harvey, president, Frances Norton vice- moved to Albany haa returned and The Eudevvorers wish to express president, Ruth Sturtevant secre­ who is unable to attend. A dis­ will occupy the lower room« of her fight has decided to become a . Arthur Robnctt hug sold his prop­ tary and treasurer and Professor their appreciation to the ladi* r- cussion of fair and club work was student there this term . Halsey residence. Mra. Lloyd who donated pies. Patton class advisor. erty located a short distance east held at this meeting, with the hot e Byerley, her daughter, will be Juniors—Charley Wright presi­ Rev. Joseph S. Miller and wife of Halsey on the Brownsville road with her for a time, and Misa of arousing more enthusiasm Misses Mary Smith and Goldie to A A. Barber. Mr. Barber ex­ along th at line in this community. Willbanks were week-end guests of dent, Roy Safley vice-president, arrived Saturday and are now set­ Maude Ferguaon will have rooms pects to reside there with his there also, A literary program followed the Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Carey of Mary Smith secretary and treas­ tled in the M. E. parsonage. Rev. urer, Carl Sperling manager and j Miller delivered two interesting daughter. Miss Lillian. The sale discuseion, as follows : Eugene. They attended'the Bible Mr. and Mrr. J, H. Stevenaon sermons to his new congregation price is reported to be $1,000. Piano duet —Nellie Falk, Louise Lniveafity reception Friday eves Mrs. Freeland class advisor. and the former’s brother, Baird The seniors have not, yet elected at the Sunday services. Geo. Tycer of Portland wae a Seefeld. ing. Stevenaon of Portland, who has their officers. visitor at the home of John Bress­ Song by the 4th and Cth grade Judging from the num berot “ No Mr. and Mrs. Jess Safley drove ler Monday. He was returning been visiting here for several weeks girls. The freshman clifss also made Hunting” signs that have been dis­ to Newport Sunday and were ac- plans for a return party’ to he from Klam ath Falls, where he had went to Eugene for a viait with Reading— Eloise Smith. Stanley Steveuson and family Reading—Keuneth Workinger. oom pan ied home by Mr. and Mrs given to the sophomores Oct. 22. tributed by the Enterprise office been called by the death of bis Wednesday and returned Thurs­ George Maxwell. Ruth McNeil and Edward Blood the past two weeks the greater por­ son who lived with his grand p a r ­ day. Telephone conversation—Be.--be Reynolds and Ernestine Coleman. have both visited the high school tion of the farming lands in this ents. Mr. and Mrs. O. J Albertson Gilbert Carey and wife were Song—Leila Gansle and Vivian rooms during the last week. district will be posted againet h u n t­ and daughter Vida and Mr. and Get your “ No Hunting" signs at guests of John aud Mary LaRue Frum. Delora Wells, a former high ing by the morning of the 17th. i the Enterprise office. Mrs. Robert Ramsay spent Sunday Sunday. Solo dance—Fern Rossman with Joe Eiliot and family. Piano Trio— Nellie, Peail a n d Mamie Falk. 'I here will be a further discussion of fairs and club work at the next meeting and plans are being made to have a speaker present a t that time. Castor Oil (odorless and tasteless) • Not Specials—but Everyday Prices ■1 on for____________________ 25c Gilbert Carey lias gone to Port­ Spirits of Camphor, 2 oz f o r . . .......... 25c land, where he will be a student at 1 oz................... 15c the N orth Pacific Evangelistic In ­ Tr. Iod jiie in applicator bottle 1 oz 25c stitute this winter. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gansle and Leila drove to Kingston Sunday, visiting F ran k ’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H M. Huntley, and also to Mehama, where Mr. and Mrs. Louie Fritz, relatives ol Mrs. Gansle, reside. M ineral Oil, (purecT rless) 16 oz 1 pt 75c Arom itic Cascara Sagrada, 2 oz___ 25c “ 4 o z .... 50c “ “ M 16 o z . . . . $1.75 1 Epsom Salts, 1 lb ............................... 10c “ “ 3 lb ............................... 25c Pure Glycerine, 5 o z ____________ 25c Boric Acid, 2 o z ________________ 10c “ 4 o*................... 15c W. A. Muller and wife and son “ “ 8 o z ................................. 25c Harold spent Sunday in Albany us guests of relatives. Miss Ellen Var.nice. who teaches school at Alsea, spent the week er.d with her brother Mirwvn and family. Oregon’s total bonded debt is already $166,000,000 Also Formaldehyde, 1 lb ____ _________ 50c “ 1 lb bring your own bottle 45c Mrs. Chester Osburne of Port- And land arrived Thursday to be the guest of her mother, Mrs. Eliza Tanlac...................................................... $1.00 K arnak................................................ $1.10 Brandon, for a few days. The Christian church is p lan­ ning soon to have a new concrete sidewalk north of the church property. V O TE A G A IN S T HI G H ER T A X E S Keep thia list for corn parisorr and future re ference. Halsey Pharm acy ™£5CRlPI We a n there day and n ig h t” Its per capita state debt is the highest in the Union T he Housewives’ Council “ W ater and P ow er” A m endm ent would permit a new political board to issue $ 5 3 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 more bonds, or an increase of 32 per cent to start state adventures in irrigation and power. VOTE 337 X NO Against an issue of $ 5 3 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 of new bonds Against an unlimited amount of new taxes Against creating a board of politician-dictators Against enrolling a new arm y of public officials —y y Against paralyzing industry by bureaucratic despotism * 'Good to the last drop" Against revolutionizing our form of government J i a z tv e li C lo u s e TODA^l — A m e r i c a s la r g e s t J { i g h & r a d e C o ffe e C o ffe e S e llin g , L o c a l D is tr ib u to r !« M. V. KOONTZ CO. Halsey, Oregon Against a wild joy ride without brakes at your expense IN SELF DEFENSE Vote 337 X NO! in November Mountain States Power Company Paid Adv. by Oregon Public U tility Cemunttee— Opposed to the Housewives' Council "W ater and Power ’ Bonding A m e n d m e n t- 424 Pacific Building, Portland. Oregon