rural enterprise I • • Neighborhood News Published Every Wednesday, editor and publisher Wednesday, O»t. 6, 1926 $1 a year in advance A rrearages 12>4c a month Pine Grove Items Alford Arrows B y H ubert L A i . mon I • • (By an Enterpiise Reporter) Albert Heinrich is spending a Mr. and Mrs. W. 0 . Jenks of few dayB1 vacation at home. He Tangent visited at J. H. Rickard s is employed at \alsetz. Sunday. (E nterprise Correspondent) Two new families have moved R#y Hover, Bert Haynes and E. A dvertising, Vtc an inch ; no discount E. u Hover families joined v .«. andtheir -------------- for lim e or space ; no charge for com­ into our community recently, the G kn Davis family to the R ogers' the other members of the Hover position or c jauges, place, vacated by John Willough- family in helping Everett Hover , . _ a cd the Brubaker favily to the celebrate hia 80th birthdcy at his W . j n . Kobert.on .4 H .l..y M l p„ ce. hl„ . H ...i.b = r ! S uod.y. Corvallis on October 1st Lee Ingram and family have a large crowd attended the cade Locks to inspect the construc­ moved to Harrisburg. community meeting Saturday eve- tion work on the Bridge of the Mr. and Mrs. E D. Isom ami " W »"d eui°yed the 8plendid Gods across the Columbia river daughter Beverly visited at Horace | program. ju st below the Cascades. Armstrong’s Sunday. j There are 35 pupils attending the state fair Thursday. The Kirk achool and playebed ia now complete. School has been in session two weeks, with an enrollment of 24 pupils. Mrs. E ither Seefeld, who has been on the sick list for several days, went to Eugene Saturday to consult a doctor. Rev. Mr. Gillette, who has been on an extended visit in the east, returned to the home of his soo, Clarence Gillette, last week, bring­ ing his daughter and granddaugh­ ter from Montana with hint. The Mattsona will visit at the Clarence Gillette home for sometime. Mrs. Whitbeck was a visitor at the H. L. Straley home Monday afternoon. The modern chicken house of M- U. Harding is nearly complete. He and his sons were the carpen­ ters. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bierly and sens and Ava and Edna Falk attended the state fair Thursday. They were at Theo. Falk s over night and on Friday were dinner guests at Conrad Falk's at Salem. They returned to their homes Fiiday afternoon. Miss Jennie Nicewood was a guest at H. J. F alk’s over Friday night. The H. J. F alk family spent Sunday at Everet Waggoner’s. Mr. and Mrs. 0 . J. Albertson and son Lester and daughter Vida were Sunday dinner guests at J. N. Elliot’s. Mr and Mrf. John Rolfe and , the Pine Grove school. Miss Undine Damien visited son Deo visited at the William Mrs. L. E. Eagy Thursday after­ Junk in home at Foster Sunday. noon. The ri«ht start is the making of Mrs. A. E. Whitbcck called on Mrs. J. A. Johnson and daugh­ your business. Mrs. L. II. Straley Monday ter were Albany callers Thursday. We invite you to visit our farm afternoon. Mrs. H. L. Blood and children and look over our flock of trap- neetsd S. C. White Leghhorns. , „ Mrs. . E D. Tsom and dau81,ter j were chopping and having dental .n t Sun. done jn Harri9burg Tuesday. . -----. . . Beverly .„ l,av e! and , daugeter spent bun- For the last ten years we day, Monday and Tuesday iu Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McNeil been breeding poultry from the O Albany last week, visiting and and Ruth transacted business in A. C. stock, the best in Oregon, attending the teachers’ institute. Albany Thursday. and our eggs sales proves our con­ Miss Agnes Chandler attended Mr. and Mrs. W- G. McNeil tention. Albany and Mrs. Albertson attended the Orders are now booked for teachers’ institute in Hatching Eggs, Baby Chix, and Monday anjf Tuesday of last we> k. services held bv the missionaries Breeding Cockerels for 1927 deliv­ at the Halsey Methodist church F r i d a y . __________________ ery. i We have also «bout fifty old I W . L- W R IG H T Spoon River Sparks hens of A one stock; they are ju-t FU N E R A L D IR E C T O R going iato moult, having laid the] (E n te rp ris e Correspondence) O. C. ROSSMAN, Local Manager season through. We will let them | Clifford Babcock aud family and Lady Assistant go at $1.00 each to make room for | F. J. Keen were Albany business All calls answered day or night visitors Saturday. pullets. Phone 255 Pine Grove Poultry and The Cecil Bilyeus were Sunday Halsey, Oregon Visitors at A. L. F alk’s. Dairy farm P. A. Pehrsson, Prop. Misses Grace Kirk and Mearle Straley left for Monmouth last week. Mr. arid Mrs. W. R- Kirk and sons and the G. J. Rikes, accom­ You ladies who have never been able to wear repaired shoes, do not need panied by-M rs. F. W. Falk, at­ to park your worn shoes in the closet any longer. Vou can now have tended the.state fair Tuesday. your »hoes “ reb u ilt" by the new Huronean •H ydro" press method. It is Hiram Bierlv and A. H. Quimby a neat, comfortable and water-proof cem enting process, w ithout the use of left Monday for an extended trip nails or thread. Y our shoes are returned to yon with all the comfort and east. They will visit friends and appearance of a new pair, We have special facilities for rebuilding arch preserver shoes—retaining th eir original shape and giving them a factory relatives in Oklahoma, Nebraska, finish. Hand turned McKay and Goodyear welt shoes are bandied the Wisconsin, Ohio, Virginia, Mis­ same way with this new method. souri and Pennsylvania. Special Noti«-e For Men Mr. and Mrs. W- A. Carey of Park your g >0.1 o l. l and new shoes nt W hite s Shoe Shop. W e take pride Salem spent the waek end with iu giving you quality and service at a reasonable price. their sou, E. E. Carey, and family. White’s Guaranteed Shoe Rebuilding Service Mr. and Mrs. H L. Straley Oppooite Hotel Albany, Lyon St. Albany, Oregon were among those who attended Baby Chix New Parking Notice! Your Clothing Store In This Vicinity P a c ifi^ te m a tio n a l Live Stock Exposition, Portland, Oct. 30-Nov. 6 «3.90 to P o rtla n d and return For use Friday, Saturday and Sunday, return limit Tuesday. 15-day roundtrip tickets on sale daily at slightly higher fare permit stopovers. Convenient trains going and returning. Save 10% to 40% — buy roundtrip tickets Our shipm ent of Holland Bulbs has arrived—a fine lot reasonable in price. Call in and see them Buy them now, while they are cheap. Waxens 25c a box while! they last. Northern Spy 35c and up, Jonathan 40c and up, d' Anjou pears 50c. Please bring contain-1 ers, as we will have to make charge of 20c for boxes. Money ] refunded on boxes when returned. Geo. A. Mitsch, on the old Stratton ] place, east of Brownsville. Albany Creamery Association | M anufacturers of LINN BUTTER wo are better prepared than ever to outfit you with your wearing apparel. W hether its a suit or overcoal, hat. shoes, sweater, or “whatever- else” you will find a range of bonafide values in this store. R E M E M B E R , we are strictly a mens store; our attention is not divided between drygoods, notions, groceries, hardware, and clothing; we buy from the world’s largest reliable manu- facturers, and we buy for your individual needs. and Buyers of Eggs A Farm ers’ Co-operative Creamery ▲ I . 11 A N Y O R E G O N S A .I E T Y Phone 226 TUSSING & TUSSING LAW YERS Halsey aud Brownsville Oregon INSURANCE All kinds at Lowest Rates. W e special­ ize in Auto and T ru ck insurance. J. L. STUART, “ T h e Insurance M an" 120 E llsw orth SL, Albany, Phone 400 The Triangle Mills, 1 nc., m anufacturers of Triangle and Ker ’S Poul­ try feeds, maintain an excellent fielc1 service departm ent. This service is free to any poultryman, simply for the asking. Ask about it. w ____________ _____________________________________________ We Can Give You Good Prices on OIL MEAL "il“ Highest prices paid for poultry end eggs. W e buy wbat tbe farmers bav to sell and sell wbat the farmers have to buy. T. J. Skirvin Seed © HALSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L AND SURPLU S $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited HALSEY Dealer H udson GARAGE in & Tires, Tubes and Accessories G e n e r a l R e p a ir in g ; a n d B a t t e r y W o r k All work done reasonable and guaranteed 1924 Ford Tudor Sedan in s plendid condition. Ford Touring Car with Good Rubber for $35 5 Wlio Wouldd’t Smile Church of Christ [ bla Î n CL0THINGCO] AND Clay P. Moody, Agent Grace Kirk, Grace Pehrsson, Agnea Chandler, Velva Hadley and Mearle Straley are among Halsey girls who are imbibing knowledge at Monmouth this fall. Miss Ruth Finley of Crawfords­ ville was the guest o, her aunt, Mrs. Eliza Erandon, Monday. William Corcoran, who is em­ ployed with a drug company at Oakridge, has been mixing a little hunting with other occupations and has proved his success in th at line by sending his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Corooran, half of a fine deer. Neighbors, including the editor and wife, were generously remembered. John Salash and Linn Norton and their wives left early Wednes­ day morning for a ten-days h u n t­ ing and fishing trip on the Ya- quina. A. M. Dalrymple of Salem, for­ merly warden of the state peniten tiary but now deputy state fire m arshal, was in Halsey Monday and paid the Enterprise office a visit. Arthur Robnett of Eugene was transacting business in Halsey Tuesday. This Fall COM FORT Southern PaelficUnes Apples For Sale Standing year after year with increased pat­ ronage, and an ever widening circle of friends and customers; we realize that the people want dependable merchandise, which is a part of real service, that they want dollar lor dollar values for their hard-earned money; ami wo have builded our business on this basis. We have nover for one moment considered sacrificing our reputa­ tion for value-giving, just to quote you a cheap deceptive price. IN travel Sunday School 10. Preaching 11. Christian Endeaxor 6:80. Preaching 7:80 Clifford L, Carey, Pastor. happily upon opening a box of these delicious candies? To* w onderful assortm ent, various flavors a u d tem pting appearance of these “ lum ps of delight” win to us all loa-ets of good sweets and judges ol confectionary excellence.^ Try them once and see if we ex« aggerate th e perfection of th e n goode. Clark’s Confectionery