O ' 7 o A g rc u ltu re H o rtic u ltu re L i V e s t o c k TERR A Weekly Chronicle of Local Events and Progress in Linn County M M BER 23 <• D a ¡ r y Poul t r y W ool nigh School Notes Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parker and Celebrates 85th Anniversary Dun Cupid got busy in Hulsey At the mass meeting held at the Linn county Farmers’ Union children Irene and Paul and Mis. again Monday with the result that city hall Thursday evening, the (High School Reporter) Sunday was a very pleasant «¡11 hold its fall convention at Blythe were dinner guests st the occasion at the home of Mr«. M. Mrs. Anna Harwick and George following citizen« were nominated A student body meeting i Lake Creek Saturday, all day. home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Maxwell quietly drove to Corvallis for the various city offices: * M. Ward, when she celebrated her Hector Macpherson, candidate for held Wednesday evening, Foote Saturday evening. and were united in marriage. Mrs. For Mayor, Bert 8. Clark; Re­ representative from this county, 85th birthday, with all her chil­ new officers were in charge. 1 Scott We«ley of Omaha, Nebr., dren except two assembled at her Harwick had been employed at the corder, Carl Hill and George will make the address of the morn- officere for the year are; M has been visiting at the home of home with their families. A Maxwell home as housekeeper for , Hayes; Marshal, J. C. Walton aud iog session. Delegates are expect­ tin Koontz president, N< his sister-in-law, Mrs. Effie Wes­ bountiful repast was served at some time. Mr. Maxwell is well J. W. Rector; Treasurer, D. Taylor; ed from all over the county. A Coldiron secretary, Currin Miller ley. known here, having been a resi- Counilmen, (three to tie elected) basket dinner will be servrd. noon aud snapshots taken of the treasurer, Georgina Clark libra- deut of Halsey for many years Clay P. Moody, T. J. Skirvin, O. group, 28 in all, in the afternoon. Halsey was well represented nt nan, Andrew Conner yell leader, Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell proceeded W. From, C. H. Koontz, E. C. Mrs. J. W. Hussey and sons i Mary Smith reporter and Cyrus the community club meeting at Mrs. Ward came to Oregon around t'o Newport after the wedding Miller, J. C. Drinkard, W. F. George and Harry and daughter years ago, her husband being * Pine Grove Saturday evening I I 50 I McAllister sergeant-at-arms. veteran of the civil war. Four ceremony for a short honeymoon White and Kart Bramwell, Hope, H- L. Straley and family The sophomore class entertained Several numbers were added to generations were represented at the Wip. Congratulations and best sod Alec Snodgrass were among the evening's program by Halsey gathering. Present were Mra. F. The services held by the mis­ folks east of town who attended the freshman class Friday eveu- wishes are in order from the En­ local talent. Little Miss Fsrn Ross and son Harold and family, terprise. sionaries at the M. E. church the Salem fair Thursday aud Sat­ , *ng. The sophomores examined Rossmau, who is a skilled toe ¡Mrs. Hester Saylor and Mr. and tin freshmen carefully to fiud out Friday were well attended and urday. if they were intellectual enough to dancer, pleased the audience with | Mrs. Ray Schydler, all of Port­ Mr. and Mrs. George Laubner, much enjoyed. There were eight A large delegation from the M. to be high-school students. None a dance, Mrs. George Hayes play land ; W. J. Moore and wife of who recently purchased the D. 8. missionaries, but four had tickets E. church went again last Sunday were fond wanting in any respect ing the piano. Mrs. Jess Cross and Brownsville, David Fromau and McWilliams property in east that would not allow a stop in to hold services at tbe Mexican S they will hereafter be recognized a-i Misses Mary Smith and Louise wife sod Marguerlo Ward of Al­ Halsey, are moving into it this Hasey, so were taken on to Port­ Seofeld gave a very pleasing piano bany, E. G. Ward and son Ferris week. They have been busily land. Those of the baott who P. workers’ quarters near Shedd. member^ of the student body. selection. Sandwiches, pickles, and Mrs. Florsnce Leeper of Eu­ It is reported that great interest engaged putting the property into stopped over and made addresses After the freshmen had been cake and coffee were served. Those gene and Mist Mary LaRue and A1 shape the last few weeks and were Mrs. Mary H ill,-a retired was shown. Bible literature examined all present enjoyed a present from Halsey were Mr. and John LaRue of Halsey. written in Spanish had been sent social hour. Refreshments were it makes a very attractive home. missionary after 25 years in China, Mrs. Frank Gatisle and daughter for and was distributed at this served by the sophomores at the While the ladies were busily and Dr. Henry Weeche and son meeting. Leila, Mr. and Mrs. Rossman and Mrs. Mary E. Robnett was a close of the evening. engaged iu prepanne noon lunch Kenneth P. Wesche and wife, who daughter I'ern and Mrs. Rossman’s Halsey visitor Wednesday. She Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Tooth, who are all on their way to China. A at the M. K. church Friday in the mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. O Cross, was en route from Portland, where took apartments iu Eugene for a Mr. and Mrs. Saylor were dinner Karl Bramwell and family and classroom, off from the aid room, bountiful basket dinner was sarved she visited her sister, Mrs. Cathey, tbe wall caught fire from a litle at noon to a lergo crowd, and a time, started on a sight-seeing guest* of Mrs. Edith Robuet Sun­ Misses Mary Smith and Laura to her daughter’s home in Browns- tour of California Thursday. day. beating stove and when noticed supper from tha ‘‘ fragments,” Seefeld. ville. was burning merrily. Some far­ which fairly made the fables groan sighted person seized a kettle of with their burden, was served in hot water f.oia the stove and put evening. Rev. Joseph Miller, the it out and the danger was averted, the new minister in charge at the though the wall behind the stove church, was able to bo present the morning and made a very wash lackened and scorched. interesting talk. Mrs. Walter McClelland of! Camp Meeher, Cal,, and daughter! Mrs. Elta Gates and little son Glen of San Jose, Cal., arrived Sunday for a visit with their par­ ents and grandparents respectively, Mr. and Mrs Frank Gray, and other relatives. Ten percent of the farms of Oregon have electric service, all from This is the Difference Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Ridings of Eugene motored down Thursday and were joined by Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Skirvin and all attended the state fair. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bramwell attended the state fair Wednasday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A J. Hill ahd Mr and Mrs. Ben Holt also attended Friday. Mrs. Ruth Clark and daughter Betty drove over from Brownsville with Rev. and Mrs. Audley B.oirn Friday to attend the services and basket dinner at the M. E. church. regulated utilities. Less than three percent of the farms of Ontario, Canada, enjoy the benefits of such service. FOR BABY’S COMFORT AND HEALTH I.ct us show you our lin e of Goodrich nipples, water bot­ tles, infant syringes, and nursery sheeting. Goodrich Rev. and Mrs. Robert Parker! nr.d children Irene and Paul and RUBBER GOODS Mrs Blythe left by auto Tuesday tor their new home at North Bend. ’ Halsey They stopped over night with ’T/JCRI ■ Pharmacy friends at Creswell. ecial In Oregon the regulated utilities are extending their lines as fast as business conditions reasonably permit. Gradually but steadily that service to rural communities is increasing. Ontario, served in part by the provincial government, serves the centers of population. Government operation means political operation. Political operation is after the votes. The Housewives’ Council “W ater and Power” Amendment gives an inexperienced board absolute authority to spend fifty-three million dollars from the sale of state bonds, for which all property in the state would be mortgaged. I he farmer-taxpayer helps to guar­ antee the debt, but the Ontario experiment shows who gets the service. For Friday and Saturday, October, 8 and 9 Double bed size Cotton Blankets plain colors N ash u a B ia p k e ts PARTWOOL W h en " y u w n i n f tim e corner you’ll a p p re c ia te your N ashua B lankets of Part W o ol. W arm , bea«iflftil an*l full o< v a lu e — th e y re e ve ry th in g a blanket shou ld he. M any n e w a nd diMin« ttve c o lo rin g * to fit th e n e w i