ENTERPRI A g rc u ltu re H o rtic u ltu re L iv e s to c k A Weekly Chronicle oi Local Events nnd Progress in Linn County VOLLME 15 HALSEY, O R B 'iO N WEDNESDAY SE PT 29, 1926 - Local and Personal Mention - China phesant hunting season is soon rolling round and who doesn’t like a pbesant fried nice and brown? I through a committee of Albany ' business men at the noon luncheon Mr. and Mrs. P. A, Pehrsson took Grace to Monmouth, Sunday afternoon to attend normal school again this year. Mrs. Frank Gansle and daughter Leila have been visiting relatives iu Oregon City. They were met ut Salem, Tuesday by Mr. Gansle and all enjoyed an afternoon at the fair before returning to H al­ Mrs. C. P. Moody joined Mrs. Minnie McMahan of Portland on the train here Thursday and to­ gether they went to Florence where they attended a meeting of the Eastern Star. in Portland. Mrs. Hannah Cummings has beeD the guest of her daughter, Miss Maude Ackley took the Mrs. John Gormley for some time Vain for Portland Tuesday even­ while Mr. Gormley is picking ap ing. pies at Hood River. Mrs. Hetlie Saylor and Mrs. Chas. L. Falk jr. had the mis Ward visited relatives at Browns, fortune to have a regisiered nine ville and Crawfordsville last week. month olu Percberon colt killed on Mr. and Mrs. A. J Hill and Ben the highway south of town Suu H olt and family visited at Harris­ day. Mr. Falk thought the colt burg Sunday. safe in the barn at the time it was Linn county is to have the larg­ struck by an auto. The colt was est and beFt equipped condensed quite valuable having won several and powdered milk plant in Oregon prizes at the fairs. Mr. Falk had to be built in Oregon by the Ore­ another registered horse killed less gon Milk company, now operating than a year ago by being Btruck by a plant at Scio, if. plans material­ a car while be was leading it be­ ize as presented by the company hind a wagon on the highway. 300 Head of Livestock at Auction at Tangent on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, beginning at 10 o’clock the following: 153 hogs consisting of 40 pies, 28 feeder thoats, 17 brood sows due to farrow soon, 10 open gilts, 6 sows with 52 pigs, 120 ewe? and 10 yearling Shrop buck!’, 4 milch cows and 3 horses. Lunch will be served on the grounds Usual Terms. M. L. FORSTER, Owner Ben T- Sudtell, Auctioneer, Albany Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L AND SU R PLU S $35,000 Commercial and Savinas accounts Solicited HALSEY Dealer « GARAGE in & ^ S EX Tires, Tubes and Accessories G e n e r a l R e p a i r in g a n d B a t t e r y AU work done reasonable and guaranteed 1924 Ford Tudor Sedan in splendid condition. Ford Touring Car with Good Rubber for $3.> Pine Grove Items Lake Creek Locals (By an Enterprise Reporter) (By an Enterprise Reporter) home near Corvallis. Horace Blood and family atten d ­ ed the Lane county fair at Eugene Thursday. "S A R A A N N D U P L IC A T E " Grand Champion Holateln Cow at Pacific International Llveetock Exposition and ‘‘All-Am erican” Aged Cow for 1925. Owned by C. S. Potter of Ogden, Utah The Pine G rovj community meeting will be held Saturday evening, October 2nd. Floyd Nichols and family aitend- d the countv fair Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Underwood and son Jack of Moumouth visited at J. R. Modes Suuday. Mrs J. R. Mode and son drote to Salem Wednesday and brought Mrs. Ruby Dorsey home from the Hospital. Miss Agnes Chandler visited friends in Corvallis Saturday. O. Becker aud wife of Monroe visited N E. Chandler and wife Sunday. A Number of friends aud rela­ tives were eutertained at the Eagy home Saturday afternoon. Dean Bilyeu laft Monday for If Cliff P o tter of Ogden, Utah, had ten-acre Exposition—the Dairy Dlvi kept his H olstein cow a t home, she sion w ith the w onderful anim als of would have been known only to the the various breeds; the Pox section people of U tah as a very good cow. | showing five hundred pens or more of But Cliff P o tter Is a man of vision and silver, black and blue fox, brought he sent h it H olstein, "S ara Ann Dupli- i from all points of th e U nited S tates ca te ” Into the h o ttest com petition to and Alaska. Through th e Sheep De­ be found In America—she came to the partm ent, surpassed by none In the Pacific International L ivestock Ex- country—IS breeds being represented position in 1925. T here she was made this yenr. Then into the H orse Divi- G rand Champion H olstein of the Show »ion, w here you'll see the heavy draft and la te r was made th e wonder-cow and show horses. The Hog section of th e breed for the year, having re- will exhibit five of tBb noted breeds calved the honor of th e “All-American'' j of swine. T hen to th e Beef section aged cow—an honor which Is outstand- with four of th e different breads of ing In the H olstein breed. beef and dual-purpose cattle. The best livestock of th e various : In the industrial section will be breeds will alw ays be found at the Pa- found m anufacturers of all types, clfic International and th is y ear will showing raw products from the begin be no exception. T herefore, lovers of nlng to th eir finish. Also a wonder- livestock should m ake it a polht t o ! fui Land P roducts Show and a splen- set aside th e week of Oct. 30-Nov. 6 did Dairy P roducts Division, for th eir annual livestock vacation As all railroads a re m aking a rate and education. of a fare and a th ird for the round It Is an inspiration to go through trip, our readers should see their Valsetz where lie w ill be em ployed th e various departm ents of this big. agents at once and get full particulars. at a saw mill. The many friends of Rev. Robert Parker and family were greitly surprised and grieved after the convening of conference at Corval­ lis to hear of his removal to a charge at North Eend. A petition whs circulated and signed by many members as a last resort, with tin hope of keeping him on at this place but it was of uoavailand the family are making preparations to go to their new home. To sa y they will be greatly missed is putting it mildly, but their many friends wish them success in their new home. Rev. Joseph Miller, recent­ ly of North Dakota will he in charge here for the coming year. Mrs. H. L. Almon was a sur­ prised and pleased hostess to six­ teen members of the missionary society Monday afternoon. The surprise was very well planned and orked out well. Mrs. Biandon first dropping in, seemingly for a call, followed by Mrs. Sneed, but the surprise did not take effect un­ til the main body of the party a r­ rived and the astonishment of the hostess seemed even great enough to satisfy the most exacting guests. A very beautiful casserole was p re ­ sented to Mrs. Almon by the so­ ciety, and delicious candy made by Mesdames Starr and Hadley was served. Tho»e present were Mesdames Eliza Brandon, Sneed, Wrigbt, Frank Hadley, Frank, Gray, Penland, B. M. Miller, Geo. S tarr, S. J. Smith, A. W. Foote, B M- Bond. J. C. Standish, M. E. Gardner and Miss Beulah Miller. Baby Chix HALSEY STATE BANK NUMBER 21 P. A. Pehrsson and Miss Pearl Mr. and Mrs. George Ledger« Pehrsson drove to Corvallis Fri­ wood and M rs.Luthur Brock drove day. Miss Pehrsson remained to to Eugene Sunday to visit Mrs. enter O- A- C. Rannal Brock who is iu the hos­ Miss Eunice Sylvester is prac­ pital there. They found her rest- tice teaching a t the childrens fa rm iug well. of the Albany chamber of com­ merce Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Corruthers of Oregon City arrived Wednesday for a visit with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gray. Thursday sey. they continued on to Klamath David Foote aod wife returned Falls for a visit. Monday from a weeks visit with John K. Standish arrived from O. J Tooth and wife at Eugene. Reno, Nevada Monday, and will Misa Nettie Spencer was in H al­ take a short vacation at the home sey Friday, and was a pleasant of his uncle and aunt, Mr, and caller at the Enterprise office. Mrs. J. C. Standish. Miss Spencer who has taught W. L. Wright, the Chevrolet school for several years, has taken dealer in this territory delivered a needed vacation the la9t two, and new Chevrolet coach to George is making her home in Corvallis. Maxwell Tuesday. Prof. Patton and family motor­ Mrs. Johnson has opened the ed to M t. Angel Sundav and view­ dining room at the Hotel Sylvian ed the ruins of the college build­ a id the service of Mrs. Shipman of ings which were destroyed by fire Eugene secured as cook. Regular last week. Thev also visited Sil­ meals or fancy dinners to older verton and Woodburn. such as banquets etc., will be serv­ Mrs. Mary Hayes went to Port­ ed. Mrs. Shipman ha9 had much land Monday where she will visit experience in cooking and is said for a time nt the home of her to do excellent work. daughter, Mrs. Grace Nash. Mrs. James McMahan delight fully entertained the Halsey and Grant Brown and family, cousins of C. P. Moodv stopped over for a Brownsville Past Grand clubs at visit with the Moody family Tues­ her home east of Halsey last about day and Wednesday enroute from Thursday afternoon. thirty-five members were present. a visit at Yoncalla to their home John Bryant, Clerk Where Champions Are Made P a ir y P o u ltry Wo ol Bert Haynes anil family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hover, K. E. Hover aod eon Robert visited Mr. and On Friday, October 1, there will Mrs. A rthur Springgate near Row­ be an nil-day missionary meeting land Sunday. at the lical Methodist church. It is expected that six missionaries who will sail for China on Oct. 14, will be present and be accompan­ ied b> Rev. C. W, Ruth of Indian apolis, Indiana Among the mis­ sionaries is a medical doctor who I f volunteering his services in that field. Services will he held at 10:30, 2:C0 and 8:00 o’clock. Basket dinner at noon. A ll-Day Missionary Meeting P. A. PthiMoo, Prop. FARMER8 CAN MAKE MORE MONEY If you are not making ne much money as you think you should with your hogs, cattle and sheep, here is the solu­ tion of your problem. INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD TONIC will help you to make more money by put­ ting more weight on your farm nnimals and by increasing the milk flow of your cows, and it will also help you to save grain feed. It has been constantly and successfully used by thousands or farm­ ers for over 27 yuars. Investigate it. Church of Christ Sunday School IU. Preaching 11. Christian Endeavor 7. Preaching 8. Clifford L. Carey, Pastor. M . E. Church Robert Parker pastor. Sunday school, 10. Preaching, 11. Junior League, 2:30, Epworth league, 7. Preaching, 8. Prayer-meeting, Thursday, 8. Bible S tu ly Tuesday, 2. Easy to Sell at Good Profit wo caaav Chirstmas Cards with sender's in engraved effect. Over GO indi­ vidual styles on quality stock, lovely colors, lined envelopes. Over 1.50 sentiments to choose trom, of love, friendship, Christian cheer charmingly expressed Deal­ stock to ers or individuals writo today. The ri»bt start is the makiug of S tart taking orders NOW. Deal your business. direct with the manufacturers. We invite you to visit our farm Levison Priming Company and look over our flock of trap- 1543 Califorhia »t. San Franc iscio. Ca nested S. C. White Leghhorns. Notice To Creditors For tbe last ten years we have Notice is hereby given that the under­ been breeding poultry from the O. A. C. stock, the beet in Oregon, signed haa been duly appointed by the aod oar eggs sales proves our con­ C ounty Court of the State of Oregon lor Linn county, adm inistrator of tbe estate tention. of Elizabeth A. McNeil, deceased, and Orders are now booked for haa qualified. Hatching Eggs, Baby Cbix, and All persona having claims against said Breeding Cockerels for 1927 deliv­ estate a rt hereby required to present them , duly verified, with the proper ery. vouchers within six (6) m onths frotu the j We have also about fifty old date ot this notice, to the undersigned hens of A one stock; they are j'ist I adm inistrator at the office of Hill, Marita going into moult, having laid tbe i A McMahan, in tbe Cusick Building, season through. We will let them j in Albany, in Linn Connty, Oregon. Dated and first published this lStli go at 11.00 each to make room for ilay oi September, 1426. pullets. W. O. MeNEIL, Pine Grove Poultry and Dairy Farm Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brock and Dorris visited at A. L. Owen'a Suuday afternoon. Mrs. Charlie Nelson and family had as a week end guest, Mrs. Wilson’s mother of Springfield. Mr. Jones of H arlan recently purchased some goats of Thomas Ardry. lie said Mrs. O Taulk, formerly of this place but now in California, is in verv poor health us the result of an automobile a c ­ cident several months sgo. Mrs. Taulk is Mrs. Jones' mother. The Missionary society ot Peoria met with Mrs. M artin Cummings Thursday afternoon. Ten mem­ bers were present and Mrs. Henry Brock was a visitor. Rev. W. B. Smith the new m ini­ ster preached Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. George Bsyne, Mrs. W. B. Smith hnd L. C. Hughes of Peoria were present, Mr. ai-d Mrs. H arry Davis, C. 8. Williams and family, Martin Cumming and Mrs. Loyd Simon and children were among those from here who attended the Ken­ dall sale near Oakville Saturday. N. H. Cummings and family spent Friday at the county fair. Lucile Herndon went with them. Administrator. Hilt, Marks it McMahan, Attorneys lor Adndaistrator. ? F O R S A LK BY ‘We are there day and night’ W» ■■■■ Halsey Pharmacy LATEST AUTUMN Coats, Dresses and Hats An especally consigned collection of sm artest new modes direct from New York through the wholesalers. By far the most im portant showing here at our store, one day only— Thursday, September 30th The wholesalers assure us the adding of many im portant lines after an ex­ tensive trjp to tbe eastern style cen­ ters, picking only tbe choicest appar. el from leading m anufacturers, and featuring new specialized styles for tbs “hard to fit" little women or one of tbe more ample propnrtioos--youtb- ful slenderizing styles for all. New Fall Coats $12.75 to $75.00 Charming Frocks $8.95 to $39.75 Felt and Velvet Hats are Smart $ 3 9 5 to $ 1 0 .0 0 M. V. KOONTZ CO. Halsey, Oregon