Coming tc Albany GLOBE, Albany Dr. Mehenthin Sunday Monday and Tuesday September 26-27-28 Norma Talmadiro In Spec* Hist in Internal Medicine for the past flfte» n years returned to their Halsey home after an extended stay in Cali­ fornia. ^/7lbany^7)irectory T. J. Skirvin had business which cilled him to Bend, Oregon, the latter part of the week. 405 West F irst BUTTER-NUT BREAD ‘ regular gradual« in medicine and surj -ry and is licensed by the state of Ore» n. He does not operate for chrouic tppendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of ■ «ntach, tonsils or adenoids. lie lias to his cred» wonderful results in diseases of the st aiach, liver, bow­ els, blood, skin, n e r, ■«, heart, kidneys, street, Albany, Oregon. bladder, bed wetting, ttarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, eg ulcers and rec­ Miss Velva Hadley will leave tal ailments. EMNTEL W RECKING CO- ! Below are the nam s o f a few of his Sunday for Monmouth where she 1 436 W est 1st many satisfied patter s in Oregon will go for teachers’ traiuing. Miss Used Parts for all cars Mrs. \Y. J. Mar in, Moro, high blood pressure M rs. Peter We ibnrg, Colton, •'toriiach trouble. Mrs. Halvor N -ison, Chinook, Washington, goitr M artin Jorgesso t. Astoria, nerve trouble, Mrs. James Elli i. Coquille, gn 11 stones. James Suess, Ls reside, ulcers of stomach. J . R. Jenkins, J ilverton, circu­ latory trouble. Salem , S ep t. 27*Oct. 2 Good u n t i l ....................................... ’ Grace Pehrsson will also be a P R A N K (i W ILL. Jew eler student there again this winter. * 326 west 1st street Rev. Avoid crowded highways; com fortable trains daily at convenient hours. For wonderful values in sp a rk lin g gems, Peter Parker is in attend­ gold and silverw are of very best quality V All Ages J ust Dote A RI N K L IÂT p a RLO R S (A beauty aid for every need) St. F rancis H otel. W inifred Rose, Prop. on our delicioui v flavored ice ROSCOE AMES H A R D W A R E « reams. We bay- all varieties of The W inchester Store The New Verdol Frame frozen delicacies. Rich, luscious, A Princeton frame th at is becom- G EA R S GROCERY rooting, perfectly rozen creams— 1st and Perry W. O. Church. 5 tg r. ing to almost every' face. Huy where you Dollar buys more the joy of the heit otened summer, The Cambridge with its high 1 he delight of the ‘esti'vi 1 winter — arched bridge ate some of the new tits all tho yenr «1 licacy de luxe! frames for fall. A>k to see tho Waldo Anderson and Son, Props new samples. - Highway Garage - ; The Triangle Mills, 1 ne., S ta te F a ir Go this year—a bigger state fair th an ever before. Fake th e w hole family, travel by train and save tim e, m oney and nervous energy. R educed fare is for u s e .......................... ance at the Methodist district con­ Notice is hereby g iie n that the under JJO L M A N & JACKSON ference at Corvallis this week. signed has been appointed executor of . G rocery—Bakery the last will and testam ent of John R. E verything in the line of eats Milford Muller, Thomas Miller, Gould, deceased, by the conntv court of O pposite Postoffice tra n k Koontz and George Cross l.inn County, Oregon. All persons hav­ ing claims against said estate are hereby are among O. A. C. students this IM P E R IA L CAFE, 209 W. First A H arold G. M urphy Prop. required to present same to the under­ year and are rooming together. Phone 665 signed at his office in Shedd, Oregon, Delos Clark will join them later W e n e v er close duly verified and with proper vouchers as by law required w ithin six months M agneto electric co . Remember abov • date, th at con­ from date of this notice. A *■ Investigate the new Prestolite Dated and first published this Septem­ sultatili» on this I ip will bo free Battery prices before buying. and that his treati tent is different ber 22. 1926. M arried women tns-tt be accompanied l i e n aud money are best wh«‘tt C. J. SHEDD, Executor. by th eir husbands. busy. Make your d o llars work in I.. I,. Swan, A ddress; 211 Bi«dbury bldg., Los our savings departm ent. A lbany S tate Attorney for Executor. Angeles, Cal. B ank . U nder government« supervision. Clark s Confectionery R o u n d trip to th e Oregon Chrysler Cars Atwater Kent Radios J e w e le r s , Accessories and Supplies Optometrists and Manufacturing' - Day and Night Storage - Opticians Meade & Albro ALBANY OREGON. 1st and Baker Sts ALBANY OREGON Southern Pacific Clay P. Moody, Agent Mr atid Mrs. B. M. Bond aud son Wellington and Mr. and Mrs. at lowest rate of interest. F. Buford Morris attended the Red Insurance Cross banquet and program held Real Estate Prom pt service, courteous treatment. at Harrisburg Friday. «They re­ W m - B a in , Room 5, F irst Savings Bank bnilning. Albany port a very enjoyable evening and th at plans were made for the selling of red cross seals at Christ­ mas time for the raising of funds needed to carry on the work of the Laundry sent Tuesdays organization. FARM LOANS A Modern Barber Shop Agency H ub C leaning Works Notice of Appointment of Ad ministratrix. Notice is hereby given that the under signed by an order of the,C ounty Court of Linn County, Oregon has been ap­ pointed A dm inistratrix of the estate of Edw ard N. Fairo deceased, (whose true name was Norman Neal Rogga and who served in the U nited States Army under nam e of Edward N. Fairo.) All persons having claims against said estate are re- q u ired to present them w ithin six in .in th s from the date of this notice, w ith the proper vouchers, to the under­ sign td at the office of Tussing S: Tug- sing, at Halsey in Linn County, Oregon. Dated and first published this 25th day of A ugi'st, 1926, ELLA ROGGA, A dm inistratrix Aforesaid. Tussing & Tussing, Attys. for Admx. manufacturera of Triangle and Ker s I’otll- try feeds, maintain an excellent fielc acrvice dopartnieiit. 'flu’s service is free to any pouitryinaii, simply for flie asking. A B E ’S P L A C E Why suffer from headache? Have your eyes examined Dr. Seth T. French W’ th F. M. French & Son Jewelers Optometrists Albany P. B. 8 H. I Truck J daily service Route all freight, Auto F reight Ter­ minal, Door 39. Phone EAst 5004 Leave Portland each dav at 4:00 p. ni. Leave Halsey each day at 3:30 p. m. Halsey Depot, Swift & Co. Ask about it. Portland, Brownsville and Harrisburg Truck Line O. w . I'R Y M * TUSSING & TUSSING LAW YERS Halsey and Brownsville Wt (a n (live ou Good Prices on Oregon OIL MEAL D ELB ER T STARR Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer Highest prices paid for poultry , nd eggs. s uperior' Range W e buy what (he farmers h a v , to sell and sell what the farmers ha-re to buy. BfflDGE'B’EACH T. J. Skirvin Seed (5 + + + 4-4<4^'4i 4 / 4,414,44 «44 <4 44-4,44-. W h y Bridge-Beach “ S u p e rio r” R anges A re P re fe rre d I ianos Player Pianos, Grands, t Reproduc’.ng Grands a n d E)ec. 1 t,lc Pianos of All Kinds in construction—made of Superior cast iron—famous for its Q Superior durability. $ First cost is reasonable—will give long service w ithout repairs. The hi­ ¿best grade pianoe made—ba r nothb «, lf yr u want a piano of real value, I any a I l l l l d w i n P la r ii » Th« at) I $ 4- £ i you will be sure of hiving the beet. Try c her makes J then compare with thu Baldwin It ne you can .dainty see and hear the difference I proa » you a •quare deal if you buy a piano from tie. I wo car loads of Pianoe now arriving whir a won’t last long—we rell Pianos and lots of them. It in own look over our stock, pick out the one you like an d w ■ will keep U for you u util ready —but pick it out now. LEE G. DAVIS, Proprietor DAV ENPOKT’ MUSIC HOUSE, «” m Q E a s ily o p e r a t e d - r e s p o n d in ­ stantly to draft control - ready for Q cooking as soon as fire is started. fT M Give healthful, odorless warmth in winter permit free ventilation of kitchen in sum m er, as breezes do not affect the flames. Q ’ Large shelf and — warming ------— w — — - — ..»j cooking CUURIHR • urface on w hich to keep foodj warm. Provide an abundance of hot water Q foe all household uses. C f cannot use with fuel children— that can­ Safe in upset— th e home a ik h v not spill, leak or explode. i * 1 j T he Name is a Guarantee of Quality H appy ¡g th e woman who has a Bridge-Beach Superior” R ange in her kitchen—for she knows «he will get th e results she expects from her cook- >ng and bakii »g — light, fluffy biscuits, perfect oread, juicy re asts, tender steaks an& delicious cakes and past ties. The secret is the scientific ° \ e.n ’ ,he Pcrfe. -t draft controls and the ease with which the heat V maintained at a constant tem- IS* If vou have not 8een the ntw Bridge- B«»ch Superior” Ranges, we will be glad to show you the complete L n e. P r i c e s »6.5.00 io $ 1 2 5 .0 0 ’Wlc» tifully cnar With nickel and arc set 1 o f fin» ’h to select from—beau­ leled . w plain black— many trimmir a. All have high closet ip from t r on sanitary base. hi ll & co. Halsey ■ K - • 2 L A D Y A S S IS T A N T Brownsville, Oregon W . L. W R IG H T FUNERAL DIRECTOR D. C. ROSSMAN, Local Manager Lady A ssistant All calls answered day or night Phone 256 Halsey, Oregon C. G. HAMER General Draying and Hauling A n v w here-Any time For quick service Phone 16xG Albany Creamery Association M anufacturers of LINN BUTTER and Buyers of Eggs A F a r m e r s ’ C o -o p e ra tiv e C re a m e ry