OUR COMIC SECTION! FAVORS FINE SILK WEAVES; HATS FOR COLLEGE GIRLS (ires« for daytim e wear, th at In. the y ear when thought» tu rn mostly to sort In which bodice and skirt a re outfitting daughters of the house ream ed a t the w aistline. As to Just hold for "going aw ay to school." It Where th a t w aistline should be Is a seems peculiarly fo rtu n ate th a t the subject much under discussion among ' new felts and sports velvet huts the dtess creators of France. Humor | should be so apropos of th e occasion has It, th a t the w aistline is moving I —so typically collegiate in appear- up. even unto norm al is the forecast. | ance. F or th a t is Just w hat th e new He f l a t ns it may. many of the most draped crown nnd ripple britn felt and st.vl.'h frocks snapshotted at th e velvet hats a re —the sort th e college Grand Prix races expressed sentim ent girl adores. for the m oderately low waist. T here T here Is everything In the way of « e rr Interesting versions and varied, detail to upitettl to youth In th is sen­ ior In some Instances the w aistline son's early headw ear. Note f o r I n . carved up a t the iron' droop'n, Famous Last Words (Copyright. the featherheads FANNVDFAQ..' ' /ETHEL SCÜDDEC SO j DDEC, JUSTASKED M uto. Stou AND SAID SHE HAD; WHY I HAVEN'T SEEN ETHEL IN __ / LOTS To T e l l . m onths / / NEAT W O R K .FE L IX ' VouQ WIFE IS A VERY NICE sthel / W E I L A FELLOW < HAS To USE A SlT LADY AND A VER? PUNK/ OF STRATEGY-THoSi T w o will talk all < golfe 12.------------J ' \A F T e CXJ co XI___ TWO DAYTIME FROCKS ceptibly at the hack, and often the simple strnlght-around type was stressed. Roth models In this pic­ ture Instance the latter. Seam ed-at-the-w alstllne modes nec­ essarily involve the question o ' sk irt fullness, a problem which the P aris sty list adroitly solves eith er by m eans of a circu lar cut or by plait­ ing, sm ocking and w hat Is consldeied of vast im portance a t th is moment shirring. It Is a fact th a t everything / OH F E L IX -WAI17/ e T hel wants T o learxj H ow TO PLAY - AND so well B oth go around . with Y ou TX>?S-------. / / n o w -LETS ' - VOULU HAVE T o show I lured in the center of this group. Not "Illy Is the soft felt draped “to the queen's taste," hut It has the trickiest narrow licit nnd buckle about Its shapely crown, and th a t Illu strates an outstanding fact about today's felt shapes, they simply revel In clever stra|>s and belts of self m aterial as the h at Itself. R olling brims, aye! th ere's a favorite topic with th e college girl. Well, th e rolling b r im Is here In all Its becom lngness this season. See the rom antic roll of the brim In the felt h at shown a t the top of the pic­ tu re nnd notice the crease crown and the ribbon binding on the brim edge ME F A N N Y - D O ( I JU ST F A N \ A T IT ? / THE KITCHEN CABINET W e m u et be as c m a n aa to a p ic tu r e w illin g to g iv e th e g o o d li g h t .— E m e r e u i sm all pepper pod. Cook gently until the tongue is tender. Remove from the broth, cool and peel off the skin In a saucepan w ith four tablespoon­ fuls of sugar, one tablespoonful each of ground cloves, allspice, and one cupful of w ater, and one-half cupful of vinegar, sim m er until the llq-ild Is entirely evaporated. T urn the tongue j often. Chill and cut Into thin slices und garnish w ith lemon and parsley. C ucum ber Soup— Peel nnd slice two large cucum bers, rem ove the seeds and boll in salted w ater for ten minutes. -Melt tw o tahlespoonfuls of b u tter In a deep frying pan, put in the drained cucum ber, cover and cook gently for h alf an h o a r; drain, put through a sieve. Mix two tablespoonfuls of but­ te r with two of flour, add a quart of w hite stock and a pint of milk, add the cucum ber and sim m er for a few min­ utes. B eat the yolks of two eggs with tw o tahlespoonfuls of heavy cream, add to the soup and serve a t once. R iches are so g reat a tem ptation to ease and self-lndulgenee, to which men a re by n a tu re prone, th a t the glory Is all th e g re a te r of those who were horn to am ple fortune, nevertheless tak e an active p a rt in the work of th e ir generation. Keeping busy, doing som ething w orth while, saves many a doctor’s bill and many hours of suf­ fering. Children's Lunch Boxes. Packing n school lunch box five days a week for th irty w eeks or more on a stretch Is power­ ful constant and monotonous. Of course children to do g o o d w o rk m u s t b e w e ll n o tt r 1 s h ed and a _____ when possible It Is best to give them a warm dinner at night. For the outdoor w orker and th e office woman the lunch m ust vary In quantity and som ew hat in qunllty, but there are general directions which will apply to all lunch packing. T here Is no one who Is so blind to the niceties of life th a t he does not MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL AS MAO - r w HABIT o f M O RNIN J PAPER, AS HI ,M HE "TRIED THE F riday while driving i , ano now TH' car - 0 NEW MS IT DID GROFP l F A nd mis W if e have S he WAKTH l D "TO NAkAE - N E W D O G "fffc x rre u M S ,’ W h il e O ra M e lo o u t P o r - s h e p * IM PAR ! A D » FR A U ? PIUFP HAS