o A g rc u ltu re H o rtic u ltu re L iv e s to c k ENTERPRI A \ \ eekly Chronicle of Local Events and Progress in Linn County V O L U M E 15 Halsey Schools M ake Good Start I) a i r y P o u 11 r y W ool HALSEV, OREGON WEDNESDAY SEPT. J. C. Walton was most pleasant­ ly surprised Saturday afternoon by a visit from his sister, Mrs. H. J. Linniberg and niece, Mrs. A. S. Hoeck from Portland. They have been spending several weeks in California and on their way home visited in Harrisburg with Mrs. Linneberg’s brothers, L. E. Wal- ton and J. W. Moore. They left Tuesday for Portland, stopping at Albany and Salem visiting friends. P . T . Association to Moot Oct 8 Pine Grove Items Spoon River Sparks They Got W hat They W ent AfSe- That vacation days are over is The P. T. A. will hold its first (E n te rp ris e Correspondence) (By an Enterpiise Reporter) proven by the busy hum around E. D. Isom and John Willbanka meeting at the school building C. B. Philpott left Monday for the school building these last few Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hoover of returned Friday from a successful Friday, Oct. 8tb. The new officers days where 115 students, great and Harrisburg spent the weekend at Hood River where he will pick hunting trip, tweuty miles from will take their places at this time, Bert Haynes. apples. small, short and tall are again Oak Ridge, on the Umpqua divide. and delegates will be elected to be Miss Ava Falk speut Saturday They were joined there by E. D’s. bening over their books. Fifty-six Mr. end Mrs. Willie Gilliepie sent to the Oregon Congress of at K. E. Bierly'». of these students are enrolled in brother Frank, and one of hie parents and teachers to be held at visited at the A. F. Albertson home high school and ten of them form Sunday. neighbors, Earl Walker. Their Kathleen Ann Munkers is quite Salem, October 25th to jOtb. A the freshman class. Members of trip took them along the Packard Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hover visited ill at the home of her grand­ fund has been pledged to the the freshman class are Francis trail, which Frank Isom, employ­ parents, Mr. and Mr*. H. L. Doernbecher hospital for disabled at E. E. Hover’s Sunday. Leeper, Velda Curtis, Pearl Falk, ed in government work, helped to Straley. children from alt over the state, L. E. Eagy and family were Al­ Thanks are due Frank Kirk for Mamie Falk, Allen Beene, Lucile build through this wild section and and it is planned to raise this bany callers Friday. Mrs. Ethel Barber and son visit­ Phelps, Elza Simon, Julius Mc­ some very fine Jonathan apples he informed his brother that bunt­ money by asking a donation of 5 ed at Cecil Bilyeu’s one day last Cord, Wanda Veatch and Lucile sent to the Enterynse office Mon­ cents from each member. Thie is Miss Agnes Chandler went to Al­ ing would ha good there. They ford Sunday evening to begin her week day. They are the largest we have Herndon. spent a week in the wilds, bagging a small donation for so great a school there Monday. Miss Grace Kirk was a business two deer and a big black bear and Karl Williams has returned ever seen and their rich, red color­ work. Everyone is invited to nt Russell Knighten of Albany, caller nt Albany Wednesday and hor cub. There were two cube after a years absence and Edith ing is perfect. They were brought tend this meeting. Dean Jjilyeu and A. L. Knighten Saturday. but one of them made liie get­ Smith is a new junior from Ban­ over from the Oaco orchards near left for southern Oregon Friday to Monroe where he is employed. don. A. L. Falk and wife motored to away. 0 W. Frum sent a truck load bunt deer. The i th and 8th grades are again Corvallis Wednesday. Frank Isom and Walker did not While helping his son, A. W. presided over by Mrs. Lorena Ki­ with hauling hay Saturday, David of hogs to Albany Tueeday morn­ Owing to the teachers institute, come out at the same time the School started Weduesday at ing. Sept. 27-28, the Pine Grove school zer and there are 20 pupils en­ Foote slipped from the stack and others did —so what further eucctse Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Frum are will not begin uutil Wednesday, Kirk school, with Keuneth Van- they had hae not been learned. rolled. fell against some boards below, nico as teacher. The 4tb, 5th and 6th grades have striking his left side and bruising riding in a new Studebaker special September 29. Miss Leone Pal­ F. W. Falk and wife motored to mer will be the teacher. Mrs. Nora Coleman us instructor him up considerably. You can’t six brougham now. Mrs. Belvary Logan who has down to Salem Saturday, returning again with an enrollment of 17. Mrs. George Finley *nd mother, The school directors spent Thurs- keep a good man down however been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Sunday, bringing their daughter Mrs. Eldon Cross at the head of and he is able to be out again. Mrs. Mrs Mary King and Miss day morning at the school house George Newman near Corvallis for Delma with them. Miss Dolma the primary department has 22 Ruth Finley of Crawfordsville getting the building and premises some time returned to her home Six missionaries supported by visited Mrs. Eliza Brandon Sun­ ready for the beginning of school. spent the past week visiting rela­ youngsters in her care. here last week. tives in Salem and Silverton. With Prof. Lyman H. Patton, the Willamette Holiness Associa­ day. Mies Mitzner will preach at the Mrs. Inez Freeland and Miss tion are due to speak in Halsey, W. A. Falk is showing his Per- Pine Grove church Sunday morn­ Robert Andrews and wife of Maude Ferguson to guide and lend October 1. The regular meeting cheron horses at the county fair ing at 11, which will be her last Portland have been visiting their a helping baud to high school stu­ of the W. F. M. 8. will be at this this week. service with us, as she will soon re­ niece, Mrs. Ped Templeton. dents everything looks promising time and it will, no doubt, be a turn to Portland to take up her The silos of F. J. Keen, R. E. LIGHT HAULING:—Any dis studies at the Evangelistic Insti­ very interesting meeting. Thie tor a successful school term. Bierly, Merwvn Vannice, F. W. P. J. Forster, in charge of the group of missionaries will also tance, any time, Harry G. Bress­ tute. and H. J. Falk were filled within 5t janitor work is making good as of speak at Eugene and perhaps in ler. Friday, Mr. Dobrinniti, Fred the last few davs. Salem. yore. O il (odorleis and tasteless, Mrs. W. L. Wells was the re Sylvester, A. L. Kninhten, W. G. Mrs. Wm. Pence and son Lyman Castor 4 oz for........................................... 25c Three play-ground features have clpient of three letters in one day The Shedd fair which was held McNeil, Floyd Nichols, B ert. were callers at R. K. Bierly’s Sat- Spirits of Camphor, 2 oz f o r . . . . . . . . 25c been added to the school yard Friday was well attended by Hal­ from her daughter Goldie who is a Haynes, L. E. Eagy. Mrs. Johnson | ura ay aflernoon. " *’ " 1 oz..................... 15c equipment, which is required by sey people and pronounced espe­ missionary to Mandorabe. Africa and E. E. Hover dipped sheep at A surprise party was given at the Tr. Iodyne in applicator bottle 1 oz 25c the state to bring the school up to cially good in every way. The Some having been delayed on the the vat on the Shepherd place. C. L. Falk jr home last wednesdiy M ineral O il, (purec'l'rless) I6 o z 1 pt 75c standard in this respect. The new school building was utilized for all way. Her daughter reports her­ Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Pehrsson afternoon. The afternoon was Aromatic Cascara Sigrada, 2 c z __ 25c play ground apparatus consists of kinds of dTspIsys) the cooking and self well and very busy. visited at Ira Minors near Crab­ spent making a quilt. Refresh “ “ “ 4 o s ...'. 50c swings and rings for the amuse. agricultural products occupying tree Sunday. merits were served consisting of ice '* " ” ¡4 oz ..- $ 1 .7 5 Alford Arrows ment and physical development of basement. Stock exhibits and Miss Clarabell Blood moved to cream and cake. Those present Epsom Salts, 1 lb ................... .............. 10c the children. | races were good also. The evening rooms in the Dean house at Halsey besides the Falk family were: Mes­ (Enterprise Correspondent) " " 3 lb ................................. 25c ' was taken up with a chicken sup­ Mr' and Mrs. B. M. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Cogswell Saturday to attend high school dames G- J- Rike, R. E. Bierly and Pure Glycerine, t oz ......................... 25o per, served by the ladies of the M. son Kenneth, W. A. Falk, P. J, Boric Acid, 2 o z ......... .......................... JOc daughter Gardit and Miss Beulah and son Philip and Mr. and Mrs. this year. E. church and a fine program put Bert Haynes and family were Forster, Pray, L. R. Falk and son Miller returned Friday from a two A. E. Whitbeck attended a public " ” 4 o z ..................................... 1.5c on by various communities. Willis, Thompson, F. W. Falk, sale near Crabtree, one day last shopping in Albany Thursday. weeks trip to points in eastern " ’’ 8 o z .................................... 2.5c Lawrence Wells who has been week, Washington and Oregon. While A. F- Albertson sawed wood for Herman Stienke and duughter Also pastor at the Christian church at away they visited Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ingram and Chandlers, Eagys and W. G. Mc­ Blanche and Mr, and Mrs. Fred Formaldehyde, 1 l b . . ......... ....... . . . . 50c Mark Brandon and family at St. Newport during the summer daughter Thelma went to Spring- Neil between showers Wednesday Roberts and daughter Lucile. ’* 1 lb bring your own bottle 45c John, and their son Harofd who months, came over the first of the field Sunday, bringing Mrs. Clover, and Thursday. And Notice of Mass Meeting was recently married to a Miss week and after a short visit with who is Mrs. Ingram’s sister, home Mr. and Mrs. Alinon of Halsey Tan lac ...................................... . . . . . . . $1.00 bis parents, continued on to Eu- Austin of Spokane and where they with them. were viewing the scenery in this Notice is hereby given that on K a rn a k ......................................... $1.10 now reside. They also took in the gene where be will take a two Thursday evening, September 30th, E. D- Isom and John Willbanks vicinity Saturday afternoon Keep thia list for com* round-up at Pendleton and visited year PO81 graduate course at the returned Fridey from their hooting 1926, at 7:30 o’clock, in the Conn­ old acquaintances there and again Bible L lyversity. He will continue trip, bringing two bucks and two For Sale: —Vetch and oats mixed. ell Rooms, will be held a mass pjtrison and future re­ W. A. Muller, Halsey. stopped over at Portlaud with old to 6H his appointments eich week bears with them. ference. meeting of the legal voters of the friends. I at Newport. City of Hsleey. A dancing party was enjoyed at Halsey Held for the purpose of »ami- the Lee Ingram home Saturday Church of Christ Sunday School 10. nating city officers, to be elected at evening by about twenty friends Pharmacy Preaching 11. the coining November election. and neighbors of the Ingrams. W” are there day and night’’ By order of the council. Christian Endeavor 7. Mrs. E. D. Isom began her Preaching 8. E. F. CROSS, Recorder. school in the Powell district east We are proud of the Bible School, of Halsey Monday morning. let us make it better by all bling- School began in this district LATEST AUTUMN ing our bibles. “ Are the Ten Monday morning also, with Miss Commandments binding u p o n | Agnes Chandler as teacher. M h s Christians?’’ is the morning sub­ Chandler is boarding at the J. H. ject. “ Division; the Devils Gos-1 An especally consigned collection of smartest new modes direct Rickard home. Two miles north of Albany on highway pel,” evening topic. from New York through the wholesalers. Jay Curtis of Lebanon visited Clifford L. Carey, Pastor. Big crowds have always been the rule at our By far the most important showing here at our store, oue day his brother. Chester Curtis Satur­ carnival dances. This will be a good one, don’t only— day. M . E. Church miss it. Miss Velda Curtis is staying Robert Parker pastor. with her aunt, Mrs. B. S. Clark Sunday echool, 10. and attending Halsey high school. Preaching, 11. The wholesalers assure us the adding Michael Rickard and wife visited Junior League, 2:30, of many important lines after an ex­ at the home of their son, Raymond Epworth league, 7. tensive trip to tbe eastern style cen­ Rickard of Benton county Sunday. Preaching, 8. ters, picking only the choicest appar. Landis Philpott and family of Prayer-meeting, Thursday, 8, Halsey, Oregon el from leading manufacturers, and Harrisburg spent Thursday night Bible Study Tuesday, 2. of last week at the Chester Curlis featuring new specialized styles fur home. the "herd to fit” little women or one C A P IT A L A N D S U R P L U S $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 Notice To Creditors of the more ample proportions -youth- Notice is hereby given that tbe under­ Keith Hayes visited Carl Isom Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited signed has been duly appointed by the ful slenderizing styles for all. Thursday of last week. County Court of the Slate of Oregon for Cbas. Jenks and wife and daugh­ Linn county, adm inistrator of the estate ter, Aletha, of Tangent were Sun­ • f Elizabeth A. M cN eil, deceased, and $12.75 to $75.00 day evening callers at the J. H. hat qualified. A ll persons haying claims against said Rickard borne. estate are hereby required to present Henry Brock and wife and them, duly yerified. w ith tlie proper $8.95 to $39.75 daughter Dorie, called at Chester vouchers w ithin sis 16) months from the date ot thia notice, to the undersigned Curtis’ Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Isom end adm inistrator at tbe office of H ill, Marka A McMahan, in tbe Cuaick Building, S 3 9 5 t o 1 1 1 0 .0 0 daughter, Beverly were Sunday in Albany, in Linn County. Oregon G e n e r a l R e p a i r in g a n d B a t t e r y W o r k afternoon callers at the E. A. Dated and first published thia 15th All work done reasonable and guaranteed day of September, 1926. Starnes home near Shedd. W. C. M c N 'E IL , J. H. Rickard and family visited 1924 Ford Tudor Sedan in splendid condition. Adm inistrator. at the W. B. Jenks borne near H ilt. M arks A McMahan, Ford Touring Car with Good Rubber for $35 Tangent Suudajr. Attorneys for Administrator. Not Specials But Everyday Prices Big Carnival Dance Sat. Night Sept. 25 AT TUMBLE INN Coats, Dresses and H ats Thursday, September 30th HALSEY STATE BANK New Fall Coats HALSEY Doaler HUDSON GARAGE in & Tires, Tubes and Accessories Charming Frocks Felt and Velvet Hats are Smart M. V. KOONTZ CO. Halsey, Oregon